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en This user is a native speaker of English.
cmn-3 該用戶能以熟練官話進行交流。
nan-1 Chit ê iōng-chiá tha̍k-siá Bân-lâm-gú ê lêng-le̍k sī chho͘-kip.
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  • Leon E. Seltzer, editor (1952), “Preface”, in The Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World[8], Morningside Heights, NY: Columbia University Press, →OCLC, page v, column 2:
    For languages which do not use the Latin alphabet (such as Arabic, Chinese, Greek, and Russian), the book provides, in addition to English names or conventional spellings, at least one — and usually two — consistent transliterations. In this matter, where English has long responded to several transliteration systems, the usefulness of this procedure will be apparent; the transliterated names in this book constitute a degree of parallel listings nowhere before attempted.
  • Wiktionary should fulfill a role for the digital age like the "parallel listings" goal described in the Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer. Given Wiktionary's descriptivist stance, reliance on citations and thoughtful community members, there is a chance to create a powerful resource of a quality, reliability, accessibility and scope "nowhere before attempted" in this area. [9][10][11]

