
Custom Query

Results (1 - 100 of 613)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#173 Add ability to browse code reference enhancement highest omg bbq Developer Hub
#5458 Redirects should not trigger 429 responses, and rate limiting should be relaxed. defect (bug) highest omg bbq General
#6057 Twenty Twenty incorrectly flagged as a child theme defect (bug) highest omg bbq Theme Directory
#179 Create strong IA/hierarchy for code reference enhancement high Developer Hub
#1140 "Pending" forum reply in stats, but not in topic netweb defect (bug) high International Forums
#2075 Plugin committer link not working anymore defect (bug) high Support Forums
#2607 Showing 'NaN' on plugin statistics defect (bug) high Plugin Directory
#2640 In WordPress plugin search results author name and URL do not respect meta data from plugin defect (bug) high Plugin Directory
#2650 Trying to visit one plugin page redirects to another defect (bug) high Plugin Directory
#2908 paging bug defect (bug) high Plugin Directory
#3223 Personalized Schedule Builder for WordCamp Attendees enhancement high WordCamp Site & Plugins
#3258 site-header links are not visible defect (bug) high Make (Get Involved) / P2
#3952 Borked search URLs should be noindex'd defect (bug) high Plugin Directory
#4246 PHPDoc missing & hover underline break in wp user profile defect (bug) high General
#4754 Noindex profile pages which don't have any 'Activity' content defect (bug) high Profiles
#4951 Login to Reply and short link toggle menu not Properly on Mobile View defect (bug) high Make (Get Involved) / P2
#5095 There is no way to opt out of replies after having commented in Trac defect (bug) high Trac
#5167 Add support for marking content as NSFW enhancement high Support Forums
#5294 can give review in Products without star rating (0 star) defect (bug) high Site
#5813 Retire support profile pages defect (bug) high Profiles
#5874 Database character set default configuration defect (bug) high General
#5885 Improve plugin search enhancement high Plugin Directory
#5917 TLS Certificates in alternative domains defect (bug) high SSL
#5953 Screenshot slider is not working in single plugin page defect (bug) high Plugin Directory
#5982 Browse Source menu in themes trac page showing 502 Bad Gateway defect (bug) high Trac
#6051 Close icons in Patterns and Learn page's mobile menu is not working defect (bug) high General
#6060 Highlight block themes in the theme directory enhancement high Theme Directory
#6067 Photo search returns results for photos that have not been approved coffee2code defect (bug) high Photo Directory
#6337 Users who can't publish pages are able to bring down helphub and devhub pages by editing them defect (bug) high Developer Hub
#6439 White Screen Of Death when uploading photos defect (bug) high Photo Directory
#7023 Invisible Apply Button on Hover while adding Links in Support Forum defect (bug) high Support Forums
#7449 Submenu Not Working on Trac whole site. defect (bug) high Trac
#7488 WordPress org profile page not showing stack overflow icon on "Find me on" section defect (bug) high Profiles
#177 Add cross referencing throughout code reference enhancement normal Developer Hub
#190 Restore attachments open by default on Core Trac defect (bug) normal Trac
#193 Link to report malicious plugins/themes enhancement normal Plugin Directory
#236 Bullets in dropdown menus defect (bug) normal General
#241 Forum Site rendered poorly on iOS defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#279 responsive formatting hides page content below menu defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#281 Plugins Trac: Plugin Component not saved defect (bug) normal Trac
#301 No cc field on meta.trac defect (bug) normal Trac
#315 add search box to each plugin´s support forum to search within existing support threads only enhancement normal Support Forums
#357 Add minimal support to the WordCamp Base theme to allow CSS overrides to be fully responsive enhancement normal WordCamp Site & Plugins
#368 Responsive enhancement normal General
#389 Plugins: Approved email for hosting needs to be updated to reference https defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#414 Support Forums Registration not case sensitive defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#415 Update WordPress logo used in og:image element to improve social media distribution enhancement normal General
