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Esta é a transcrição do diálogo de Three Dog.


GNRPostQuestStatus How are things now that the power's back? Neutral 50 I can't even tell you the love that I'm getting from the Wasteland. 1
Neutral 50 Ever since GNR started singing again, the guys downstairs told me that more people than ever are tuning in. 2
Neutral 50 It's all I ever wanted. 3
GREETING GREETING Happy 50 What's up? 4
GREETING Happy 50 Hey, all right! The Hero of the Wasteland returns! 5
GREETING Surprise 80 You got the dish! I knew the Good Fight could count on you! 6
Happy 80 Now, get that sucker over to the Washington Monument pronto and I'll get to singing your praises! 7
GREETING Happy 60 No use hanging around the station. Get the dish to the top of the Washington Monument as soon as possible. 8
GREETING Happy 50 You look like someone with about a million questions. Lay 'em on me. 9
GREETING Happy 50 What else can Three Dog do for you? 10
GREETING Happy 50 I've told you the score, all you need to do is play the game. You in? 11
GREETING Happy 50 So, you ready to make a deal? Or are you just trying to get another look at my strikingly handsome face? 12
GREETING Neutral 50 The look on your face says it all. You're wondering who the heck this guy is and why you should care. Well, prepare to be enlightened. 13
Neutral 50 I am Three Dog jockey of discs and teller of truths. Lord and master over the finest radio station to grace the Wastes Galaxy News Radio. 14
Neutral 50 And you, well... I know who you are. Heard about you leavin' that Vault, travelin' the unknown. Just like dear old Dad, hmm? Met him already... 15
GREETING Neutral 50 So, you came back. That's good. The Good Fight can always use another soldier. 16
MQ01ThreeDogAngerTrack01 Give me a break. Stop mouthing off and tell me what I need to know. Disgust 50 If I was your momma, I'd tan your hide for that kind of talk. 17
Disgust 80 Since I'm not, all I'm going to do is say goodbye. 18
MQ01ThreeDogAngerTrack02 All right, I'm sorry. Happy 80 That's okay. This world has a way of getting under your skin and wiping the smile from your face. Makes you bitter. But you gotta fight that! 19
MQ01ThreeDogCT01 You know my father? Is he here? Please, I've been looking for him! Surprise 60 Hey, hey. One thing at a time. Nah, your old man ain't here. Not anymore. 20
Neutral 60 He heard ole Three Dog on the radio, figured I knew what was what out here in the Capital Wasteland. And he was right. So I filled the old man in. 21
Happy 50 But he split. Looks like I've got my way of contributing to the Good Fight... and he's got his own. 22
MQ01ThreeDogCT02a What's with the flashy introduction? Happy 60 Hey, when you're in the Good Fight, you gotta give it all you got and never ever hold back. 23
Neutral 50 Always dazzle 'em, I always say. Always dazzle 'em and spread the word. 24
MQ01ThreeDogCT02b You have about two seconds to tell me what I want to know... Surprise 80 Whoa, whoa, whoa! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. 25
Neutral 50 Why don't you just sit back and relax? 26
Happy 60 I'm not here to fight. At least, not you. Only fight I'm interested in is the Good Fight, and I wage that everyday on the airwaves. 27
MQ01ThreeDogCT02c Holy shit! You're that guy from the radio! Happy 90 Yup! Guilty as charged! He he. 28
Neutral 50 I don't usually have exposure to the public like this. It's nice to know someone's listening. 29
Happy 50 Makes carrying on the Good Fight that much easier. 30
MQ01ThreeDogCT03 Wait, why do you trust me so easily? I've never met you before. Neutral 50 The fact that the Brotherhood let you get up here tells me you're all right with them. That, and your Dad seemed a decent enough guy. 31
Happy 70 Besides, you're giving off a pretty sweet vibe right now. Maybe we can help each other out. 32
Neutral 50 But enough yakkin'. Tell me why we're talking. 33
MQ01ThreeDogCT03a How did you know what I needed? Surprise 70 Oh come on. This is Three Dog you're talking to. I got my ear to the ground and I hear the wagons coming. 34
Neutral 50 But if you want help, you're going to have to contribute to the Good Fight. 35
How did you know I was looking for my Dad? Surprise 50 Oh come on. You're a splitting image of the guy. He's been here before, and now you're here. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out. 36
Neutral 50 You want to find your dad, and it just so happens his location is known to yours truly. 37
Neutral 50 But if you want to know more, you're going to have to contribute to the Good Fight. 38
MQ01ThreeDogCT04 You don't seem like you have much to offer if you spend all your time up here. Happy 50 Hey, I may have the biggest mouth in the Capital Wasteland, but I've also got the biggest ears. 39
Neutral 50 All sorts of people pass through our little oasis in the rubble and tell all sorts of interesting things. 40
Neutral 50 You want to know something? Ask and we'll work it out. 41
MQ01ThreeDogDad If you know anything that can help me, I'd appreciate it. Happy 70 I hear things all the time. Most things aren't useful, but once and a while something will sneak up behind your girl and lift her dress. 42
Neutral 50 Consider this your lucky day. I just so happen to know the location of an old military weapons cache untouched by time. 43
Neutral 50 If you want to know more, you're going to have to contribute to the Good Fight. 44
If you know anything that can help me find my Dad, please just tell me... Neutral 50 You want to find your dad, and it just so happens his location is known to yours truly. 45
Happy 50 He was here, at Galaxy News. We had a great conversation. He's a real stand-up guy. 46
Neutral 50 If you want to know more, you're going to have to contribute to the Good Fight. 47
MQ01ThreeDogDad01 What could I ever do for you? You seem to have everything you need here. Neutral 50 I have the name and the talent, but what I don't have are people to run out and do the stuff I need. 48
Disgust 60 Sure, the Brotherhood watches over the place, yeah. But that's all they can spare. 49
Neutral 50 Galaxy News needs a doer. Someone who can go out there into that wild, wooly world and get shit done. So, you game? 50
MQ01ThreeDogDad02 Just wipe that stupid look off your face and answer my questions! Disgust 80 Whoa, whoa. Smoke a peace pipe. Take a deep breath and count to ten. Whatever it is you need to do to calm down. 51
Happy 60 You need Three Dog's help, and Three Dog needs your help. Let's get together and make it work. 52
MQ01ThreeDogDad03 Can't you just help me? Neutral 50 There are different fronts to every fight. Galaxy News Radio is one of them. 53
Sad 60 I need help with the old girl, though, cause she's hurtin'. 54
Neutral 50 So I'd like to share, I really would, but if I help you, and you just leave me hangin'... I would have failed the Fight. And that can't happen. Dig? 55
MQ01ThreeDogGoodFight01 The Good Fight? What's that all about? Happy 50 Imagine a picture, okay? A picture of the Capital Wasteland. All that brick and rock. A whole lot of nothing, right? 56
Anger 70 There's people out there trying to just barely make it by from day to day. Fighting to stay alive and make something of what they got. 57
Disgust 70 But then you've got all kinds of shit... Slavers, Super Mutants, Raiders... They all want a slice of the pie too and aim to take it by force. 58
MQ01ThreeDogGoodFight02 Whatever you say. You have your problems, I have mine. Neutral 50 Hey, not everyone's cut out for bigger and better things. Sometimes the smallest roles in the Good Fight are the most important. 59
Whatever you want. I'm just looking for my Dad. Neutral 50 Hey, not everyone's cut out for bigger and better things. Sometimes the smallest roles in the Good Fight are the most important. 60
Neutral 50 But enough of that. If it's your dad you seek, then I will abide. 61
MQ01ThreeDogGoodFight03 You're going to have a "Good Fight" on your hands if you don't help me... Surprise 80 Hey now. There's no need for that kind of talk. I'm here to help, not to hurt. 62
MQ01ThreeDogGoodFight04 So, people fight back. Sad 60 They can't, not against those kinds of enemies. They just run away and hide or they stay and die. It just ain't right. 63
Happy 50 So that's where I enter the picture. I fight the Good Fight with GNR as my gun. 64
Neutral 50 The sound of truth goes out across the Capital Wasteland. Hell, someone's got to counter that bullshit on the Enclave station. 65
MQ01ThreeDogGoodFight04Intelligence So you fight the Good Fight with your voice on Galaxy News Radio. Happy 90 Well, holy shit! Aren't you a chip off the old block? You ARE as smart as your dad. 66
Neutral 50 Since you know all about the cause, no need to explain the effect. Let's get you on your way. 67
MQ01ThreeDogGoodFight05 So, what's this about the Good Fight? Happy 70 Patience, patience. Three Dog is like a minstrel. Give him some time and your ear and he'll soothe the soul. 68
Neutral 50 So back to the tale... I fight the Good Fight with GNR as my gun. 69
Neutral 50 The truth goes out across the Capital Wasteland and with it, the word about the Good Fight. 70
MQ01ThreeDogGoodFight06 Look, I have problems of my own. I don't have time for this nonsense. Disgust 60 Hey, now... I may be many things, but one thing I'm not is a pushover. 71
Neutral 50 It's obvious you're narrow of focus and can't see the bigger picture. 72
Neutral 50 We got one rule in the Good Fight, though. You want help, you gotta contribute! 73
Look, I need to find my Dad. I don't have time for this nonsense. Disgust 60 Three Dog is many things, but one thing he isn't is a pushover. 74
Neutral 50 It's obvious you're narrow of focus and can't see the bigger picture. Fine. I may have the answers you want. 75
Neutral 50 We got one rule in the Good Fight though. You want help, you gotta' contribute! 76
MQ01ThreeDogGoodFight07 I'm amazed you're still alive. Fear 70 Oh I have plenty of enemies that would love nothing more than to put a bullet between my eyes. 77
Neutral 50 The only thing keeping that from happening is Sarah Lyons and the Brotherhood of Steel. 78
Happy 50 We've brokered a sweet deal. They keep me from taking a dirt nap, and I keep a strong roof over their head. 79
MQ01ThreeDogGoodFight08 Words don't kill people. Guns do. Neutral 50 You're absolutely right, but words get more and more people to join the cause. Guns just create more casualties on your side. 80
Neutral 50 But enough yarn spinning. Let's figure out your place in the Good Fight. Then maybe we can help you. 81
MQ01ThreeDogGoodFight09 I understand your fight, but I have other concerns of my own. Happy 50 Sorry. I'm so used to talking to an audience that can't answer I just assume you want to hear my voice all the time. 82
Neutral 50 We got one rule in the Good Fight, though. You want help, you gotta contribute! 83
I understand your fight, but I still need to find my Dad. Happy 50 Sorry. I'm so used to talking to an audience that can't answer I just assume you want to hear my voice all the time. 84
Neutral 50 So, you want to know where your dad is? Fair enough. 85
Neutral 50 We got one rule in the Good Fight though. You want help, you gotta' contribute! 86
MQ01ThreeDogGoodFight10 The guys outside are the Brotherhood of Steel? Who are they? Happy 60 From what I saw, they were the ones who saved your ass. {Coy} 87
Neutral 50 They keep the ruins Super Mutant free so people like you can get to people like me in one piece. 88
Fear 60 Without them, we'd be knee-deep in Mutie shit. 89
MQ01ThreeDogGoodFight12 I don't give a shit about your "Good Fight." You going to help me or not? Disgust 90 Ok, friend. I've been calm. I've been cool. Now I've had enough of your hostility. 90
Disgust 90 You wanna be all business, fine. I can play like that. 91
Anger 50 You want help, you help me. End of story. You ready or what? 92
I don't give a shit about your "Good Fight." You going to help me or not? Disgust 50 Ok, friend. I've been calm. I've been cool. Now I've had enough of your hostility. 93
Disgust 50 You wanna' be all business, fine. I can play like that. 94
Disgust 50 You want daddy, you help me. End of story. You ready or what? 95
MQ01ThreeDogQuestHaveDish Good news, Three Dog. I already have the dish. Surprise 80 Whoa! You must be some kind of a psychic or something! 96
Happy 50 Well, don't just stand there gawking... go bring that sucker to the Washington Monument so my lady can sing again! 97
MQ01ThreeDogQuestRefuse No way, I'm not fetching some stupid dish for you. Disgust 70 You aren't getting the dish for me, you're getting it for YOU. 98
Neutral 50 If you need some time to think it over, that's cool. But the longer GNR is quiet, the longer you have to wait. 99
MQ01ThreeDogQuestWait Let me think about this. I don't know if I'm ready. Surprise 50 Wow, and here I thought you were in a rush. Whatever, man. Chat me up when you're ready. 100
MQ01ThreeDogQuestYes You've got yourself a deal. Happy 70 He he! I sure know how to pick 'em! 101
Neutral 50 You're going to be the best thing that ever happened to Galaxy News in a long time. 102
Happy 50 If you need any more info, I'll be here waiting for you. 103
MQ01ThreeDogSkipTask01SC Look, Three Dog. If I find my Dad, maybe he can help with the Good Fight. Neutral 50 Well, your dad is some sort of scientist type. Some kind of egghead or something. 104
Neutral 50 You really think if you find him he'd help our cause? 105
MQ01ThreeDogSkipTask02 I know he will. He's always talked about doing what's right. Neutral 50 When your dad passed through here, I spent a good long time talking to him about all kinds of stuff. 106
Neutral 50 He mentioned some scientific mumbo-jumbo which didn't make sense to me... ummm... something about a "Project Purity." 107
Neutral 50 He also said something about going to visit a Doctor Li in Rivet City. Then, he left in a hurry. 108
MQ01ThreeDogSkipTask03 On second thought, maybe I should contribute. What do you have in mind? Happy 50 Well good. I'm glad to see you realize there's more to life than just what you need; that there's a bigger picture. 109
Neutral 50 Ain't gonna be easy, though. You ready for this? 110
MQ01ThreeDogSkipTask04 Rivet City? Where's that? Surprise 90 You've never heard of Rivet City? Wow. Just... wow. 111
Happy 50 Well, a whole bunch of eggheads got together and turned a beached aircraft carrier into a town. Pretty cool, huh? 112
Neutral 50 Just follow the river south from here... there's no way you can miss it. 113
MQ01ThreeDogSkipTask05 Then Rivet City is where I'm headed. Goodbye, Three Dog. Neutral 50 Goodbye. Remember to keep us tuned in while you're out there, and watch yourself. 114
Happy 70 Don't forget about your promise... make sure your dad knows about the Good Fight. 115
MQ01ThreeDogTaskCT01 I see where this is going. Neutral 50 Yep. That shiny thing was our broadcast relay. Now it's swiss cheese. Without it, our broadcast range is quite limited. 116
Disgust 60 Of course the factory that made the relay dishes is long gone. Leveled. As in, we're never gonna' scavenge that part again. 117
MQ01ThreeDogTaskCT02 I don't like the sound of this at all. Disgust 50 Oh, it gets worse. 118
Neutral 50 So, after it gets blown up I look into how to replace the sucker. 119
Neutral 50 Guess what? The factory that made the relay dishes is long gone. Leveled. As in, we'll never find that part again. 120
MQ01ThreeDogTaskCT02a Again with the damn stories. Just get to the point. Disgust 90 Fine, fine... 121
Disgust 50 Since you're too impatient to listen to the details, I'll get to the point. 122
Neutral 50 The broadcast relay on the Washington Monument needs to be replaced and there's only one replacement for it. 123
Neutral 50 It's the dish off of the old Virgo II Lunar Lander in the Museum of Technology. 124
MQ01ThreeDogTaskCT03 This is starting to sound risky. Neutral 50 It IS risky. I would never lie to you. 125
Happy 70 But there's something behind those eyes of yours that screams "I'm the one who can get shit done"! 126
Happy 50 Your dad had that same look in his eyes too. That's why Three Dog's helping you. 127
This is starting to sound risky, but I'll do anything to find my dad. Neutral 50 It IS risky. I would never lie to you. 128
