Star Wars: Republic Commando

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Star Wars: Republic Commando is a tactical first-person shooter video game, set in the Star Wars universe, released in 2005. It was developed and published by LucasArts for the Xbox and Microsoft Windows. Players take on the role of RC-1338 ("Boss"), an elite clone trooper, referred to as "clone commando", and the leader of Delta Squad, consisting of three fellow clone commandos. The game's story follows Delta Squad as they complete increasingly difficult missions throughout the Clone Wars.


  • You lizards need to learn that I'm a lot scarier than you are.
    • After being ambushed by Trandoshans, Mission: Ghost Ship Recon
  • An elegant weapon for a more civilized time huh? Well guess what. Times have changed.
    • Having found an abandoned lightsaber, Mission: Ghost Ship Recon

Delta Squad Commandos

  • Remind to leave the ship before we destroy it next time!
    • RC-1262/Scorch, Mission: Infiltration of the Core Ship
  • The gas got the last of them. Guess we know how long Trandoshans can hold their breath.
    • RC-1262/Scorch (after using poison gas to defeat a raiding party of Trandoshans), Mission: Attack of the Clones


  • Boss: Lets rearrange some architecture Deltas.
    Scorch: Scorch priming charge. Can I have some cover here?
    Boss: Just get us inside without killing the squad, ok Scorch?
    • While destroying a barricade on Geonosis
  • Commando Advisor: Delta 38, the detention area has an automated lockdown system.
    Scorch: Well... it doesn't work.
    • Mission: Attack of the Clones
  • Scorch: Why don't we just fly outta here?
    Ship Computer: Engines offline.
    Scorch: Eh. Figures.
    • Mission: Saving the Ship
  • Clone Advisor: You'll have to slice all three terminals. That will focus all the ship turrets onto the largest enemy target.
    Fixer: Unmanned gunnery against a battlecruiser?
    Boss: We can give'm a black eye at least.
    Scorch: We'll make'em regret the day they blew up Delta Squad!
    • Mission: Saving the Ship
  • Sev: Sir, another assault ship in view.
    Captain Talbot: This is Captain Talbot. We're moving into position. What's wrong with your guns, Delta?
    Clone Advisor: We're working on the problem now.
    Captain Talbot: Opening fire on the Separatists. They appear to be willing to stand their ground.
    (The commando squad desperately tries to activate the republic cruisers' cannons while Captain Talbot engages the separatist warship)
    Captain Talbot: Delta advisor, if we don't get some help here, we're going to have to break off. What's your status?
    Boss: Guns online. Opening fire!
    Clone Advisor: Hold your position squad. This won't take long.
    Captain Talbot: Enemy shields buckling. They're finished!
    • Mission: Saving the Ship
  • Scorch: Man, this place gives me the creeps.
    Sev: Ah Scorch. Nothing better than a jungle hunt. Hiding in the bush, putting a plasma bolt through a hostile's cranium... Makes me feel alive!
    Scorch: Ok. Now 0-7 is giving me the creeps.
    • Mission: Obliterate the Outpost

Special Features/Making Of Featurettes

  • We are like the SAS, or the special forces, or the elite marines if you like, in space.
    • Temuera Morrison Interview