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    The the_syndication_permalink() template tag can be used in templates to display the original URL (permalink) of a post that FeedWordPress has syndicated into your WordPress installation. Using the_syndication_permalink() is equivalent to directly printing the value returned by get_syndication_permalink(). This output can be used to display the URL in plain text or to incorporate it into HTML tags in your WordPress templates.


       <?php if (is_syndicated()) : ?>
         <p class="source">This syndicated post originally appeared at <a
         href="<?php the_syndication_permalink(); ?>"><?php
         the_syndication_source(); ?> on <?php the_date('j F Y'); ?></a></p>
       <?php endif; ?>

    This code snippet, when used in the WordPress Post Loop, will display a short notice on all syndicated posts, linking back to the original post from which this imported copy was syndicated.


     function the_syndication_permalink ($id = NULL)


    $id is an OPTIONAL parameter. If specified, it should contain the numerical ID of the post for which to get the original permalink URL. If $id is NULL, or not specified, FeedWordPress will display the permalink for the current post in the Post Loop.


    Outputs the URL if FeedWordPress knows the URL of the original post from which this item was syndicated; empty output if the post was not syndicated, or if the source feed did not provide a permalink for the item.

    Return value

    Does not return a value.

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