Happy 50 But there's something behind those eyes of yours that screams "I'm the one that can get shit done"! 129
Happy 50 Your dad had that same look in his eyes too. That's why Three Dog's helping you. 130
MQ01ThreeDogTaskCT04 Super Mutants? Blowing things up? This sounds out of my league. Neutral 50 Hey, I understand this isn't easy. I mean, most people would be crazy to even try what I'm about to propose. 131
Happy 70 But there's something behind those eyes of yours that screams "I'm the one who can get shit done"! 132
Neutral 50 Your dad had that same look in his eyes too. That's why I'm helping you. 133
MQ01ThreeDogTaskCT04a No way in hell am I getting near a Super Mutant! Disgust 70 Look. You approached me, remember? And no one said this would be a cake walk. 134
Happy 70 But there's something behind those eyes of yours that screams "I'm the one who can get shit done!" 135
Neutral 50 Your dad had that same look in his eyes too. That's why I'm helping you. 136
MQ01ThreeDogTaskCT05 All right. How can I help? Neutral 50 One of the Brotherhood guys that passed through here mentioned seeing a dish in one of D.C.'s old museums. 137
Neutral 50 It's the dish off of the old Virgo II Lunar Lander in the Museum of Technology. 138
Neutral 50 I want you to get it and bring it to the Washington Monument to replace the bad one. That's it. 139
MQ01ThreeDogTaskCT06 I'm not sure that I can handle this, Three Dog. Sad 70 Well, I guess I was wrong about you. Maybe you don't have that spark. 140
Neutral 50 I would never make a man do what he doesn't want to do. That's what freedom is all about. 141
Disgust 50 But I have to stick to the deal. No dish, no dad. You'll be on your own. You sure you want it that way? 142
MQ01ThreeDogTaskCT06a This is bullshit! You're blackmailing me! Anger 60 I want to make sure I'm perfectly clear on this the Good Fight is bigger than you and your dad. 143
Neutral 50 I'll do whatever it takes to keep the Capital Wasteland free. Whatever. It. Takes. 144
Sad 60 And right now, without GNR at full strength, my words are being wasted. And that just ain't acceptable. 145
MQ01ThreeDogTaskTell I'm ready for anything. Fear 70 Good, 'cause this isn't going to be easy. 146
Neutral 50 Galaxy News Radio is my baby. I love it, I feed it, I keep it changed. But there's one problem, no one outside D.C. can hear her cry. 147
Neutral 50 You see, some brainless Super Mutant thought it would be funny to shoot at the shiny round thing on the Washington Monument. 148
To find my Dad, I'm ready for anything. Fear 70 Good, 'cause this isn't going to be easy. 149
Neutral 50 Galaxy News Radio is my baby. I love it, I feed it, I keep it changed. But there's one problem, no one outside D.C. can hear her cry. 150
Neutral 50 You see, some brainless Super Mutant thought it would be funny to shoot at the shiny round thing on the Washington Monument. 151
MQ01ThreeDogWait This is all a bit much for me. Let me get back to you. Surprise 90 Wow, I thought you were in a rush. Whatever, man. Chat me up when you're ready. 152
MQ02TLAfterMuseum Where's the Washington Monument? Disgust 80 Well, it's only the tallest thing left in the city. 153
Neutral 50 When you step out of the Museum, take a good look across the Mall. You can't miss it. 154
Neutral 50 Just be careful, there may still be a security barrier around it. 155
MQ02TLDirectionstotheMuseum What's the best way to get to the Museum? Neutral 50 Head out the back door of GNR and take the Collapsed Car Tunnel to the other side of Dupont. Then take the metro tunnels until you're there. 156
Happy 70 Hey, be careful though... you'll have to find another way back 'cause it's a one-way trip. 157
MQ02TLFoundDadAlternate Guess what, Three Dog. I found out where my Dad went. Surprise 100 You did? 158
Fear 70 Well, I hope that doesn't mean you're throwing in the towel. My baby still needs your help. 159
Happy 70 Tell you what. Head back out and finish what you started and I'll rummage around the place and see what I can find that'll tickle your taste buds. 160
MQ02TLTellMeAboutDad Well, yeah! Where's my Dad gone? Happy 90 When your dad passed through here, he and I talked for a good long time. He's a real stand-up kind of guy. 161
Neutral 50 He mentioned some scientific mumbo-jumbo which didn't make sense to me and mentioned something called "Project Purity". 162
Neutral 50 He also said something about going to visit a Doctor Li in Rivet City. Then, he left in a hurry. 163
MQ02TLTellMeAboutDad01 No shit! Spill it already, Three Dog. Surprise 70 Whoa now... take it easy. You asked, so I will provide. 164
Happy 70 When your dad passed through here, he and I talked for a good long time. He's a real stand-up kind of guy. 165
Neutral 50 He mentioned some scientific mumbo-jumbo which didn't make sense to me and mentioned something called "Project Purity". 166
Neutral 50 He also said something about going to visit a Doctor Li in Rivet City. Then, he left in a hurry. 167
MQ02TLTellMeAboutDad02 Please! I miss him so much! Surprise 70 Whoa now... dry your eyes. A promise is a promise and I will provide. 168
Happy 70 When your dad passed through here, he and I talked for a good long time. He's a real stand-up kind of guy. 169
Neutral 50 He mentioned some scientific mumbo-jumbo which didn't make sense to me and mentioned something called "Project Purity". 170
Neutral 50 He also said something about going to visit a Doctor Li in Rivet City. Then, he left in a hurry. 171
MQ02TLTellMeAboutGNR Galaxy News Radio, huh? What's it all about? Neutral 50 Without this place, D.C. would be filled with that crap the Enclave keeps shoveling out on their "radio station," and festering with Muties. 172
Happy 70 Someone's got to tell the Wastelanders what time it is, and Three Dog is the one to do it. 173
Neutral 50 No one knows what Eden and his Horsemen of the Apocalypse are up to, but you can be sure it isn't in the common man's best interest. 174
MQ02TLTellMeAboutMuseumofTech Do you know anything helpful about the Museum of Technology? Neutral 50 Ha! Man's monument to his own demise. All the garbage they displayed in there is the reason half of the world was blown to shit. 175
Disgust 60 That shithole is located just off the Mall. You know, that huge space in the center of the city in front of the Capitol. 176
Neutral 50 Be careful, the whole place is swarming with Super Mutants. 177
MQ02TLTellMeAboutRelay Tell me more about this relay. Neutral 50 Well, if you check out your radio, you can hear pretty good in this place. Get a few blocks away, still not too bad, maybe a little static. 178
Disgust 70 Step outside the city limits, and its snake city... nothing but "hissssssss." 179
Neutral 50 With the relay back on, you'll hear GNR clearly in the whole Capital Wasteland area like it used to be. 180
MQ02TLTellMeAboutYourself So, what's your story? Disgust 70 Three Dog's seen it all. The Capital Wasteland at its ugliest. 181
Disgust 80 People killed for scraps of food, wounded children wandering aimlessly. Some seriously fucked up shit. 182
Disgust 50 If it wasn't for the Good Fight, I think I would have gone crazy by now. 183
MQ02TellMeCache Yes, please. Neutral 50 This holotape contains the location of the weapons cache. 184
Happy 80 I hope you put them to good use and keep up the fight. 185
Neutral 50 Remember to keep us tuned in while you're out there, and watch yourself. 186
MQ02TellMeCache01 I did my part. Now it's your turn to contribute to the Good Fight. Neutral 50 This holotape contains the location of the military weapons cache. 187
Happy 80 I hope you put them to good use and keep up the fight. 188
Neutral 50 Remember to keep us tuned in while you're out there, and watch yourself. 189
MQ02TellMeCache02 Enough with the inane banter! Just tell me already. Disgust 70 Fine. Some people just don't appreciate the spoken word. 190
Happy 80 This holotape contains the location of the military weapons cache. I hope you put them to good use and keep up the fight. 191
Neutral 50 Remember to keep us tuned in while you're out there, and watch yourself. 192
MQ02TellMeCacheAlternate01 I guess this is goodbye then. It's been a pleasure, Three Dog. Happy 80 Now hang on a second there. Three Dog can't let you walk away from here empty-handed like this. 193
Happy 60 I heard you found out about your Dad on your own, and yet you went ahead and kept your promise to me. That takes some real moxie, kid. 194
Happy 80 Here, I want you to take this. I was saving it for someone special... someone who could really help with the Good Fight. 195
Happy 70 It contains the location of an old weapons cache. You're welcome to help yourself to anything inside. 196
MQ02TellMeCacheAlternate02 Well, you got what you wanted, and I already know about Dad, so... Happy 60 Yeah, I heard you found out about your Dad, and yet you went ahead and kept your promise to me. That takes some real moxie, kid. 197
Happy 80 Three Dog can't let you walk away from here empty-handed after all that. 198
Happy 80 Here, I want you to take this. I was saving it for someone special... someone who could really help with the Good Fight. 199
Happy 70 It contains the location of an old weapons cache. You're welcome to help yourself to anything inside. 200
MQ02TellMeCacheAlternate03 Look, I already know about my Dad, so this was all a waste of time. Anger 80 Don't ever let anyone make you think that fighting the Good Fight is a waste of time! 201
Disgust 60 Whether you like it or not, you just made a difference in the world. 202
Neutral 50 Here, I want you to take this. I was saving it for someone special... someone who could really help with the Good Fight. 203
Neutral 50 It contains the location of an old weapons cache. You're welcome to help yourself to anything inside. 204
MQ02ThreeDogBailout Let me ask you something else. Neutral 50 Okay. Go for it. 205
MQ02ThreeDogCT01 Thanks, Three Dog. I was just glad to help with the Good Fight. Happy 100 Hey, you're the one who deserves all the thanks! You struck a major blow against tyranny! 206
Happy 70 Now GNR can be heard clear across the Capital Wasteland again. That'll give Eden and those Muties something to think about. 207
Thanks, Three Dog. I was just glad to help with the Good Fight. Happy 100 Hey, you're the one who deserves all the thanks! You struck a major blow against tyranny! 208
Happy 70 Now GNR can be heard clear across the Capital Wasteland again. That'll give Eden and those Muties something to think about. 209
Neutral 50 But before I get back to my calling, I bet you wanna hear about that military weapons cache. 210
Thanks, Three Dog. I was just glad to help with the Good Fight. Happy 50 Hey, you're the one who deserves all the thanks! You struck a major blow against tyranny! 211
Neutral 50 Now GNR can be heard clear across the Capital Wasteland again. That'll give Eden and those Muties something to think about. 212
Neutral 50 But before I get back to my calling, I bet you wanna hear about your Dad. 213
MQ02ThreeDogCT01a I did what had to be done. Happy 90 And well done indeed. 214
Neutral 50 Now GNR can be heard clear across the Capital Wasteland again. That'll give Eden and those Muties something to think about. 215
I did what had to be done. Happy 90 And well done indeed. 216
Neutral 50 Now GNR can be heard clear across the Capital Wasteland again. That'll give Eden and those Muties something to think about. 217
Neutral 50 But before I get back to my calling, I bet you wanna hear about that military weapons cache. 218
I did what had to be done. Happy 90 And well done indeed. 219
Neutral 50 Now GNR can be heard clear across the Capital Wasteland again. That'll give Eden and those Muties something to think about. 220
Neutral 50 But before I get back to my calling, I bet you wanna hear about your Dad. 221
MQ02ThreeDogCT02 Yeah, yeah. It was the thrill of a freakin' lifetime. Disgust 80 Smoke a peace pipe, man. You know, you are so unlike your father... 222
Yeah, yeah. It was the thrill of a freakin' lifetime. Disgust 80 Smoke a peace pipe, man. You know, you are so unlike your father... 223
Neutral 50 I suppose that's what you wanna know about that military weapons cache next? 224
Yeah, yeah. It was the thrill of a freakin' lifetime. Sad 80 Smoke a peace pipe, man. You know, you are so unlike your father... 225
Neutral 50 I suppose that's what you wanna know next? 226
MQ02ThreeDogCT03 Rivet City? Where's that? Surprise 90 You've never heard of Rivet City? Wow. Just... wow. 227
Neutral 50 Well, a whole bunch of people got together and turned a beached aircraft carrier into a town. Pretty cool, huh? 228
Happy 50 Just follow the river south from here... there's no way you can miss it. 229
MQ02ThreeDogCT04 Then Rivet City is where I'm headed. Goodbye, Three Dog. Happy 50 Goodbye. Remember to keep us tuned in while you're out there, and watch yourself. 230
MQ02ThreeDogCT05 What kind of bullshit is this? That's all you know? Disgust 50 Look, I appreciate what you did for me. And I especially appreciate what you did for the people, by fixing up my station. 231
Neutral 50 But an attitude like that ain't winning you any brownie points. 232
Disgust 60 That's all I know, and that's all I'm gonna say about it. So why don't you move on now. 233
MQ02ThreeDogHistoryCT01 Why bother operating Galaxy News Radio? Disgust 50 Why candy-coat the news when the world is in danger? 234
Neutral 50 People like the Enclave would have you believe everything is calm and totally under control. They're lying. 235
Neutral 50 Hell, President Eden goes around spreading peace, love and government, but no one even knows how old that Enclave signal really is. 236
Happy 70 People need to hear the truth. It's a harsh world. We've got to work together to make it better. Not wait for Uncle Sam to ride in and save the day. 237
Why is Galaxy News Radio so important? Disgust 50 Why candy-coat the news when the world is in danger? 238
Neutral 50 And now that we know the Enclave isn't a figment of everyone's imagination, my work is even more important. 239
Happy 70 People need to know the truth about President Eden and his goons. Those fascists won't stop until they control every last one of us. 240
MQ02ThreeDogHistoryCT02 You're safe up here in your fortress. What do you know about fighting? Disgust 80 You've got to understand! If I die, so does the voice of the people! I can't take that risk. 241
Disgust 70 Your idea of saving the world means combing through the rubble and using a gun. I use my voice. We're two sides of the same coin. 242
Disgust 60 If you think always being a target of your enemies is "safe," then you got a funny way of looking at things. 243
MQ02ThreeDogHistoryCT03 I wish I could have met your parents. I bet they were... interesting. Surprise 90 Parents? Ha! I was born from the sun and have sand in my veins. 244
Happy 50 Ha ha! Just messing with you. 245
Neutral 50 My parents were very cool. They preached all about the haters and their bullshit... how to tell the propaganda from the real deal. 246
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 I like what you're saying but this is bigger than just you and your dad. 247
Neutral 50 If you want help from Galaxy News, you need to contribute to Galaxy News. That's all there is to it. 248


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Anytime you need a place to crash, duck in here. Be glad to provide. 249
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Right on, right on. Keep your radio tuned to GNR for the real gospel. 250
HELLO HELLO Happy 70 Well... well. Look at what we have here. 251
HELLO Happy 70 Fight the Good Fight, brother. 252
HELLO Happy 70 Fight the Good Fight, sister. 253
HELLO Happy 70 If you're here to help, you got Three Dog's ears. 254
HELLO Happy 70 Don't worry, the Three Dog doesn't bite. 255
HELLO Happy 70 You're safe up here, no worries. 256
HELLO Happy 70 Welcome to the eyes and ears of D.C. 257
HELLO Happy 60 Power to the people, eh kid? 258
HELLO Happy 60 Smooth moves, kid. Smooth moves. 259
HELLO Happy 60 Looks like the Good Fight has gained a new ally. 260
HELLO Happy 60 You got questions, I'm your answer man. 261
