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Fallout Wiki
Para a quest do Honest Hearts, veja The Grand Staircase.

A Grand Staircase é uma faixa de terra a leste de Zion Canyon, localizada dentro do Colorado Plateau.


O Courier tem a tarefa de encontrar um mapa da região, podendo então optar por evacuar os Sorrows para a Grand Staircase. Aqui eles estabelecem seu novo assentamento com a ajuda de Daniel.[1][2][3]


A Grand Staircase é apenas mencionada na DLC Honest Hearts do Fallout: New Vegas.


A Grand Staircase é uma região do mundo real conhecida como Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument, que consiste em uma grande reserva em uima faixa de terra ao sul de Utah.


  1. Courier: "Why do you need a map of Grand Staircase?"
    Daniel: "Grand Staircase is farther east, deeper into the Colorado Plateau. The White Legs were able to reach us here, but it's only because Zion is close to the Long 15. They can't pursue us east of here. It's too wild."
    (Diálogo de Daniel)
  2. Courier: "The White Legs are here already, so what's your plan?"
    Daniel: "To remove the Sorrows from harm's way. I have to give credit to the White Legs for finding their way here, though I imagine many died in the process. But they can't follow us east, not into the Grand Staircase. They don't know how to live off of the land. We head there, we can find some safety."
    (Diálogo de Daniel)
  3. Finais do Honest Hearts, Daniel: "After leading the Sorrows from their home in Zion to safety in Grand Staircase, Daniel continued to wonder if he'd made the right choice. He spent his life evangelizing the beliefs of his people to a new generation of young men and women, as his ancestors had for centuries before him. He was happy with his family, but for the rest of his life there were nights when he awoke with sadness to find he had been dreaming of Zion."