Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
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Esta é a transcrição de um arquivo de diálogo, o qual, contêm mensagens in-game relacionadas a scripts e itens ou a diálogos de personagens não jogáveis durante o gameplay.

Arquivo de diálogo do terminal de controle em West Tek Research Facility.


{100}{}{This looks like a robot control terminal.}
{101}{}{There is no response.}
{102}{}{Reprogramming complete. Initializing voice communication subsystems. Initializing personality subsystem. [Click!] How may this terminal be of service?}
{104}{}{Who or what are you?}
{105}{}{What is your function?}
{106}{}{Display list of programs.}
{107}{}{Input error. Command not in set. Please restate.}
{112}{}{End communication subsystem. End process.}
{113}{}{This terminal is an Artificial Intelligence. This terminal is part of a WLAN matrix network to optimize remote unit operations.}
{114}{}{Thanks. Uh, end input.}
{115}{}{What are the remote units that you control?}
{116}{}{What programs are running?}
{117}{}{This terminal is responsible for the operation of all General Atomics International industrial robots in this facility.}
{118}{}{Please be more specific.}
{119}{}{What programs are running?}
{120}{}{The style of industrial robots are commonly referred to as 'Robobrain'. [Click!] General Atomics International has the finest industrial robots in the world. Buy two or more GAI robots and save! Special deal on 'Mr. Handy' models! [Click!] Advertising applet terminated.}
{121}{}{What programs are running?}
{122}{}{Current applications are: Facility Maintenance v2.1, Movement v4.8b, Repair v0.8a, Pest Control v1.4, Hearts v1.0 and Sensors '76.}
{123}{}{Terminate Movement.}
{124}{}{Terminate Sensors.}
{125}{}{Terminate Pest Control.}
{126}{}{Terminate Hearts.}
{127}{}{Thanks. End input.}
{128}{}{Attempting to terminate. [Click!] System error. Failure to terminate application. Delete rights not available.}
{129}{}{Hmm, adjust parameters on Movement.}
{130}{}{Adjust parameters on Sensors.}
{131}{}{Modify Pest Control.}
{132}{}{Play Hearts.}
{133}{}{Thanks. End input.}
{134}{}{Current application: Movement v4.8b. Current setting: [maximum/half rate/minimum]. Change to: maximum, half rate, or minimum.}
{135}{}{Maximum movement.}
{136}{}{Half rate movement.}
{137}{}{Minimum movement.}
{138}{}{Current application: Sensors '76. Current setting: [full/minumum]. Change to: full, or minimum.}
{139}{}{Full sensors.}
{140}{}{Minimal sensors.}
{141}{}{Current application: Pest Control v1.4. Current setting: [Click!] unauthorized. Change to: [Click!] all, none, small living, large living, or unauthorized.}
{142}{}{All pests.}
{143}{}{No pests.}
{144}{}{Small living pests.}
{145}{}{Large living pests.}
{146}{}{Unauthorized pests.}
{147}{}{Application Hearts running. User Wins. [Click!] Thank you for the game.}
{148}{}{Application Hearts running. This terminal wins. [Click!] Thank you for the game.}
{149}{}{Program parameter changed. Current applications are: Facility Maintenance v2.1, Movement v4.8b, Repair v0.8a, Pest Control v1.4, Hearts v1.0 and Sensors '76.}
{150}{}{Adjust parameters on Movement.}
{151}{}{Adjust Sensor parameters.}
{152}{}{Modify Pest Control.}
{153}{}{Play Hearts.}
{154}{}{Thanks. End input.}
{155}{}{Current applications are: Facility Maintenance v2.1, Movement v4.8b, Repair v0.8a, Pest Control v1.4, Hearts v1.0 and Sensors '76.}
{156}{}{Adjust parameters on Movement.}
{157}{}{Adjust Sensor parameters.}
{158}{}{Modify Pest Control.}
{159}{}{Play Hearts.}
{160}{}{Thanks. End input.}
{161}{}{Initializing voice communication subsystems. Initializing personality subsystems. [Click!] How may this terminal be of service?}
{163}{}{Show me your programs.}
{164}{}{Shut down all force fields.}
{165}{}{Do you know what this location is?}
{166}{}{Initiate emergency shutdown.}
{167}{}{End input.}
{168}{}{This terminal cannot perform that function. Request denied.}
{169}{}{Show me your programs.}
{170}{}{Do you know what this location is?}
{171}{}{Initiate emergency shutdown.}
{172}{}{End input.}
{173}{}{This is the -- classified [click!] [click!]}
{174}{}{Abort request. Show programs.}
{175}{}{Override, continue request.}
{176}{}{[Click!] This is the FEV production control facility. This terminal online 2074. Final pre-production process 2075. It is currently under final construction, and is due to open 2078. [Click!]}
{177}{}{Do you know what FEV is?}
{178}{}{Do you know what date it is?}
{179}{}{FEV is Forced [click!] Evolutionary Virus, a product of the Livermore/Broansoun Laboratories. It is designed to increase the genetic complexity of a DNA/RNA series in a shorter period of time.}
{180}{}{Show programs.}
{181}{}{End input.}
{182}{}{Affirmative. Terminal date is February 2, 2077.}
{183}{}{Show programs.}
{184}{}{End input.}
{185}{}{That date is incorrect. Please recalibrate.}
{186}{}{Correcting. [Click!] Error. Attempting self-diagnostics. [Click! CLICK!] ERROR! FATAL SYSTEM ERROR. SYSTEM CORRUPTED, ATTEMPTING RECOMPILATION. [Long pause.]}
{188}{}{[click] Error in recompilation . . . [click]}
{189}{}{Cannot process request. Terminating dialogue.}
{190}{}{Confirm emergency codescram.}
{192}{}{Terminate shutdown procedure.}
{194}{}{Processing request. Terminating dialogue.}
{195}{}{This computer is not compatible with your radio. It uses a special high-frequency band for robotic use only.}
{196}{}{You press some buttons but the computer seems to be damaged. It will take some work to operate it.}
{197}{}{The computer is not physically damage, but instead seems to have corrupted data.}