HELLO Happy 60 I'm sensing that you have more to say. Well, go on. 262
HELLO Happy 60 Got more on your mind, huh? 263
HELLO Happy 60 Wow kid, you look like you've got ten pounds of worry stuffed into a five pound box. Why don't you take a load off and tell me about it. 264
HELLO Happy 60 Bend my ear... I won't bite. 265
HELLO Happy 60 Got something on your mind? Spill it. 266
HELLO Happy 50 You look like you've got ten pounds of worry stuffed into a five pound box. 267


RadioGNRMusicExtroSpecific RadioGNRMusicExtroSpecific Neutral 50 That was the Ink Spots, with "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire." 268
RadioGNRMusicExtroSpecific Neutral 50 That was the Ink Spots, with "Maybe." 269
RadioGNRMusicExtroSpecific Neutral 50 That was Bob Crosby with "Happy Times." 270
RadioGNRMusicExtroSpecific Neutral 50 That was Bob Crosby with "Way Back Home." 271
RadioGNRMusicExtroSpecific Neutral 50 That was Roy Brown with "Butcher Pete." 272
RadioGNRMusicExtroSpecific Neutral 50 That was Roy Brown with "Mighty Mighty Man." 273
RadioGNRMusicExtroSpecific Neutral 50 That was Billie Holiday with "Crazy He Calls Me." 274
RadioGNRMusicExtroSpecific Neutral 50 That was Billie Holiday with "Easy Living." 275
RadioGNRMusicExtroSpecific Neutral 50 That was Danny Kaye and the Andrew Sisters with "Civilization." 276
RadioGNRMusicExtroSpecific Neutral 50 That was Ella Fitzgerald with "Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall." 277
RadioGNRMusicExtroSpecific Neutral 50 That was Tex Beneke with "A Wonderful Guy." 278
RadioGNRMusicExtroSpecific Neutral 50 That was Cole Porter with "Anything Goes." 279
RadioGNRMusicIntroGeneric RadioGNRMusicIntroGeneric Neutral 50 Now... some music. 280
RadioGNRMusicIntroGeneric Neutral 50 And now... some music. 281
RadioGNRMusicIntroSpecific RadioGNRMusicIntroSpecific Neutral 50 It's Cole Porter and "Anything Goes." 282
RadioGNRMusicIntroSpecific Neutral 50 Here's Tex Beneke with... "A Wonderful Guy." 283
RadioGNRMusicIntroSpecific Neutral 50 It's the "First Lady of Song" herself, Miss Ella Fitzgerald, telling us that, "Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall." Ain't that the truth, sister. 284
RadioGNRMusicIntroSpecific Neutral 50 Here's Danny Kaye and Andrew Sisters, crooning about - what else? - "Civilization." 285
RadioGNRMusicIntroSpecific Neutral 50 How about some "Easy Living," from everyone' favorite songstress, Billie Holiday? 286
RadioGNRMusicIntroSpecific Neutral 50 It's Billie Holiday with... "Crazy He Calls Me." 287
RadioGNRMusicIntroSpecific Neutral 50 Up next is Roy Brown, tellin' us all about that, "Mighty Mighty Man." 288
RadioGNRMusicIntroSpecific Neutral 50 It's Roy Brown, singin' about the one, the only, "Butcher Pete"! 289
RadioGNRMusicIntroSpecific Neutral 50 This is Bob Crosby, takin' us, "Way Back Home." 290
RadioGNRMusicIntroSpecific Neutral 50 Here's Bob Crosby, singin' to us all about, "Happy Times." 291
RadioGNRMusicIntroSpecific Neutral 50 It's the Ink Spots, and "Maybe." 292
RadioGNRMusicIntroSpecific Neutral 50 This is the Ink Spots, with their timeless classic, "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire." 293
RadioGNRNewsLink RadioGNRNewsLink Neutral 50 Here's the latest news. Unemployment is down, stocks are up, and the U.N. has just declared global peace forever! Now the real news. *Sigh* 294
RadioGNRNewsLink Neutral 50 Everyone ready for the Capital Wasteland's latest news? Me neither, but it's that time again. 295
RadioGNRNewsLink Neutral 50 What rhymes with "shoes" and often gives you the blues? That's right, it's time for the cashews! Okay, that doesn't really rhyme. How 'boutà news? 296
RadioGNRNewsLink Neutral 50 Let me ask you something, children. You hungry for some 200-year old Salisbury steak, or you hungry for some news? I'm guessing news. Here ya go. 297
RadioGNRNewsLink Neutral 50 Seems we've got a bit of news. Just listen to this. 298
RadioGNRNewsLink Neutral 50 News time, children. 299
RadioGNRNewsLink Neutral 50 We interrupt our regularly scheduled program for some news. 300
RadioGNRNewsLink Neutral 50 Ah yes, time for the news. 301
RadioGNRNewsLink Neutral 50 And here's... me! With the news. 302
RadioGNRNewsLink Neutral 50 Got lots of stuff goin' down in Post Apocalyptia these days. Here some of the latest news. 303
RadioGNRNewsPost RadioGNRNewsPost Neutral 50 Sigh. I think we've lost this one, folks. Good kid goes bad, it's the story of the Wasteland, right? It's a sad, sad day for us all. 304
RadioGNRNewsPost Neutral 50 Kid, if you're listening? Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice - fuck you, you worthless piece of shit. 305
RadioGNRNewsPost Neutral 50 The kid from Vault 101 had ole Three Dog fooled. I had her pegged as one of the good guys and then, BAM she goes and acts all... evil. 306
RadioGNRNewsPost Neutral 50 The kid from Vault 101 had ole Three Dog fooled. I had him pegged as one of the good guys and then, BAM he goes and acts all... evil. 307
RadioGNRNewsPost Neutral 50 Is there not one human being with a shred of decency left in this entire back-asswards Wasteland? 308
RadioGNRNewsPost Neutral 50 Why? Why why why why why? Aggh! Faithful listeners, I'm disappointed. And you should be too. 309
RadioGNRNewsPost Neutral 50 Again with the evil kid doing good things. I ask you, folks - has a soul been saved? Keep fighting the Good Fight, kid. We're rootin' for ya. 310
RadioGNRNewsPost Neutral 50 Kid, if you're listening - you did a good thing. Please, for all our sakes, keep it up. There are enough evil assholes out there already. 311
RadioGNRNewsPost Neutral 50 But now, for some miraculous reason, She's had a change of heart! She's actually done something that can be considered - dare I say it? - "good"! 312
RadioGNRNewsPost Neutral 50 But now, for some miraculous reason, he's had a change of heart! He's actually done something that can be considered - dare I say it? - "good"! 313
RadioGNRNewsPost Neutral 50 My, my. What a curious turn of events. So here we have the kid from Vault 101, who by all accounts has a soul as black as charred Brahmin meat. 314
RadioGNRNewsPost Neutral 50 Thanks for listening, children. This is Three Dog, and you're listening to Galaxy News Radio. We're Radio Free Wasteland, and we're here... for you. 315
RadioGNRNewsPost Neutral 50 Until next time, this is Three Dog, and you're listening to Galaxy News Radio, Bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts. 316
RadioGNRNewsStoryDad RadioGNRNewsStoryDad Neutral 50 Whoever lives in there sure as hell doesn't want what you're selling, and no, you can't knock down the door. It weighs like 13 tons. 317
RadioGNRNewsStoryDad Neutral 50 Hey, and in case a light bulb just started glowin' over your head, you can flick the switch and forget about it. You're not getting into that vault. 318
RadioGNRNewsStoryDad Neutral 50 So if you see James out there, you say hello. Be kind to our new brother, and show him that here on the outside, we always fight the good fight. 319
RadioGNRNewsStoryDad Neutral 50 So I, the great and powerful Three Dog, set my brother straight. I told him what was what. Who are the winners, the losers, the movers and shakers. 320
RadioGNRNewsStoryDad Neutral 50 Now, this cat, James is his name, had been in a hole for years! He needed to know what was what out here in the beautiful Capital Wasteland! 321
RadioGNRNewsStoryDad Neutral 50 Well wouldn't you know it, someone's come out of it again! And, I kid you not, he came to visit yours truly right here in the studio! 322
RadioGNRNewsStoryDad Neutral 50 Now, believe it or not, this one's still got people livin' in it! And every few years or so, someone comes scrabblin' out. 323
RadioGNRNewsStoryDad Neutral 50 For those of you not in the know, to the northwest of Megaton there's this vault. Vault 101. 324
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric01 RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric01 Neutral 50 So if your travels take you to Canterbury Commons, keep your head down and your assault rifle loaded for crazy. 325
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric01 Neutral 50 Every day it seems to be the same nutty scene, with the scuffles ending in a stalemate. 326
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric01 Neutral 50 One of these wackos seems to be assisted by robots, and the other by mutated bugs. 327
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric01 Neutral 50 I've been getting some scattered reports that a couple of costumed kooks have been battling for control of the settlement called Canterbury Commons. 328
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric01 Neutral 50 All right, Three Dog has heard about some crazy things going on out there in the Capital Wasteland, but this one just might beat them all. 329
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric02 RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric02 Neutral 50 That, my friends, is fighting the good fight. 330
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric02 Neutral 50 These guys are schemers, crooks, and killers, and the sooner you all realize that and stand up to their oppression, the better. 331
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric02 Neutral 50 Wake up, children the Enclave have a giant truck full 'o Brahmin, and they've been spoon-feeding you the bullshit. 332
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric02 Neutral 50 The Enclave, and that includes their Homecoming King, "President" John Henry Eden and his gorilla Colonel Augustus Autumn, are NOT here to help you. 333
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric02 Neutral 50 Children, I don't care if you've ignored every other word that's come out of my mouth for the past five years. Please. Hear me now, and believe. 334
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric02 Neutral 50 From Rivet City to downtown D.C., the Enclave is on the scene and setting up shop. 335
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric02 Neutral 50 Good golly, Holly. This is the worst thing to happen to our neighborhood since the HOA instituted their mandatory "scavenged rags" dress code. 336
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric03 RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric03 Neutral 50 So if you're out by Grayditch, you may want to pop in and see what's what. 337
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric03 Neutral 50 Residents haven't come out to trade with the caravaners, and attempts to make contact have been met with... silence. 338
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric03 Neutral 50 Okay... it seems the settlement of Grayditch has gone quiet. 339
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric04 RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric04 Neutral 50 Come on, Al, cut the Ghoulies a break. If they've got the caps and you've got the space, it's a win-win, right? Whadaya say? 340
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric04 Neutral 50 Ah, but lush at large Allistair Tenpenny says, "No zombies, no how!" 341
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric04 Neutral 50 According to reports from the ever so hoity toity Tenpenny Tower, a group of displaced Ghouls have been trying to gain entrance. 342
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric05 RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric05 Neutral 50 The rest of you Brotherhood cats can't you extend an olive branch or something? You'd think fighting the Super Mutants would be enough... 343
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric05 Neutral 50 So, Brotherhood Outcasts knock it off! I'd prefer not to get murdered in my own backyard. 344
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric05 Neutral 50 But when the Outcasts decide to take pot shots at my building which the Brotherhood uses as an outpost I make an exception. 345
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric05 Neutral 50 Now, normally, family squabbles are none of my business. 346
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric05 Neutral 50 Tensions continue to mount between the courageous forces of the Brotherhood of Steel and their estranged brethren, the Outcasts. 347
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric06 RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric06 Neutral 50 Today's weather excessively violent, with a chance of dismemberment. Tune in later for our 5-day forecast. 348
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric07 RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric07 Neutral 50 So if you see a Knight or Paladin out there fighting your battles for you, give him a big thanks. Or even better some ammo. 349
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric07 Neutral 50 Without our buddies from the Brotherhood, I'm guessing the entire Capital Wasteland would have been overrun a long time ago. 350
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric07 Neutral 50 They've recently stepped up patrols in the downtown D.C. ruins in response to increasing sightings of everybody's favorite freaks, the Super Mutants. 351
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric07 Neutral 50 The boys and girls of the Brotherhood of Steel continue to fight the good fight, folks. 352
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric08 RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric08 Neutral 50 Word is, these guys take all the contracts the other mercs won't. In short there's nothing they won't do. So be careful out there. 353
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric08 Neutral 50 If you see these hombres, steer clear. Whatever you have, they want, and they're not really into asking politely. 354
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric08 Neutral 50 I've been getting more and more reports of these mercenary maniacs from Talon Company, especially in the downtown D.C. area. 355
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric09 RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric09 Neutral 50 Keep that in mind the next time you feel like nosing around that neighborhood. 356
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric09 Neutral 50 There have been more and more sightings of Raiders over by Evergreen Mills. Smart money's on them having some kind of camp out that way. 357
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric10 RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric10 Neutral 50 Look, it was years ago, and I MAY have been experimenting with Jet at the time, but IÆm telling you, itÆs out there... 358
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric10 Neutral 50 A veritable Oasis of green in that depressing sea of brown. 359
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric10 Neutral 50 Now what if I, the all-powerful Three Dog, were to tell you that somewhere right here in the Capital Wasteland, thereÆs a place with LOTS of trees. 360
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric10 Neutral 50 No, no, no. Not those shriveled black things. IÆm talking real trees. Brown bark, green leaves, photosynthesis, all that good stuff. 361
RadioGNRNewsStoryGeneric10 Neutral 50 Here's a question for all you faithful listeners. Have you guys and gals ever seen... a tree? 362
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031A RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031A Neutral 50 So get your glasses ready, children. This round's on me. 363
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031A Neutral 50 As I speak, the Brotherhood is working with Rivet City security to get that fresh water to the Wasteland. The caravans are coming! 364
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031A Neutral 50 God, ain't that beautiful? But even better, it's finally happened! The water is clean, and hell yes, it's free! Just a little patience, children. 365
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031A Neutral 50 See, she was a scientist too, worked on that project. You know what she wanted? "The waters of life. Free and clean, for any and all." 366
