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Ring-a-Ding-Ding! ist ein Hauptquest in Fallout: New Vegas.

Schneller Lösungsweg[]

Hauptquest: Ring-a-Ding-Ding!
Beim ersten Betreten des Tops-Kasino mit Swank an der Rezeption sprechen.
Von Swank den Schlüssel zu Bennys Suite erhalten, entweder durch drei Sprache-Herausforderungen (15/30/45) oder durch Vorlage eines Beweises.
Benny direkt im Kasino ansprechen.
Bennys Zimmer nach Beweisen durchsuchen.
Benny töten.
Benny mittels Schwarze Witwe überzeugen, die Nacht gemeinsam zu verbringen.
Mit oder ohne Benny zur Präsidenten-Suite gehen.
Durch Ja-Sager etwas über den Platinchip erfahren.
Benny im Schlaf töten oder ihn verlassen.
Einen Hinterhalt überleben.
Das Tops wieder verlassen.
Belohnung: 1000 XP, Erfolg

Detaillierter Lösungsweg[]

Now that you know Benny is at the Tops casino in New Vegas, it's time to go find him. You can deal with Benny in a few ways:

I. Speak with Swank. There is a series of 3 Speech checks (15, 30, and 45) and there are 3 pieces of evidence (Distinctive cigarette butt, Engraved cigarette lighter, note found in Novac Message: Khan hospitality). With 3 total checks/bits of evidence you can convince him that Benny needs to be taken care of. He'll give you Benny's Suite Key and return all weapons secured when you enter the casino. Find Yes Man in Benny's Suite and return to Swank. If you choose to take Benny out, Swank will send Benny to his room alone, where you can talk with him and also choose to kill him. This won't cause the casino to become hostile to you. There are other dialog options with Swank besides Benny needing to be taken care of, and other options like working with Benny when you talk with him. Killing Benny in his suite, regardless of circumstances will not cause the casino main floor to become hostile to you.

II. If you speak to Benny and choose the peaceful resolution options:

  • He will give you the key to the Tops presidential suite where, upon arrival, Benny will inform you over the intercom next to the elevator that he has no intention of coming up the suite. From here, you may complete a speech check of 35 and another one of 50 to convince Benny you will no longer pursue him or interfere with his plans. Otherwise, Benny will send up his assassins to kill you.
  • If you pass the speech check of 60 to get Benny accompany you up to the Tops presidential suite he will make you an offer. You can accept, kill him, or forgive him and let him escape. No guards will come after Benny's been killed, and the casino will not turn against you. Four guards will come if you forgive him and let him escape.
    • If you choose to forgive Benny in the Präsidential Suite, you will receive 1200 XP for the mission. Immediately afterward, you can kill him while he is still in the room and loot his body for the Platinum Chip and Maria. His guards will still attack, even if Benny doesn't make it out the the room, and the casino will not become hostile. This will also exploit a glitch in the script that unlocks the sub-basement elevator (on the 13th floor through Benny's suite), as Benny will begin fleeing towards it but by killing him you will prevent him ever getting there (which would trigger the elevator to be locked again), it's also the only way to access the sub-basement on a console.
  • If you have the Black Widow perk, it is possible to have Benny wait for you at the suite, where you can either kill him then, sleep with him then kill him in his sleep, or sleep with him and then fall asleep. If you sleep with him and fall asleep, he will be gone in the morning and will have left you a note.
  • Benny will then be captured by Caesars Legion. You will see him at the Fort and Caesar will give you the choice to decide how he dies or you can decide to help him escape. You then have three choices for his death; the first is crucifixion, the second is battle him in the arena in a fair fight, and the third is to kill him on the spot. If you decide to help him escape you will either have to kill all the Legion in the Fort, or give him a stealth boy and a bobby pin to help him escape. You must have a high sneak skill and a stealth boy for yourself or the Legion will become hostile. You can ask him what he will do if you set him free and he tells you that it's your choice; he can either take over the strip at your side or he will walk off into the sunset and never see you again. However it doesn't give you a choice to pick one or the other after that dialog; you can only kill him or set him free. Caesar will also give you the platinum chip and he will ask you to destroy everything Mr. House has made. After that you can leave the Fort but only without the Platinum Chip. Or you could try to steal your weapons back and try to escape somehow.

