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Ghostbusters Wiki

On a mountain of skulls, in the castle of pain, I sat on a throne of blood! What was will be! What is will be no more! Now is the season of Evil!
Vigo; Ghostbusters II

Vigo (also known as Prince Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf, Scourge of Carpathia, Sorrow of Moldavia, Vigo the Carpathian, Vigo the Cruel, Vigo the Torturer, Vigo the Despised, Vigo the Unholy)[1][2] is an ancient 16th Century medieval tyrant and sorcerer, who later died in the 17th century. He's the main antagonist in Ghostbusters II and is portrayed onscreen by Wilhelm von Homburg, and voiced by Max Von Sydow. He is found again in Ghostbusters: The Video Game, voiced again by Von Sydow.


Vigo in the Primary Canon is developed from Ghostbusters II. In Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions), a Secondary Canon, Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters II pre-date the game, Ghostbusters: Afterlife conflicts with the game. Vigo (prime) appears in the IDW Comic Series, a Secondary Canon, which follows Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters II, also includes some elements from Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions) and Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Stylized Versions); as well as being canon to Tobin's Spirit Guide (Insight Editions). Vigo (from Dimension 50-S) in the IDW Comic Series, is a alternate version based on Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime. Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime video game, deemed a Tertiary Canon, follows Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters II.


Primary Canon History


Vigo was born a prince in 1505 in the small Balkan kingdom of Carpathia.[3] He soon rose to power and ruled his home country with an iron fist, and the land itself was in a constant state of spiritual turmoil thanks to his despotic rule, which earned him an infamous name, the "Scourge of Carpathia." Vigo later conquered another land, the country of Moldavia in Romania which its people while still resenting the psychotic autocrat, gave him another notorious alias, the "Sorrow of Moldavia." It was said he was a powerful magician and a genius in many ways, as well as a tyrant, an autocrat, a lunatic and a genocidal madman. Because of his evil ways he wasn't well liked by his subjects and he killed hundreds of them. He was also known as "Vigo the Cruel," "Vigo the Torturer," "Vigo the Despised," and "Vigo the Unholy." Peter Venkman jokingly adds "Vigo the Butch" to the list of aliases.

He eventually died at the age of 105 in 1610, but not because of his old age. His people had led a rebellion and they tried and executed him in a manner that they saw fit for his rule. He was poisoned, shot, stabbed, hung, stretched, disemboweled, drawn and quartered (to which Venkman commented "Ouch").[4] Just before his head died, he uttered this prophetic warning: "Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I'll be back!"[5] Vigo's ghost took up residence in his portrait that was created long before the events of his death. An entry about Vigo was recorded in chapter six of Magicians, Martyrs And Madmen by Leon Zundinger. It was a length of 18 pages from page 128 to 145. It was later digitzed in the Occult Reference Net.

Ghostbusters II

True to his word, Vigo returned in modern day New York in 1989. The Vigo painting was moved from storage to the Restoration room in 304 at the Manhattan Museum of Art. Vigo drew power from the river of Psychomagnotheric Slime flowing through abandoned subway tunnels of the New York Pneumatic Railroad to a location underneath the Museum. The Psychomagnotheric ectoplasm boosted Vigo's powers, and enabled him to channel people's negative emotions needed for the manifestation of an army of angry spirits that soon started terrorizing New York City. Although the slime granted Vigo power enough to manifest, he could not regain a physical form. For this reason, Vigo needed a baby to possess to facilitate his rebirth. Vigo used his power and manipulated the museum's curator Janosz Poha into doing his bidding as his pawn. One evening, Janosz was about to apply a touch up on an eyelid on the Vigo painting when Vigo fired orange hued lightning bolts at him, which caused Janosz to scream in shock and fell off the step ladder. The painting then shifted in appearance to a chamber filled with the Psychomagnotheric ectoplasm while Vigo reappeared as a giant floating head. Vigo identified himself to Janosz as "Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia." Janosz quickly asked Vigo to command him. Vigo talked about he sat on a throne of blood atop a mountain of kills in a castle of pain then he declared, "What was, will be. What is, will be no more! Now is the season of evil." Janosz keyed on the word "evil." He then commanded him to find a child so he could live again and the painting's image transitioned back to normal. He questioned the part about finding a child. The painting fired lighting bolts directly into Janosz's eyes. He patted his chest then his face. Janosz calmly stated "a child." Janosz immediately knew the perfect candidate: Dana Barrett's baby son, Oscar.

During Peter's visit to the museum, Janosz informed him he was preparing Vigo's portrait for the new Romantic exhibition. Peter imitated Vigo's pose, to Dana's amusement. He then remarked Vigo was a bit of a sissy and Janosz stated he was a very powerful magician and a genius in many ways. Dana noted his true evil nature and admitted that she hated the painting and felt uncomfortable ever since it came up from storage. Peter joked she was probably feeling what Vigo was: Carpathian kitten loss. Dana smiled while Peter grabbed some paint and pretended to add one by the castle causing Janosz to stand between Peter and Vigo. He was naturally put off by the suggestion of altering valuable artwork and believed it was time for him to go and declared the joyfulness was over. Dana tried to tell him Peter was just kidding around and Peter noted he was not going to get a green card with that attitude. He then walked away and turned to Dana and jested she was sweet on the hunky stud. Dana admitted every now and then, she got the feeling that painting was watching her and even smiling at her. They then noticed Janosz talking to Vigo and gesturing to them, which caused the two exchange looks of concern.

Vigo attempted to capture Oscar by sending a wave of Mood Slime into Dana's bathtub when she was about to bathe him, only for Dana to escape and take shelter at Peter's apartment. Peter notified Egon Spengler and Ray Stantz of the incident and after they checked into Vigo's history, the Ghostbusters went to the museum the next day to investigate and took several pictures of Vigo's portrait to analyze. During the analysis at the Firehouse, Ray and Egon peered through the illusion of the portrait and saw Vigo's realm, with the Mood Slime flowing behind him. It was then that Vigo attempted to do away with the pair by locking the dark room then setting it ablaze, only for them to be saved by Winston Zeddemore. Egon, Ray, and Winston investigated the sewers and discovered the river of slime that Ray found previously. Winston was pulled in while he tried take measurements and Egon and Ray jumped in after him. When they emerged onto the streets, they realized the slime was flowing to the museum, and therefore, to Vigo.The Ghostbusters tried to alert Mayor Lenny about Vigo and the river only for him to refuse to go along with their pleas, since he believed that treating everyone with negativity is the God-given right of every New Yorker. His aid Jack Hardemeyer, then have them committed at Parkview Psychiatric Hospital, temporarily getting them out of Vigo's way, allowing the Carpathian to continue on with his plans. Vigo's giant head later reappeared to Janosz in the painting and stated the season of evil began with the birth of a new year, which pleased Janosz. Vigo then ordered him to find a child so that he may live again. Janosz made a pitch for getting to have Dana after he brought Oscar. He touched the flame on one of the candles then quickly pulled back. Vigo obliged him and declared she would be theirs, a wife to Janosz and his new mother. Janosz hopped up and spun around in elation then thanked him. In the form of a spectral nanny thanks to Vigo's powers, Janosz arrived with a stroller and snatched Oscar from the ledge outside Peter's bedroom. Realizing who the supposed "ghost" was, Dana raced off to the museum to get Oscar back.