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031A Neutral 50 Now you all remember James, right? Father of 101? Well, Three Dog has learned that back in the day, James' wife had a dream. 367
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031A Neutral 50 Two weeks. It's been two weeks since our boys in Power Armor kicked those Enclave bastards out of Project Purity, and started that baby chugging. 368
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031B RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031B Neutral 50 Three Dog's advice? If you've got one of those Mister Dandy butler bots, have him make you some purified water, and count yourself lucky. 369
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031B Neutral 50 The water going 'round may be free, but it sure as hell ain't clean. So when you see that caravan comin', tell 'em to keep on going. 370
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031B Neutral 50 Coincidence? Three Dog thinks not. For all their good intentions, it looks like those eggheads at the Jefferson Memorial screwed up royally. 371
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031B Neutral 50 It also happens that this new illness ONLY started showin' up AFTER the Brotherhood started distributing so-called "clean" water from that purifier. 372
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031B Neutral 50 Experience would tell ya this is your garden variety radiation sickness, but nuh uh. This is something else, children. Something worse. Much worse. 373
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031B Neutral 50 People are gettin' sick. Sicker than usual, I mean. Weakness, nausea, you name it. Even a couple of deaths reported. 374
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC031B Neutral 50 All righty, children, time to let you know about yet another problem plaguing our tranquil little post-apocalyptic neighborhood. 375
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC032 RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC032 Neutral 50 The Enclave's been responsible for enough death and destruction. We need to get back to normal. You know, like fighting Raiders and Super Mutants. 376
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC032 Neutral 50 You know, some laser beams here, a few exploded corpses there. Let's just hope this mop up operation ends ASAP. 377
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC032 Neutral 50 But the fight, dear children, did not end there. The Brotherhood has been pursuing "President" Eden's little minions throughout the Wasteland. 378
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericDLC032 Neutral 50 It's been some time since those plucky paladins in Power Armor first stormed the Jefferson Memorial and gave the Enclave their walking papers. 379
RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericRELAY RadioGNRNewsRELAY Neutral 50 380
RadioGNRNewsRELAY Neutral 50 381
RadioGNRNewsRELAY Neutral 50 382
RadioGNRNewsRELAY Neutral 50 383
RadioGNRNewsRELAY Neutral 50 384
RadioGNRNewsRELAY Neutral 50 385
RadioGNRNewsRELAY Neutral 50 386
RadioGNRNewsRELAY Neutral 50 387
RadioGNRNewsRELAY Neutral 50 388
RadioGNRNewsRELAY Neutral 50 389
RadioGNRNewsRELAY Neutral 50 390
RadioGNRNewsRELAY Neutral 50 391
RadioGNRNewsRELAY Neutral 50 392
RadioGNRPSAInfos RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 Those Feral Ghouls that prefer the dark, dank underground? They ARE basically mindless zombies. So kill as many as you damn well please. 393
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 Ah yes, one important caveat, kiddies. 394
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 So please, if you meet one of the Capital Wasteland's many Ghouls, leave your prejudice at the door an your pistol in its holster. 395
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 Sure, they may look like hideous zombies from an old monster flick, but their hearts, their souls, their tears are all very much human. 396
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 You see, children, Ghouls are simply humans who've been exposed to an ungodly amount of radiation and haven't had the good fortune to die. 397
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 Just a friendly reminder to all you would-be bigots out there Ghouls are people too. 398
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 So run, hide or fight if you've got the balls and the guns. But for God's sake, don't go wavin' the white flag. They'll just strangle you with it. 399
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 Raiders can't be bargained or reasoned with, and there ain't no use surrenderin', cause they'll just shoot you anyway. 400
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 When these psychos come to play, they have one thing on their minds making your life as fucking miserable as humanly possible. 401
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 Remember, children, when the Raiders come, there ain't no shame in locking your doors, barricading the windows, and cowering under the nearest bed. 402
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 Consider yourself officially warned. 403
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 According to most of our reports on the Super Mutants, they actually prefer capturing their victims and hauling them off to God-knows-where. 404
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 You see, children, the Frankensteins might violently and horrifically rip you to shreds but only if you're lucky. 405
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 For all you guys and gals tempted by the thought of scavving in the downtown D.C. ruins, here's a tip... 406
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 So be smart. Salvage those parts and make repairs whenever you can. 407
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 If your weapon is falling apart, the only Wasteland asshole it's gonna kill is you. 408
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 Listen kiddos, never forget the importance of periodic weapon maintenance. Rifle, pistol, police baton I don't care which. 409
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 Don't feed the Yao Guai! That is all. 410
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 If you do need to head into the heat, be smart give yourself a nice boost of RadX first. Remember, only you can prevent human flesh fires. 411
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 Keep your eyes on those geiger counters, kids. Tick, tick, tickety means run your ass outta there, and then pop some RadAway for good measure. 412
RadioGNRPSAInfos Neutral 50 We all know the dangers of radiation, but with the right precautions, you CAN prevent accidental death or even eewww ghoulification. 413
RadioGNRPSAIntro RadioGNRPSAIntro Neutral 50 Time once again for an important GNR Public Service Announcement. 414
RadioGNRPSAIntro Neutral 50 Now listen close for this important Public Service Announcement. 415
RadioGNRPSAIntro Neutral 50 Up next we've got a Public Service Announcement. Listen up, children. This stuff's important. 416
RadioGNRPSAIntro Neutral 50 And now, a super important Public Service Announcement. 417
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsCG04 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsCG04 Neutral 50 What the hell is going on down there? Revolution? Vacation? Somebody fart? Your guess is as good as mine, kiddies. 418
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsCG04 Neutral 50 Turns out it gets better. I've got a new report here that says someone ELSE has just climbed out of that hole! 419
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsCG04 Neutral 50 Not too long ago, I reported that a cat recently left Vault 101. His name is James. Good guy. 420
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsCG04 Neutral 50 421
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS1 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS1 Neutral 50 Look Lyons, I love you guys, you know I do, but your tin soldiers better get these Enclave assholes in check, once and for all, or we're all screwed. 422
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS1 Neutral 50 Brothers of Steel, what's the deal? If Prime can go down, what about the rest of us? Are we sitting ducks for some kind of new Enclave terror? 423
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS1 Neutral 50 The Enclave are supposedly beaten, bruised, and on the run, but they have the firepower capable of destroying a 100-foot tall robot? 424
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS1 Neutral 50 No, I'm not really sure how, cause yeah, it would take a hell of weapon to take out that gigantic G.I. And that's what worries me. 425
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS1 Neutral 50 That's right, children, I have received word that Liberty Prime, the Brotherhood of Steel's super duper super robot, has been killed. By the Enclave. 426
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS1 Neutral 50 This grunt stands 100 feet tall, is made of some kind of metal alloy, and slings nukes like a quarterback chucks footballs. 427
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS1 Neutral 50 Now imagine the tragic and untimely demise of the most amazing American hero the Capital Wasteland has ever seen. 428
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS1 Neutral 50 It's always a sad day when a soldier falls in the line of battle. And the greater the soldier, the deeper the grief. 429
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS1 Neutral 50 If there's one thing I wish I could find out there in the rubble, it's a working bugle, cause Three Dog wants to play some Taps. 430
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS2 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS2 Neutral 50 Don't you worry children. Three Dog's got his ear to the ground and his mic on standby. As soon as I know more, you'll know more. 431
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS2 Neutral 50 And does this have something to do with the shinies from the Brotherhood of Steel, who seem poised to pounce once again? 432
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS2 Neutral 50 Just what is she up to? Is the kid looking for something to use for the Enclave, or against them? 433
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS2 Neutral 50 Just what is he up to? Is the kid looking for something to use for the Enclave, or against them? 434
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS2 Neutral 50 My flies on the wall tell me that 101 was seen dodging Deathclaws and gathering up as much used tech as she could carry. 435
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS2 Neutral 50 My flies on the wall tell me that 101 was seen dodging Deathclaws and gathering up as much used tech as he could carry. 436
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS2 Neutral 50 But wouldn't you know it, that kid from Vault 101 has once again proven the exception to the rule. 437
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS2 Neutral 50 Lucky he made it out alive. Most people don't. At least not in one piece. 438
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS2 Neutral 50 I met a guy once, name was Johnny 12 Fingers, had one arm. Turns out the other one was ripped off while he was scavving in Deathclaw central. 439
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS2 Neutral 50 Ah, but you locals, you know the place. Am I right? It's become a veritable Wasteland legend. Why? Cause it's filled with goddamned Deathclaws! 440
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS2 Neutral 50 There's one place you find on a tourist map of D.C. and it's lovely suburbs, and that's the cozy little villa known as Old Olney. 441
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 Neutral 50 And if you see that kid from Vault 101, pass along your thanks, cause the Brotherhood did NOT act alone. Thank you 101! 442
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 Neutral 50 So if you see some Enclave rejects wandering around, have pity! They're homeless, after all. 443
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 Neutral 50 Children, I am pleased to announce that the beautiful Brotherhood has mangled the last base those Enclave bastards had left! 444
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 Neutral 50 Now, the Brotherhood of Steel may have taken care of those losers back at that new-fangled faucet called Project Purity. But they weren't done! 445
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 Neutral 50 Man, I thought that blow-hard Eden was just a pre-recorded pain-in-my-ass. That was before devil-headed stormtroopers moved into the neighborhood. 446
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 Neutral 50 We've had our share o' problems here in beautiful Washington D.C., but did any of us really see those Enclave idiots coming? 447
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 Neutral 50 Why, 101? Why has it come to this? Children, pray for the soul of that lone wanderer, and pray for the rest of us too, while you're at it. 448
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 Neutral 50 It's a dark day for us all, when someone sees fit to destroy the only guys standing between us and complete obliteration. 449
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 Neutral 50 And, my sources tell me, this is the same hail of hellfire that destroyed Liberty Prime himself. Looks like an Enclave super weapon at work. 450
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 Neutral 50 As reported by loads of people around the Capital Wasteland, missiles rained down from the sky and left the Citadel a big smoking crater. 451
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 Neutral 50 Wrong, my children. So very wrong. I really can't believe I'm saying this, but the concrete casa of those shiny guys with big guns has gone kablooey. 452
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 Neutral 50 But that would be impossible, right? Nobody would have the power, the opportunity, or the giant gorilla-sized balls to destroy the Citadel. Right? 453
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsDLC03BS3 Neutral 50 Not too long ago, I saw a big boom from my bedroom, in the direction of that bastion of neo-knightly badassness. 454
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ01 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ01 Neutral 50 And for all you other cats out there listening, if you see the kid from Vault 101 out there, give her a pat on the back and wish her luck. 455
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ01 Neutral 50 And for all you other cats out there listening, if you see the kid from Vault 101 out there, give him a pat on the back and wish him luck. 456
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ01 Neutral 50 But James, if you're listening... Your kid's out, man, and she misses you. So you might want to find her before she gets swallowed up and spit out. 457
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ01 Neutral 50 But James, if you're listening... Your kid's out, man, and he misses you. So you might want to find him before he gets swallowed up and spit out. 458
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ01 Neutral 50 Is that why he left the vault? Looks that way. So who knows, maybe James is going to save the world. Can't think of a better cause than that. 459
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ01 Neutral 50 See, James left Vault 101 without telling the kid why. Now, I've since learned that James is a scientist and is working on something big. 460
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ01 Neutral 50 I know! I know! I couldn't make this shit up! Okay, but now it gets kind of sad. You see, the kid is looking for her dad, looking for James. 461
