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Esta é a transcrição do diálogo de Doctor Usanagi.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome to the New Vegas Medical Clinic. I'm a fully qualified physician and can fix whatever is wrong with you for a reasonable fee. 1
Neutral 50 If you've got the caps, I've also got several implants available to enhance your physical attributes. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 You're back. Do you need medical attention? 3
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic000 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Take care. 4
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic001 What kind of implants do you have available? Neutral 50 {Non-Dummy} I have several basic implants available that can enhance your physical abilities - make you faster, smarter, stronger, that sort of thing. 5
Neutral 50 I've also got two much more expensive implants. One's a sub-dermal implant that will make you more resistant to damage. 6
Neutral 50 The other implant induces a mild regenerative effect. Your wounds will practically heal before your eyes. 7
What kind of implants do you have available? Neutral 50 {Dummy} Uh, no. Implants, not plants. They're little machines I can put inside you to make you faster, quicker, or smarter. I recommend the smarter implant. 8
Neutral 50 I've also got two much more expensive implants. One's a sub-dermal implant that will make you more resistant to damage. 9
Neutral 50 The other implant induces a mild regenerative effect. Your wounds will practically heal before your eyes. 10
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic002 I'd like to have greater strength. Neutral 50 {Strength 10} You're already the strongest person I've ever met. The implant won't do anything more for you. 11
I'd like to have greater strength. Neutral 50 I can implant the Hypertrophy Accelerator for 4,000 caps. It will boost your adrenal glands and quickly increase your muscle mass. 12
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic003 Make me more perceptive. Neutral 50 {Perception 10} Your eyesight would make a hawk jealous. The Optic Enhancer implant won't do anything more for you. 13
Make me more perceptive. Neutral 50 The Optics Enhancer, as the name suggests, gets attached directly to your optic nerve. The price is 4,000 caps. 14
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic004 Increase my endurance. Neutral 50 {Endurance 10} Your cardiovascular system is practically super-human. The Nociception Regulator won't boost it any further. 15
Increase my endurance. Neutral 50 The Nociception Regulator modifies your cardiovascular system, and you won't tire as quickly. The price is 4,000 caps, same as most other implants. 16
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic005 I want to be more intelligent. Surprise 10 {Intelligence 10} {astonished} Your higher brain functions are off the charts. {regret} The implant won't help at all - sorry. 17
I want to be more intelligent. Neutral 50 {Non-Dummy} For 4,000 caps, I can install a Logic Co-Processor. 18
I want to be more intelligent. Neutral 50 {Dummy} I think you would really benefit from the Logic Co-Processor implant, so I'm going to cut the price to 3,000. 19
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic006 Enhance my agility. Neutral 50 {Agility 10} Your reaction times are already so fast it's a wonder you can't catch bullets. The Reflex Booster can't make you any faster. 20
Enhance my agility. Neutral 50 The Reflex Booster does exactly what it says - speeds up your reaction times. For 4,000 caps, I can attach the implant to your central nervous node. 21
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic007 Never mind. Neutral 50 All right. Was there something else you were interested in? 22
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic008 I'm wounded. Neutral 50 {Health <100, >= 66} Your injuries aren't too severe. I can patch the scrapes and lacerations pretty easily. 23
I'm wounded. Neutral 50 {Health < 66, >= 33} Some of these lacerations are pretty severe and could get infected. 24
I'm wounded. Surprise 5 {Health < 33} I'm surprised you're still standing. You've lost a lot of blood and should be stabilized immediately. 25
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic009 I'm suffering from radiation poisoning. Neutral 50 {Rads > 0} It'll be easy enough to purge all rads from your system. 26
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic011 I want to buy an implant. Neutral 50 One other thing I forgot to mention - your body may be able to handle only a limited number of implants. 27
Neutral 50 The healthier you are, the more implants I'll be able give you. Now, what surgery are you considering? 28
I want to buy an implant. Neutral 50 {no implants} Which surgery option are you considering? 29
I want to buy an implant. Neutral 50 {max implants} There aren't any more implants I can give you - you've already bought everything I had available. 30
I want to buy an implant. Neutral 50 {at least one implant, not at limit} All right, let me do a quick test to make sure your body can handle another implant... 31
Neutral 50 All right, you're healthy enough to handle another one. Which surgery are you considering? 32
I want to buy an implant. Neutral 50 {at least one implant, at limit} All right, let me do a quick test to make sure your body can handle another implant... 33
Sad 10 I'm afraid you can't handle any more implants right now. Your body isn't durable enough to take it. Sorry. 34
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic012 Boost my charisma. Neutral 50 {Charisma 10} You're already quite charming. The Empathy Synthesizer would just be a waste of caps, I'm afraid. 35
Boost my charisma. Neutral 50 The Empathy Synthesizer will allow you to more easily pick up on subtle emotions and body language. The price is 4,000 caps. 36
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic013 I'm interested in the sub-dermal implant. Neutral 50 That would be the NEMEAN Sub-Dermal Armor. It's a bit pricey - 8,000 caps - but the implant causes your skin cells to be bolstered with iron. 37
Neutral 50 It won't make you bulletproof, but it will make you a little harder to injure. 38
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic014 I'd like the regenerating ability. Neutral 50 That's the PHOENIX Monocyte Breeder. The implant speeds up cell regeneration, an effect similar to that of some lizards and sea creatures. 39
Neutral 50 The implant is very expensive, however - 12,000 caps. 40
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic015 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 Have a seat in the Auto-Doc. This will take a few hours. 41
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic016 Never mind. Neutral 50 Very well. 42
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic017 I don't have the caps right now. Neutral 50 That's all right. 43
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic018 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 Have a seat in the Auto-Doc. This will take a few hours. 44
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic019 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 Have a seat in the Auto-Doc. This will take a few hours. 45
