View allAll Photos Tagged blue

Due to the poor weather conditions on the South Coast of the UK for the last two evenings so I have posted an image taken last month of the fading colour of the sunset at Langstone Harbour, Hampshire.


5 second exposure using a Lee 0.6 ND grad filter.


Thanks for any comments you may wish to leave.


ilk damla çekişim..çok beğendim..-))

. . . This looks more like a taste of a Halloween to come, rather than a warm summer evening in the last official week of summer. Why did we not get this weather back in June and July??


Have a great week Facebook and Flickr friends!



Blue Jay at the end of molting as the feathers are growing back on the head.


my blue knight in "shiny" armor

every girl needs one

for the days she forgets her baseball bat.


i dedicate this to kim and ken, on their 15th anniversary! congratulations!

a prism threw a rainbow on my desk! so i threw down some textured dark green paper and my lonely marble and voila!

usually I process storm shots out in B&W.. but that little touch of blue just called to me. So color it is :)

Heavens - Colors , Focus and Flowers

many thanks for your comments faves and invites always much appreciated


and thanks for 6 .7 million views


Libellula fulva


Photographed at Westbere Lakes (Kent).

Pentax K-5

DA 15mm 4.0 Limited


Thanks for the visits, faves and comments its greatly appreciated.


Brian Piccolo Park, Fort Lauderdale, FL


Looking on me if i have more and he can hide this one

"Hai una cura per me?" "Certo," disse lui, "Conosco una cura per ogni cosa. Acqua salata." "Acqua salata?" dissi io. "sì," rispose, "In un modo o nell'altro. Sudore, o lacrime, o l'immensità del mare." Karen Blixen

Buona serata

Blue Star's,down in the Shadow's.

Explore: Jan 17, 2007 #212


Dedicated to Fouramjava (proper link to follow when I am more awake)


I am more awake now....

DEDICATED to a fabulous Flickr contact, one in a million, funny,hilarious,kind,sweet,bad,good and a zillion other adjectives that come to mind!!



راسك علامك رافعه يـوم أحاكيـك

الظاهر إني فوق حجمـك عطيتـك




Modeling: ][ baby ( aSOma ) ][ ..


taken & Editing By : ׋ THeebâ el 3ajeeba=Pp!~~ ›×


law tGoLOn mashaLLa waaaYd zaiiin =)


mashLLa mashaLLa mashaLLa pLz.



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