Open Access Publication

DEENK provides professional support to both gold and green open access publications. For more information about publishing types, please see here>>

If you have any questions about open access publication, please contact us at .

Green route Support

Self-archiving a version of your article. 

DEENK helps to archive texts simultaneously or subsequently on an institutional or a disciplinary open access document server. The archived document can be referenced with standard metadata and permanent address.  

Read more about the Green Route >>

Versions of a manuscript:

  • Pre-print - The original version of the manuscript accepted for publication. The pre-print has not been through a process of peer review and does not include formatting and technical enhancements. The manuscripts are marked as „accepted manuscript” or „for peer review”;
  • Post-print - The document that has been through the peer review process. It is the final version of the paper before publication. The manuscripts are marked as "uncorrected proof"; 
  • Publishers’ version – The published version of the manuscript. It includes the final publication data and becomes assigned with a DOI.

The process of archiving at the University of Debrecen

Scientific publications related to the University of Debrecen are archived in the DEA.  

  1. If you want to upload your publication, choose the upload menu on iDEa Tudóstér website and fill in the form;
  2. Complete the required information and submit the form;
  3. Your article appears in the repository collection after the library staff checked it; 
  4. The article will be available on the list of publications on iDEa Tudóstér website and will be marked with an open access icon.    

Gold route support

Gold route means publishing in an open access journal. Read more about the gold route>>

Our staff will help you:


Updated: 2019.07.05.