III. Physically confront Benny on the main floor of the casino. If you talk to Swank beforehand and provide two speech checks/bits of evidence he'll return your weapons and ensure the chairmen stay out of the fight. Without his help the entire casino will turn against you.

Speak to Yes Man/Swank to conclude the quest.


I. If Benny was killed, Swank becomes the new boss, and the platinum chip is recovered.

II. If Benny escapes with the chip, he will later be caught by the Legion and can be found at The Fort.

You always get the Tops presidential suite key, either during the quest or by finding it on Benny's corpse.

After speaking with Yes Man, you will have another option for New Vegas, opening up the Wild Card series of quests.

If you choose to let Benny live and escape the Tops Casino, but don't wish to help Caesar, you can start the Legion quest so Caesar gives you the chip and kill the guards at the entrance to escape with the chip. This will make you vilified among the Legion.


1 Search the strip for the man who shot you.
2 Benny im Tops stellen.
3 Go to the presidential suite (or kill Benny).
4Quest beendetQuest beendetSurvive the ambush (or recover the platinum chip).
5Quest beendetQuest beendetSearch Benny's suite.


  • It may be that the sub-basement is actually part of Vault 21 that wasn't sealed off with concrete by Mr. House. This is based on the look and feel of the sub-basement area. Also, any saves you create while in the sub-basement will identify the area as "Vault 21".
  • With a Dietrich skill of 100, it's possible to break inside the bank and retrieve all your weapons from the weapons locker. When talking to Benny for the first time it's then possible he will say, "Whatever you had that could pose a risk to me was confiscated at the entrance." You can reply, "That's why I broke into the weapons locker." This doesn't change the need for a Speech check though.
  • It's possible to skip this quest and continue with the main story line. This is done by siding with the NCR because you can receive Amdassadors note before Ring-a-ding-ding.
  • If you get Benny to accompany you to the suite and then proceed to make a deal with him, he will still flee to the Fort afterwords.
  • Technically this quest will be marked as completed, by either completing the "Recover the Platinum Chip." objective after you kill Benny or by completing the "Search Benny's suite." after Benny escapes.
  • You can get infinite XP and Caps by talking to benny over and over again on the casino floor and passing the speech / barter checks.

Hinter den Kulissen[]

The title of the quest is a reference to Frank Sinatra's 1961 song Ring-a-Ding-Ding.