After she entered the museum, the mood slime covered the exterior of the building and hardened into a near impenetrable shell to keep anyone or anything from getting in or out. Dana entered the Restoration room, ran to Oscar, and picked him up from an altar in front of Vigo's painting. Janosz then revealed his presence and confessed he knew she would come. He then promised her not to worry about Oscar being harmed and revealed that he was chosen to be the vessel of the spirit of Vigo and she would be the mother of the ruler of the world. He asked if that sounded nice and Dana thought it sounded ludicrous and Janosz mused they did not have a choice. He joked the painting in the room was not Gainsborough's "Blue Boy", and that he was Vigo. Dana refused to give up Oscar and tried to escape with him only for Vigo to telekinetically pull Oscar out of her grasp as she slid out of the room before sealing her out, essentially in a prison cell. He then floated the baby back to the altar causing Dana to call Vigo a bastard. At the same time, the mood slime also reached its peak, causing a widespread appearance of ghosts that rivaled the Containment Unit's explosion.

Vigo then beamed a pinkish red ray onto Oscar, which caused Vigo to start possessing him. The transference had begun and at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, he would possess Oscar completely, be reborn and freely rule the world once again. However, just as he was transferring his spirit into Oscar, the Ghostbusters arrived and disrupted the ritual, having used the Statue of Liberty to generate enough positive energy to penetrate the negative energy of Vigo's slime wall. Dana grabbed Oscar from the altar and ran to safety thus preventing Vigo from possessing the baby. After the Ghostbusters slimed Janosz, Vigo manifested in the room in a corporeal form. Ray ordered Vigo to hold it and called him a deadhead. He advised to go ahead and knock up some willing hellhound if he wanted a baby or otherwise, he had three seconds to get back in the painting. Ray started the count with "one." Peter stood up from his position with his Particle Thrower already drawn and stated "two." Ray counted "three." Peter and Egon fired on Vigo. Ray was thought they were winning but he was wrong. Vigo unleashed a pulse of energy and the Ghostbusters fell to the ground and were immobilized.

Vigo found where Peter had hid Oscar soon after and used telekinesis to move the boards aside like a sliding door. He smiled and held up Oscar. Dana was scared and implored the Ghostbusters to do something. Peter decided to heckle Vigo. He called out to Vigo. Peter confirmed he was talking to him and called him "the bimbo with the baby," then asked him if anyone told him the big shoulder look was out. Peter admitted he had met some dumb blondes in his life, but Vigo took the taco. He stated only a Carpathian would come back to life now and choose New York then called him a bonehead over his 'tasty pick.' Peter declared if he had a brain in that huge melon on top of his neck, he would be living the sweet life out in Southern California's beautiful San Fernando Valley. Vigo fired energy rays from his mouth at the Ghostbusters. They were covered in the rays and convulsed in pain. Vigo raised Oscar in his arms. Oscar cried. Vigo proclaimed now they become one.

However, he instead began grimacing in pain. He was weakened due to the throngs of the New Yorkers singing "Auld Lang Syne" outside the museum, and their positivity countered the negativity Vigo thrived on. This also released the Ghostbusters from their stasis. Considerably weakened, Vigo was drawn back into his painting as his face became distorted, revealing his true essence as the monster that he truly was in both life and the afterlife. Ray turned towards the painting and locked eyes with Vigo. In a desperate ploy, Vigo took possession of Ray's body (having enchanted him during the Ghostbusters' earlier investigation). Ray was transmogrified and resembled Vigo's true form. Vigo then proclaimed he shall rule the earth and told the Ghostbusters to be gone, calling them pitiful half-men. On Peter's cue, Winston used positively charged slime to drive him out of Ray's body while Peter and Egon fired proton streams to drive Vigo back into the painting, completely draining all his powers and causing him to vanish in an explosion within the painting which in turn caused the slime shell around the museum to disintegrate. After that, the painting of Vigo vanished and was replaced with a new one with four men wearing togas surrounding a baby, which symbolized the four Ghostbusters as heavenly saints defending the baby Oscar.

Secondary Canon History

Ghostbusters: The Video Game

The painting eventually returned to Vigo's original portrait under unknown circumstances, and was confiscated by the Ghostbusters. Vigo, as of November 1991, resided in the Firehouse in his painting near Janine's desk on the right from the Firehouse doors, where he would menacingly (but harmlessly) bicker with those who approached. For more, see Quotes and Trivia

IDW Comics and Insight Editions

Prime Universe

Prince Vigo came to prominence in the 15th century. He ruled over his homeland of Carpathia and the conquered country of Moldavia. He was purportedly both an alchemist and a warlock.[6] In an attempt to turn the tide of a war in Russia, Vigo unleashed an Underworld Horde, including Death. However, the horde was defeated by The Undying Soldier. Decades into his reign, Vigo was overthrown by his subjects. Despite being 105 years old, Vigo was as strong as a young man at his prime.[7] They poisoned, shot, stabbed, hanged, and drawn and quartered him. He stayed alive for days following the attack. Vigo's last words were, "Death is but a door, time is but a window. I'll be back!" He was beheaded and cremated. His ashes were scattered in the Black Sea. Vigo's tyranny came to end but his subjects lived in fear for years that he was still watching them.[8][9] John Horace Tobin later noted Vigo's existence was accounted for in the works of renowned historian Leon Zundinger.

During New Year's Eve 1989, the Ghostbusters' use of both positively charged Psychomagnotheric Slime and Proton Streams on Vigo banished him back into his painting, effectively eliminating his power.[10] Years after the Thanksgiving 1991 incident, the Vigo painting was still in the garage bay of the Firehouse. Idulnas briefly took on the guise of Vigo to taunt Janosz into serving him.

A couple weeks into the Tiamat incident, Vigo suddenly vanished from his painting. He resurfaced on Hart Island and raised the dead buried at the potter's field to serve as his army. The resulting P.K.E. surge attracted the Ghostbusters' attention. Special Agent Melanie Ortiz shot Vigo in the face with her Proton Pistol. Angered someone dared to strike him, Vigo fixated on Peter, whom he referred to as "The Vandal," instead and shot at him. The Ghostbusters, Chicago Ghostbusters and Ghost Smashers converged on the potter's field upon Peter's insistence. They opened fire on Vigo, who called to the Hart Island Ghosts. In a surprise turn, the ghosts pried the Proton Streams from Vigo.

