Logo maker > About

Boost your brand with a logo that goes a long way

real estate logo

Our community

A simple (yet innovative) concept, the Fiverr Logo Maker has helped countless business owners, entrepreneurs, creatives, and freelancers reimagine and simplify their branding efforts instantly.


Over 43K+ professionally designed unique logo templates


All Logos based on unique designs by 1,100+ top-tier brand designers


Trusted by 170k businesses from 127 countries


Used by businesses from 480+ industries

Made by humans. Powered by AI

Since its launch in 2020, the Fiverr Logo Maker has become a complete branding and marketing game-changer

The concept was straightforward but bold: Build an automated platform powered by A.I., designed to deliver high-quality logos crafted by top-tier professional designers. A platform that made premium logos accessible, affordable, and easy.

Where it started

Early on, logo design led the way as one of the most popular services on Fiverr. From simple, minimalist logos to more complex and detailed designs, Fiverr gave small businesses access to some of the industry’s top talent–all at a fraction of the cost of boutique marketing or branding houses.

“Automation will not replace human imagination and creativity, rather, the technology’s impact will be in supporting and enhancing fundamental human capabilities.“


Micha Kaufman

Founder & CEO of Fiverr

Logo Maker makes an entrance

While Fiverr had undeniably changed the game for branding and marketing globally, we made it our mission to push the limits and possibilities of our platform to better serve our community.

At the end of the day, our mission was to connect small business owners, freelancers, start-ups, and entrepreneurs with great custom-tailored logos quickly, easily, and affordably.

Meet the designers behind the logos

The creative minds behind Fiverr Logo Maker are some of the most imaginative and talented designers in their field. Driven by their commitment to serve the needs of small businesses, our logo designers have worked to create refined, high-quality designs that stand out and engage audiences.

Get to know some of our top logo design talents >>

Real life design with AI technology

By combining real-life logo design and branding skills with cutting-edge AI technology, Fiverr Logo Maker enables users to instantly customize original logo designs and offers flexibility, efficiency, and convenience.

The technology behind Fiverr Logo Maker doesn’t eliminate the design or creative elements of logo creation, but it does simplify and streamline the process by removing all aspects of the logo creation process that aren’t design-related, such as back-and-forth communication, revisions, and delayed delivery times.

Staying committed to small business with creativity

Fiverr's mission has always been to change the way the world works together. It is through this mission that we were inspired to create Fiverr Logo Maker – a tool designed to combine machine learning with human creativity to help small businesses generate logos that are both meaningful and effective, all while supporting the work of top-tier creators on our platform.

Ready to reimagine branding for your business?

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