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ01 Neutral 50 I know! I know! I couldn't make this shit up! Okay, but now it gets kind of sad. You see, the kid is looking for his dad, looking for James. 462
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ01 Neutral 50 Now. You want to know if it gets better, don't you? Well hell YES it gets better! Turns out vault dweller #2 was none other than James's kid! 463
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ01 Neutral 50 Weeeeelll... Guess who came to visit ole' Three Dog at his luxurious studio in beautiful downtown D.C.? That's right - the other vault dweller! 464
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ01 Neutral 50 Okay, so I told you about James, the guy from the vault. And then I told you somebody else crawled outta there too. Right. 465
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ01 Neutral 50 Hoooooo BOY! Children, you are going to LOVE this. 466
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ02 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ02 Neutral 50 Kid, you get your ass back to GNR, you hear me? We've got some stuff to talk about! 467
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ02 Neutral 50 From here on in, it's bye-bye stupid static, hello magnificent music. So sit back, relax, and absorb these classic tunes. 468
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ02 Neutral 50 Because of the kid from Vault 101, that's how! That gal actually managed to repair our antenna relay. How's that for ingenuity, folks? 469
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ02 Neutral 50 Because of the kid from Vault 101, that's how! That cat actually managed to repair our antenna relay. How's that for ingenuity, folks? 470
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ02 Neutral 50 But Three Dog! You're in that cool radio studio in D.C. How do YOU know I can hear you, all the way out here in the ass end of nowhere? 471
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ02 Neutral 50 That's right, from Megaton to Girdershade, Paradise Falls to the Republic of Dave, we are coming to you loud and proud, in a special live report! 472
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ03 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ03 Neutral 50 And... According to my super secrety sources, Rivet City council member and lead egghead Doctor Madison Li is personally involved. 473
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ03 Neutral 50 Hey, all I can tell you is the Vault kid showed up, and the scientists there started running around like their pointy heads were on fire. 474
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ03 Neutral 50 SOMETHING is going on down in Rivet City, and you-know-who is involved. 475
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ04 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ04 Neutral 50 Here's hoping they can hold onto each other this time around. 476
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ04 Neutral 50 But none of that matters now! Father and daughter were spotted walkin' and talkin' together out there in the Wastes. 477
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ04 Neutral 50 But none of that matters now! Father and son were spotted walkin' and talkin' together out there in the Wastes. 478
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ04 Neutral 50 What kind of dad leaves his kid in an underground bunker? Children, I just don't know. It ain't for Three Dog to judge, and you shouldn't either. 479
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ04 Neutral 50 You see, the kid from Vault 101 has been looking for her dad, a very nice man named James, who left his daughter in the vault when he took off. 480
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ04 Neutral 50 You see, the kid from Vault 101 has been looking for his dad, a very nice man named James, who left his son behind in the vault when he took off. 481
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ04 Neutral 50 It's about love, abandonment, and - now this is the good part - reunion! 482
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ04 Neutral 50 Grab your hankies, children, cause I've got a heart-warming tale to tell. It's about a little girl's search for her... for her daddy. Waaaahh! 483
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ04 Neutral 50 Grab your hankies, children, cause I've got a heart-warming tale to tell. It's about a little boy's search for... for his daddy. Waaaahh! 484
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ05 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ05 Neutral 50 Well, boys and girls, what can I say. Looks like President Eden wasn't completely full of shit after all. Methinks we are screwed... 485
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ05 Neutral 50 They're safe and sound now at the Citadel. Praise Jesus! Praise Jesus! No sign of the kid's father, though. Here's hoping James is okay. 486
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ05 Neutral 50 And, when the Man showed up, a bunch of scientists went running. With them was Rivet City's own Dr. Madison Li, and that crazy kid from Vault 101. 487
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ05 Neutral 50 You heard it here first, my friends - the Enclave is on the scene. I've got reports of flying ships and shock troops in high-tech power armor. 488
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ05 Neutral 50 Tinfoil hat time, children. My eyes and ears tell me the Big Bad Government has taken over that big machine thingy at the Jefferson Memorial. 489
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ06 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ06 Neutral 50 Good luck with that, my friend. Only thing been seen out in those parts is Yao Guai, Super Mutants, and some crazy mountain kids. 490
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ06 Neutral 50 Makes perfect sense to me. The kid's had enough of the wild and wooly Wasteland, and is looking for another old vault to crawl into. 491
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ06 Neutral 50 The kid from Vault 101, aka the Wanderer, aka "That Crazy Sonnuvabitch," has been spotted poking around some caves way out west. 492
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 So what was Vault kid doing out there? You do the math. 493
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 But Three Dog, the selling of live human beings is completely fucked up! Yes, children. Yes it is. 494
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 Do you know what goes on out there in the stripmall that time forgot? Wake up, children! It's a goddamned slaver compound! They. Sell. People. 495
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 The gal from Vault 101 was seen walking into Paradise Falls, and then walking back out with a big smile on her face. 496
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 The cat from Vault 101 was seen walking into Paradise Falls, and then walking back out with a big smile on his face. 497
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 But more importantly - does it even matter worth a damn? Slavers are dead, slaves are free. That's a win-win if you ask me, children. 498
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 Did they sell her a bum slave and then refuse the refund, or was it some elaborate rescue operation? 499
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 Did they sell him a bum slave and then refuse the refund, or was it some elaborate rescue operation? 500
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 You heard it here first, faithful listeners. The Wanderer showed up at slaver central and bad guys started dropping left and right. 501
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 Gasp! But what's this? The bothersome bumblebee looked suspiciously like a certain kid, from a certain vault... 502
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 Those scumbag Slavers way over in Paradise Falls had one big ole bee on their bonnet, and this baby knew how to sting. 503
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 Look, all I'm sayin' is the Wanderer showed up, and then some slaves mysteriously escaped. Coincidence? Oh, I think not... 504
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 Gasp! But what's this? The bothersome bumblebee looks suspiciously like a certain kid, from a certain vault... 505
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ07 Neutral 50 Those scumbag Slavers way over in Paradise Falls have one big ole bee on their bonnet. Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! 506
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ08 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ08 Neutral 50 Good luck, Wanderer. You'll need it. 507
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ08 Neutral 50 Anyway, the vertibird was headed northwest into the mountains, where I have it on good authority the Enclave has their big underground clubhouse. 508
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ08 Neutral 50 I mean, how willing can you be when you're encased in a block of ice? Crazy, I know, but these are crazy times we live in... 509
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ08 Neutral 50 My deep cover super secret agents tell me a vertibird recently flew out of the mountains to the west, and the vault kid was an unwilling passenger. 510
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ08 Neutral 50 Yikes. Looks like the lone Wanderer has wandered himself right into the Enclave's sinister clutches. 511
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ08 Neutral 50 Yikes. Looks like the lone Wanderer has wandered herself right into the Enclave's sinister clutches. 512
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 Time for a showdown with the remaining Enclave forces at the Jefferson Memorial? You keep listening, children, and GNR will keep you posted! 513
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 In other news, the Brotherhood of Steel has amassed a large assault force at the Citadel. 514
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 Can't have everything, I guess. 515
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 Now here's the bad news. Unfortunately, the little bitch from Vault 101 managed to crawl out before the place went kaboom. 516
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 Now here's the bad news. Unfortunately, the little prick from Vault 101 managed to crawl out before the place went kaboom. 517
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 Time for a showdown with the remaining Enclave forces at the Jefferson Memorial? You keep listening, children, and GNR will keep you posted! 518
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 In other news, the Brotherhood of Steel has amassed a large assault force at the Citadel. 519
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 Keep fighting the good fight, kid! We're with you all the way! 520
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 And if that weren't good enough news, word is our old friend from Vault 101 made it out of there in one piece. 521
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 Sure enough, the Enclave radio station is officially offline. Hell, check for yourself if you don't' believe me! 522
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 The Enclave's not-so-secret base way up in the northwest just went kablooey! And I have reports, damn good ones, that Eden didn't make it out alive! 523
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 I'm coming to you live with a special report! Ding, dong, the sanctimonious, self-righteous, self-proclaimed Presidential asshole is dead! 524
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 If Eden declares this kid vice president, I swear to God I'll swallow this microphone. 525
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 Well that's... That's just great. The Vault kid from hell is now in cahoots with the devil himself. 526
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 She was seen not too long ago walking away from the Enclave's not-so-secret base way out to the northwest. 527
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 He was seen not too long ago walking away from the Enclave's not-so-secret base way out to the northwest. 528
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 Well no such luck. 529
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 We haven't heard squat about the little bitch from Vault 101 for two weeks, and hoped to God someone finally put a bullet in her brain. 530
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 We haven't heard squat about the little prick from Vault 101 for two weeks, and hoped to God someone finally put a bullet in his brain. 531
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 I'm coming to you live with a special report! 532
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 Keep fighting the good fight, kid! We're with you all the way! 533
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 Well buck up, pilgrims! Our friend is alive and well, and has managed to slip through the Enclave's clutches and escape their fortified base! 534
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 We haven't heard squat about our old pal from Vault 101 for two weeks now, and it's been looking pretty grim. 535
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMQ09 Neutral 50 I'm coming to you live with a special report! 536
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS01 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS01 Neutral 50 Somethin' about Super Mutants takin' residents prisoner... All I know is the kid could have helped, and didn't. Nice going, asshole. 537
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS01 Neutral 50 Somethin' about a rescue from Super Mutants, if you can believe that. Nice going, kid. 538
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS01 Neutral 50 Now, I've got new reports from the settlement known as Bigtown that Little Miss Vault Gal has helped them out with one hell of a mess. 539
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS01 Neutral 50 Now, I've got new reports from the settlement known as Bigtown that Mister Vault Guy has helped them out with one hell of a mess. 540
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS02 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS02 Neutral 50 So let's recount - our old friend shows up, weird shit happens, but in the end she saves the day. Yeah, that sounds about right. 541
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS02 Neutral 50 So let's recount - our old friend shows up, weird shit happens, but in the end he saves the day. Yeah, that sounds about right. 542
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS02 Neutral 50 In any event, the super silly situation's been dealt with, Canterbury Commons is safe, and 101 is the woman of the hour. 543
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS02 Neutral 50 In any event, the super silly situation's been dealt with, Canterbury Commons is safe, and 101 is the man of the hour. 544
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS02 Neutral 50 From who, you ask? A couple of self-obsessed super psychos called... the AntAgonizer and the Mechanist! Hey, I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. 545
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS02 Neutral 50 A big 'thank you' goes out to the mysterious traveler from Vault 101, for saving the little town of Canterbury Commons. 546
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS02 Neutral 50 Looks like I've got a spot o' good news for you, children. 547
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS03 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS03 Neutral 50 Following this thing's advice'll get you killed faster than you can say, "Hug a deathclaw!" 548
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS03 Neutral 50 The kid from Vault 101 had a big hand in getting this thing written, and her research methods suck. There, I said it. 549