Vigo grabbed ahold of Ron Alexander and gloated about his impending death. With Ray still in a trance state, Ron took matters into his own hands and activated his Boson Caster. Vigo was shot point blank in the face. As Vigo's head reformed, Winston grabbed Ray's Slime Blower and opened fire. Vigo taunted Winston and declared the Hart Island Ghosts would prevent the slime from touching him. Winston was counting on this. Slimed with positively charged Psychomagnotheric Slime, the ghosts were free from Vigo's control. They immediately swarmed Vigo like hungry piranha. Vigo's form was slowly dispersed, evidenced by his left hand being reduced to a skeleton. When the Ghostbusters returned to the Firehouse, Vigo was back in his painting but with scorch marks on his head where he was blasted by Melanie Ortiz. Peter promised to help cover them up with a pastel colored beret.

After a dimensional overlap took place, Jillian Holtzmann scanned Vigo with her P.K.E. Meter while Erin and Abby voiced concern about where their equipment went.

Dimension 50-S

After being attacked by a Sandman, Alan Crendall found himself face to face with Vigo in his throne room. Vigo recognized Alan and declared him an enemy since his bloodline failed him and the Ghostbusters foiled him. Vigo wanted revenge. Alan fired but his thrower malfunctioned. Vigo slashed at his chest. Before Vigo could finish him, Alan regained consciousness in the Calvin Home. Gabriel Sitter speculated he was dreaming. Alan noticed the wound from Vigo's slash was still on his chest.

Secondary Canon (Expanded Universe) History

Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Stylized Version)

In the Wii version, Vigo's painting is in the basement near the Containment Unit. During the mission at the Natural History Museum, Winston mentions the Vigo Incident to the Rookie.[11]

Tertiary Canon History

The Real Ghostbusters

The year before the Poso incident, the Ghostbusters battled Vigo. Egon Spengler collected some of the Psycho-Reactive Slime in the aftermath. In the Poso incident, Egon utilized the last of the slime to disguise Peter Venkman as a ghost and gift him with limited powers such as flight.[12]

NOW Comics

The encounter with Vigo was however chronicled in the comic book adaptation of the second movie by NOW Comics. In this comic, the live action Ghostbusters were replaced with their animated counterparts. It also contained the first appearance of Louis Tully and the only appearance of Dana Barrett in a The Real Ghostbusters continuity.

Other Video Games

The Sorrow of Moldovia himself was also the final boss in the video games based on Ghostbusters II. [citation needed]

Role Playing Games

He was also the main villain in an adventure based on the second movie in a re-issue of the role-playing game. To defeat his defenses in order to approach him, the players had to utilize effigies of The Tinman, Scarecrow and Cowardly Lion from Frank Baum's "Oz" series. When Vigo's painting melts, the Oz characters are shown instead of the Ghostbusters. [citation needed]

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Information

Stylized Version Information

According to Tobin's Spirit Guide

  • Category: Class 7 Paranormal Freak
  • Abilities: None...anymore

Tobin's Summary:

Though this tome is almost exclusively intended as a reference for spirits, I think it's worth noting briefly the life of one Prince Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf. Taking notes from my colleague Leon Zundinger's work Magicians, Martyrs And Madmen, I've learned that Vigo lived between 1505 and 1610. His unnaturally long life didn't end easily, as the villagers in his kingdom tries several methods of getting rid of him before something finally worked. His last words were: "Death is but a door, time is but a window. I'll be back!" I suspect he had means already secured to insure this will eventually happen.

Egon's Notes:

Indeed, he did. Vigo's tenacity in life and beyond is quite remarkable. Our encounters with him were definitely a learning experience and great way to stress test some of our equipment.

Ray's Tips:

Ummm, don't stare directly into the painting's eyes. I learned that the hard way.

Supplemental Data

The art page can be found in Shandor's Island, during the "Shandor's Island" section. It is in a back corner of the room you start the level in.

No P.K.E. Scan is required.

Powers and Abilities

When the river of slime beneath the streets of New York became negatively charged, the spirit of Vigo grew quite powerful. With this abundance of negative energy to draw upon, Vigo displayed characteristics and abilities comparable to a Class 7 entity, such as Gozer. During this time, Vigo performs remarkable feats of telekinesis, telepathy, and mind control. Additionally, he withstood an attack from proton beams, and even managed to viciously retaliate against the Ghostbusters, leaving them temporarily paralyzed. He also has the ability to shape shift into a more demonic form, complete with horns and blood-red eyes.


Secondary Canon Classification

IDW Comics/Insight Edition Classification

Vigo is a Class 4 possessor primarily but when he bonded himself to the river of Psychomagnotheric Slime, he gained enough power to rival a Class 7.[13][14]

Secondary Canon (Expanded Universe) Classification

Ghostbusters II Deleted Scene Classification

In an excluded scene from the Ghostbusters' investigation of the restoration studio, Egon states the P.K.E. levels were "max-plus" and the Giga meter was showing all red to which Winston bet were readings off of Vigo.[15]

Ghostbusters: The Video Stylized Versions Classification

Vigo was listed as Class 7 Paranormal Freak in the Tobin's Spirit Guide page.

Behind the Scenes

Vigo was inspired by the Carpathian mythology, the Dracu, and Vlad the Impaler.[16] A concept painting was done of him as a red hooded specter manifesting in Central Park and tearing trees and light poles out of the ground.[17] As of September 23, 1988, during storyboards, Henry Mayo and Tim Lawrence illustrated concept in which Vigo's spectral essence was strong enough to animate the exhibits he walked by in the art museum.[18] Thom Enriquez also did numerous concept designs.[19]

The huge Vigo self-portrait turned out to be the biggest design problem. Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) did concept versions for months and Ivan Reitman felt one was too 'Conan the Barbarian' so artists in New York were brought in. The new designs didn't work out either. Glen Eytchison and Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach were approached.[20] Each year, they brought 60 classic paintings to life with people standing in costume before settings based on the original painting. Gross worked with them on a new design. With a deadline looming, the design was sent to ILM with just two days left to a scheduled shoot. The design was worked on down to the last minute. How the portrait would animate was another issue.[21] Originally, it would just be Vigo talking from the painting. Clay animation and an animated cartoon were considered. Eventually, as the script changed, it was decided Vigo would be brought out as much as possible and the painting would be replaced with a floating head hovering in a columned corridor coated with slime. Wilhelm von Homburg was filmed in front of a bluescreen and then matted over a miniature version of the slimed corridor built by the ILM model shop. After each take, the slime had to be cleaned up and reset.[22][23]

