Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/308

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Dates, dried, 101.

Dayan Khan, 172.

Dayan Khanpo, feared his spirit might exercise evil influence, 161; expelled by Sakya Panchen, 240, 241.

Death, Lord of, weighing men’s acts, 93; his image, etc., in commemoration ceremony, 203; spirit after, 252; period before rebirth, 255.

Deba, or chief, 70.

Deba Shikha, 70, 102, 123, 124, 201.

Dechan phodang, of Tashilhunpo, 60.

Dechan phug, haunted cave, 13.

Dechan rolpa monastery, 21, 22.

Dechen, village of, 221.

"Deceiving death," ceremony of, 134; life, ceremony of, 134.

Deki rabdan, village of, 70.

Demalung. See Tamalung.

Densatil, monastery of, 226; its founder, 227.

Deodar tree, 23, 29.

Dephu, village of, 140.

Desi, or regent, 172, 246.

Devil, burnt in effigy, 118.

Dewan, ex, of Sikkim, his influence in Tibet, 192, 193.

Dhunkota valley, 20.

Dhuramdien, valley of, 3.

Diba Dongtse, castle of, 98.

Dice used for divination, 134; game of, 260.

Ding-naga, meadow of, 235.

Ding-pon, or lieutenant, 86.

Dipankara Buddha, 152; feast in his honour, 199.

Divination, modes used for selecting incarnate lamas, 159.

Divorce, 250, 251.

Djari tang, 29.

Djong, or prefectural town, 177; dso, or prefectural store-house, 177; shi, or prefectural lands, 177; accounts, 182.

Djim-khar, village of, 143.

Djong-nyer, or sub-prefect, 51, 176; their number, 182.

Djongpon, or prefect, 51; of Phagri, 73; appeals against to Lhasa, 174; their duties, 176, 177; their number, 176, 182; their salaries, 177, 182; social rank of, 246.

Do, village of, 226.

Doche, ingot of silver, equivalent terms for, 51, 183.

Do la, 29.

Dobta djong, 210, 244; Lachan la, 243; mountains, 244.

Dog, mad, 76; pariah, re-embodiment of sinful lamas, 119; watch-dogs of Yamdo famous, 131; kept for hunting by Panchen lama, 211.

Dogang, village of, 243.

Dogbane, 2.

Dog tsang, village of, 72.

Doi. See Panam-gang.

Dokpas, Tibetan pastoral tribes, 52; dress of women, 67.

Dolma, the goddess, incarnate in Dorje phagmo, 138; turquoise image of in Ramoche, 165; in Machig labdron, 228.

Dolmai ri, mount behind Tashilhunpo, 118.

Dombu choskhor or monastery, 218.

Dong khang, traveller’s bungalow, 13.

Dong la, 242.

Dong-sho, village of, 234.

Dongtse, town of, 45, 49; invitation to visit, 60, 68; leave for, 69; arrival at, 76; monastery of, 76; the Kham-tsan of at Shigatse, 119; second trip of S. C. D. to, 121; visits it third time, 125; fourth visit to, 196.

Donkar, village of, 146, 242.

Donnyer, a civil officer, 264; social rank, 246; chempo of Potala, 168.

Dora chu-tsan, hot springs, 211.

Doring, village of, 70.

Dorje jig-je, Lord of death, 126.

Dorje phagmo, incarnate female saint, 131; tells author’s fortune, 132, 134; performs religious ceremonies for his recovery, 133, 134, 137; throws dice for divination, 134; power to restrain waters of lake, 136; tombs of predecessors, 136, 137; her residence, 138; description of present incarnation, 138; peculiar habits of, 138; incarnation of Dolma, 138; origin of incarnation, 139; saves monastery from invaders, 139.

Dorje-tag mountains, 35; ghat, 219; monastery, 220.

Dowa targya. See Dao-targe.

Dragon-head pillars of Jo Khang, 163.

Dress of lady of rank, 121, 127; of Dalai