Upgrade from 6.0.1 to 6.0.5 via cli

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  • Turtullo
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2001
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    Self-Hosted Upgrade from 6.0.1 to 6.0.5 via cli


    I have cloned my server instance to make a test upgrade via CLI.
    I have overwritten 6.01 with 6.05 files
    chmoded all files to match the right group/user

    when i run

    sudo -u <userneme> php -f upgrade.php

    i get this error:

    Call to undefined method vB::get_cleaner()

    CLI ​php 8.2.20
    mariadb 10.6.18

    Do You have any suggestions how to get it going?
    What's brewing in Poland? Find out on www.Browar.biz (in Polish)
    PL: Modyfikacje vB: www.pub.net.pl
  • Answer selected by Turtullo at Wed 10 Jul '24, 8:18am.
    Wayne Luke
    vBulletin Technical Support Lead
    • Aug 2000
    • 74652
    • 6.X

    If you used PHAR previously and have switched to non-phar, you will need to delete the /core/vb/vb.phar file. The system will auto detect it and try to use it instead of the stand alone files. Older versions of a PHAR file may try to call methods that have been refactored and/or deleted from the system.


    • Wayne Luke
      vBulletin Technical Support Lead
      • Aug 2000
      • 74652
      • 6.X

      Don't use sudo… It shouldn't be necessary to run PHP scripts.

      The full an exact error would be necessary to diagnose further.
      Translations provided by Google.

      Wayne Luke
      The Rabid Badger - a vBulletin Cloud demonstration site.
      vBulletin 5 API


      • Turtullo
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2001
        • 199
        • 6.X

        Originally posted by Wayne Luke
        Don't use sudo… It shouldn't be necessary to run PHP scripts.

        The full an exact error would be necessary to diagnose further.
        Hi Wayne.

        I just followed the official guide at https://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/upgrade_cli

        Either way, when i run php -f upgrade.php i get the same one liner error, nothing less nothing more.

        Call to undefined method vB::get_cleaner()

        What's brewing in Poland? Find out on www.Browar.biz (in Polish)
        PL: Modyfikacje vB: www.pub.net.pl


        • Wayne Luke
          vBulletin Technical Support Lead
          • Aug 2000
          • 74652
          • 6.X

          The first command should actually work. -f just means "file" and can even be excluded.

          I honestly don't know why you're getting an undefined method error. I don't see a get_cleaner() method in the code base. Normally, error messages contain more detail including the file and line where the error occurs. That is the information needed to actually try to diagnose your issue. What does the php error log say?

          What version of PHP? What is the phpinfo output? Why CLI instead of Web upgrade?
          Translations provided by Google.

          Wayne Luke
          The Rabid Badger - a vBulletin Cloud demonstration site.
          vBulletin 5 API


          • Turtullo
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2001
            • 199
            • 6.X

            web upgrade shows the same error

            when debug is on, this is the output

            Call to undefined method vB::get_cleaner()

            ## phar:///.../html/core/vb/vb.phar/request/web.php(265) Exception Thrown
            #0 phar:///.../html/core/vb/vb.phar/request/web.php(41): vB_Request_Web->resolveRequestUrl()
            #1 /.../html/core/install/init.php(96): vB_Request_Web->__construct()
            #2 /.../html/core/install/upgrade.php(88): require_once('...') #3 {main}

            What's brewing in Poland? Find out on www.Browar.biz (in Polish)
            PL: Modyfikacje vB: www.pub.net.pl


            • Turtullo
              Senior Member
              • Jun 2001
              • 199
              • 6.X

              I think I have used the phar vb version earlier but now I downloaded the non-phar version if that might be of any significance.

              CLI PHP Version 8.2.20
              web PHP version 8.2.20

              What's brewing in Poland? Find out on www.Browar.biz (in Polish)
              PL: Modyfikacje vB: www.pub.net.pl


              • Turtullo
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2001
                • 199
                • 6.X

                Hi, I PMd the PHPinfo output.
                What's brewing in Poland? Find out on www.Browar.biz (in Polish)
                PL: Modyfikacje vB: www.pub.net.pl


                • Wayne Luke
                  vBulletin Technical Support Lead
                  • Aug 2000
                  • 74652
                  • 6.X

                  If you used PHAR previously and have switched to non-phar, you will need to delete the /core/vb/vb.phar file. The system will auto detect it and try to use it instead of the stand alone files. Older versions of a PHAR file may try to call methods that have been refactored and/or deleted from the system.
                  Translations provided by Google.

                  Wayne Luke
                  The Rabid Badger - a vBulletin Cloud demonstration site.
                  vBulletin 5 API


                  • Turtullo
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2001
                    • 199
                    • 6.X

                    OK, will check that. Thx.,
                    What's brewing in Poland? Find out on www.Browar.biz (in Polish)
                    PL: Modyfikacje vB: www.pub.net.pl


                    • Turtullo
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2001
                      • 199
                      • 6.X

                      Yep, that was it. old vb.phar deleted, error ceased, problem solved! Thanks.

                      Update via CLI seemed to be successful

                      The one problematic thing I have noticed - I use the VB API for some external page generation - those pages do not show now the standard header/footer like they did in 6.0.1.

                      Where can i find changes that were made to the API so I can keep track on what to update in my scripts?
                      What's brewing in Poland? Find out on www.Browar.biz (in Polish)
                      PL: Modyfikacje vB: www.pub.net.pl


                      • Wayne Luke
                        vBulletin Technical Support Lead
                        • Aug 2000
                        • 74652
                        • 6.X

                        The general page template names were changed to have a page_ prefix for grouping. You are probably calling the old templates of header and footer and they no longer exist. Instead call for page_header, page_footer, etc… You can see the entire list by listing templates in the AdminCP's Style Manager.
                        Translations provided by Google.

                        Wayne Luke
                        The Rabid Badger - a vBulletin Cloud demonstration site.
                        vBulletin 5 API


                        • Turtullo
                          Senior Member
                          • Jun 2001
                          • 199
                          • 6.X

                          Originally posted by Wayne Luke
                          The general page template names were changed to have a page_ prefix for grouping. You are probably calling the old templates of header and footer and they no longer exist. Instead call for page_header, page_footer, etc… You can see the entire list by listing templates in the AdminCP's Style Manager.
                          Perfect, thanks again
                          What's brewing in Poland? Find out on www.Browar.biz (in Polish)
                          PL: Modyfikacje vB: www.pub.net.pl


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