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Questions tagged [us-president]

For questions about the office, duties, or powers of the President of the United States. Also for the official acts of any US President.

8 votes
1 answer

Has the Supreme Court given any examples where presumptive immunity would be overcome?

In the recent US Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, Trump v. United States, the Court found that there is absolute immunity for actions within the president's "exclusive sphere", ...
kaya3's user avatar
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Could a future Trump Attorney General dismiss the federal charges against Trump with prejudice?

The news accounts that I've seen have generally presumed that if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Presidential election and is sworn into office before either of his two federal trials begin, then his ...
Very Tiny Brain's user avatar
1 vote
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US presidential succession, illness followed by death

This question is about possible timing difficulties if a US president becomes ill and then dies. Supposing the president becomes suddenly incapacitated and it is necessary to invoke Section 4 of the ...
Gerard Ashton's user avatar
2 votes
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Are there examples of the Court making a decision based on Jackson's Youngstown tripartite test, where they said the case was in the second category?

In Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, in a popular concurring opinion, Justice Jackson setup a tripartite framework for evaluating the President's proper authority: When the President acts ...
JoshuaD's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Are there consistent precedents for “acts of war”?

I don’t know the details of how it happened, but I am pretty sure the assassination of Osama bin Laden required presidential authorization from Barack Obama (I don’t know why, though - if it were an ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Could a medical condition rendering a person incapacitated make someone ineligble for the presidency?

Alice wants to run for President of the United States. She qualifies for age, being born in the US and time lived in the US. So far so easy. But Alice also is suffering from an illness that results in ...
Trish's user avatar
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Would Vivek Ramaswamy have the power to release the full Geoffrey Epstein client lists?

Vivek Tamaswamy in campaigning for President promises that he will release full unredacted client lists of Geoffrey Epstein if elected. But would a President, or for that matter, without legislative ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Why were the Mueller Report's ten or so indictable Obstruction of Justice charges not pursued?

I don't ask this question to get into a political discussion, just enquiring as to the legal situation. The second volume of the Mueller Report lists ten or so possible charges of Obstruction of ...
Swiss Frank's user avatar
-4 votes
4 answers

Will of the people vs. the "insurrection" section 3 of the 14th amendment [closed]

On December 19, 2023, The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled that "President Trump is disqualified from holding the office of President under Section Three [of the 14th amendment]". The legal ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What procedures are in place in the US for when multiple people in the line of succession are in the same place at the same time?

What are the governmental procedures in the United States for important people (people in the chain of succession to the presidency) staying in the same place? Who can and who cannot fly together, etc....
user1785960's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Does murdering the President of the United States differ, as a crime, from regular murder?

So, the prospect of siccing a semper tyrannis on the current POTUS has been discussed for the past quarter millennium or so. This has left me wondering, what sort of laws are there against murdering, ...
HAEM's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

How many indictments before imprisonment? [closed]

Donald Trump, ex-president of U.S.A., has many indictments on him, but yet he is still roaming as a free citizen. Questions: How many indictments does it take for Donald Trump to be imprisoned? Can ...
Thomas Matthews's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Hypothetical POTUS divorce

If the spouse of the President of the United States filed for divorce, would the President have any claim of immunity from any litigation that followed (e.g. the division of assets in the matrimonial ...
BakedAlaska624's user avatar
1 vote
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What exactly is the DoJ doctrine on legal cases involving election candidates in close proximity to elections?

According to a Dutch article from Flemish public broadcasting ( Trump's attorneys are likely to ...
Nzall's user avatar
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2 votes
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Could a trial be held against a sitting President?

During the Mueller investigation, it came out that the Justice Department has a policy against indicting a sitting President, so nothing he found would result in bringing charges against Trump. ...
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