  • If you enter the sub-basement, your companions may not follow you there. When you go back to the hotel, one or more of your companions may not be there. Saving at this point, then reloading the level seems to fix this bug and restore your companions.
  • pcpc If you choose to wait for Benny in the presidential suite, nothing may happen after going up to the Präsidential Suite. What should happen is a call from Benny at the intercom stating: "Baby, this meet and greet of ours? Chalk me up for a no show," followed by a short dialog and an ambush by four of the Top's bodyguards. The conversation through the intercom can be initiated by approaching it.
  • pcpc xbox360xbox360 The ambush may never happen. Instead, walking towards the elevator triggers a message from Benny: "The cleaners will knock twice. Make sure they're thorough." This allows further dialogue, but the ambush may never have happened.
  • If you talk to Benny in his room and choose the option "Player says goodbye" he will give you 250 tops chips. This can be repeated as many times as the player wishes.
  • pcpc Sometimes, when you tell Benny to leave your suite "You are stinking up my suite" He may stay inside, on the stool, not leaving unless you wait, sleep, or kill him.
  • pcpc If you are planning on siding with the NCR, be sure to finish this quest before starting Dinge, die Rums machen. Otherwise, your fame with the NCR will be reset and stuck at Neutral. Same problem may persist with the Legion, though with their quest, Gebt Caesar, was des Caesars ist.
  • pcpc After you sleep with Benny,and choose to sleep,you can get stuck in a endless black screen. (Needs verification for other platforms)
  • Sometimes when you enter the tops you will freeze and nothing will happen (for xbox loading the autosave you get from entering fixes this problem because the greeter must talk to you)
  • If you tell Benny to meet you in the presidental suite,then kill him and take the platinium chip after talking to Swank only a handful of guards become hostile. But if you then go into the presidental suite then Benny will be talking on the intercom and would appear to have fled to The Fort
  • xbox360xbox360 If you decide to kill all the Chairmen in the casino including Benny and Swank, when you try to go up to the Präsidental Suite the game will go black forcing you to restart.
Fallout: New Vegas: Quests
Akt 1Gehirnerschütterung für Anfänger · Wieder im Sattel · Lagerfeuer-Romantik · Da sind sie lang! · Ring-a-Ding-Ding!
Akt 2Wild Card (Wild Card: Ass im Ärmel, Führungswechsel, Sie und welche Armee?, Nebenwetten, Feinschliff) · Der House gewinnt immer (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII), VIII) · Gebt Caesar, was des Caesars ist · Et Tumor, Brute? · Dinge, die Rums machen · Dinge, die Rums machen · Kings-Gambit · Für die Republik, Teil 2 · Es geschah am hellichten Tag/Arizona Killer
Akt 3Freiheit zu, Freiheit von · Alles oder Nichts · Veni, Vidi, Vici · Heureka!
Republik NeukalifornienDas Wandern ist des Bergmanns Lust · Vor der eigenen Tür kehren · Bitter-Springs-Krankenstations-Blues · Showdown in Boulder City · Hör auf dein Herz · Drauß' vom Berge komm ich her · Don't Tread on the Bear! · Emergency Radio · Auge um Auge · Die Flaggen unserer Versager · Harte-Zeiten-Blues · Es hat gar nicht wehgetan · Es fährt ein Zug nach Nirgendwo · Die Wüste lebt · Wunder der Medizin · Ein Retter in der Not · Pressierende Angelegenheiten · Neue Hoffnung für Forlorn Hope · Return to Sender · Dem Ingeniör ist nix zu schwör · Die weiße Wäsche · Wo der weiße Flieder wieder blüht · Drei-Karten-Kopfgeld · Ich hatt' einen Kameraden · Verlass dich auf mich
Caesars LegionVorsicht vor dem Zorn Caesars! · Caesar's Favor · Caesar's Foe · Caesar's Hire · Ein Herz aus Stein · Die Einschläge kommen näher · Trau, schau, wem? · We Are Legion
Der StripJenseits des Fleisches · Bye Bye Love · Klassische Inspiration · Schweigen ist Gold · Ein ungleiches Paar · Tops-Stars · The House Has Gone Bust! · Wenn der Mond über dem Turm steht
Freeside und Umgebung New VegasGleich und Gleich · Blute mich aus · Schuldeneintreiber · Im Auftrag des Kings · Hoch-Zeit · Der Schutzengel von Vegas · Schmuggelnde Kojoten · Die Show muss weitergehen
Rumser...tanzen die Ameisen auf dem Tisch · Sommer, Wüste, Sonnenschein · Volare! · Junge Herzen
