Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/318

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Rachung, saint, a legend concerning, 153, 154; his cave, 231; monastery, 231; village of, 231.

Radeng, Hor Dokpa from, 226.

Ragasha, the Shape, 146.

Rag-tso ferry, 209.

Ralpachan, King, 151.

Ralung zamba, bridge over Nyang chu, 129; chong-doi, village of, 129; til monastery, 129.

Ramoche, temple of, 155; relics preserved at, 155, 156; services held at, 156; communicates with hell, 165; relics in, 165.

Rampa, the Shape, 101.

Rampa, a food plant, 125.

Rapa-chan, stream, 27.

Rape, how punished, 188.

Rape, raised at Chu-shul, 144.

Ratna-talai Khan, 172.

Ratong river, 7, 16.

Re chu, 43, 237; district of, 65; road to, 75. See also Shab chu.

Red-hat sect of lamas, 31.

Regent, office elective, 173; how chosen, 172; duties of office, 173.

Regyinpai monastery, 43.

Religious services, at Gyantse, 90.

Restaurant, at Shigatse, 55.

Revenue of State, 181; how paid, 182; in cattle, 184.

Review of troops, 82, 178, 198.

Rhododendrons, 142.

Rice, at Ringbi, 8; at Chaini, 29; at Wallung, 38; given by Dalai lama at audience, 168.

Rigyal Shendar, monastery of, 205; description of, 205, 206; second visit of U. G. to, 213.

Rin-chen gang, traders from, at Shigatse, 105.

Rin-chen Khadoma, the goddess, amber image of, in Ramoche, 165.

Rinchen tenwa, quoted, 13.

Ringbi, river, 8, 14; village of, 7, 8.

Ring-la, hamlet of, 130, 216.

Rishi chorten, on Hi range, 4.

Rishi stream, 5.

Ritoi monastery, 87.

Ri-tong precipice, 75; view from, 75.

Ri-u, village of, 37.

Rivotag, river, 217; djong, 217.

Rogyaba, beggars, at Shigatse, 47; origin of name, 63; form a guild in Lhasa, 163; how recruited, 163; cut up dead bodies, 164; their chief, 164; their houses, 164, 169.

Rombuja lake, 217.

Rope, sliding down, at festival, 58, 59, 265.

Roses, wild, 142.

Rudok, attacked by the Sikhs, 53.

Rugs, made at Targye, 41, 211; at Phola, 75; at Gyantse, 100, 203, 213.

Rummam, the river, its source, 2.

Rungit, great, the river, 2, 6.

Rupon, or colonel, 86, 178.

Saffron plant, in pot at Tashilhunpo, 112.

Sakya, hierarchs of, their ancient domain, 87; translate work of Sri Dandi, 112; ordain the Panchen, 120; visit to, 204; roads to, 209; arrival of U. G. at, 209; description of, 209, 210; — Panchen, 210; first view of town, 238; description of town, 238, 239; hierarchs marry, 239; succession, 241; their dress, 241; government of principality, 241; treasures in temple, 242.

Sa-sung-pa, policeman, 148.

Sa-wang, title given the Kalon, 174.

Sa-wang Rampa, the Shape, 48; Phala, 149.

Sakyang, village of, 7.

Sal trees, 2.

Salaries of ministers, 174; of Djongpon, 177.

Salt, 8; trade at Yampung, 15.

Salutation, mode of, in part of Khams, 197.

Sam ding, monastery of, 130; arrival at, 131; description of, 135, 136, 137; origin of, 136; founder of, 136; saved from destruction by Dorje phagmo, 139.

Samdong, village of, 237.

Samdub phodang, 227.

Samye, monastery of, 215; S. C. D. starts to visit it, 216; first view of, 221; library of, 222; images at, 222; pictures on temple walls, 222; village of, 222; adjacent country, 223; sands rapidly engulfing it, 224; temples of, 224; history of, 224.

Sandalwood image, 169.