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS03 Neutral 50 The kid from Vault 101 had a big hand in getting this thing written, and his research methods suck. There, I said it. 550
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS03 Neutral 50 Public Service Warning, children! Watch out for a book claiming to be a "Wasteland Survival Guide!" 551
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS03 Neutral 50 Survive, Thrive, and Revive, that's the name of the game. The book is the Wasteland Survival Guide! Pick up your copy today! 552
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS03 Neutral 50 Now, let me tell ya. This thing's got all sorts of useful tips. Where to find food, how to deal with radiation, tons o' stuff. 553
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS03 Neutral 50 Oh, and, get this - researched and co-authored by none other than - yep, you guessed it - that tenacious teenager from Vault 101. 554
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS03 Neutral 50 Our first masterpiece is called "The Wasteland Survival Guide," written by Underworld's own Moira Brown. 555
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS03 Neutral 50 Our first masterpiece is called "The Wasteland Survival Guide," written by Megaton's own Moira Brown. 556
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS03 Neutral 50 Know what I've decided, children? I'm gonna start a bookclub. Right... NOW! Wanna join? Good, cause you got no choice! 557
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 Shame, shame, shame on you... 558
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 Oh, you heard me right! 101, a little defenseless boy begged you for help, and what did you do? You SOLD HIM AS A FUCKING SLAVE! 559
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 I'll tell you where Bryan Wilks is. He's at fucking Paradise Falls, that's where! 560
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 So if you see Bryan and his new parents, wish them all good luck. Oh, and 101? Nice work. 561
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 You see, not only did Miss Vault 101 stop the Ant problem, she also found little Bryan Wilks a new home. 562
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 You see, not only did Mister Vault 101 stop the Ant problem, he also found little Bryan Wilks a new home. 563
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 Bryan, sadly, was the sole survivor. That's where the kid from Vault 101 comes in, and where our story, thankfully, gets better. 564
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 So for the love of God, if someone is in the vicinity of Grayditch, could you please give the kid a Nuka-Cola, a Salisbury steak, something? 565
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 Good God, 101, have you no conscience? You left the kid to rot in that fallout shelter. I have witnesses! 566
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 I'll tell you where Bryan Wilks is. That little boy is stuck in a fucking box, that's where! 567
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 But, what did she do with the boy, Three Dog? Where's Bryan Wilks now? 568
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 But, what did he do with the boy, Three Dog? Where's Bryan Wilks now? 569
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 You see, Miss Vault 101 may have stopped the Ant problem, but she couldn't be bothered to help poor little Bryan. Noooo. 570
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 You see, Mister Vault 101 may have stopped the Ant problem, but he couldn't be bothered to help poor little Bryan. Noooo. 571
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 Bryan, sadly, was the sole survivor. That's where the kid from Vault 101 comes in, and where our story, unfortunately, gets even worse. 572
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 You see, Bryan's from Grayditch, a small settlement that was recently overrun with overzealous Giant Ants. 573
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS04 Neutral 50 This, faithful listeners, is the story of a little boy. A little boy... named Bryan Wilks. 574
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS05 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS05 Neutral 50 Hey, wouldn't you know it, the lone Wanderer is done collecting bottles of soda. Christ, talk about your slow news days... 575
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS05 Neutral 50 I've also heard it tastes like Radscorpion shit and turns your piss blue. Or does it taste like Radscorpion piss and turn your shit blue? Whatever. 576
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS05 Neutral 50 It's called Nuka-Cola Quantum, and I believe it was made in limited quantities before the war. 577
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS05 Neutral 50 God knows why, but the kid from Vault 101 is scouring the Capital Wasteland for a unique brand of Nuka-Cola. 578
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 One small step backwards for man, one giant evolutionary rewind for mankind. 579
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 You see, they worked together to completely wipe out a group of noble, slavery-hating abolitionists at a place called the Temple of the Union. 580
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 Well you're in luck! Human bondage is here to stay, folks, thanks to that asshole from Vault 101 and his Slaver amigos. 581
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 Are you sick enough to think slavery is the best thing to happen to the Capital Wasteland since broiled Mirelurk Cakes? 582
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 Are you a worthless piece of human trash who'd like nothing better than to own another human being? 583
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 Now if she could just remove all those ugly pipes from the Jefferson Memorial... 584
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 Now if he could just remove all those ugly pipes from the Jefferson Memorial... 585
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 Thanks to the kid from Vault 101, for assisting with this little bit of civic restoration. 586
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 If you happen to make it down to the Mall, you just may notice that a previously decapitated statue has had an unexpected reunion... with it's head. 587
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 And special thanks to 101, for kicking the bad guys where it counts their wallets. 588
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 Slavers of the Capital Wasteland, consider this the big "fuck you" you've had coming since starting this scurrilous skin trade. 589
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 So if you're a slave on the run, the time for lying low is long gone. Head to the Temple of the Union and keep your head held high. 590
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 Is the tide finally turning for those scumbag Slavers? Lordy knows it's been open season on defenseless settlers long enough. 591
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS06 Neutral 50 Looks like our friend from Vault 101 has turned amateur abolitionist, lending a hand to the folks at the Temple of the Union. 592
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS08 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS08 Neutral 50 I'd ask the kid from 101, but I hear she's busy oogling some newly obtained piece of shiny Commonwealth technology. Quite a coinc of dink, that... 593
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS08 Neutral 50 I'd ask the kid from 101, but I hear he's busy oogling some newly obtained piece of shiny Commonwealth technology. Quite a coinc of dink, that... 594
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS08 Neutral 50 A case of unrequited middle-aged romance, or some kind of spontaneously beneficial business arrangement? 595
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS08 Neutral 50 Weird thing is, trusted Rivet City resident and head of security Harkness has abandoned his life here in the Capital Wasteland... and gone with him. 596
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS08 Neutral 50 Looks like Rivet City's latest visitor, a certain Zimmer from the scientifically superior Commonwealth, has finally packed his bags and headed home. 597
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS08 Neutral 50 Signs point to yes... 598
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS08 Neutral 50 Could this have something to do with Miss Vault 101 playing junior gumshoe lately, interrogating everyone about a fugitive from the Commonwealth? 599
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS08 Neutral 50 Could this have something to do with Mister Vault 101 playing junior gumshoe lately, interrogating everyone about a fugitive from the Commonwealth? 600
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS08 Neutral 50 Trouble, oh we got trouble, right here in Rivet City! Looks like trusted resident and head of security Harkness has unexpectedly flown the coop. 601
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS09 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS09 Neutral 50 In the end, I guess it doesn't really matter. Arefu is quiet once more, thanks to the efforts of the lone wanderer... from Vault 101. 602
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS09 Neutral 50 So what happened down there in the stinking, slinking subway tunnels? Friendly chit-chat, or a classic case of shotgun diplomacy? 603
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS09 Neutral 50 The cherry on top? She emerged a short time later with a lad named Ian West, who, presumably, had been taken captive in the latest raid. 604
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS09 Neutral 50 The cherry on top? He emerged a short time later with a lad named Ian West, who, presumably, had been taken captive in the latest raid. 605
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS09 Neutral 50 Buuuuttt... it would seem that after 101 made a little solo sojourn into the murky depths of Meresti Station, the attacks... stopped. 606
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS09 Neutral 50 Little Miss Vault 101 was spotted over in Arefu, where the settlement has been hit pretty hard lately by a marauding gang of riotous ruffians. 607
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS09 Neutral 50 Mister Vault 101 was spotted over in Arefu, where the settlement has been hit pretty hard lately by a marauding gang of riotous ruffians. 608
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS10 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS10 Neutral 50 Only you, 101. Only you. 609
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS10 Neutral 50 You heard it here first, children. A forest fire in the Capital Wasteland, where all the trees were ALREADY burnt to a crisp 200 years ago. 610
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS10 Neutral 50 Point 2: The smoke and smell from this thing donÆt match your typical chemical burn. Reports are, this smells like burning... wood. 611
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS10 Neutral 50 Point 1: The kid from Vault 101 was seen in that area just before the fire. 612
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS10 Neutral 50 Yeah, yeah. So what? Well hereÆs what. 613
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS10 Neutral 50 WeÆve been getting reports of a raging, sustained fire somewhere up north. 614
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS11 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS11 Neutral 50 Hey, nice work 101. Next time you're in the neighborhood, pop into the studio. Ole Three Dog's toaster's been on the fritz... 615
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS11 Neutral 50 The town's sheriff, one Lucas Simms, commissioned the one, the only lone wanderer from Vault 101 to disarm the nasty nuke, and the kid delivered. 616
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS11 Neutral 50 Got some great news out of the town of Megaton. Turns out that live atomic bomb in the town's center has finally been deep-sixed for good. 617
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS11 Neutral 50 But just who did the dirty deed? Ask yourself this why has the kid from Vault 101 been sighted hanging around Tenpenny Tower? Why indeed... 618
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS11 Neutral 50 I suspect foul play, folks. 619
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS11 Neutral 50 Word is that twisted old land grabber Allistair Penny, founder of the posh Tenpenny Tower, has been looking to secure that spot for years. 620
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS11 Neutral 50 But it was all just a tragic accident, right? Don't you believe that for a second, folks. 621
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS11 Neutral 50 Well go kaboom it has. 622
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS11 Neutral 50 It's been no secret that the pre-war nuke in the center of town had a live atomic core, and under the wrong conditions, could still go kaboom. 623
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS11 Neutral 50 GNR sources have confirmed that the mushroom cloud seen in the vicinity of Megaton was in fact... Megaton. 624
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS11 Neutral 50 Children, I'm afraid I've got some terrible, terrible news. 625
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS12 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS12 Neutral 50 The butcher-at-large? Yep, you guessed it none other than the kid from Vault 101. Nice going, scumbag. 626
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS12 Neutral 50 You see, those hapless, homeless irradiated rejects have all been brutally slaughtered in their temporary digs in the tunnels of Warrington Station. 627
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS12 Neutral 50 Looks like that dream has died on the vine. 628
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS12 Neutral 50 Hey, remember those down-on-their-luck Ghouls who wanted to share the luxury accommodations at the fancy shmancy Tenpenny Tower? 629
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS12 Neutral 50 Oh, and kiddo from Vault 101? You look like a complete freakshow in that mask. Hey, somebody had to say it... 630
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS12 Neutral 50 Three Dog's all for stickin' it to the Man, but good golly Ghoulies that's a liiittle much. 631
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS12 Neutral 50 Looks like they finally got their upscale address! And all it took was the wholesale slaughter of every other Tenpenny resident! 632
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS12 Neutral 50 Hey, remember those down-on-their-luck Ghouls who wanted to share the luxury accommodations at the fancy shmancy Tenpenny Tower? 633
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS14 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS14 Neutral 50 Maybe I'll just ask around Underworld, hmmm? Cause a little irradiated birdy told me you've been spending some serious time down in Ghoulville... 634
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS14 Neutral 50 What's the deal, 101? You killin' for kicks, or is this a paying gig? 635
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS14 Neutral 50 Looks like that loony lass from Vault 101's been busy lately, this time systematically executing some of the Wasteland's most colorful characters. 636
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS14 Neutral 50 Looks like that loony lad from Vault 101's been busy lately, this time systematically executing some of the Wasteland's most colorful characters. 637
