Flights of Friction: Fact or Fiction


Everyday we have access to thousands of news stories, books, podcasts, and more, all hoping to teach us something distinct. While the peril of misinformation is a big topic today, it isn’t new. The Flights of Friction: Fact or Fiction? Traveling Trunk will take learners back in time, to uncover sensational mysteries of the past. Guided by a passionate and curious librarian, learners will use information literacy skills to look into the legitimacy of authors, sources, newspapers, and their stories. Along the way they will unravel the most unexpected tangle of topics - people on the moon, hot air balloons, and infamous authors. Using hands-on recreated archival material, primary and secondary source research, and imagery from the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives, this trunk aims to supply learners with the tools to sift through information of the past and present and find the truth for themselves.

Grades: 8-12
Cost: Free

How to Request Guide: howtorequestatravelingtrunk85x11in.pdf

Note: This trunk relies on users being able to scan QR codes and watch videos. We recommend your group has at least 4 wifi or cellular enabled smart devices to engage in this program. 

Can You Help Unravel the Mystery?

A pin board with various photos in three columns titles Who, What and Where. Numerous pushpins are on the board with red yarn connecting the pins.

Related Information Literacy Resources

from Smithsonian Libraries & Archives

Flights of Friction: Fantastic Worlds
Flights of Friction: Fantastic Worlds
Flights of Friction: Bias
Flights of Friction: Experts
Flights of Friction: Fact vs Opinion
Flights of Friction: Plagarism
Information Literacy Basics
Flights of Friction: Primary Sources
Flights of Friction: Secondary Sources
Flights of Friction: Sources Context

Special thanks to the Office of the Undersecretary for Education who funded the building of this program, and to La Niece Williams and Douglas Thornton, our voice actors.

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