From IndieWeb

Ross McDonald

Chat Nickname: * Ross (Europe/London)

Elsewhere: Github Mastodon


  • Add a more extensive h-card on my site
  • ✅ Figure out a URL design for my posts
  • ✅ Add a category pages mechanism (tags)
  • ✅ Add p-category support
  • ✅ Start posting notes (posts for me) manually at permalinks
  • Continually verify my site in
  • ✅ Add a URL to my article template
  • Check out IndieMark for additional ideas of things to add to my site
  • ✅ Add Micropub note/post support (probably with a Clojure microservice)
  • ✅ Fix my site on mobile (currently no nav bar)
  • ✅ Add Micropub support for replies
  • ✅ Add Micropub support for like

Working On

  • ✅ Add a URL to the article template next
  • ✅ Add a category pages mechanism (tags)
  • ✅ Add p-category support
  • ✅ Add Micropub note/post support (probably with a Clojure microservice)
  • ✅ Add Micropub support for like

IndieWeb and linked web presence progress so far

  • Used my own old static site creation software (Silk Web Toolkit)
  • Added notes support (for some reason I'm calling them posts - probably a mistake)
  • Added articles support
  • Added micro format support for compatibility (minimum compatibility for now)
  • Added p-category support in articles and posts
  • Added headers to my site for: indieauth (token and authorisation), microsub (via aperture) and the beginnings of micropub (which is what I hope to get into soon)
  • Added a primitive category pages mechanism with a javascript client side search for now (there are some bugs - duplicate results etc at the moment)
  • Added WebMention to posts and articles
  • Made use of Webmention to comment on my own posts when updating (better than update in place)
  • Added Micropub support for notes/posts with a Clojure microservice
  • Added Micropub support for replies
  • I have opted to use to post to Mastodon (which for me is a hosted service with my own domain
  • My use is currently manual in terms of publishing to Mastodon