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メガトンの土地は原爆を運んでいた飛行船の墜落によって出来た。マーニャ・バーガスの祖父を含む何人かのウェイストランド人がクレーターで砂嵐を避けるために集まっており、中にはVault 101への進入を試みた人もいた。しばらくすると一部の人々はクレーターを去っていったが、中には戻ってくる者もいた。そのうち交易が盛んとなり、マーニャ・バーガスの父が生まれた頃にはメガトンは交易の中心地となっていた。



Vault 101との最初の接触とレイダーの攻撃[]

月日が経ってもメガトンは安定し、秩序を保っていた。2241年2月、Vaultの監督官の命に依りアニー・パルマー率いるVault 101の遠征チームがメガトンの住民と接触した。当初メガトンの住民は見知らぬ人物に慎重な態度を取ったが、最終的には彼らを受け入れて平和的に歓迎した。パルマーはメガトンへのVault大使としてアグネス・テイラールイスを任命した。そして町とその周囲を更に調査し、結局Vault 101へと戻った。この記録は彼のオフィスと監督官のターミナルで確認できる。






しかしレイダーたちはその地を離れず、スプリングベール小学校に留まった。ボッポの後釜はメガトン襲撃の愚かさを認識し、代わりにVault 101へ侵入することを思いついた。この計画はレイダーたちが ジャイアント・アントの巣にぶち当たったときに終わった。


メガトンはVaultが近くに位置するため、Vault 101に入れなかった人々を受け入れていた。2267年頃、Vault 101の女の子がメガトンに巡り着き、モイラ・ブラウンが彼女のVaultジャンプスーツを改造し、装甲を追加した。(しかし彼女は戻ってこなかった) また、コリン・モリアティは2272年にVaultから逃げ出した居住者と会ったと主張している。2258年ジェームスクロス、そして孤独な放浪者がメガトンを訪れてモリアティの酒場に滞在し、その後Vault 101へ向かった。19年後の2277年、ジェームスはメガトンに戻りコリン・モリアティと話をした。ほどなくして孤独な放浪者(大人となった)は父親を探して町へ入り、その間に原子力爆弾を無効化した。また、ルーカス・シムズはバークの計画を告げられると彼を逮捕しようとするが、背後を撃たれ殺されてしまった。父ルーカスの死後、息子のハーデンは(成人後)酒の愚痴で父の死に責任がある孤独な放浪者を責めている。[1]




メガトンの住人は金属製の壁に囲まれていることで安心しているようです。未解体の不発弾がこれだけ近くにあるというのに… 皮肉なものです。Fallout 3 ロード画面




Turning left instead of right at the upper lip will lead to a locked house (which is a reward from Lucas Simms for deactivating the central atomic bomb and will subsequently be renamed My Megaton House), followed by Jericho's house. From there, going down will lead to Lucy West's house while going around to the left will lead to the end of the right hand path.

The Megaton armory, only accessible by either picking the very hard lock or with Lucas Simm's key, can be reached by going up the ramp and around the Church of the Children of Atom to the right or by going down the hill starting from the back door of Moriarty's Saloon. Inside the player will face a strong opponent, Deputy Steel, a unique Mister Gutsy.

The common house can be reached by going around the women's restroom to the right or by passing behind Moriarty's Saloon rather than going around the front past the entrance to the men's restroom. Just look for the couch sitting outside.

In front of the city, outside the walls, is a caravan stop, Micky the water beggar, and Deputy Weld. Behind the city, near the southwest corner, between a group of 3 scorched trees is the hollowed-out rock.

Megaton ruins[]

Revisiting Megaton's ruins after blowing it up in The Power of the Atom, the Lone Wanderer will find Deputy Weld's head with an orange (or purple) eye nearby, sticking out of a pile of debris. He says, ironically, "Welcome to Megaton. The bomb is perfectly safe. We promise. Please hold," in a garbled voice that sounds broken. The town will be completely inaccessible, as a high wall surrounds it. The sky will be green.

If the Wasteland Survival Guide quest has been started, Moira Brown will survive as a ghoul and appear to mention that she is relocating to Underworld. If the quest is not started, Moira can still be found in Underworld. If Jericho was hired and is following you at the time of the detonation, he will linger around the ruins for later recruitment. Detonating the bomb before retrieving the Strength Bobblehead will render it unobtainable. The area around Megaton will contain progressively higher levels of radiation closer to the town's ruins, up to 11 rads per second.