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS15 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS15 Neutral 50 Huzzah! The time of British oppression is finally over! Now we can finally turn our attention to the Super Mutants, Raiders, and Radscorpions... 638
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS15 Neutral 50 The kid has recovered one of this country's most important historical artifacts the Declaration of Independence. 639
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS15 Neutral 50 The mistress of adventure herself, that rough and tumble lass from Vault 101, has really outdone herself this time. 640
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS15 Neutral 50 The master of adventure himself, that rough and tumble lad from Vault 101, has really outdone himself this time. 641
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS16 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS16 Neutral 50 She was seen coming OUT of the vault, AGAIN, and headed God knows where. Don't let that revolving door hit you on the ass on the way out... 642
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS16 Neutral 50 He was seen coming OUT of the vault, AGAIN, and headed God knows where. Don't let that revolving door hit you on the ass on the way out... 643
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS16 Neutral 50 Who says you can't go home again, huh? The kid from Vault 101 did, but it looks like the prodigal daughter's return didn't last all that long. 644
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS16 Neutral 50 Who says you can't go home again, huh? The kid from Vault 101 did, but it looks like the prodigal son's return didn't last all that long. 645
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS17 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS17 Neutral 50 Ohhh... Bad form, 101. Bad form, indeed... 646
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS17 Neutral 50 The kid THEN delivered the violin to some guy at Rivet City, NOT the old lady who had commissioned the retrieval job. 647
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS17 Neutral 50 Should we suspect foul play? Damn straight. And you're Suspect Numero Uno, vault asshole. 648
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS17 Neutral 50 The kid THEN delivered the violin to some old lady, who shortly thereafter was found stone cold dead AND violinless. 649
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS17 Neutral 50 Now here's where the story gets sketchy, in true Capital Wasteland style. 650
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS17 Neutral 50 Agatha, we love ya. Keep playin', sister. And Vault kid? You've helped make the Capital Wasteland a better place. Hats off, my friend. 651
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS17 Neutral 50 Here's the best part. The violin was for an old woman named Agatha, who has taken to the airwaves herself to share some truly beautiful music. 652
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS17 Neutral 50 Oh, but not just any ole violin, children... We're talking Stradivarius here. That's one top o' the line fiddle, you dig? 653
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS17 Neutral 50 My contacts report that he recently went on a highly dangerous excursion to recover -drum roll please - a violin. 654
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS17 Neutral 50 Now, the Lone Wanderer, aka "that kid from Vault 101," has done some pretty interesting things, but this one takes the cake. 655
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS18 RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS18 Neutral 50 Oh, and Vault kid? I know you were seen in the vicinity. I hope to God you had nothing to do with this carnage. 656
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS18 Neutral 50 Reports are sketchy... but it appears there have been some human casualties. Sorry for your losses, Reilly... assuming you ain't one of 'em. 657
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS18 Neutral 50 Do I suspect some Vault Dweller intervention on this one? I certainly do. Good work, 101. 658
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS18 Neutral 50 It would seem that a brave soldier named Theo was lost in the line of duty... but some of the others have been rescued. 659
RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS18 Neutral 50 I've gotten word that a band of mercs called Reilly's Rangers were trapped on a DC rooftop, pinned down by Super Mutants. 660
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaHope RadioGNRPlayerKarmaHope Neutral 50 For now, listen close, as I share yet another of our friend's adventures. 661
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaHope Neutral 50 We'll get through this, children. You just gotta believe. 662
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaHope Neutral 50 So believe me when I tell you that I was wrong. Dead wrong. That kid from Vault 101 is the Last, Best Hope of Humanity. 663
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaHope Neutral 50 I've always given it to you straight, have I not? For good or ill, Galaxy News Radio has been the voice of truth on these airwaves. 664
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaHope Neutral 50 The good ole U.S. of A... ahhh, she's a mess. I had pretty much written us all off. But that was before a certain kid from Vault 101... 665
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaHope Neutral 50 All right, children. It's time for Three Dog to be honest with ya. Here it is, plain as day - I used to think we were all well and truly fucked. 666
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaParadigm RadioGNRPlayerKarmaParadigm Neutral 50 And now for you other faithful listeners, here's an update on our friend. 667
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaParadigm Neutral 50 Kid from the vault, if you're listening, I want you to know that you are, truly, a Paradigm of Humanity. Keep on fighting, girl! 668
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaParadigm Neutral 50 Kid from the vault, if you're listening, I want you to know that you are, truly, a Paradigm of Humanity. Keep on fighting, man! 669
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaParadigm Neutral 50 I'm talkin' about the kid from Vault 101. Just 19, and this babe has been in some serious shit. And there ain't no sign o' stoppin'! 670
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaParadigm Neutral 50 I'm talkin' about the kid from Vault 101. Just 19, and this cat has been in some serious shit. And there ain't no sign o' stoppin'! 671
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaParadigm Neutral 50 Alive? Yes. Still wandering? Uh huh. One of the most powerful individuals in the Capital Wasteland? You bet your bobby socks, Susie. 672
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaParadigm Neutral 50 Alive? Yes. Still wandering? Uh huh. One of the most powerful individuals in the Capital Wasteland? You bet your bobby socks, Susie. 673
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaScourge RadioGNRPlayerKarmaScourge Neutral 50 Here's the latest news on Vault 101's evil progeny... 674
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaScourge Neutral 50 Why? Because that kid from Vault 101 is the worst thing to happen to our neighborhood since radiation sickness. 675
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaScourge Neutral 50 If they rewrite the Bible, they really need to add that part. 676
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaScourge Neutral 50 And lo, the girl did step forth from her shadowy hole, and proclaim herself Scourge of Humanity. 677
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaScourge Neutral 50 And lo, the boy did step forth from his shadowy hole, and proclaim himself Scourge of Humanity. 678
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Don't lose hope, children. Don't ever lose hope! The kid from Vault 101, the Wasteland's one true Messiah, still walks among us! Just listen to this. 679
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Ah, that kid from Vault 101. Only a true Mortal could get involved in so many adventures, make so many damn caps! Behold, the latest tribulation. 680
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 The Devil walks among us, children. Oh, she may look like us, but she calls Hell home. She is legion, and her deeds are legend. Like this one. 681
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 The Devil walks among us, children. Oh, he may look like us, but he calls Hell home. He is legion, and his deeds are legend. Like this one. 682
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 We may never get to Heaven, children, but at least we've got our own Earthly Angel walking among us. And I've got her latest exploits. 683
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 We may never get to Heaven, children, but at least we've got our own Earthly Angel walking among us. And I've got his latest exploits. 684
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Neither light, nor dark, not good nor bad, there's one who truly walks down the middle of life's road. Here's an update on that Gray Stranger. 685
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 It's gotten to the point where that piece of shit from Vault 101 can't even be considered human. Am I right? Here's the latest on that Demon's Spawn. 686
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Only one person can bring a hint of sunshine to this dim and dreary Wasteland. Children, I bring you an update onà the Lightbringer. 687
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 By now everyone knows that the kid from Vault 101 is a no-good, selfish Moneygrubber, but who knew she was keeping so busy? Listen to this. 688
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 By now everyone knows that the kid from Vault 101 is a no-good, selfish Moneygrubber, but who knew he was keeping so busy? Listen to this. 689
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Think you'll rest when you're dead, children? Not if that refugee from Vault 101 has anything to say about it. Here's the latest on the Soultaker. 690
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Call her the Herald of Tranquility, that kid from Vault 101, usually righting any wrongs that cross her path. Here's a new update. 691
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Call him the Herald of Tranquility, that kid from Vault 101, usually righting any wrongs that cross his path. Here's a new update. 692
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Looks like ol' 101 has become quite the Person of Refinement, mostly by taking people's hard-earned caps in exchange for... anything. Take a listen. 693
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 If you've been wondering if that Instrument of Ruin from Vault 101 has been wreaking any new havoc, let me give you the latest scoop. 694
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Our Wasteland might be a frigging' mess (hence the name), but there's one person we've come to know as a Symbol of Order, and she's been busy. 695
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Our Wasteland might be a frigging' mess (hence the name), but there's one person we've come to know as a Symbol of Order, and he's been busy. 696
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 If you're tired of nobody giving a crap, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. Remember ol' 101? The very Model of Apathy? She's at it again. 697
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 If you're tired of nobody giving a crap, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. Remember ol' 101? The very Model of Apathy? He's at it again. 698
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 We all know the Capital Wasteland is an anarchist's wet dream, and a certain Agent of Chaos doesn't help matters much. Here's an update. 699
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 We may not have superheroes - those two wackos near Canterbury Commons don't count - but we do have our very own Champion of Justice. Listen up. 700
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 It shouldn't surprise anyone that the Capital Wasteland's most notorious Hero for Hire is in the headlines once again. 701
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 If you have trouble sleeping, maybe it's because that kid from Vault 101 has become the Stuff of Nightmares, and is out there, walking among us. 702
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 In today's vicious Yao Guai eat Yao Guai world, the exploits of a certain Friend of the People are usually cause for rejoicing. 703
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Now you'd think that Loner from Vault 101 would stay out of the spotlight, but I guess some people just can't help themselves. 704
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Now I know you're sick to death of hearing my horror stories, but what's a Three Dog to do when that Consort of Discord keeps causing so much mayhem? 705
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Fear not, my poor lost flock! For the Shepherd of Vault 101 has come to guide you to the promised land! Maybe. Listen to this. 706
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 I've got new reports in on that wayward soul from Vault 101, the Capital Wasteland's infamous Egocentric. Check this out. 707
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 If you've run into her, you know you just can't trust that despicable little Deceiver from Vault 101. And now, she's at it again. Take a listen. 708
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 If you've run into him, you know you just can't trust that despicable little Deceiver from Vault 101. And now, he's at it again. Take a listen. 709
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Just when you thought there was no charity, no good, no decency left in this world, everyone's favorite Model of Selflessness surprises ya. 710
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Sometimes, in this cold, crazy world, you just want to make a buck. Like that penny-pinching Profiteer from Vault 101. Here's the latest. 711
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 You think you're sad now, children? Just wait till you hear the latest on the Capital Wasteland's very own Bringer of Sorrow. Cue the crying. 712
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 What's the matter, kids? Feeling down? Low on vim, vigor, and the simple will to live? What you need is the latest news on the Restorer of Faith! 713
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 So here's the question. How's that smooth-operating Soldier of Fortune from Vault 101 getting along these days? Business, it would seem, is boomingà 714
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 So what's new with that master of disaster, that duke of destruction, that bad to the boneà Architect of Doom? Here's what. 715
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Question. Is there a God, and if so, does he give a shit about the rest of us? I was skeptical, but that was before a certain Saint from Vault 101... 716
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 I don't know how she's even still alive, but I've got an update on the kid from Vault 101. I swear, she must be Super-Human or somethin'... 717
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 I don't know how he's even still alive, but I've got an update on the kid from Vault 101. I swear, he must be Super-Human or somethin'... 718
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 I have a new theory. Vault 101 is actually Hell. Hear me out. I mean, that kid we all know and hate is Evil Incarnate, right? Here's the latest. 719
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Hey, out on that ridge! It's Buddha! It's Jesus! No, it's the... Wasteland Savior! Here's an update on Vault 101's homegrown messiah. 720
