
Custom Query

Results (96)

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#30 Make better theme test data for display in the theme directory. new has-patch ui-feedback needs-refresh 2nd-opinion enhancement high
#1456 Increase font sizes site-wide new has-screenshots has-patch enhancement high
#2538 Plugin Directory: Preview Readme assigned has-patch dev-feedback tellyworth feature request high
#2699 Add a new role to the forums: plugin/theme support accepted has-patch Otto42 enhancement high
#2753 Plugin directory search sorting and filtering new needs-design has-ui-feedback needs-screenshots has-patch enhancement high
#3594 Email notifications not sent for updates to watched tickets and still sent for blocked tickets new has-patch defect (bug) high
#3933 Optimize fonts for Persian language reopened has-screenshots has-patch 2nd-opinion enhancement high
#4875 Add bulk suspension and reinstating admin tool for themes new has-patch dev-feedback 2nd-opinion enhancement high
#5093 Proposal to allow users to remove URLs that they have added to their posts in the support forums reviewing has-patch SergeyBiryukov enhancement high
#5708 Allow only moderators to remove modlook tag new has-patch needs-testing defect (bug) high
#7040 Create and add a plugin for embedding playground iframes in docs new has-patch defect (bug) high
#7079 mobile version grid design responsive issue new has-patch defect (bug) high
#7236 Requirements page update (MySQL and PHP) new has-patch defect (bug) high
#7275 TracQuery page is fully breaking at every responsive breakpoints. new has-patch defect (bug) high
#7583 Fix singular/plural form for Persian language on WP Site new has-patch has-testing-info defect (bug) high
#7687 Cognitive Accessibility Design issue: An email address should be linked using the “mailto” protocol [[mailto]] with prefilled “to”. new needs-privacy-review has-patch defect (bug) high
#7704 Release Confirmation should use 2FA for access new has-patch enhancement high
#174 Link to generally related functions/classes assigned has-patch enhancement normal
#1078 Enable community-translator assigned has-patch enhancement normal
#2129 forum profiles should have a link to the profile new good-first-bug has-patch enhancement normal
#2273 Screenshot UI for plugin directory assigned ui-feedback 2nd-opinion has-patch needs-design-feedback ryelle enhancement normal
#2320 Global stats for GlotPress to identify possible future GTE accepted 2nd-opinion has-patch tellyworth enhancement normal
#2847 allow filtering of @since tax archive by the type of change new has-patch dev-feedback needs-refresh 2nd-opinion enhancement normal
#2902 Add PHPCS to theme upload process new has-patch enhancement normal
#3000 More info about grunt patch assigned good-first-bug has-patch dryanpress defect (bug) normal
#3028 Plugin Directory: Consolidate "Contributors & Developers" sections assigned has-patch tellyworth defect (bug) normal
#3619 Explain what are non-support topics new needs-design has-patch enhancement normal
#3739 Field for P2 post deadline and list of deadlines coming up new has-patch has-screenshots needs-testing enhancement normal
#3774 Create a Blog Page on assigned has-patch ryelle enhancement normal
#3937 Feature request: Add standardized field for git/svn repo on plugin pages new has-patch feature request normal
#3995 W3C CSS validator patchs for all sites in meta new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#3999 Add link/button to create new topic near "reply form" reviewing has-patch has-screenshots needs-testing SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal
#4123 Proposal to improve the main navigation menu accessibility accepted has-patch Otto42 defect (bug) normal
#4195 Add block editor template for the helphub_version post type reviewing has-patch SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal
#4237 Rejected plugins show wrong last_updated date reviewing has-patch SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal
#4301 Coding standards: Need to use numeric values instead of keywords in CSS. reviewing has-patch tellyworth defect (bug) normal
#4478 Add an `.editorconfig` file to the root of the meta repo accepted has-patch tellyworth enhancement normal
#4525 Add insights to the plugin language packs page reviewing 2nd-opinion has-patch tellyworth enhancement normal
#4601 Init BP DevHub with the BP REST API Handbook assigned has-patch needs-testing johnjamesjacoby enhancement normal
#4697 Backfill Credits API data for older releases new has-patch enhancement normal
#4894 Add a BP GraphQL API Handbook to accepted has-patch netweb enhancement normal
#4917 Trac needs more responsive styles reviewing needs-design-feedback has-patch has-screenshots dd32 defect (bug) normal
#4965 Nav menu icon size problem on mobiles device new has-screenshots has-patch needs-testing defect (bug) normal
#5008 Improve forum input fields' contrast and UI new has-patch needs-design-feedback has-screenshots enhancement normal
#5144 [all websites] Declare HTML5 scripts and styles support for better compliance with W3C validator new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#5175 Plugin Directory: End Support for 'asset' files outside of the assets folder new has-patch enhancement normal