  • Billy Creel's house
  • Children of Atom
  • Common house
  • Craterside Supply
  • Jericho's house
  • Lucas Simms' house
  • Lucy West's house
  • Megaton armory
  • Megaton clinic
  • Men's restroom
  • Mister Burke's house
  • Moriarty's Saloon
  • My Megaton house
  • Nathan and Manya's house
  • The Brass Lantern
  • Water processing plant
  • Women's restroom


  • Andy Stahl
  • Billy Creel
  • Colin Moriarty
  • Confessor Cromwell
  • Doc Church
  • Gob
  • Harden Simms
  • Jenny Stahl
  • Jericho
  • Leo Stahl
  • Lucas Simms
  • Lucy West
  • Maggie
  • Manya Vargas
  • Megaton settlers
  • Micky
  • Moira Brown
  • Mother Maya
  • Mister Burke
  • Nathan Vargas
  • Nova
  • Rory McLaren (After being released from Paradise Falls)
  • Silver
  • Deputy Steel
  • Stockholm
  • Wadsworth
  • Walter
  • Deputy Weld

Notable loot[]

  • Bobblehead - Strength - inside Lucas Simms' house, on a desk in the bedroom to the left on the second floor.
  • Grognak the Barbarian - in Jericho's house, on the floor, between a teddy bear and a red pylon along the right wall.
  • Nikola Tesla and You - in My Megaton house after buying the Science theme from Moira Brown.
  • Lying, Congressional Style - in My Megaton house after buying the Love machine theme from Moira Brown.
  • 4 pre-War books - in Billy Creel's house; must be stolen.
  • A Stealth Boy, sniper rifle and the as requested note in the hollowed-out rock located outside Megaton along its southern wall. Look for the rock with three small trees in a triangular pattern around it.
  • 300-700 bottle caps in The Brass Lantern. A Very Easy locked terminal unlocks a floor safe which otherwise has a very hard lock.
  • A rolling pin, a rather hard-to-find and (mostly) cosmetic weapon, can be found in the water processing plant.
  • The sheriff's duster is found being worn by Lucas Simms.
  • There are five boxes of Sugar Bombs: One in the Megaton common house to the right of the entrance on a shelf, two in Craterside Supply on the bottom shelf in the northwest corner, one on a shelf in the upper level of Lucas Simms' house against the northeast wall, and one in Lucy West's house upstairs on a shelf across from the bed.
  • There are four teddy bears in Megaton: One is in Billy Creel's house in a box on the table upstairs, two are in Jericho's house to the right of the entrance and under the bed, and one is in Lucas Simms' house upstairs on a table in the southwest room.

Related quests[]

  • Following in His Footsteps
  • Blood Ties
  • Holy Water Broken Steel
  • The Power of the Atom
  • The Replicated Man
  • The Wasteland Survival Guide
  • 300 Pieces of Silver
  • Church Donations
  • Leo's Drug Habit
  • Water Caravan Squabble Broken Steel
  • Treatment
  • Walter's Scrap Metal


