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Birgit Olzem edited this page Mar 30, 2024 · 1 revision

This is a draft version and we’re looking to improve it with community feedback.

Creating Accessible and Inclusive Documentation

Welcome to our guide on creating accessible and inclusive documentation for WordPress. This page provides general guidelines, best practices, and resources to help you write documentation that promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) within our community.

Why Inclusive Documentation Matters

Inclusive documentation ensures that all members of the WordPress community feel welcomed, respected, and valued. It helps to eliminate barriers that might prevent individuals from different backgrounds, abilities, and experiences from contributing to and benefiting from WordPress.

General Guidelines

  • Use Inclusive Language: Choose words and phrases that are welcoming and inclusive. Avoid language that might be considered biased, discriminatory, or exclusionary.
  • Provide Multiple Formats: Make information available in multiple formats (e.g., text, video, audio) to accommodate different preferences and accessibility needs.
  • Consider Accessibility: Follow accessibility best practices to ensure that your documentation is usable by people with various disabilities.

Best Practices for Writing Inclusive Documentation

  1. Be Mindful of Gender-Neutral Language: Use gender-neutral terms when referring to hypothetical or unknown individuals. For example, use "they" instead of "he/she."
  2. Avoid Cultural Bias: Be aware of cultural references or idioms that might not be universally understood and consider providing explanations or alternatives.
  3. Use Clear and Simple Language: Aim for clarity and simplicity to make your documentation accessible to non-native speakers and individuals with varying levels of expertise.
  4. Include a Diversity of Voices: When possible, involve contributors from diverse backgrounds in the creation and review of documentation to ensure a variety of perspectives are represented.

Resources and Tools

  • Make WordPress Style Guide: The WordPress Documentation Team's official style guide, including guidelines on inclusive language.
  • Google's Guide to Inclusive Documentation: A comprehensive guide with examples on writing inclusive documentation.
  • Automated Checker Tools: Consider using tools like Grammarly or Hemingway to check for clarity, bias, and inclusivity in your writing.

Contributing to This Guide

This guide is a living document, and we welcome contributions from the community to improve and expand it. If you have suggestions, resources, or best practices to share, please contribute in the following ways:

  • Provide Feedback: Share your thoughts on how we can enhance this guide.
  • Volunteer: Help us update and maintain this documentation by volunteering your time and expertise.
  • Share Resources: Contribute additional resources, tools, or examples that support inclusive documentation practices. Contributor Covenant

Contact Us

For any questions or to get involved further with DEIB initiatives in WordPress, please reach out to the Documentation Team. We hold weekly meetings and monthly Contributor Days on Slack, where you can join discussions and contact the team. Together, we can create a more inclusive, equitable, and accessible WordPress community through our documentation efforts.