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Questions tagged [dupehammer]

"The Dupehammer", also known as Mjölnir, refers to the ability of tag gold badge owners to unilaterally close and reopen duplicates which were asked in tags of which they have a golden badge.

5 votes
0 answers

Adding additional targets on a duplicate is impossible on iPhone [duplicate]

The dialog box for adding more URLs to the list of originals on a duplicate Question is much too wide on an iPhone. It is physically impossible to complete that dialog box. Pasting the URL of an ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
123 votes
11 answers

Rule proposal: Duplicate closure to roll-up questions is no longer allowed

There is a long-festering problem in some tags where some questions are closed by dupehammers, using a single roll-up question as the duplicate target. A "roll-up" question is defined here ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.3k
10 votes
1 answer

Are multiple close reasons provided if a question was single-handedly closed?

I came across the following post and revisions: command won't add roles to the user It was closed by two users, one with the ability to single-...
Dominik's user avatar
  • 3,572
37 votes
0 answers

Let gold badge holders assign a duplicate, after already voting to close

If a gold badge holder for a tag votes to close a question normally, and then later discovers a duplicate of it, can they be allowed to "cast a second close vote" as a duplicate? In the &...
David Maze's user avatar
  • 149k
7 votes
0 answers

Canonical question for new questions about importing data from Yahoo Finance into Google Sheets

Follow-up of Canonical question for importing content from dynamic websites using IMPORTHTML / IMPORTXML Google Sheets functions Recently I have found that many "bad" questions about ...
Wicket's user avatar
  • 36.8k
12 votes
0 answers

Canonical question for importing content from dynamic websites using IMPORTHTML / IMPORTXML Google Sheets functions

In How to flag dozens of almost identical answers I have mentioned that I have found dozens of "bad" questions from people having problems importing content from dynamic websites using ...
Wicket's user avatar
  • 36.8k
8 votes
0 answers

Is it abuse to answer then dupe-hammer a question? [duplicate]

I recently came across this answer in the Reopen Queue. A gold badge holder answered the question (which went on to be accepted and gain a lot of upvotes), then exactly one minute later dupe-hammered ...
Michael M.'s user avatar
  • 10.8k
53 votes
8 answers

Close-voting and answering questions (and the dupehammer version of it) [duplicate]

I am questioning some users' behavior and the way SO works. Let's take the following examples: A user votes to close a question (for whatever reason) then posts an answer to that question A user ...
MrUpsidown's user avatar
  • 22.1k
49 votes
4 answers

Closing a question as a duplicate of 5 other questions that were all answered by the closing user

Today, I answered a question which later got closed by a user with the Gold Badge, as a duplicate of 5 other questions, which were all answered by that close-voting user. While I understand not every ...
MrUpsidown's user avatar
  • 22.1k
8 votes
2 answers

How can I show all the questions I closed as duplicate?

I hold the gold badge of pandas. I can flag a post with this tag as a duplicate and close it immediately. Is there any way to view all of them? I checked the All actions page where I found lists of my ...
Ynjxsjmh's user avatar
  • 29.6k
9 votes
1 answer

Should gold badge holders really be able to unilaterally reopen their own questions that are closed as duplicate? [duplicate]

An example of what I'm talking about (deleted).1 Screenshot of the relevant parts of the timeline for users <10k: I've got the feeling that this should not be possible. As the OP, I'm clearly ...
Lino's user avatar
  • 19.8k
22 votes
4 answers

If I close question A with question B and B has an answer from me or if I linked to it in the comments under A; then B gets added to my saves

I've found a new bug today. When I hammer a page close using a post where I've already posted an answer, there is an automated prompt that tells me that the page was added to my Saves. If I hammer ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
  • 46.5k
15 votes
1 answer

How can we prevent "close/opening wars" between gold tag badge holders around possible duplicates with only-code-no-explanation answers?

I have seen many cases of questions closed as duplicate by a gold tag badge holder that later are reopened by other tag badge holders that have answered those questions with code-only-no-explanation-...
Wicket's user avatar
  • 36.8k
1 vote
1 answer

Gold tag badge holder closed a question as a duplicate, community voted to reopen, but then closed again for the same reason?

Years ago, I asked a question that is now probably one of the top search engine results if you search for anything related to pointer size in C++. It's a 10 year old question which still gets ...
MGZero's user avatar
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-16 votes
1 answer

Etiquette on tag-change + close, based on a different question, with a similar explanation/answer

So 13 months ago I was tripping over escaping a string just right to get a regex working. The question was posted, and I got an answer which helped me figure out what I did wrong. SO FTW. Fast-forward ...
Adam Smooch's user avatar
  • 1,253

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