  • This is likely the first settlement the Lone Wanderer will encounter, due to Megaton's proximity to Vault 101 and the fact that Following in His Footsteps, which starts upon exiting the Vault, begins with a directive to investigate the town.
  • The Strength bobblehead must be obtained before blowing up the town in the Power of the Atom quest, as the explosion will destroy Lucas Simms' house, rendering the bobblehead inaccessible.
  • If the player character has very good Karma, a Megaton settler will approach each day the Lone Wanderer is in Megaton (after around 8am) and provide a random item of loot, saying a randomized quote, including but not limited to, "I wish there were more people like you in the world." The gift can range from ammunition (around 10 to 20 of any standard type) to medical supplies (stimpaks, Rad-X, etc.) to packaged food. She will sprint from wherever she happens to be in town in order to approach; occasionally this action will not be triggered, but finding and talking to her will produce the appropriate dialog. With very bad Karma, the same settler will approach and mutter insults instead of providing something.
  • Despite the completion of the Power of the Atom side-quest with the outcome of defusing the live atomic bomb, Megaton Settlers will still be rude to you if you attempt to speak to them. Karma does not affect their speech.
  • Wearing a Vault 101 jumpsuit when entering Megaton for the first time will lead Lucas Simms and the other named settlers to comment on it during the initial greeting. This special greeting does not occur when wearing the vault security, utility jumpsuit, or vault scientist coat.
  • Megaton will occasionally be attacked by various enemies when the Lone Wanderer approaches or leaves it. These are usually one or two raiders or giant ants but can be more dangerous enemies such as giant radscorpions. Usually, Deputy Weld can easily dispatch them, with the help of Stockholm and any merchant caravan that may happen to be in front of Megaton when the fight happens.
  • After The Waters of Life quest is complete, an Enclave Vertibird may drop off some Enclave soldiers south of Megaton.
  • Looking up during Megaton's daytime will show a flock of birds circling the settlement.
  • If Megaton is blown up, the fast travel point will be renamed "Megaton Ruins."
  • Viewing Megaton Ruins, an eerie green glow will surround the wreckage, which will still be evident from places like Super-Duper Mart.
  • Megaton cannot be entered after it is destroyed, and getting very close will result in a hefty dose of radiation.
  • The player will likely encounter Megaton refugees after destroying Megaton; they are hostile on sight.
  • The first time the Lone Wanderer comes to Megaton, the gate is closed, but it opens upon approach. The gate never closes again after this.
  • Even after gaining access to the empty Megaton house, performing various tasks for the locals, and spending a significant amount of time in Megaton, the Lone Wanderer is still considered an outsider by the settlers in their conversations. In fact, nobody besides the Simms' family and Moira comments on anything remotely related to the fact that the Lone Wanderer has a permanent house there.
  • Megaton is an open environment, so fast travel is available into and out of town without going through the town gate.
  • There are additional unused sniper towers seen on the inside perimeter of the town, although they cannot be seen from the outside and there is no visible way to enter them.
  • It is possible to get to Stockholm by entering Lucas Simms' house, going through the trapdoor on the second floor, jumping on the fence on the roof, running along the fence, getting on top of the plane, running along the left side of the plane, and making a jump at the perfect time to land on the city walls. From here, carefully walk along the edge to his platform. Once up, it is possible to talk to him, and he will say he needs to keep his eyes open, and wonder how the Lone Wanderer got up there.
  • The irradiated water source that the atomic bomb is sitting on can be very useful for the second part of the Wasteland Survival Guide quest.
  • Behind Megaton there is a secret weapon stash containing a Stealth Boy and sniper rifle with ammunition.
  • In the Megaton clinic is a holotape that will start the Replicated Man mission. You can also talk to Doc Church and Moira Brown after listening to holotape to complete next steps in mission.
  • The bomb in the center of Megaton is said to have come during the Great War. However, there is some inconsistency with the established lore of the Great War. In the original story itself, it was inter-continental ballistic missiles which created the wasteland, and not bombs. However, it is possible that the bomb itself is a reference to the several bombs lost during the development of the atomic bomb in the US, most notably one which was dropped on a small town in Virginia, but did not detonate. Given the EMP pulse from a nuclear explosion, as well as the shockwaves, it's entirely plausible that the bomb was in transit when the apocalypse came, and fell from its mounting as the aircraft (which Megaton is made of) crashed to earth.
  • A note found near the Museum of Witchcraft in Fallout 4 mentions Megaton, containing the vague statement of "looks like history repeats itself".
  • The Sheriff's duster appears in Fallout: New Vegas and has a sheriff's star with the inscription «Megaton».


Megaton appears in Fallout 3 and is mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

  • In Beneath The Planet of the Apes, a cult is featured worshiping an undetonated nuclear weapon after the modern world has been destroyed.
  • A megaton is a unit used to measure the force of an explosion, equivalent to that of a million tons of TNT.
  • In the Japanese version of Fallout 3, Burke is completely gone, and therefore, the quest to blow up Megaton has been completely removed due to its parallels to real historic events,[2] referring to the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.


  • PC Playstation 3 Xbox 360 After Broken Steel is installed, if you pick up the note from your door, after completing the quest Holy Water, the note will respawn every day. This can be very annoying, and it is recommended to receive the note from a settler. [確認済み]
  • Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Occasionally the player will be shot at by the settlers of Megaton upon first entering, which can be rather troublesome for a low level character. [確認済み]
  • Playstation 3 Rarely, after you fast travel to Megaton a Brotherhood soldier may appear in the entrance of the city, a few seconds later he will leave the city. [確認済み]
  • Xbox 360 Sometimes after you blow up Megaton, Harden Simms will still be walking around the outside of the ruins, and if you speak to him, he'll talk to you like nothing has happened. [確認済み]
  • PC Sometimes Megaton settlers refuse to sleep at night, rendering the Mister Sandman perk useless in the city. [確認済み]


Interactive map[]


テンプレート:Navbox Megaton

Fallout 3 locations