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Esta é a transcrição do diálogo de Tulip.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Oh... a human... well, hello. Welcome to Underworld Outfitters! It's... it's been so long since I had a customer! 1
GREETING Surprise 50 You're back! Uhm... wow! You're really back! What do you need? 2
GREETING Surprise 50 You came back! Do you need something? 3
GREETING Surprise 50 I've got just the thing for you, do you want to see it? Please say yes... 4
MS08SympathizerClue1 I'm interested in this android from the Commonwealth. Neutral 50 Ooh. We had to shut down the Railroad. Got too hot. You're endangering people by talking about it. Those Commonwealth hunters are deadly serious. {hushed and conspiratorial} 5
MS08SympathizerClue2 I know you know something about this android from the Commonwealth. Fear 10 They were looking for a surgeon and a techie to do some advanced stuff to make him seem like a different person. {hushed and conspiratorial} 6
Fear 50 But you better forget about all that for now. They shut down the Railroad. Those Commonwealth agents were starting to get close. {hushed and conspiratorial} 7
Are you part of the Railroad? What do you know about this android?
I know you're part of the Railroad. What do you know about the android? Neutral 50 They were looking for a tech wizard a while back. Someone who could fiddle with the android's memories. {hushed and conspiratorial} 8
Neutral 50 But you better stop poking around. Those Commonwealth hunters are still out there, tracking him down. We shut down the Railroad for safety. 9
Do you know where this android had his face or memory replaced?
I know you know where this android received his operations. Talk. Surprise 50 Heard Pinkerton at Rivet City fixed him up good. That robot doesn't even know he's a robot. But they are still after him. So we all better lay low. {hushed and conspiratorial} 10
Sounds like a normal guy.
Is that a hint? You want me to bribe you? No way. Disgust 50 Sheesh. Wastelanders get dumber every day. 11
What can you tell me about Mister Crowley?
Does Crowley come in here a lot? What's his angle? Neutral 50 I'm not going to rat on a customer. Unless you... you know. 12
Come on. You can tell me. Ahzrukhal said so. <Lie.>
What... oh! A bribe. Why didn't you just say so. Here's 20 caps. Disgust 50 Ooh, a big spender. {Sarcasm.} 13
Neutral 50 Well, it's better than nothing. Crowley has been outfitting himself for some big expedition. 14
Surprise 50 He's up to something, but he isn't saying what. 15
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Fear 25 Ummm. Yeah. Sorry. Don't know. {afraid the player knows the secret, trying to keep the matter secret} 16
UnderworldTulipCustomers You don't get a lot of customers, do you? Sad 50 No, not really. To tell you the truth, everyone around here who wants a gun already has one. 17
Neutral 50 I spend most of my time sitting here reading old stuff I find around here. You end up learning a lot of interesting things that way! 18
UnderworldTulipEconomy What do you do with the money you make down here? Neutral 50 Well... we spend it at Carol's. Or the Ninth Circle, but I don't like it there. 19
Neutral 50 The rest we give to Quinn to trade for stuff we need whenever he goes out. 20
UnderworldTulipServices Let me see what you have for sale. Neutral 50 If any of the armor fails to protect your life, I'll give you a full refund. 21
Let me see what you have for sale. Neutral 50 Take a look, it all works. 22
Let me see what you have for sale. Neutral 50 Sure thing, human. 23
UnderworldTulipUnderworldHistory Do you know anything about Underworld? Neutral 50 Well, yeah. There's a lot of old pamphlets and stuff down here. I've pretty much read it all. 24
UnderworldTulipUnderworldHistory1 What was this place before the Ghouls moved in? Neutral 50 It used to be part of the Museum of History. The exhibit that used to be here was focused on what happens after death: hell and whatnot. 25
Neutral 50 A lot of it was focused on this old book called "Paradise Lost." It's about a guy who goes to Hell. Pretty interesting stuff. 26
Neutral 50 I found a big box of copies of the book in one of the back rooms. Here, take one. Nobody around here wants 'em. 27
What was this place before the Ghouls moved in? Neutral 50 It used to be part of the Museum of History. The exhibit that used to be here was focused on what happens after death: Hell and whatnot. 28
Neutral 50 A lot of it was focused on this old book called "Paradise Lost." It's about a guy who goes to Hell. Pretty interesting stuff. 29
Neutral 50 You should read the copy I gave you. 30
UnderworldTulipUnderworldHistory2 How did all of the Ghouls end up here? Neutral 50 At first it was just a couple people after the war. This was one of the only places that wasn't falling down or on fire after the bombs fell. 31
Neutral 50 I think that Carol is actually one of the few that were here then. 32
Neutral 50 But, over the years, word got around. There had been Ghouls living in little pockets all around. Not really so much anymore. 33
Neutral 50 Most of them either went feral or ended up here. I'm sure there are still a few out there, but anyone with any sense is in Underworld. 34
UnderworldTulipUnderworldHistory3 Isn't it dangerous being this deep into the city? Neutral 50 Not really. The Super Mutants leave us alone. I guess whatever they do that turns people like them doesn't work on us. 35
Neutral 50 The Brotherhood of Steel will fire on us if we're out in the open, but they don't bother us down here. 36
Neutral 50 We've had some Raiders and Slavers poke their heads in, but we've got Charon and Cerberus and everyone else to take care of them. 37
Neutral 50 I guess when it comes down to it, being this far out of everyone's way is a good deal for us. 38
UnderworldTulipUnderworldHistoryEND That's all I needed to know. Neutral 50 Come back any time! It's... kind of lonely down here. 39


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Come back soon! ...please. 40
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Welcome to Underworld Outfitters! 41
HELLO Neutral 50 We'll accept caps from anyone, even a human. 42
HELLO Neutral 50 Can I help you, smoothskin? 43
HELLO Neutral 50 You'd look great in some Leather Armor. 44
HELLO Neutral 50 You here to buy, or just looking around? 45
UnderworldTalkResponseShort1 UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Hello! 46
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Hey, good to see you! Are you here to buy something? 47
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Hey there, you should check out the new stuff I have at the store. 48