The demonic floating head seen after Vigo returns to the painting was inspired by preproduction sketches done by Thom Enriquez. Lifecasts were done on Wilhelm von Homburg. Tim Lawrence and makeup artist Mike Smithson did a variety of altercations in clay like strengthening the jaw line, straightening out the nose, making a more sinister brow, elongating earlobes, and sharpening cheeks. 10-11 versions were done and sent to Ivan Reitman for approval. Once the final was chosen, Lawrence had three weeks. Then it was cut down to one week. Howie Weed from the creature shop wore the makeup for scenes when Vigo was transformed within the painting and when Ray was possessed.[24] Due to a scheduling conflict, Aykroyd couldn't play the scenes where Ray was possessed by Vigo. Howie Weed volunteered because he was about the same size and he was there, saving time from bringing in another actor for fittings.[25][26]


Ghostbusters II Trivia

  • In the Ghostbusters II August 5, 1988 draft, Vigo was very different than the final version seen in the movie. Both versions shared the plans of world domination and being linked to artwork.
    • In the draft, Jalmar Litvinov was Vigo the Carpathian, the "mad Abbot of Tsbirsk," a friend of Rasputin, and one of three leading causes of the Russian Revolution. In one 3 day stretch, he caused the brutal deaths of 1500 peasants.[27][28]
    • In the draft, he posed as an immigrant named Jalmar Litvinov. He left Tsbirsk, Russia and arrived at Ellis Island in 1917 (on page 92, it is changed to 1906) with a holy icon he painted, a hinged triptych painted on wood in the Byzantine style, depicting martyrdom of a trio of Russian saints. Notably, the central figure in the trio had a powerfully expressive face.[29][30][31][32][33][34]
    • In the draft, he freely lives in New York posing as an early to mid-30s musician named Jason Locke.[35][36]
    • In the draft, as Jason, he attends Peter, Ray, and Egon's trial.[37]
    • In the draft, Lane and Jason met at a Black Sabbath concert.[38]
    • In the draft, the baby's father was Jason (Vigo). After Lane got pregnant, Jason became obsessed with the baby and his attitude changed for the negative towards her. Lane broke up with Jason and after the baby was born, she called the police when he came around again.[39]
    • In the draft, Egon took readings of Jason with the Giga Meter during the Sixth Avenue encounter and got 130 GeVs of psychomagnetic force off him.[40]
    • In the draft, Vigo's plan was take over the world after the fall of modern society and when his body died, he would possess his son's body and continue ruling.[41]
    • In the draft, Vigo's true form is that of a 'wild-eyed, full-bearded, dressed in heavily brocaded robes and Eastern-style miter of an Orthodox bishop but adorned with symbols of his own twisted religion.'[42]
    • In the draft, Vigo animates the Statue of Liberty with negative psychomagnetic energy and rides it in pursuit of Lane and their baby.[43] This was changed in the final version to where the Statue of LIberty is instead animated by the Ghostbusters using positive psychomagnetic energy.
    • In draft, Vigo is dispersed on Wall Street after the Ghostbusters patch their Proton Packs into 500 kilovolt amp Con Edison transmission lines and open fire with 2 million kilowatts of electricity.[44][45][46][47]
  • In the September 29, 1988 draft:
    • On page 21 to 23, the Metropolitan Museum of Art has just closed and the last of the visitors and employees are leaving. Jason Locke, the precursor to Janosz Poha, continues work on Vigo while Rudy the Museum Guard does his rounds. He reminds Jason to sign out when he leaves. Jason is mesmerized by Vigo. Vigo says a variant of his 'what was will be, what is will be no more' line and tells Jason to present the child. Jason states there is no child. Bolts of red hot energy shoot out from Vigo's eyes into Jason's eyes. Rudy sees him run out the museum. Rudy remarks he knew he would forget to sign out.
    • On page 60, Peter notices the Vigo painting then tells Lane Walker she can stay over at his place. Vigo's head turns.
    • On page 62, Jason the Vigo is a self-portrait.
    • On page 63, Peter remarks Vigo could have smiled for his portrait and suggests he needs a 'Mona Lisa job' but Jason tells him you don't go around altering valuable paintings.
    • On page 106, Jason Locke paints symbols on Mikey that are identical to ones seen in the Vigo painting. Jason uses paint from the canvas.
    • On page 107, sunlight shines through the museum skylight and moves up the Vigo painting. Jason holds up Mikey and he glows.
  • In the November 27, 1988 and February 27, 1989 drafts:
    • On page 13, Vigo turns its head when Dana mentions her baby. In the movie, Vigo turns his head after she has left the museum.
    • On page 28 to 29, the Manhattan Museum of Art has just closed and the last of the visitors and employees are leaving. Janosz continues work on Vigo while Rudy the Museum Guard does his rounds. He reminds Janosz to sign out when he leaves. A current from Vigo shocks Janosz then Vigo introduces himself with a longer speech where he says "twenty thousand corpses swing from my walls and parapets and the rivers ran with tears" and "by the power of the Book of Gombotz, what was will be, what is will be no more. Past and future, now and ever, my time is near." Janosz is blasted again but directly into his eyes and he screams and falls to the floor. Rudy sees him run out the museum. Rudy remarks he knew he would forget to sign out.
    • On page 57, Janosz says the Vigo painting is for the new Byzantine exhibition and it is a self-portrait, boasting he was a skilled painter. Peter jokes it's not something you'd want to hang in the rec room and reckons it needs a fluffy little white kitten in the corner. Janosz grabs his arm. Peter advises him to make an exception.
    • On page 68, Vigo turns his head and watches Dana go back to her workbench. She turns suddenly and catches a movement. She leaves the studio.
    • On page 69, after the bathtub attack, Dana tells him about how she caught Vigo looking at her.
    • On page 73, Ray notes Vigo is also a bad monkey and he dabbled in all the Black Arts. Peter's Butch line isn't present.
    • On page 98-99, Vigo's speech is a little longer and he mentions he watched for centuries and waited for the time when the tide of men's sins would swell to bring him forth again.
    • On page 114-115, Egon compares Vigo to Nero and Caligula in Rome and Hitler in Nazi Germany. Ray mentions Stalin and the French Reign of Terror. Winston mentions Pol Pot and Idi Amin. Peter mentions Cardinal Richelieu and George Steinbrenner.
    • On page 116, Oscar hovers in mid-air in front of the Vigo painting while it weeps onto Janosz's brush which he then uses to paint mystical symbols on Oscar.
    • On page 117, Dana tries to take Oscar but an unseen force pushes her back into her chair.
    • On page 120, Janosz references Gainsborough's Blue Boy after Dana objects to Janosz saying Vigo will rule the world.
    • On page 123, Vigo starts to emerge from the canvas and states, "Soon my life begins."
    • On page 125, Vigo is half out the painting. Ray tells him the "Vigi Vigi, you've been a bad monkey." Vigo grabs Ray. Winston hoses them both with slime.
    • On page 126, the Vigo painting melts and reveals another under it.
  • Max Von Sydow recorded all of Vigo's lines in Ghostbusters II in one day.[48]
  • Vigo's floating head in the painting was filmed at ILM.
  • Vigo's full name is listed as "Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf" in "Magicians, Martyrs And Madmen." The name is a mix of actors from the movie. Wilhelm von Homburg portrayed Vigo and William T. Deutschendorf and Henry J. Deutschendorf II portrayed Oscar.
  • Vigo's surnames, as stated from Egon's research from the Occult Reference Net in Ghostbusters II and the Tobin's Spirit Guide entry found in Stylized Version of Ghostbusters: The Video Game, are Von Homburg Deutschendorf. This is a combination of those of Wilhelm von Homburg, the actor who portrayed him in Ghostbusters II, and William T. Deutschendorf and Henry J. Deutschendorf II, the actors that portrayed Oscar.
  • In the Ghostbusters II commentary, Dan Aykroyd commented when Vigo was defeated he was dispatched to the "next dimension or the afterworld."[49]

