
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire has been released to theaters. Beware, spoilers will be present on the wiki and discussions. Read at your own risk!



Timothy is a character created by Legendary Pictures who made his first appearance within the 2023 MonsterVerse series, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters.


Tim is an intelligent man with an eagerness to learn everything about monsters. His motivations are driven by doing what he believes is best for Monarch and humanity.



Monarch: Legacy of Monsters[]


Tim was at work in Monarch when a data culling operative named Collins knocked on his door. Someone had tried to decrypt several Monarch files. She showed him the few megabytes of the files that she had. She asked if she should kick it up to Natalia Verdugo, but he turned her down as he'll handle it. He rushed her out of the office so he could make a phone call to ask Duvall to accompany him to Japan.[1]

Tim and Duvall tracked Cate to Tokyo, where their first attempt to make contact with her and retrieve the files was misinterpreted as a kidnapping. They lost Cate after the girl caused a car accident. They found and searched an apartment belonging to May Olowe-Hewitt, then used what they found to locate Kentaro. Tim tried to convince Kentaro to give over the files, as he promised to leave the boy alone if he did. Kentaro decided to run instead, while Tim realized through family pictures that Kentaro was the son of Hiroshi Randa.[2]

The operatives met Natalia Verdugo at an air carrier in Japan. Verdugo ordered Tim, whose mission was rouge, to return to Monarch while Duvall continued the search for Shaw in Pohang. Duvall wanted Tim with her because he knew more about the files and Lee's movements than anyone else.[3] Verdugo returned to Monarch headquarters. She briefed Tim and Duvall, who were still in Japan, about the gamma ray spikes by Outpost 47 that were similar to the ones found before the San Francisco event. Tim shouted to be heard. He didn't want to dismiss Bill Randa's files, because Shaw had a reason to be after them. Tim gave a speech about preventing the next Titan attack through being open-minded about sources.

Tim and Duvall headed to a Monarch Command Post in Alaska where they intercepted Kentaro's SOS call. They deployed a rescue chopper and brought Cate, Kentaro, May, and Shaw to Outpost 47. Tim greeted Shaw when the door opened.[4] The group was detained and separated. Tim, Duvall, and Verdugo watched them on monitors from a different room. He believed the Randa children knew more than they let on, though Duvall insisted they weren't special. She suggested Monarch put them on a long leach and follow their lead. Tim transported May, Cate, and Kentaro to an airport where he provided them with passports, money, and phones - courtesy of Monarch. He warned them to wake up. They were luck to to be alive and should go home. Once back in the truck, Duvall praised him for learning. They returned to the command post where they watched Verdugo's attempt to win trust with Lee. He looked to the cameras and told them that Monarch was wrong and had been for a long, long time.[5]

Tim and Verdugo followed Cate, May, and Kentaro back to San Francisco. They learned the trio had broken into Hiroshi's office and went there to investigate. Tim figured out that the pin holes on the wall were a pattern from a map. He pressed Verdugo for the reason Hiroshi was exiled from Monarch. He retargeted deep-space satellites to look at Earth's gamma rays instead of space. Tim realized Hiroshi was tracking the gamma rays around the Earth, because each spike meant a monster appearance. Based on where the kids had been, Tim deduced they were looking for Hiroshi. They headed to the next point on the map, the Algerian desert. Tim used a helicopter to find Shaw, May, Cate, and Kentaro in the middle of the plain. Tim celebrated that they found everyone. His glee was short-lived when Godzilla emerged from the ground and knocked the helicopter from the sky with his dorsal fin. The helicopter crashed in a ball of fire and smoke.[6]

