Simple Location

From IndieWeb

Simple Location is an Indieweb-friendly WordPress plugin that enhances posts with location information. It also supports venue and weather as additional features.


Development for the plugin is done on its Github repository. Issues and pull requests are welcome to be posted there.

Location in comments

By a happy stroke of luck with data transport via Bridgy, backfed webmentions from silos like Twitter that provide location data will also allow Simple Location to indicate the location of the commenter in comments.

  • Example: Note here how the comment backfed from Twitter shows the location under the comment. (Full mapping functionality isn't yet included as of 10/2017, but the location name is shown.)

See Also

Topics Getting Started on WordPressAdvanced WordPress Set UpPluginsThemesExamplesWordPress with BridgyDevelopmentDataSecurity
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See also WordPress related wiki pagesCategory:WordPress pluginsCategory:WordPress themesCategory:WordPress sessionsWordPress.comWordPress using IndieMarkAWS Tutorial