Ghostbusters: Back in Town Trivia

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Trivia

  • In the February 11, 2008 draft revision of Ghostbusters: The Video Game:
    • It is revealed during the Thanksgiving Day Parade level that Ray kept the "Fettuccine" painting from the end of Ghostbusters II at Ray's Occult.[50]
    • The last three minutes of the end credits were to feature the Vigo painting commenting on all the credits.[51]
  • The concept artwork of Vigo appears to suggest that Vigo was at one point going to be a boss character in Ghostbusters: The Video Game.
  • There was plans for DLC involving the Vigo painting but it was scrapped.[52]
  • In Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions), players can direct Rookie into interacting with the painting. Vigo will talk to him, with one of over 100 different line variations. The reason for the reappearance of the Vigo portrait is not explained, seeing as it was destroyed at the end of the movie and replaced with a new painting of the likenesses of the four Ghostbusters and Oscar. In any case, Vigo was only limited to standard communication and rendered unable to emerge from the painting as he had done before.
  • In Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions), after the Museum of (Super)Natural History, the tenth message on the Firehouse answering machine was left by a Professor Jones (a nod to Indiana Jones) demanding to know what happened to the Vigo painting, saying that it belongs in a museum.[53]

IDW Comics Trivia

Ghostbusters: Rise of the Ghost Lord Trivia

  • In the story trailer, released on June 1, 2023, the March 1, 2022 edition of Strange Times Radio alludes to Vigo. A line asks if you are concerned about paintings of Carpathian sorcerers.
  • In the Slimer Hunt mission, there is a secret room on the second floor of Hookfaber Mansion where the Vigo portrait is located. After scanning the first sample of ectoplasm, head up the left stairwell, go left down a hall and go left into a room. Locate the bookcase and let the P.K.E. Meter scan the books. An intense reading should come off a pair of thick yellow books. Pull them out to reveal a secret passage. Inside the room, the Vigo portrait is displayed.


Primary Canon Appearances

Expanded Universe

Secondary Canon Appearances

Tertiary Canon Appearances


Ghostbusters: The Video Game

You can get insulted by Vigo if you go up to his Vigo painting in the Firehouse and interact with it. Below are all 114 Vigo quotes, with audio pulled directly from the game's data files. Quote #102 - "This isn't Ghostbusters. This is The Exorcist!" - is exclusive to the stylized version of the game.

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1. Mmmm...not bad for a mortal.
2. Congratulations. Come stare into my eyes to claim your reward.
3. Such a pity victory in the face of the vast pool of chaos rising around you!
4. You win this round, Ghostbusters!
5. Araghhh...the smell of happiness stings my nose!
6. Hahaha!
7. What a wretched display of ineptitude.
8. If this were my castle, I'd have you strung up for that.
9. Oh, such delicious despair.
10. Your weaknesses feed me! Please continue to fail!
11. Compete for my amusement.
12. It is the dawn of another struggle for power!
13. In the grand scheme, you all must realize these diversions mean nothing!
14. The time of war is over.
15. Time to end this foolish display!
16. Ohhh...this bores me.
17. I was just beginning to savor your burgeoning anger towards one another!
18. Enough!
19. Time is but a window - and that window is closing.
20. The end is near.
21. Judgment approaches.
22. Prepare yourselves for the inevitable.
23. Your inexorable march towards finality begins here, Ghostbusters.
24. Oh! The battle intensifies!
25. If only I could have delivered such humiliation in person.
26. That was almost as painful as being stabbed and pulled apart...ermmmmm, but perhaps not.
27. You call that an accomplishment?
28. Congratulate yourself now mortal, while you still have time.
29. Look deep inside yourself and ask if this was a true victory.
30. Foolish Mortal!
31. What a miserable pile of weakness.
32. Another thousand failures and I'll have enough negative energy to return to the world of the living. HAhahaha!
33. I should've painted myself a bathroom in this thing.
34. I tire of the pity meanderings of you simpering fools.
35. Just another thousand years, Vigo, hang in there. Hang in.
36. In my day, we had no time for such trifling amusements.
37. I loathe you from the darkest spume of my craven, boiling bowels!
38. My veins spurt white hot bile and broken glass as I'm forced to look upon you.
39. Sure, my cranium is large, but so is my devastation!
40. Pay tribute to Lord Vigo, peasant.
41. Death is in the air.
42. No heart ever beat as black as my own. Come closer...and I'll let you hear it.
43. So many mothers have twisted in agony at the horror I visited upon their sons.
44. What was will be. What is, will be no more.
45. You'll be squirming soon enough.
46. Now is the season of evil.
47. I am Vigo the Cruel, Vigo the Torturer.
48. You will know the torments of a million babies eaten alive in searing fire.
49. Not even these shackles can hold the demon-beast of Romania forever!
50. I am Prince Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf!
51. Vigo the Carpathian will taste the blood of men, again.
52. On a mountain of skulls, in a castle of pain, I shall sit on a throne of blood once more.
53. My dreams are blood-soaked dark things filled with furious vengeance.
54. When the day comes, you will be the first.
55. When my vindication comes, you'll wish you'd been born inside-out.
56. The stench of fear permeates this place.
57. I loathe the living.
58. The fires of hell feed me.
59. Have you ever savored the exquisite anguish of tortured souls?
60. What I sense coming is far more horrible than I. Are you prepared?
61. The demons in this realm are gathering to conquer. You have not a chance.
62. With every passing day, you grow weaker, and I gain power.
63. This pitiful makeshift prison will not last forever.
64. I see the fear in your soul. You're losing the battle you engage in.
65. The dead shall walk and the mighty shall fall.
66. Rivers of blood flow beneath us.
67. Distant worlds beckon. Evil spirits howl.
68. My sword will taste your flesh.
69. Your zipper is down.
70. Psst! Shoes are untied.
71. Psst! Over here.
72. Please stop burning the microwave popcorn.
73. May the hooves of a thousand steeds trample you underfoot.
74. Bow to your master.
75. My scalding wrath shall pour out upon your tender soul.
76. I am Vigo the Destroyer!
77. From the dust of the dead rise the unholy.
78. Don't you know me? I am Prince Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf.
79. Oh, this really is a good likeness of me.
80. Keep walking. Go on!
81. Call me Vigo the Despised or Vigo the Unholy or...ahh...uh...never mind.
82. Nobody ever listens to me.
83. Find me a child that I may live again.
84. You sniveling, pitiful, half-man.
85. Upon the splintered bones of men, I feed.
86. Be gone, peasant.
87. Get me outta here, will ya?!
88. In my grasp, your bones will turn to dust.
89. On a river of blood, I will rise.
90. The souls of men feed my rebirth.
91. Spirits call...the day of reckoning has begun.
92. Open the door so I might destroy again.
93. This city will taste my wrath again.
94. How about a little sacrifice? Not a baby, but maybe a dog or a cat?
95. The screams of the damned call for you!
96. May an army of demons devour you!
97. Come here boy! I'll wear you like pants.
98. Release me from this torment. I can make it worth your while.
99. Did you know that the human large intestine, when stretched out, will wrap around a city block? You have to get a running start.
100. Have you savored the exquisite anguish of tortured souls? Salty...
101. Pull my finger! I command you!
102. This isn't Ghostbusters. This is The Exorcist!
103. I dreamt I was in a painting with ponies. It was nice.
104. Ohh...I have an!
105. I see the evil of the times to come. Three more far away wars will come and they will tarnish even the undisputed glory of the first three.
106. I see the evil of the times to come. No flying cars - ever! HAHAhahahaha!
107. I see the evil of the times to come. You will choose a king far more evil than myself to rule you. Twice!
108. I see the evil of the times to come. In time all music will be free, but for the cost of your soul.
109. I see the evil of the times to come. You will remember paying $1.45 for gas and will weep hot tears for yesterday.
110. I see the evil of the times to come. Millennial apocalypse! Your world unravels...maybe. Maybe not.
111. I see the evil of the times to come. The glove won't fit.
112. I see the evil of the times to come. "It" is just a scooter.
113. I see the evil of the times to come. They're all juicing. All of them!
114. Mha-ha-ha-ha-ha!


