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Questions tagged [tags]

Tags are keywords or labels that categorize and group your question with other, similar questions.

16 votes
1 answer

What to do about the [wss] tag?

The wss tag is currently described as referring to "Windows SharePoint Services", but almost all of the recent questions under this tag refer to the "WebSocket Secure" (which uses ...
95 votes
2 answers

This tag has been [lib]erated from existence

I recently stumbled on the lib tag, with no wiki and 779 questions covering a wide range of topics. The commonality in all the questions is that users are referring to a "library", for which ...
2 votes
0 answers

Tag synonyms: Sealed class

There are few tags related to sealed classes, and most of them don't even have a description: 183x sealed: "The sealed modifier keyword prevents a C# class from being inherited. Similar to the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Merge and synonym [aws-copilot] and [aws-copilot-cli]

I believe that aws-copilot and aws-copilot-cli are different names for the exact, same thing. Hence, I think that one should be made a synonym of the other.
0 votes
0 answers

Synonymize [taskscheduler] with [windows-task-scheduler]

There are two tags whose wiki/excerpt say they are about the Windows Task Scheduler OS-level utility, taskscheduler (currently some ~270 questions) and windows-task-scheduler (currently ~940 questions)...
4 votes
1 answer

Synonymize [aad-b2c] to [azure-ad-b2c]

At some point the tag aad-b2c popped up, but it's an (undefined/undescribed, other than to say that it's a duplicate/synonym) exact synonym of the much more-used, better-named, and better-defined tag ...
16 votes
1 answer

I'm a bit [salt]y about these tags

The tag salt is supposed to refer to the cryptography concept: Cryptography function that takes random bits and a string (typically a password) and uses a one-way hash to provide a new string that ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Clarify the [cryptoapi] tag

My impression is that the cryptoapi tag is supposed to be about the subset of Windows API that deals with crypto (NCrypt, BCrypt, CAPICOM, CertEnroll and the like), and not about any API/library that ...
37 votes
2 answers

Gold tag badges don't apply to synonymized tags

(I want to preemptively say that I do not contribute to Stack Overflow for the reputation or the badges) On Stack Overflow, I possess the selenium Gold badge, but the permissions don't seem to apply ...
27 votes
1 answer

Consistent name and wording for C++ containers tags

I desire to propose a complete and consistent name and wording for all the existing tags that refer to the C++ containers. They include stdarray, stdvector, stddeque, forward-list, stdlist, stdset, ...
25 votes
1 answer

Let's col[lab]orate on a plan for this tag!

This is a discussion. DO NOT burninate this tag right now We have a lab tag. Here's its tag description: Lab is a simple test utility for node. Except... it isn't being used that way. I've seen it ...
1 vote
0 answers

Should [chatgpt-api] become a synonym of [openai-api]?

chatgpt is already a synonym of openai-api (as well as openai). I stumbled across chatgpt-api which only has 32 questions currently (29 of which with the openai-api tag as well...). It is likely to ...
2 votes
0 answers

Synonymize [openjdk-21] to [java-21]

Since Java 21 has been released in September, questions tagged with java-21 have been asked. Similarly, some questions also use the tag openjdk-21. However, most of them are not specifically about ...
77 votes
1 answer

How does [cobra] explicitly mean three things?

Somebody went through the effort of describing three different technologies for the tag cobra. The excerpt reads: Three possible technologies: The Cobra toolkit is a pure Java HTML parser and ...
92 votes
1 answer

Provide asking instructions for [regex] - just like for [sql]

You won't believe this: regex suffers from low-quality questions. First, as you may know, there are several regex flavors in use. The flavor can impact available features, valid syntax or much more ...

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