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Questions tagged [specific-answer]

Use this tag for questions on Meta that relate to a specific answer on Stack Overflow.

14 votes
1 answer

Why was this JSP answer deleted by a moderator?

I originally found a question I was looking for an answer to, and once I found the solution I added this answer. I then realised that question was a duplicate of an even older one, so I closed the ...
OrangeDog's user avatar
  • 38.1k
70 votes
3 answers

Should this self answer by a new poster have been deleted in review?

Yesterday a new poster asked this question: How do I track down this exception in netbeans? The question related to a problem when using the NetBeans installer to install NetBeans, and there were ...
skomisa's user avatar
  • 17k
12 votes
4 answers

Should we discourage the use of <h1>/<h2> at the very start of an answer? [duplicate]

I’ve noticed that some answers start with a a <h1>/<h2> not to structure the answer in different parts --there’s only one-- but to attract eyeballs. I guess there can be legitimate uses; ...
bfontaine's user avatar
  • 19.1k
-40 votes
1 answer

Make it mandatory for moderators to give reason for deleting a VALID, NON-spam/abusive/offensive answer

I feel when a moderator deletes an answer that someone worked hard to find the solution to and posts it, it is basic courtesy to let the answerer know why their time and effort have been nullified. ...
Chandradhar Koneti's user avatar
-11 votes
2 answers

Deletion of answers that venture "outside the box"

In response to C ternary operator, can I omit one part?, my answer has been deleted by a moderator as being "code golf" and unhelpful. The OP asked if C allowed circumventing (omitting part ...
Fe2O3's user avatar
  • 8,044
37 votes
5 answers

Is it okay to post an answer questioning the correctness of other answers?

Some time ago I encountered this answer to the question Type of regex used by Sublime Text 3? I flagged it as NAA and it was disputed. I then raised a mod flag and it was declined. My claim is that ...
Tomerikoo's user avatar
  • 19.1k
40 votes
4 answers

What's wrong with my answer?

I recently answered an interesting question and thought it was a good answer. Everybody was happy (the question was upvoted two times). Almost a day later I got three downvotes without any comments ...
bobble bubble's user avatar
-13 votes
2 answers

Is it valid for an answer to berate the reader for not knowing something simple?

While browsing Reddit, I landed on this thread: shit, they found out!, about this Stack Overflow question: What does \d+ mean in regular expression terms? The answer there uses a condescending tone to ...
user000001's user avatar
  • 32.9k
-19 votes
2 answers

Why was the NAA flag declined on this answer? [duplicate]

I got twice a declined flag for this answer, but I still stubbornly think that the post is a link-only answer and should be deleted. The mods told me to downvote instead. But I am probably greedy too. ...
Vega's user avatar
  • 28.4k
7 votes
1 answer

Should I add code to my answer? [duplicate]

I just answered a question and I keep on asking myself should I have added example code. The user asked why his code was not doing what he expected. I added an answer explaining why his concept was ...
Connor Stoop's user avatar
  • 1,604
94 votes
4 answers

Why was this answer deleted by a mod? Seems totally fine to me and even has 5 upvotes.
leonheess's user avatar
  • 19.8k
-2 votes
2 answers

An author of an important answer has repeatedly rolled back changes that make clear improvements. What should I do?

The specific answer:, is the top answer to a very popular question, How can I make a dictionary (dict) from separate lists of keys and values?. The ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
30 votes
3 answers

How should I answer a question about a bug in a programming language or dependencies?

How should I answer questions that are of the form "look at this exception I saw"? Background: I hit a (recent) bug in Python / Cython, manifesting itself in NumPy and in Pandas. I searched, ...
mtd's user avatar
  • 2,334
29 votes
1 answer

Duplicating an answer because the question can't be flagged as a duplicate

I posted an answer on Spigot 1.18.2 not being recognized. Two weeks later, the OP hadn't accepted the answer, and the answer had a score of zero so the question couldn't be used as a duplicate target. ...
Elikill58's user avatar
  • 4,479
6 votes
2 answers

Should I downvote/flag an answer to an unreproducible question?

This question was asked. Now, this question is not reproducible. When I paste the code in the playground, it works perfectly fine (the compiler can infer the type). Of course, I need to flag the ...
Chayim Friedman's user avatar

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