Google Analytics

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  • Kestryll
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2006
    • 149
    • 3.8.11

    Google Analytics

    How do you set up GA?

    I'm seeing this on the Cloud Console but I can't find it.

    You can track the web performance such as page view by adding the Google Analytics tracking code. You can sign up Google Analytics here. If you already have Google Analytics account you can enter the details in your AdminCP under Settings > Options > Google Analytics.
  • Trevor Hannant
    vBulletin Support
    • Aug 2002
    • 24479
    • 6.X

    Should be under:

    AdminCP > Settings > Options > Search Engine And Ad Integration

    The option changed name recently, I'll report the update needed in the Cloud Console
    Vote for:

    - Admin Settable Paid Subscription Reminder Timeframe (vB6)
    - Add Admin ability to auto-subscribe users to specific channel(s) (vB6)


    • Kestryll
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2006
      • 149
      • 3.8.11

      Thank you!


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