
From IndieWeb

rel-author is a microformat for linking a page to a URL representing an author of that page, a brief (similar to OGP) way to indicate authorship.

For the broader discussion, examples, how tos etc. for indicating and discovering the author of a page, see:

How to

You can use rel=author on both <link> and <a> elements on pages written by an author (e.g. post permalinks, feeds like h-feed).

Simple link in <head> like OGP meta tags, to an author’s site:

<link rel="author" href="" />

If your site also supports WebSub, you can use the same <link> element for the self relation as well:

<link rel="author self" href="" />

Or for a link to an author’s profile on a multi-author site:

<link rel="author" href="" />


How can I verify the author

See: authorship-spec#Spoofing.

Can you combine rel author with h-card

Q: What is the meaning of the combination of rel="author" with class="p-author h-card" as a one-line authorship inside an h-entry?


<a href="/" class="p-author h-card author-icon" rel="author" title="Tantek Çelik"><img src="../logo.jpg" alt="Tantek Çelik"></a>

It's not clear to me why rel="author" is used in this instance, but not in other, more verbose, h-card instances. Is the implication of the combination, "The h-card is found at this URL" instead of "This is the h-card"? So far I have interpreted the class="p-author h-card" to mean "This is the h-card." gRegor Morrill

A: rel="author" is for legacy parsers that only support rel-author + rel-me for determining authorship, and don't support h-card yet (e.g. Google spiders). It is easy enough to add the rel-author to one-line h-cards.

In more verbose h-cards, using rel-author would add complexity and the cost of that complexity is likely worse than ignoring legacy parsers. It's a trade-off, but the recommendation is to not use rel-author with more complex h-cards.

Answer summarized from chat logs

See Also