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Releases: easypropertylistings/Easy-Property-Listings

Easy Property Listings 3.5.7

10 Jun 08:20
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  • New: Filters for commercial and rural features: epl_property_commercial_features_list and epl_property_rural_features_list filters.
  • New: WordPress timezone functions added for compatibility as they are not available prior to WordPress 5.3.0.
  • Tweak: Different subject for auction ical event use the epl_ical_args filter to alter the labels.
  • Tweak: Updated to allow passing of extra details to ical through the epl_ical_args filter.
  • Tweak: Shortcode instance_id set to 1 to better enable sorting. When using epl_sorting_tool hook $attributes is required.

Easy Property Listings 3.5.6

11 Apr 05:42
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  • Fix: [listing_search] shortcode the status variable was being overwritten when the status option was passed to the shortcode causing state values to not display.

Easy Property Listings 3.5.5

10 Apr 06:30
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  • Fix: [listing_search] shortcode passing the status database error due to double escaping.
  • Fix: [listing_feature], [listing_category], [listing_open], [listing_location], [listing_auction] shortcodes sorting not working.

Easy Property Listings 3.5.4

03 Apr 02:22
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  • New: Display map position warning note when display address is unchecked.
  • Tweak: Sanitisation check on global page constant.
  • Fix: Check user permissions on coordinate generation.
  • Fix: Contacts bulk processing nonce & permission confirmation before processing.
  • Fix: Contact form submission sanitise entries.
  • Fix: [listing_advanced] Shortcode _min and _max option not working correctly.

Easy Property Listings 3.5.3

20 Mar 07:51
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  • New: Added counter class for number of agents in agent wrapper and a total count class.
  • New: Display linked agent name in admin agents post type columns. The username will display unlinked if there is no associated user profile.
  • New: Filter: epl_template_part_find to filter find array as well as final template.
  • New: Search Filter epl_search_should_load_default_template to disable default template and epl_search_load_template action to add custom search template.
  • New: Function epl_get_local_timestamp to get local time.
  • Fix: Inspection times deprecation warning.
  • Fix: Inspection issue where the users current time was reporting incorrect value due to timezone.
  • Fix: Sorting not working for pagination on shortcode.
  • Fix: Missing currency prefix in range slider for [listing_search] shortcode.
  • Fix: Security patch. Ajax nonce in JS variables.
  • Fix: Security patch. Prepared statement for SQL status variable.
  • Fix: Security patch. Removed no private access & added nonce for mapping coordinates.

Easy Property Listings 3.5.2

12 Feb 07:10
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  • New: Added epl_archive_title_post_type archive page title post type filter.
  • Tweak: Google Maps now load asynchronous.
  • Tweak: Added check to identify 0 values so that it's not ignored by empty check when using epl_get_option function.
  • Tweak: Removed additional property category appearing in additional features list.

Easy Property Listings 3.5.1

31 Jan 05:51
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  • New: Filters added for Staff Directory search: epl_search_user_args and epl_search_user_results filters.
  • New: Author box wrapper class epl-author-box-wrapper added to contain author boxes.
  • New: Session epl_wp_session_delimiter filter for changing the default cookie session delimiter.
  • Tweak: Dynamic class name for item based on taxonomy when using the epl_get_the_term_list function.
  • Tweak: View Listings added from archive page.
  • Fix: Shortcode pagination when permalinks are plain.

Easy Property Listings 3.5

08 Nov 07:54
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  • New: Hook Replaced: epl_property_tab_section replaced with epl_property_features, the older hook is kept for backward compatibility.
  • New: Filters added to alter an empty value if required: epl_get_year_built_empty_value, epl_get_property_bed_empty_value, epl_get_property_bath_empty_value, epl_get_property_rooms_empty_value, epl_get_parking_spaces_empty_value, epl_get_property_garage_empty_value, epl_get_property_carport_empty_value, epl_get_air_conditioning_empty_value, epl_get_property_pool_empty_value, epl_get_security_system_empty_value
  • New: Using the global status function to get status labels.
  • New: Prefixed Google Maps API key script name.
  • New: Display hidden fields in admin when editing listings.
  • New: Additional args for custom template action: eplloop_template{$post_type}, epl_loop_template.
  • New: Search shortcode and widgets. Support for instance ID, fallback generates unique instance ID automatically. Allowing multiple search with tabs on the same page to not clash with each other.
  • New: Added support for 'status' in search shortcodes.
  • New: Support for conditional fields in extension settings.
  • New: Support for number type field for widget settings.
  • New: Edit Listing google maps error message added.
  • New: Edit Listing when you manually edit the map coordinates the map preview will update.
  • New: Helper Function: epl_get_property_meta_label allowing you to get the meta value as label.
  • New: [listing_results] Shortcode to display listing search results in page builders and themes. This shortcode will load the search results loop. For use in Page Builders like Elementor, Divi, WP Bakery, Visual Composer.
  • New: Twitter X icon added to SVG and sprites PNG.
  • New: Filter: epl_map_display_defaults to alter the default map display options.
  • New: Czech translation of plugin by RadZah.
  • New: Czech currency support to properly format price.
  • New: Unique IDs for all field wrappers.
  • Tweak: Welcome screen removed and images to minimise translation requirements. Visit instead.
  • Tweak: [listing_map] Shortcode Added width, height and zoom options and allowed usage on any page.
  • Tweak: Shortcode results message allow basic html.
  • Tweak: Shortcodes, make sure meta_query in arg is defined as array, prior to usage.
  • Tweak: Added accessibility labels to select elements.
  • Tweak: Escaping additional widget elements.
  • Tweak: Correct spelling of Separate.
  • Tweak: Additional PHP 8.2 code improvements.
  • Tweak: Prevent importing non text files in settings.
  • Fix: Removed referenced to builder functions.
  • Fix: Contacts, PHP 8.2 fix paginated link warnings when phone, name, email is empty.
  • Fix: Availability time is only shown when there is a date.
  • Fix: Toolbar items function missing arguments.
  • Fix: Notice error on add-ons page.
  • Fix: Improvements to settings imports if file is incorrectly uploaded.
  • Fix: Price Sticker, inspections code trim string when is null.
  • Fix: PHP 8.2 Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated fix.
  • Fix: Floor plans, energy certificate, external links and min web labels using esc_html instead of esc_attr.

Easy Property Listings 3.4.48

29 Aug 15:15
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  • New: Support for Namibian dollar.
  • New: Field type textarea_html which works like the editor field type but without loading the MCE buttons.
  • Tweak: Removed duplicate ID from social SVG.
  • Tweak: Shortcode results not found classes passed for each shortcode type.
  • Tweak: Search not found container added for easier styling.
  • Tweak: Accessibility label added for select field.
  • Fix: Class name is now unique for [listing_open], [listing_location], [listing_auction], [listing_category], [listing_feature] shortcodes.
  • Fix: Price formatting anomaly as per settings in price slider.
  • Fix: Missing space between classes names for shortcode open & location.
  • Fix: PHP 8.1 warning when no user role set for user.

Easy Property Listings 3.4.47

03 Aug 03:30
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  • Tweak: Additional options added to alter the default behaviour of the accordion feature. Custom classes supported to enable accordions.