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic020 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 Have a seat in the Auto-Doc. This will take a few hours. 46
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic021 Can you make me luckier? Neutral 50 {Luck 10} Huh. I've never seen a coin toss go someone's way that many times. You certainly don't need the help of a Probability Calculator implant. 47
Neutral 50 If fact, you ought to be on the Strip cleaning out the casinos. 48
Can you make me luckier? Neutral 50 If I implant the Probability Calculator in your frontal lobe, you'll be able to calculate odds a little better. 49
Neutral 50 It's not quite the same as making you luckier, but you'll be able to nudge things your way more often. I can do the implant for 4000 caps. 50
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic022 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 Have a seat in the Auto-Doc. This will take a few hours. 51
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic023 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 Have a seat in the Auto-Doc. This will take a few hours. 52
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic024 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 Have a seat in the Auto-Doc. This will take a few hours. 53
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic025 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 Have a seat in the Auto-Doc. This will take a few hours. 54
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic026 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 {99YES} All right. Sit still and let me work. 55
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic027 I don't have the caps. Neutral 50 I'm afraid I can't do this for free. My supplies are stretched thin enough as it is. 56
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic028 Can you cure my addiction? Neutral 50 You really ought to avoid using those kinds of chems, but I'll see what I can do. 57
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic029 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 {66YES} All right. Sit still and let me work. 58
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic030 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 {33YES} All right. Sit still and let me work. 59
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic031 I don't have the caps. Neutral 50 I'm afraid I can't do this for free. My supplies are stretched thin enough as it is. 60
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic032 I don't have the caps. Neutral 50 I'm afraid I can't do this for free. My supplies are stretched thin enough as it is. 61
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic033 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 All right, this will only take a few minutes. 62
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic034 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 All right. Sit still and let me work. 63
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic035 I don't have the caps. Neutral 50 I'm afraid I can't do this for free. My supplies are stretched thin enough as it is. 64
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic036 Do you sell anything here? Neutral 50 I have reserved a small part of my supplies for sale. The profits go directly to the purchase of additional supplies to help the less fortunate. 65
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic037 Show me what you have for sale. Neutral 50 {FoA: Rascal} Because you're a friend of the Followers, I can give you a bit of a discount. 66
Show me what you have for sale. Neutral 50 {Neutral Followers rep} Very well. 67
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic038 Tell me about the clinic. Neutral 50 Everything you see is funded by the Followers of the Apocalypse. We rely a lot on charity to provide low-cost medical services to the less fortunate. 68
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic039 That's all I wanted to know. Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 All right. 69
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic040 Are you one of the Followers of the Apocalypse? Neutral 50 Yes, I am. I received my medical training at the Angel's Boneyard Medical University back in the NCR. 70
Neutral 50 It's not a requirement to be a Follower to enter the university, but I believe in what they do, so I joined them. 71
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic041 Can I make a donation to the Followers? Neutral 50 Of course! We prefer bulk donations of 500 caps - it's apparently a lot easier on the accountants, for some reason. 72
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic042 What do the Followers believe in? Neutral 50 We believe that technology for basic necessities, like food, water, and medicine, should be shared, not hoarded. 73
Disgust 5 We're also strongly in favor of proper education. {contempt} I've come across more than a few "doctors" whose techniques came out of the back of a magazine. 74
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic043 Are the Followers part of the NCR? Neutral 50 We've worked with them in the past. The NCR became too focused on things like patents and profitability, so the Followers go their own way now. 75
Neutral 50 The NCR and the Followers have a cool relationship at the moment. We see them as oppressive, and they view us as anarchists. 76
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic044 Do the Followers have a headquarters around here? Neutral 50 Yes, the Mormon Fort in Freeside. It's hard to miss. 77
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic045 Here's 500 caps. Neutral 50 Very much appreciated. These caps will go towards funding schools and other services to the poorer part of the community. 78
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic046 I don't have the caps right now. Neutral 50 No need to apologize. 79
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic047 Never mind. Neutral 50 Of course. 80
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic048 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 Have a seat in the Auto-Doc. This will take a few hours. 81
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic049 I don't have the caps right now. Neutral 50 That's all right. 82
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic050 Here's the caps. Neutral 50 Have a seat in the Auto-Doc. This will take a few hours. 83
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic051 I don't have the caps right now. Neutral 50 That's all right. 84
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic052 I don't have the caps. Neutral 50 I'm afraid I can't do this for free. My supplies are stretched thin enough as it is. 85
vDialogueMedicalClinicDoctorUsanagiTopic053 Corporal Betsy from First Recon will be coming to you for mental treatment. Neutral 50 Mental trauma can be just as debilitating as physical injuries. Fortunately, I'm well-qualified in such treatment. I'll make time in my schedule. 86
Corporal Betsy from First Recon will be coming to you for mental treatment. Neutral 50 I'm assuming you're referring to mental trauma. I'll make time in my schedule. 87


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Take care. 88