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WordPress Feature Project: Plugin Dependencies

  • Contributors: afragen, costdev
  • Description: Parses 'Requires Plugins' header, add plugin install dependencies tab, and information about dependencies.
  • License: MIT
  • Network: true
  • Requires at least: 5.2
  • Requires PHP: 5.6
  • Stable tag: trunk


Parses a 'Requires Plugins' header and adds a Dependencies tab in the plugin install page. If a requiring plugin does not have all it's dependencies installed and active, it will not activate.

My solution to #22316. Feature plugin version of PR #1724

  • Parses the Requires Plugins header that defines plugin dependencies using a comma separated list of slugs.

  • Displays a single admin notice with link to Plugins > Add New > Dependencies if not all plugin dependencies have been installed.

  • Adds a new view/tab to plugins install page ( Plugins > Add New ) titled Dependencies that contains plugin cards for all plugin dependencies.

  • This view also lists which plugins require which plugin dependencies in the plugin card, though that feature requires the filter below to function. 😅

  • In the plugins page, a dependent plugin is unable to be deleted or deactivated if the requiring plugin is active.

  • Plugin dependencies can be deactivated or deleted if the requiring plugin is not active.

  • Messaging in the plugin row description is inserted; as is data noting which plugins require the dependency.

  • If the dependency API data is not available a generic plugin card will be displayed in the Dependencies tab.

  • Ensures that plugins with unmet dependencies cannot be activated.


Make post for Plugin Dependencies Feature Project

Phase 1 - Architecture & Design Discussion

Discussion of architecture and design elements and features. This will be done via issues.

Please review them, comment on them, and create new issues.

Phase 2 - Actual code review

If you are more comfortable looking at actual code, below are the 2 PRs currently available for #22316. Please comment on the trac ticket.

Implement WP admin UI for plugin dependencies PR #1547

Plugin Dependencies Tab PR #1724

Currently the above PRs have been closed.