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Questions tagged [smriti]

For the questions about Smriti (Sanskrit:स्मृति) (literally "which is remembered") scriptures. These texts are usually attributed to an author and produced out of human intellect.

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Why is killing even evil brahmins categorized as 'brahma hatya'?

The fact that in Hinduism 'brahma-hatya' is given special importance is discriminatory but we won't talk about that. What I am curious is why is the killing of evil brahmins - like Vritra by Indra and ...
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Narada Smriti is recommended for which yuga?

When was it narrated? In which yuga was it valid?
Harsh's user avatar
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How to deal with a disobedient wife?

Pranam, If wife is disobedient and does not follow Dharma what should a husband do according to smritis and puranas? Should he leave her?
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Can husband teach wife forcefully?

1)I feel i read somewhere that one should not shake another person's shraddha or faith/ it mentioned in Gita? 2)Can husband teach religion to his wife without wife asking for teaching..for ...
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What should one do if wife is disobedient?

What should a man do if wife is disobedient according to smritis and puranas. Should he abandon her.
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I have question regarding marriage

What if wife refuses to return to her husband after staying in inlaws house for sometime and going to visit maika..And the father of girl is not willing to send his daughter back? Is'nt it equivalent ...
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Kindly explain these verses of Manunsmriti?

Manu Smriti Chapter IX या पत्या वा परित्यक्ता विधवा वा स्वयेच्छया । उत्पादयेत् पुनर्भूत्वा स पौनर्भव उच्यते ॥ १७५ ॥ If a woman abandoned by her husband, or a widow, of her own accord, marries again ...
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Does husband get wife's karma?

Does husband get a share of wife's sin? What do the scriptures say about this issue?
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Where is this verse quoted from?

brahmacari grhastho va mrtadaro vanecarah jnatva samyak param-brahma tyaktva sangan-parivrajet “After he has come to understand the nature of the Supreme, a student, a householder, or a forest-hermit ...
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What does Yama Smriti say about a person who survived a suicide attempt? How is she/he spiritually affected?

I have been curious to know about how the person is affected spiritually and what are the consequences of surviving a suicide attempt? I read online that the survivor of suicide is fined 200 panas, ...
Shrish Bhargav's user avatar
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Is Apostasy considered a punishable offence in Hinduism?

If someone decides to Leave Hinduism and become atheist, do any the scriptures (Vedas, Smritis, Puranas) consider it an offense worthy of punishment and prescribe any punishment for it? Just like how ...
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Where is this verse found?

Pranam "Guru uktam api na grahyam yad anarthe artha kalpanam" Even the words of Guru should be rejected if they are immoral.. I think it is from 7th canto bhagavatam prahlad maharaj's ...
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A question regarding sale of items in smritis and scriptures?

Pranam Is it necessary for seller and buyer to be present at the place of selling to take place? Is mental selling(via manasika sankalpa not verbal) valid? What happens if an object is sold but isnt ...
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Are there any instances in scriptures where wives disobeyed their adharmic husbands?

And their anti scriptural instructions? Kindly mention scriptural references.. Also any references that illegal order of husband should be disobeyed..
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When can one disobey Superior person's orders?

Pranam, Like order of Father Husband or Guru etc.. Please provide scriptural references.. Thanks
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