#438 Mailing lists don't do HTTPS defect (bug) normal Mailing Lists
#444 Layout of theme- and plugin-pages broken in smaller windows defect (bug) normal General
#454 Code Reference: Source code links enhancement normal Developer Hub
#462 Responsive fixes for defect (bug) normal General
#480 Require a support thread to be submitted when marking a plugin as "Broken" enhancement normal Plugin Directory
#483 Mixed content warnings on theme pages cause preview to redirect to new page defect (bug) normal Theme Directory
#494 View all hooks available in a function enhancement normal Developer Hub
#501 Trac search results aren't great enhancement normal Trac
#525 User profile page: Permalinks for "Plugins" and another tabs enhancement normal Profiles
#539 Add search bar to interior pages on enhancement normal Developer Hub
#563 Redirect enhancement normal Developer Hub
#569 Handbook: Bad character encoding in Trac article defect (bug) normal Make (Get Involved) / P2
#570 "WordPress Plugins » Most Popular" not working beyond page 99 defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#587 Invalid MIME Type at defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#597 Display plugin icons on profile pages enhancement normal Profiles
#608 Redirect theme and plugin editor function reference to defect (bug) normal API
#617 Inaccessible Profile Icons Have No Text Alternative defect (bug) normal Profiles
#650 Invalid Unicode characters at the bottom of Ticket Properties page defect (bug) normal General
#655 Plugin name in Russian in readme.txt defect (bug) normal Profiles
#656 Dashboard RSS error caused by ASCII control codes. defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#657 Search bar is not universally present enhancement normal Developer Hub
#669 Favicon is not optimized for retina/HD on defect (bug) normal General
#675 Link to see whole file from patch enhancement normal Trac
#680 Polyglots badge on validators profiles defect (bug) normal Profiles
#722 Add clickability/tooltip to profile badges enhancement normal Profiles
#730 the dashboard is in english defect (bug) normal International Sites (Rosetta)
#744 Rate limit Slack mentions enhancement normal Communication (Matrix, Slack, IRC)
#759 Keyboard shortcut causing Windows task manager to open defect (bug) normal Make (Get Involved) / P2
#766 Community calendar on for chats enhancement normal Make (Get Involved) / P2
#770 Increase the font size of input, select and textarea elements from 11px to 14px defect (bug) normal Trac
#817 Add plugin version on forum threads enhancement normal Support Forums
#856 Double check filter results defect (bug) normal Theme Directory
#884 /wp-admin/options-general.php (compat.php on line 30) defect (bug) normal General
#906 Reintroduce a link to the developer's theme demo defect (bug) normal Theme Directory
#910 Adding a way to "favorite" themes enhancement normal Theme Directory
#930 Theme Directory UI Update Feedback enhancement normal Theme Directory
#931 User plugin inconsistency defect (bug) normal General
#963 Plugin directory: Missing pagination in certain search views defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#981 Create feedback form for devhub enhancement normal Developer Hub
#995 Download stats API for locale versions enhancement normal International Sites (Rosetta)
#1000 Emoji stripped from comments when edited on mobile defect (bug) normal Trac
#1013 OpenGraph for Themes and Plugins enhancement normal Plugin Directory
#1022 cyrillic characters not displaying properly in profiles activity defect (bug) normal Profiles
#1033 Floating description checkbox defect (bug) normal Trac
#1053 Download stats shortcode for locale versions enhancement normal International Sites (Rosetta)
#1061 Add a Git mirror for enhancement normal Version Control
#1129 Forums theme: Multiple current menu item carret highlights defect (bug) normal International Forums
#1136 Forums theme: Responsive design improvements for International Forums defect (bug) normal International Forums
#1159 Latest Plugins enhancement normal Plugin Directory
#1168 Prevent emails from being sent out before site is live enhancement normal WordCamp Site & Plugins
#1176 Kvetch! Not Loading Random defect (bug) normal General
#1180 Add source code preview to the comment editor enhancement normal Developer Hub
#1205 Make responsive enhancement normal Browse Happy
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.