interactions page

From IndieWeb

interactions page is a page that shows the interactions between two people on a specific site.

IndieWeb Examples

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Service Examples

This seems like an interesting place for social readers to work on some innovation. Although it requires extra work from a Microsub server, as I don’t think this could be pulled off with the current api.

Silo Examples


  • Facebook has friendship pages access from a friend's profile by clicking on "See Friendship". It shows all interactions between two friends. The page lists some similarities such as mutual friends, city you live in, how long you've been friends. It also displays both of your profile images and a list of posts. Here is a list of some of the types of posts that are displayed:
    • Photos taken by either Friend 1 or Friend 2 with the opposite friend tagged
    • Checkins where one or both friends are either the author or tagged on the checkin
    • Life Stage posts from either friend where the other friend is tagged
    • Notes
      • Notes from Friend 1 to Friend 2
      • Notes from Friend 2 to Friend 1
      • Notes from Friend 1 with Friend 2 tagged
      • Notes from Friend 2 with Friend 1 tagged

Included below are some screenshots of various content and posts from a friendship page:


Google plus allowed you to sort your network by followers and following. When you clicked on someone's name you got their bio, a list of your interactions which included email, documents, and Google+ posts.

See Also