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"Acolytes of the New God"
ただいまの時間は、シルバーラッシュの提供でした。シルバーラッシュ。熱いレーザーの熱をあなたにMr. New VegasFallout: New Vegas

Silver RushMojave WastelandFreesideにある大型energy weapons取扱店である。Atomic Wrangler casinoの正面に位置する。


シルバーラッシュカジノは、オーナーがヴァン・グラフ・ファミリーともめるまで、アトミック・ラングラーと競争していました。Fallout: New Vegas loading screen

Van Graffファミリーが所有する前まで、シルバーラッシュはアトミック・ラングラーの競争店であった。何らかの理由でシルバーラッシュの前経営者がヴァングラフの怒りを買って殺された事で、経営者はヴァングラフとなった。現在では多数のエネルギー兵器を扱うモハビウェイストランド最大のエネルギー兵器販売店となっている。そのためHead Paladin Hardinに目をつけられている。



メインルームにはシルバーラッシュカジノの名残がとどまる。中央のテーブルはエネルギー兵器と弾薬で埋め尽くされている。ドアの近くにある棚には、大量の弾薬とplasma grenades、地雷が飾られている。




  • All weapons and ammunition in the store can be stolen without Karma loss, but the guards will turn hostile if the player is caught, making it impossible to start the Birds of a Feather quest, or leading the quest to fail if the player already started it.
  • The first time you enter Silver Rush a scripted event occurs between Gloria and a customer who owes them money. Four guards block the walkways to the inner room behind the fence. Any attempt to move past the guards prior to the completion of the scripted event will result in all Silver Rush inhabitants becoming hostile.
  • If Arcade Gannon is present as a companion when you enter Silver Rush for the first time, his scripted response in relation to the quest For Auld Lang Syne may interrupt and/or delay the completion of the Silver Rush scripted event with Gloria. The PC must wait behind the fence near the entrance to allow the scripted event to complete and avoid npc hostility.
    • If pursuing Heartache by the Number, the entire store will be hostile towards you either upon killing Gloria, or for reporting them to the NCR, so you'll be forced to kill them one way or another. Afterwards the entire store is fair game with no karma loss.
  • Before entering the Silver Rush, the guard outside will take all the player's weapons (this includes hold-out weapons). The weapons will be returned when the player leaves the Silver Rush. After the player completes the first part of the Birds of a Feather quest, the guards will stop taking the player's weapons on entry.
    • It is not required that the Courier complete the first part of Birds of a Feather in order to stop their weapons from being taken upon entry to the Silver Rush, simply accepting the quest from Gloria will be enough.


Silver Rush appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

The Silver Rush has its design adapted from the real life gambling hall, the Silver Slipper. Also, Howard Hughes, the person which Mr. House was based on, bought the Silver Slipper in 1968. It also bears a similarity to the old motif/logo of real life Las Vegas casino Golden Nugget.


  • PC Playstation 3 Xbox 360 When entering the Silver Rush the first time, the scripted event might hang at the execution.[確認済み]
    • Sometimes reloading the autosave from entering will resolve the problem. Using the console commands "kill" and "resurrect" in sequence on Jean-Baptiste can also fix the issue. Leaving and re-entering, then talk to her to receive Birds of a Feather can also fix it. Using the console command set "10d8e5".ShootingVolunteer to 1, which advances the script past the part where it sticks also works. Another possible fix is to open the console and type "prid 0010d8e7", then type "say VFSVanGraffLaughter".
  • PC Playstation 3 Xbox 360 If weapons are stolen from the table, then the auto-save gained from entering the Silver Rush is loaded the previously stolen weapons will be in full condition after the save loads. [確認済み]
  • PC Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Sometimes stolen energy weapons will stack in the inventory, but will be displayed as a single item. Dropping an item of that type fixes this.[確認済み]
  • PC Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Sometimes, the inventory of Gloria never updates according to character level, selling only the same low-level weapons. [確認済み]
    • this glitch can be fixed by saving right in front of Gloria, quitting the game to the main menu, and reloading that save. This should restock Gloria's inventory.
  • Xbox 360 With the Mysterious Stranger perk, and after completing Heartache by the Number without killing the Van Graffs, if the Courier quickly targets a thug and kills him in V.A.T.S mode, the Mysterious Stranger will be completely invisible and can be targeted with V.A.T.S mode. He will be there forever afterwards and if damaged enough will become hostile. [確認済み]
  • PC Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Sometimes, when entering the Silver Rush with a companion, it is possible that the companion will disappear, while still showing on the map, but invisible and completely static. [確認済み]


テンプレート:Navbox Freeside

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