  1. Vigo(1999). Ghostbusters II, Chapter 7: Vigo Commands (1989) (DVD ts. 22:32-22:40). Columbia Pictures. Vigo says: "I, Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you."
  2. Egon Spengler (1999). Ghostbusters II, Chapter 16: Vigo 101 (1989) (DVD ts. 50:20-50:23). Columbia Pictures. Egon Spengler says: "Also known as Vigo the Cruel, Vigo the Torturer, Vigo the Despised and Vigo the Unholy."
  3. Egon Spengler (1999). Ghostbusters II, Chapter 16: Vigo 101 (1989) (DVD ts. 50:03-50:06). Columbia Pictures. Egon Spengler says: "Vigo the Carpathian. Born 1505, died 1610."
  4. Ray Stantz (1999). Ghostbusters II, Chapter 16: Vigo 101 (1989) (DVD ts. 50:12-50:15). Columbia Pictures. Ray Stantz says: "And he didn't die of old age, either. He was poisoned, stabbed, shot, hung, stretched, disemboweled, drawn and quartered."
  5. Ray Stantz (1999). Ghostbusters II, Chapter 16: Vigo 101 (1989) (DVD ts. 50:25-50:29). Columbia Pictures. Ray Stantz says: "There was a prophecy, just before his head died. His last words were: Death is but a door, time is but a window. I'll be back!"
  6. Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.64). Paragraph reads: "Purported to be both alchemist and warlock, Prince Vigo of Carpathia was a cruel tyrant who came to prominence in the fifteenth century, ruling over his homeland and the conquered country of Moldavia."
  7. Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.64). Paragraph reads: "He was 105 years old at the time of the coup, and yet, one of the Moldavians who rose against him later wrote that "he was as strong as any man in the prime of his life"."
  8. Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.64). Paragraph reads: "Vigo hung on for days after the attack before perishing."
  9. Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.64). Paragraph reads: "He was finally beheaded and cremated, with his ashes scattered in the Black Sea."
  10. Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.64). Paragraph reads: "We continued to hose Vigo's ghost down with mood slime while corralling it with proton streams. This resulted in the entity being banished back into the painting, effectively eliminating his power, if not his consciousness."
  11. Vigo Reference in The Video Game Stylized Version
  12. Egon Spengler (2009).The Real Ghostbusters- "Partners in Slime " (1989) (DVD ts. 10:32-10:38). Time Life Entertainment. Egon says: "I collected it last year after we battled Vigo the Carpathian."
  13. Ghostbusters 101 Class Notes (2017). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters 101 #1" (2017) (Comic p.24). Line reads: "Please see our case file on Vigo the Carpathian for a good example -- the short version is that this particular Class 4 formed a symbiotic relationship with a cache of psychomagnetheric ectoplasm and gained enough power to rival a Class 7."
  14. Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.64). Paragraph reads: "CLASS IV. POSSESSOR."
  15. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1989). Ghostbusters II (February 27, 1989 Draft) (Script p. 70). Egon Spengler says: "The PKE levels were max-plus and the Giga-meter was showing all red."
  16. Wallace, Daniel (2015). Ghostbusters The Ultimate Visual History, p. 121. Insight Editions, San Rafael CA USA, ISBN 9781608875108. Dan Aykroyd says: "Vigo came out of the idea of the Carpathians, the Dracu, Vlad the Impaler-that part of the world where there was a lot of demonology and possession and magic. We drew on Sumerian mythology for the first movie, and we drew on Carpathian mythology for the second movie. Vigo was an invention of Harold and myself, almost like a Dracula figure."
  17. Wallace, Daniel (2015). Ghostbusters The Ultimate Visual History, p. 122. Insight Editions, San Rafael CA USA, ISBN 9781608875108. Line reads: "Vigo manifests in Central Park as a hooded specter in this concept painting."
  18. Wallace, Daniel (2015). Ghostbusters The Ultimate Visual History, p. 136. Insight Editions, San Rafael CA USA, ISBN 9781608875108. Line reads: "A storyboard for an early Ghostbusters II concept by Henry Mayo in which Vigo's spectral essence is sufficient to animate the art museum's exhibits."
  19. Wallace, Daniel (2015). Ghostbusters The Ultimate Visual History, p. 137. Insight Editions, San Rafael CA USA, ISBN 9781608875108. Line reads: "Multiple Vigo design variants by Thom Enriquez."
  20. Bernard, Jami (1989). "Prime Slime with Ghostbusters" Fangoria #84, page 29. Fangoria Publishing, Atlanta, USA. Line reads: "Gross solved the problem by hiring the actors who stage an annual "Pageant of the Masters" in Laguna Beach, where they do lifesize reenactments of classical paintings."
  21. Bernard, Jami (1989). "Prime Slime with Ghostbusters" Fangoria #84, page 29. Fangoria Publishing, Atlanta, USA. Michael Gross says: "The painting has caused endless problems. The technology is difficult to do. It requires a subtle movement. It can't work as just animation - that's too flat."
  22. Eisenberg, Adam (November 1989). Ghostbusters Revisited, Cinefex magazine #40, page 9. Cinefex, USA. Line reads: "To make the image work, actor Wilhelm von Homburg was filmed in front of a bluescreen and then matted over a miniature of the corridor built by the ILM model shop."
  23. Eisenberg, Adam (November 1989). Ghostbusters Revisited, Cinefex magazine #40, page 9. Cinefex, USA. Bill George says: "The slime corridor was a forced perspective set that was pretty straightforward. Both columns and bricks along the sides had to be built in forced perspective, and they were all sculpted out of foam. There were arches between the columns and beyond those we had light coming in. The only unusual aspect was that the producers wanted slime oozing out of the columns, which meant that we had a major cleanup after each take. It was really no big deal--just a big mess."
  24. Eisenberg, Adam (November 1989). Ghostbusters Revisited, Cinefex magazine #40, page 44-45. Cinefex, USA.Line reads: "The change was accomplished primarily by makeup applications devised by the ILM creature shop. "It was not the first work we did on the Vigo character," noted Tim Lawrence. "Early during preproduction, we were given a variety of sketches by Thom Enriquez depicted a very overweight-looking character with a wild-eyed look and a facial structure such that it would have been impossible to find anyone who actually looked like that. So at the beginning, we were going to be designing a makeup that would be used on an actor throughout the film. Then when it came time for transformation at the end, Vigo was going to be something much more monstrous--some kind of a huge construction that we never quite worked out completely because the whole concept went off in a different direction once Wilhelm von Homburg was cast for the part. Wilhelm has a very distinctive "bad guy" face and Ivan decided to use it without a whole lot of