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 She came from Vault 101... Friend? Foe? Or simple Wasteland Watcher? Here's an update on that kid from the hole... 721
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 He came from Vault 101... Friend? Foe? Or simple Wasteland Watcher? Here's an update on that kid from the hole... 722
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 So. Just when you thought it was crazy enough out there... Here's an update on the kid from Vault 101 who fancies herself the Wasteland Destroyer. 723
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 So. Just when you thought it was crazy enough out there... Here's an update on the kid from Vault 101 who fancies himself the Wasteland Destroyer. 724
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Lordy! I just love that vault girl! Hole-dweller one day, Paragon of all that is good and right in the world the next. And, she's been busy... 725
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Lordy! I just love that vault boy! Hole-dweller one day, Paragon of all that is good and right in the world the next. And, he's been busy... 726
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Ah, the kid from Vault 101. She hurts, she helps, she does whatever she damn well pleases. Sometimes just a watcher... a Beholder, if you will. 727
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 And now, for another exciting adventure of, "The Hero... of the Wasssssttteesss!" 728
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 You've seen her out there, haven't you, wandering the D.C. ruins, looking for adventure? The latest on Vault 101's very own Strider of the Wastes. 729
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 You've seen him out there, haven't you, wandering the D.C. ruins, looking for adventure? The latest on Vault 101's very own Strider of the Wastes. 730
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 You think all that shit between the Super Mutants and Brotherhood is bad? Here's the latest on the Harbinger of War himself, that kid from Vault 101. 731
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 You think all that shit between the Super Mutants and Brotherhood is bad? Here's the latest on the Harbinger of War herself, that kid from Vault 101. 732
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Yeah, you guessed it - time for another update on the Villain of the Wastes herself, that evil little bitch from Vault 101. 733
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Yeah, you guessed it - time for another update on the Villain of the Wastes himself, that evil little bastard from Vault 101. 734
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Hallelujah! The Urban Legend is real, children! She's real, and she's out there, everyday, helping poor shlubs like you. The latest and greatest. 735
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Hallelujah! The Urban Legend is real, children! He's real, and he's out there, everyday, helping poor shlubs like you. The latest and greatest. 736
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Special report! Da da dum dum, da da da dum dum! This just in The kid from Vault 101 is not just an Urban Myth ! Oh, she's real all right. 737
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Special report! Da da dum dum, da da da dum dum! This just in The kid from Vault 101 is not just an Urban Myth ! Oh, he's real all right. 738
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 You don't want to believe it, I know. That kid from Vault 101, he can't be real. He's just some creepy Urban Superstition, right? Wrong. 739
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 You don't want to believe it, I know. That kid from Vault 101, she can't be real. She's just some creepy Urban Superstition, right? Wrong. 740
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Hate. Prejudice. Violence. Leave 'em all behind. The kid from Vault 101 did, so why can't you? The latest on our own Ambassador of Peace. 741
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Never quit. Never stop believing. That's the story of the cat from Vault 101. Here's the latest on the very Pinnacle of Survival. 742
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Want peace and quiet? Good luck with that, kids. The name of the game is chaos, thanks to Vault 101's own Harbinger of War. Listen and learn. 743
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 And now an update on everyone's favorite hero from a hole, a gal I feel really comfortable calling - drum roll please - the Vault Legend! 744
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 And now an update on everyone's favorite hero from a hole, a guy I feel really comfortable calling - drum roll please - the Vault Legend! 745
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 And now, a little story. A story about a boy who climbed out of a hole. I'm talkin' about that Vault Descendent, of course. Here's the latest. 746
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 And now, a little story. A story about a girl who climbed out of a hole. I'm talkin' about that Vault Descendent, of course. Here's the latest. 747
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Time again, my children, for chills and thrills, fears and scares. Do you know what that creepy Vault Boogeyman has been up to? Listen to this. 748
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 A Paladin walks among us, children. And no, this ain't one of our buddies from the Brotherhood. I'm talking about that knight in shining vault suit. 749
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Now, an update on a certain crazy dude from Vault 101. Let's call him the Keeper. The Keeper of promises, of secrets, of his own destiny. 750
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Now, an update on a certain crazy chick from Vault 101. Let's call her the Keeper. The Keeper of promises, of secrets, of her own destiny. 751
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 I know, I know, you want the skinny on Miss Vault 101. Well here's a news flash - that merciless fucking Defiler is still out there, all right? 752
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 I know, I know, you want the skinny on Mister Vault 101. Well here's a news flash - that merciless fucking Defiler is still out there, all right? 753
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 It's that time again, kids! The adventures of... the Capital Crusader! Yeah! Hurray! Seriously, how can you not dig this gal? Am I right? 754
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 It's that time again, kids! The adventures of... the Capital Crusader! Yeah! Hurray! Seriously, how can you not dig this guy? Am I right? 755
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Neutrality, baby. That's today's lesson, taught by our own Capital Councilor. Maybe that vault door leads to Switzerland? Anyway, she's at it again. 756
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Neutrality, baby. That's today's lesson, taught by our own Capital Councilor. Maybe that vault door leads to Switzerland? Anyway, he's at it again. 757
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Now more on the kid from Vault 101, living a life of unrepentant vice and violence. Jesus, he's like some kind of, of... Capital Crimelord. 758
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Now more on the kid from Vault 101, living a life of unrepentant vice and violence. Jesus, she's like some kind of, of... Capital Crimelord. 759
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Hey, our friend from Vault 101 is at it again. A true Exemplar, showing us all the true meaning of love, compassion, and all that other crap. 760
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Now more on the kid from Vault 101, keeping that moral compass firmly grounded in gray. Angel? Devil? More like neutral Observer at this point. 761
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Okay, let's see. Anything new with that rancorous little Ne'er-do-well from Vault 101? Well, there's this... 762
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 And now an update on our very own Urban Defender. Did she leave that vault just to help us? Who cares, man. We owe her either way. Check this out. 763
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 And now an update on our very own Urban Defender. Did he leave that vault just to help us? Who cares, man. We owe him either way. Check this out. 764
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Grow up in a hole, confined and bored? Hit the Wasteland! You, too, can be an Urban Ranger! And now, the latest on the kid from Vault 101. 765
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Man, am I getting sick of this little punk. From innocent vault kid to sicko Urban Invader. Here's the latest... 766
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Now the latest on everyone's favorite runt from Vault 101. She's out there serving as our Protector, so show the kid some respect. Listen to this. 767
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Now the latest on everyone's favorite runt from Vault 101. He's out there serving as our Protector, so show the kid some respect. Listen to this. 768
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Hey! So whatever happened to that kid from Vault 101? Huh? Ooh! Ooh! I know! Man, that girl has turned into one hard-edged Wasteland Mercenary. 769
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Hey! So whatever happened to that kid from Vault 101? Huh? Ooh! Ooh! I know! Man, that cat has turned into one hard-edged Wasteland Mercenary. 770
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Question time, kids. You know what a Reaver is? It's a killer, a liar, a monster. In other words, it's that bastard from Vault 101. Check it out. 771
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Question time, kids. You know what a Reaver is? It's a killer, a liar, a monster. In other words, it's that bitch from Vault 101. Check it out. 772
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Good news, kids! Our old friend from Vault 101 is - get this - still alive! Guess there is a God. Here's your update on the Ranger of the Wastes. 773
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Got some news for you kiddies. Looks like that chick from Vault 101 is still kicking. And now, a friendly update on the Vagabond of the Wastes. 774
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Got some news for you kiddies. Looks like that dude from Vault 101 is still kicking. And now, a friendly update on the Vagabond of the Wastes. 775
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 News flash! Listen up, children. Lock your damn doors. The Pirate of the Wastes is out there, wreaking havoc, wrecking lives. Here's the latest. 776
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 ItÆs time for an update on that Vault 101 Peacekeeper, a man who proves that not everyone out there... is a complete asshole. 777
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 ItÆs time for an update on that Vault 101 Peacekeeper, a gal who proves that not everyone out there... is a complete asshole. 778
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 It seems the lost little boy from Vault 101 has become quite the Adventurer these days... 779
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 It seems the lost little girl from Vault 101 has become quite the Adventurer these days... 780
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 You know her, you hate her. (How could you not?) She's the malignant Marauder who oozed out of Vault 101. You'll never guess what she's up to now. 781
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 You know him, you hate him. (How could you not?) He's the malignant Marauder who oozed out of Vault 101. You'll never guess what he's up to now. 782
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Okay, children. I've got the skinny on the Capital Wasteland's newest, noblest Dignitary, that charming cat from Vault 101. Check this out. 783
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Okay, children. I've got the skinny on the Capital Wasteland's newest Citizen. Curious? Of course you are. Check this out. 784
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 All right, faithful listeners, I know what you really want to know. What's that nasty Fatcat up to? Sharpening his claws, I bet... 785
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 All right, faithful listeners, I know what you really want to know. What's that nasty Fatcat up to? Sharpening her claws, I bet... 786
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Now, let's check out the latest on everyone's darling Defender, giving evil the one-two punch out there in the wooly Wasteland. 787
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Now, let's check out the latest on the Vault 101 Wanderer, as she, well, wanders. 788
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Now, let's check out the latest on the Vault 101 Wanderer, as he, well, wanders. 789
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 Want to know the latest on that heartless little Plunderer from Vault 101? Here's the deal. 790
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 So what's everyone's favorite Sentinel been up to? Here's the latest on that sweet kid from Vault 101. 791
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 So what's that brave little Seeker been up to? Here's the latest on the kid from Vault 101. 792
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 So what's that creepy Opportunist been up to, huh? Here's the latest on the kid from Vault 101. 793
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 And now the latest on that enigmatic Vault Martyr, who only recently stepped out of Vault 101 and into our hearts. 794
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 And now the latest on that enigmatic Vault Renegade, who only recently stepped out of Vault 101 and into our lives. 795
RadioGNRPlayerKarmaTitles Neutral 50 And now the latest on that enigmatic Vault Outlaw, who only recently stepped out of Vault 101 and into our nightmares. 796
RadioGoodbye RadioGoodbye Neutral 50 797
RadioHello RadioHello Neutral 50 People of the Capital Wasteland, you can HEAR MEEEE!!!! Yeeeaa haaaa!!! You can't stop the signal, baby! 798
RadioHello Neutral 50 Hey everybody, this is Three Dog, your friendly neighborhood disc jockey. What's a "disc"? Hell if I know. But I'm gonna keep talkin' anyway. 799
RadioHello Neutral 50 People of the Capital Wasteland! It is I, Three Dog, your ruler! Hear me, and obey! Oh, sorry, that's that OTHER radio station. 800
RadioHello Neutral 50 Men and ladies, boys and girls, prepare to be astounded, bedazzled, and otherwise stupefied! I am Three Dog, your master of ceremonies! 801
RadioHello Neutral 50 Hey nifty America. It's me, your president, John Hen... Ahhhh... Gotcha! Three Dog here! How's everyone doin'? 802
RadioHello Neutral 50 Thrrreeee Dooooggg! That's me, kids. Comin' to you taped from my fortified bunker in the middle of the D.C. hellhole. Ain't life grand? 803
RadioHello Neutral 50 Because one dog ain't enough, and two is too low, it's me, Three Dog! How you kids handlin' Post-Apocalyptia today? 804
RadioHello Neutral 50 Hey kiddies, this is Three Dog your voice in the darkness. Or... at least, the radiation. 805
RadioHello Neutral 50 Hellooooo Capital Wasteland! This is Three Dog, coming to you loud and proud from Galaxy News Radio. 806
RadioHello Neutral 50 Wake up, Wasteland! It's me, Three Dog, bringing you all the music and news your little hearts can handle. 807
RadioHello Neutral 50 You're listening to Galaxy News Radio, and I'm your host, Three Dog, lord and master of all I survey! 808
RadioHello Neutral 50 GNR. Three Dog. All you need to know. 809
RadioHello Neutral 50 What's up Wastelanders? This is Three Dog, and you're listening to GNR! That's Galaxy News Radio, in case you forgot... 810