#5216 Accessibility: Text Changes, change ERROR to Error new has-patch enhancement normal
#5233 Add an easy way to hide forums sections from localized helphub sites that don’t use forum feature new has-patch dev-feedback defect (bug) normal
#5418 Remove link to "About Cookies" from Cookie Policy Page new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#5652 Plugin Readme Header Spec Update new has-patch needs-approval enhancement normal
#5679 Fuzzies need to be rejected in the development and the stable versions assigned has-patch spiraltee enhancement normal
#5696 Add link to create new topic for closed topics new has-patch needs-testing has-screenshots enhancement normal
#5748 Block ability to add links in reviews reopened has-patch dd32 enhancement normal
#5753 Improve recognition for internationalization efforts on wp40% page new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#5759 Support Forums: Improve local environment support new has-patch enhancement normal
#5826 Twitter card not working for some plugin pages new has-patch enhancement normal
#6023 Adding theme upload page link in Trac ticket new has-patch enhancement normal
#6079 Clearer thread URLs and email notifications new has-patch enhancement normal
#6086 Allow ZIP Uploads for plugin updates new has-patch feature request normal
#6106 Deprecate readme.txt plugin name header new has-patch enhancement normal
#6244 In WPTV Category page video group layout should be full width in mobile new has-patch has-screenshots defect (bug) normal
#6267 wporg-developer theme used in Multisite generates a fatal error when displaying functions included in a source file new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#6303 Content is currently hidden behind the footer new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#6319 Trac: attachment links need text new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#6486 The design of WordCampTV video lists is deteriorating at mobile screen size. new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#6516 Update the "Update PHP" support page new needs-copy-review has-patch defect (bug) normal
#6517 Change HelpHub header to say Documentation new has-patch enhancement normal
#6624 Spacing Issue in language title new has-screenshots has-patch defect (bug) normal
#6633 In wordpress handbook menu issue is happen on responsive mode new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#6816 Some title are mis-aligned new 2nd-opinion has-patch defect (bug) normal
#6822 View Changes form not displaying properly. new dev-feedback has-patch reporter-feedback defect (bug) normal
#6838 Spacing issue in menu in mobile devide new has-screenshots has-patch defect (bug) normal
#6862 Add support for component Slack channels new has-patch enhancement normal
#6931 Navigation menu is hiding on handbook page new needs-design-feedback has-screenshots has-patch needs-testing defect (bug) normal
#6945 Create Props Block for Make Blogs and Deverloper Blog new dev-feedback good-first-bug has-patch enhancement normal
#7109 RSS custom plugin to include GitHub issues new has-patch enhancement normal
#7124 UI issue on Other locales tabs new has-screenshots has-patch defect (bug) normal
#7177 Allow Seemingly Anonymous forum post Edits new has-patch enhancement normal
#7299 CSS layout issues on the "Sponsorship Grants Report" page new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#7374 Scrolling on 404 page new has-screenshots has-patch defect (bug) normal
#7426 Add minimum word count for description new has-patch needs-testing defect (bug) normal
#7473 Some suggestions from the local glossary do not appear new has-unit-tests has-patch defect (bug) normal
#7477 Introduce limits for readme field length new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#7508 Add 'sustainability' to the Ticket->focuses dropdown shortcode new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#7578 Code Refinement for Improved Efficiency new has-patch enhancement normal
#7689 Color Contrast Issue on Hosting Page of new has-patch defect (bug) normal
#7690 Color Contrast Issue on Five for the Future Page of assigned has-patch deepakrohilla defect (bug) normal
#6706 site's footer and header container size does not the same. new has-patch defect (bug) low
#6763 Update robots.txt (and rosetta variations) reopened seo performance has-patch enhancement low
#6766 Update to prevent spam attacks new seo performance has-patch changes-requested enhancement low
#6003 W3C CSS syntax for pseudo element in meta new has-patch commit defect (bug) lowest
#6297 Video upload content Cutting Off in small viewport size new needs-design-feedback has-patch close enhancement lowest
#6412 UI issue on Latest tickets page. new has-patch needs-testing defect (bug) lowest
#7043 Logged In as {userid} is sticked to menu new has-patch defect (bug) lowest
#7691 Strict comparison operator missing with post get_post_type() check new has-patch defect (bug) lowest
#7692 Missing Escaping, Strict Check, and PHPCS Issues in Multiple Files of assigned has-patch defect (bug) lowest
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.