alteration--but he did still want some appliance makeup. So we did lifecasts on Wilhelm and then Mike Smithson and I did a variety of alterations in clay--fairly subtle things like strengthening his jaw line, straightening out his nose, giving him a more sinister brow, elongating his earlobes and sharpening his cheeks. We did ten or eleven versions of the makeup in clay and then photographed them in black-and-white and made up a little book that we sent down so that Ivan and the producers could see the various directions it could go in. They picked one that they liked and we made a set of appliances for this guy. The problem was that they wanted this very elaborate makeup to be used for the whole film and I had asked for three weeks to do it. They said they could only give us two weeks and then wound up giving us one; but they said, 'Don't worry about it, because it's just going to be used for a photo shoot as a guide for the artist who is doing the painting, but that when he comes to life he should look more realistic and less stylized. So we did the makeup very quickly for the photo shoot and then Wilhelm was used without makeup for the film itself." The final transformation was likewise toned down. "We did a lot of drawings for the Vigo monster--some of them pretty horrendous--and we had other things going on as well. At one point the slime was going to bring to life things from some of the other paintings--so we had little Hieronymous Bosch characters running around and a spirally kind of Escher character. Over time, however, all that got more and more watered down to the point where instead of making a Vigo monster we were asked to come up with a makeup that simply represented Vigo's inner evil essence. We sent about fifty concepts down to Michael Gross--some of which were altered photographs. Early in the show there had been some mylar tests done on Ned Gorman--our effects coordinator--to show how the Scoleri brothers could be distorted and stretched. Some of those bizarre photos were blown up and artwork was done on them--and it was one of those that was selected. The difficulty for us when it came time to do the makeup was that the basic understructure was not a human head. Obviously the makeup had to be something that could be added to a real person--we could not stretch a person's head to do it--so we had to start by roughing in a sculpture and getting a lot of people's interpretations as to what the stretch marks and bizarre washes of color on the photograph actually meant in three-dimensional terms. When we got as close as we could to the accepted design, we molded and cast the makeup in about seven pieces." Howie Weed--one of the creature shop crew members--wore the makeup for scenes of Vigo transformed within the painting and for a subsequent scene when Ray becomes entranced by Vigo and momentarily turns into a demon before his friends restore him with a blast of positive slime."
  25. Wallace, Daniel (2015). Ghostbusters The Ultimate Visual History, p. 176. Insight Editions, San Rafael CA USA, ISBN 9781608875108. Howie Weed says: "I'm a big guy, so I asked Dennis Muren if I could do it. Because I was already there they didn't have to bring an actor in for fittings, and they could get on it right away."
  26. Wallace, Daniel (2015). Ghostbusters The Ultimate Visual History, p. 176. Insight Editions, San Rafael CA USA, ISBN 9781608875108. Line reads: "Ivan Reitman OK'ed the look, but Dan Aykroyd's schedule didn't allow him to play the demon-possessed Stantz."
  27. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 92). Ray Stantz: "Jalmar Litvinov was better known as Vigo the Carpathian, the "mad Abbot of Tsbirsk." This guy was a demented Russian monk--a good buddy of Rasputin's--and a really bad cat."
  28. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 92). Egon Spengler says: "Along with poverty and injustice, he was considered one of the three leading causes of the Russian Revolution. In one three day stretch he had 1500 peasants staked, burned, crushed and ground up for fertilizer."
  29. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 1). Paragraph reads: "Ext. Ellis Island - Day - 1917 Groups of newly arrived IMMIGRANTS are lined up outside the main building waiting for processing. The Statue of Liberty looms in the background. SUPER: Ellis Island - 1917."
  30. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 1). Immigration Officer says: "Jalmar Litvinov--Tsbirsk, Russia."
  31. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 1). Paragraph reads: "Jalmar unwraps the bundle revealing a holy icon."
  32. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 1). Paragraph reads: "It is a hinged triptych painted on wood in the Byzantine style depicting matrydom of a trio of Russian saints. The most remarkable aspect of the painting is the powerfully expressive face of its central figure."
  33. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 92). Egon Spengler: "I found the name Jalmar Litvinov in the immigration records. He came from Russia in 1906, but he came alone and I couldn't find any subsequent marriage licenses or birth certificates naming him."
  34. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 92). Ray Stantz says: "And he painted this."
  35. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 24). Paragraph reads: "He's handsome, very intense-looking, in his early or mid-thirties, and somehow threatening despite his casual demeanor. His name is JASON LOCKE."
  36. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 73). Lane Walker says: "He said he was a musician and I thought he was attractive and we started going out."
  37. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 32). Paragraph reads: "The courtroom is crowded with interested SPECTATORS and a handful of REPORTERS. Seated inconspicuously among them at the back of the room is Jason Locke."
  38. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 73). Lane Walker says: "We met at a Black Sabbath concert."
  39. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 73). Lane Walker says: "Things were good for a while but then I got pregnant and everything changed. He seemed obsessed with the baby and he was very cruel to me. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I told him to leave. I didn't see him for a long time after that but then after the baby was born he started coming around again and saying he wanted us back. Eventually I had to call the police and they told him to stay away."
  40. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 73). Egon Spengler says: "You might be interested to know that I took Gigameter readings on Jason Locke the first time you confronted him. He was reading 130 GeVs of psychomagnetic force."