Großkhane...aber unsere Liebe nicht · Weine nicht, kleine Niete · Arm wie die Kirchenmäuse · O mein Papa
PulverbanditenRausgeworfen · Ich bekämpfte das Gesetz · Lauf Goodsprings Lauf · Wieso können wir nicht Freunde sein?
Stählerne BruderschaftAugenlicht für die Blinden · Im Dunkel der Geschichte · Sich ums Geschäft kümmern
SonstigeFlieger, grüß mir die Sonne · Irre, irre, irre · Schiesserei in der Geisterstadt · Nachtpirscher, ick hör dir trapsen · Hab mein Herz im Ödland verloren · Ich will 'nen Sheriff als Mann · Die Legende des Sterns und Die Legende des Sterns · Unfreundliches Zureden · Glücksrad
BegleiterMein lieber ED-E · Für Auld Lang Syne · Herzschmerz nach Ansage · Alle Menschen werden Brüder · Ich weiß was du in Bitter Springs getan hast · Nothin' But a Hound Dog · One for my Baby
UnmarkiertA Bit of Slap and Tickle · A Final Plan for Esteban · Access Powers · All Fired Up! · An Ear to the Ground · Andy und Charlie · Auch Leichen brauchen Prügel · Arizona Scavenger · Barton der Saftsack · Bärenbedürfnisse · Big Winner (Atomic Wrangler, The Gomorrah, The Tops, Ultra-Luxe, Vikki & Vance) · Kopfgeldjäger (I, II) · Brotherhood Bond (I, II) · Caching in at the Cove · Cajoling a Cudgel · Geheiltes Bein · Klauen raus · Geschäfte mit Contreras · Verunstaltung des ehrenwerten Steins · Democracy Inaction · Don't Poke at the Bear! · Eddie's Emissary · Exhumin' Nature · Fight Night · Formbare Mini-Rumser · Friend of the Followers · Ein gutes Hausrezept · Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger · Hat's Entertainment · Help for Halford · Hidden Valley Computer Virus · Highway to the Danger Zone (I, II) · Honorary Rocketeer · I Love Bananas · Iron and Stealing · Keith's Caravan Charade · Langfristige Behandlung · Laurifer Gladiator · Lenk's Bad Debts · Lily and Leo · Maud's Muggers · Meeting an Equal · Missing a Few Missiles · Most Wanted · Keinen Berg von Bohnen wert · Ein Ghul der alten Schule · Ein paar tote Desperados (I, II) · Papiere bitte · Pistol Packing · Playing on the Old Joana · Aus schlechtem Fleisch wird nie gute Suppe · Pulver für die Leute · Alle Macht dem Volk · Razzle Dazzle! · Reach for the Sky, Mister! · Rest and Resupply · Ringo's Karawaneregeln · Rotface's Loose Lips · Saving (or Savaging) Sergeant Teddy · Die Schreie der Brahmin · Silus Therapie · Short-Term Treatment · Smooth-Talking Criminal · The Star Showdown · Strategic Nuclear Moose · Straus Calls · Strip Search · Suits You, Sarah · Marken unserer Gefallenen · Dumme Deserteure · Thought for the Day · Touristenattraktion · Trudies Radio reparieren · A Trusted Aide · Useless Baubles or Fancy Trinkets? · We Must Stop Beating Like This · Wir müssen aufhören, uns so zu treffen · Wind-Brahmin Wrangler · Du musst ein paar Eier zerschlagen · You Make Me Feel Like a Woman
Dead MoneyBrennender Himmel · Die Band spielt auf · Die Bestie erledigen · Feierliche Eröffnung des Sierra Madre! · Galaveranstaltung auslösen · Gemischte Signale · Halsband finden (8: "Dog", 12: Christine, 14: Dean Domino ) · Hervorrufen im Tampico · Letzter Luxus · Raub der Jahrhunderte · Großer Gewinner: Sierra Madre
Honest HeartsEine Familienangelegenheit · Ankunft bei Zion · Großhörner von Eastern Virgin · Chaos in Zion · Bürde des zivilisierten Menschen · Vernichten Sie die Weißbeine · Befreier des Tränenvolks  · Das Paradies verlassen · Flucht aus Zion · Aufziehende Stürme · Beim Angeln · Happy Trails Expedition · Kriegsgefangene · Nehmen Sie die Brücke ein · Flussmonster · Übergangsritus · Beliebte Attraktion · Die Toten sind heilig · Die Kundschafter  · Der trügerische Weg · Die Grand Staircase · Touristenfalle
Old World BluesAlle meine Freunde haben Aus-Schalter · Alte-Welt-Blues · Auf der selben Wellenlänge · Aus sich herauskommen · Der beste Freund des Hirns · Er kam… und ging · Feldforschung · Gehirnbohren · Leute beeinflussen · Mitternachts-Science-Fiction-Special! · Projekt X-13 · Schallemitter-Upgrade · Was Namen bedeuten · Wenn Besucher angreifen! · Willkommen zur großen Leere · X-13: Angriff des Infiltrators! · X-2: Seltsame Übertragungen! · X-8: Highschool-Horror! · X-8-Datenbeschaffungstest ·
Lonesome RoadDie Wiedervereinigung · Das Silo · Der Auftrag · Der Start · Die Tunnelgräber · Die Kluft · Der Kurier · Das Ende · Die Apokalypse