Tim survived the crash and traveled to the airport where Cate angrily confronted him about May's betrayal. He snapped back at her as he had a weird day and didn't know anything about May. They sat together and discussed Monarch's creation. Cate offered Tim a deal - if he helped them find May she would help him find Shaw. Tim contacted Verdugo to get approval and debriefed her on the Godzilla attack. She suspended him because of his attitude so he bluntly said he was right the whole time, and she wasn't. He needed to find May with the kids and she allowed it. Tim told Cate and Kentaro that May failed her background check with Monarch. Her real name was Corah Mateo and she lived in Tacoma, Washington. They headed to her last-known address where Tim told them to play it "cool." He created a fake narrative for them as they spoke to May's mother and sister, Lyra. After the discussion, Tim, Cate, and Kentaro followed Lyra to a parking garage where they had a confrontation with Lyra. She revealed that May had troubles with a powerful company called Applied Experimental Technologies. She made them promise to tell Corah they didn't care if she was in trouble - they just wanted her home. Kentaro, Cate, and Tim visit A.E.T. while Time used CCTV footage to track May. He then deployed a city-wide alert of a massive organism attack. They used the chaos to break into A.E.T. and find May. She refused to leave with them because she couldn't hide from her problems anymore. She didn't want to put them in danger. Verdugo found the trio outside and detained them. Verdugo was angry that Tim used the alert system. She planned to put them all on planes back home. Cate proposed a solution to Verdguo's Shaw problem. They found their dad's map, their dad, and Godzilla, all without the help of Verdugo or Monarch. If Verdugo helped them get May back, they would assist her in finding Shaw. Verdugo made a call to A.E.T. and got May released. Once alone, Verdugo expressed displeasure over the agreement she made. She notified PR to handle Tim's alert. He wanted her to do the PR stunt instead. It was time to bring Monarch out of the shadows. Verdugo held a press conference from Monarch Headquarters about Monarch while Tim watche.[7]

May, Cate, and Kentaro went to Monarch Headquarters where Tim debriefed them about the gamma ray spikes around the globe. They haven't seen spikes like that since G-Day. Tim wondered if Hiroshi predicted the rays or followed them. Shaw recently exploded a rift in Alaska which made the gamma rays drop to zero, though they spiked in a dozen different locations. The group they spent the day in Tim's office to sort through dozens of boxes for a clue on where Shaw was headed next. Cate found a file about where Keiko died on a field job. Because Shaw was sentimental, in love with Keiko, the gamma rays were high in that area, and it was on Hiroshi's map, the team headed of Kazakhstan with other Monarch operatives. They arrived at the power plant and Tim stepped on a creature which scared him. May examined it and determined it was a shell. When they reach the area where the reactor used to be, Tim identified the area as a portal, an entry point. Konaté showed Tim a series of charges around the perimeter. They were rigged to a radio detonator. Duvall and Shaw ambushed the team. Cate convinced Shaw to hear her out first. Tim tried to tell Duvall that Shaw had lost his mind. She was glad Shaw wasn't just sitting around like Monarch. Cate failed to stop Shaw and he detonated the charges around the plant.[8]

Duvall pulled Tim from the wreckage and he suffered a broken leg. He was taken to the hospital and then airlifted to Japan where he and Verdugo waited for Kentaro to wake up. Kentaro had broken his leg too, and didn't remember what happened. Tim explained how everything went wrong at the reactor plant. A lot of people didn't make it out, including May, Shaw, and Cate. Kentaro wanted to look for them, but Verdugo lamented that all three of them died. She thanked him for his help, but his time in their world was over. Kentaro begged them to let him do something. Verdugo told him to live. Verdugo and Tim left Kentaro in the room with Emiko, who sobbed over her son.[9]

As time passed, Monarch detected a gamma-ray signal from within the rifts. Tim grew frustrated with Monarch's inaction and argued with Verdugo. She threatened to turn his medical leave into a permanant leave of absence if he didn't do his job. Tim quit Monarch and partnered with Apex Cybernetics, a new company that served as a rival to Monarch. Their leader was Brenda Holland, who agreed to fund Tim's efforts. Tim visited Kentaro and Hiroshi for help as he couldn't decipher the information alone.[10]


Apex Cybernetics set up a research facility on Skull Island. One night, a rift opened and a Monarch pod came through. It contained Cate, May, and an unaged Keiko Randa. May was angry when she saw Tim with Brenda, but Kentaro insisted a lot had changed in the past two years. An alarm blared so Tim ran back inside with Brenda. Across the island stomped King Kong who let out an angry roar.[10]

List of appearances[]



  • Tim's Monarch office was the same one William Randa used in the early years of the company.