  41. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 100). Jason Locke says: "Your civilization is at an end. Your whole society is about to die and your pitiful politics along with it. From the ashes of the old world a new empire will rise and I will rule--King, Czar, Emperor--first of a great dynasty. And when this body dies my spirit will reside with my son and heir."
  42. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 101). Paragraph reads: "Jason dematerializes and in his place appears Vigo the Carpathian, the mad monk; wild-eyed, full-bearded, dressed in heavily brocaded robes and Eastern-style miter of an Orthodox bishop but adorned with the symbols of his own twisted personal religion."
  43. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 104). "Paragraph reads: "A greenish glow starts to emanate from the base of the statue, then starts rising up the body as the colossal Lady is infused with evil energy. Then Vigo dashes up the stairs and enters the sculpture."
  44. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 111). "Egon Spengler says: "If we could reverse the polarity of the energy mass, theoretically the magnetic force would become repellent and dissipate into the atmosphere."
  45. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 105). "Ray Stantz says: "With a strong electrical current. The Statue is copper; it's highly conductive. In this area, the Con Ed transmission lines carry about 500 kilovolt amps. If we run that much current through our proton packs, it should produce more than enough juice to do this job."
  46. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 111). "Paragraph reads: "Then, suddenly, the throwers jump in their hands and spit two million kilowatts of electricity at the oncoming behemoth."
  47. Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 111). "Paragraph reads: "His face contorts, he bellows with rage, then explodes into dust."
  48. Ivan Reitman (2019). Ghostbusters II- Commentary (2019) (Blu-ray ts. 1:13:00-1:13:07). Sony Home Entertainment. Ivan Reitman says: "It is Max van Sydow. He came in for one day, did this quickly for us, and it was amazing."
  49. Dan Aykroyd (2019). Ghostbusters II- Commentary (2019) (Blu-ray ts. 1:38:02-1:38:08). Sony Home Entertainment. Dan Aykroyd says: "But we don't trap him. We dispatch him to the next... Next dimension, or the afterworld."
  50. Dille, Flint & Platten, John Z. (2009). Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Draft Revision February 11, 2008) (Script p. 156). Line reads: "It is a cluttered dark space and on the wall furthest from the doorway, the Fettuccine painting from the second movie is in full view."
  51. Dille, Flint & Platten, John Z. (2009). Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Draft Revision February 11, 2008) (Script p. 253). Line reads: "ROLL CREDITS-FIRST 2 minutes over a magazine cover montage of franchises opening all over the world. Last 3 minutes over black with the Vigo painting on the side, commenting on all the credits."
  52. Spook Central "Ghostbusters Fan Fest - Ghostbusters: The Video Game Panel" 35:44-35:54 10/4/19 Panelist says: "But the DLC was the planned to be Thanksgiving Day Parade. There was a Christmas level. Um, this was around Christmas. There was the Vigo painting which was its own casting fiasco."
  53. Professor Jones; After Museum of (Super)Natural History, Firehouse 2nd Floor Answering Machine Message 10 of 11 (2009). Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions) - Firehouse (2009) (PC/PS3/Xbox 360). Terminal Reality. Professor Jones says: "Professor Jones. Trying to find out information on the whereabouts of the Vigo painting. Do you have any idea what's happened to it? It's a priceless historical treasure. It belongs in a museum."
  54. Peter Venkman (2017). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters 101 #6" (2017) (Comic p.19). Peter Venkman says: "You'd be surprised. Once we shot at a painting."
  55. Ray Stantz (2024). Dark Horse Comics- "Ghostbusters: Back in Town Issue #2" (2024) (Comic p.12). Ray Stantz says: "It resurrected an evil tyrant named Vigo the Carpathian, but it turned out the pink slime also fed on positive energy."
  56. Madame Malveaux (2024). Dark Horse Comics- "Ghostbusters: Back in Town Issue #3" (2024) (Comic p.2). Madame Malveaux says: "When the Ghostbusters defeated the mighty Vigo, they severed my spiritual connection with the other side."
  57. Phoebe Spengler (2024). Dark Horse Comics- "Ghostbusters: Back in Town Issue #3" (2024) (Comic p.2). Phoebe Spengler says: "Well, Vigo was a Carpathian."
  58. Phoebe Spengler (2024). Dark Horse Comics- "Ghostbusters: Back in Town Issue #3" (2024) (Comic p.15). Phoebe Spengler says: "Was she arrested before or after you and my grandfather and Winston and Dr. Venkman defeated Vigo the Carpathian?"
  59. Ray Stantz (2024). Dark Horse Comics- "Ghostbusters: Back in Town Issue #3" (2024) (Comic p.15). Ray Stantz says: "She must have searched for Vigo's pink slime to get her abilities back."
  60. Kylie Griffin (2013). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #11" (2013) (Comic p.16). Kylie says: "It corresponds almost perfectly with wars, with genocide, the coming of Gozer, with the whole Vigo thing..."
  61. Spectral Incident Report (2016). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters International #7" (2016) (Comic p.23). Spectral Incident Report reads: "This mood slime stored a high amount of power from the emotional energy of gamblers, and Kaine was able to tap into it in a manner similar to that of Vigo the Carpathian (see form 1147-H, filed by the New York field office)."
  62. Ghostbusters 101 Class Notes (2017). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters 101 #3" (2017) (Comic p.24). Ghostbusters 101 Class Notes reads: "Used most famously by Vigo the Carpathian, pink slime is basically a nasty, gooey emotional battery."
  63. 68-R Memo (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #2" (2018) (Comic p.21). Memo reads: "In this dimension, there was no hiatus between Gozer and Vigo the Carpathian."
  64. 50-S Memo (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #6" (2018) (Comic p.21). 50-S reads: "Alan Crendall; nephew of Janosz Poha, a former thrall of Vigo the Carpathian."
  65. Bob Douglas (2020). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Year One Issue #2" (2020) (Comic p.1). Bob Douglas says: "Like just last night I dreamed this giant painting was trying to kidnap a baby, and – wait, you're still paying me for this interview, right?"
  66. Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.46). Paragraph reads: "Further investigation revealed that the Collectors had been sent after us by Janosz Poha (see entry on Vigo the Carpathian on page 64), who had been possessed by the demon Idulnas."
  67. Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.77). Paragraph reads: "Dumazu---not unlike the Carpathian Prince, Vigo---was a despotic ruler feared by his subjects."


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