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errorcausation - Diraq-Ares: Predicting Error Causation

A package for analysing and quantifying the SPAM + state flip errors in a quantum computer


Quick start


  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. In your terminal or anaconda prompt, create an environment and activate it, for example using anaconda
conda create --name errorcausation

conda activate errorcausation
  1. cd into the cloned repo directory diraq-ares-predicting-error-causation/

  2. Install the required packages using pip and the errorcausation pacakage

conda install pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
python3 -m build
pip install -e .

The -e flags means that the package is in "developer/editable" mode, i.e. the changes that you make in the package will be reflected in your working environment

Run Instructions

Below is an example of how one would run the errorcausation package:

import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from import loadmat
from errorcausation.Categorical.categoricalmodel import CategoricalModel


file = Path('data/even_init.mat')
data = loadmat(file.resolve())
measured_states = 1 - data['measured_states'].squeeze()

# initialising a qm_model to fit to the data and setting the starting guess of parameters for the Baum-Welch algorithm
# to optimise
model_to_fit = CategoricalModel()
model_to_fit.set_transition_prob(0.05, 0.05)
model_to_fit.set_emission_prob(0.95, 0.95)

# fitting the qm_model to the data, using the Baum-Welch algorithm. The uncertainty in the parameters is also computed
# using the Cramer-Rao lower bound., compute_uncertainty=True)

# printing the fitted qm_model, which should be close to the qm_model used to simulate the data

# using the fitted qm_model to predict the true qubit state from the measured state and plotting the results
predicted_states = model_to_fit.predict(measured_states, plot=True)

This was taken from More examples can be found in the examples folder.

Mission Statement



  • Repeated PSB non-demolition readout (Two states: Even/Odd == (up, up; down, down)/(up, down; down, up)
  • We try to initialise into the even state
  • In Experiment Number 1 we measured: even, even, even, odd, odd

Questions to answer:

  • What caused the change from even to odd in Experiment Number 1 for example?
  • Was there a spin flip caused by the non-demolition measurement (back action)?
  • Was there a readout error at iterations 4 and 5, i.e. the state was even, be we mistakenly read it as odd twice?
  • Could the state have been initialised as odd instead of even, and we read it out incorrectly for the first 3 iterations as even?


  • Given a sequence of readout data, predict the probability (with uncertainty) of:
    • A readout error
    • Spin flip
    • Initialisation error
  • Therefore tell me what happened in this measurement based on these probabilities
  • Infer the initialisation state (with uncertainty) based on readout data
  • Predict the next state to be read out (with uncertainty) based on previous states


  • Treat the readout sequences as Markovian
  • Use a Hidden Markov Model to extract the system probabilities
  • Demonstrate success of Hidden Markov Model on simulated data

Example results

Simulated Data

simulated data figure

Model Performance

model performance figure

Real Data

real data figure

Model Performance

model performance on real data figure

P_init: 0.990
P_spin_flip_even_to_odd: 0.016
P_spin_flip_odd_to_even: 0.048
P_readout: 0.935


Diraq-Ares Predicting error causation







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