Missing Link (2019 film)

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Missing Link is a 2019 British-American stop-motion animated adventure comedy film featuring the voices of Hugh Jackman, Zoe Saldana, and Zach Galifianakis. The plot follows an explorer who encounters a Sasquatch-type creature and must escort him to his Yeti cousins in the Himalayas.

Written and directed by Chris Butler. Produced by Arianne Sutner and Travis Knight.


Sasquatch: [growls, which slowly turns into a very hard and wheezy cough; gasping] It's still there. [Coughing slowly dies out] Excuse me, I think I had something...[coughs again] there it is... [continuing] In my throat. Like a nut, or a field mouse or something, I don't know. Am I rambling? I'm a little nervous! [chuckles] If I'm being honest here, I- [clears throat] Sir Lionel Frost, I presume. Hi.
Sir Lionel Frost: [Too stunned to speak, he stares. The Sasquatch smiles nervously; after chuckling in shock and surprise] You can speak?!
Sasquatch: Yes, and, um, I write as well. [he holds up the letter he’d written to Sir Lionel] My penmanship isn’t great, but, uh, you know, opposable thumbs and fat fingers, you know? [chuckles]
Frost: [still chuckling] How can you speak?
Sasquatch: Ah, good question. Well, I watched at first. I listened, very closely I pay attention to a lot of things. I learned, I stole some books, newspapers here and there. Um, an old shaman in the valley, gave me some help. Not only that, he taught me how to play chess.
Frost: Smart shaman.
Sasquatch: No, not really, I mean- I beat him every time. He's a lousy player. And he cheats, he's a cheater. [chuckles again]

Frost: So, how do you know about me?
Sasquatch: Oh. I've read all about you. [Shows Frost various headlines from newspapers, stating that he's either failed or lost money, and even one that states that a rumored affair occurred] I think that one's my favorite, right there. Let's see, there might be a picture...
Frost: Yes, yes, yes, well you can't believe everything you read, can you?
Sasquatch: But I need someone who knows the wild world. Someone who believes in my existance. But, you know, doesn't wanna shoot me. [He looks up] You're not gonna shoot me, are you?
Frost: [shakes his head] But, if I may ask, what exactly do you ask of me?
Sasquatch: Take me away from this place. [sighs] I’m lonely. Your world, it grows bigger, mine is eaten away. I've walked through these woods for so long, but I'm the last one, y'know? I have no friends, no...no family, really nobody. But, on the other side of the world there's this creature, he's a snowman! [shows Frost a newspaper with a photo of a large human footprint in the snow.]
Frost: The yeti?
Sasquatch: And look at this. [shows Frost a sketch of the Yeti running from humans to the mountains] I think these yetis, are my cousins! Can you take me there?
Frost: Take you to the Himalayas?
Sasquatch: Well of course you can do that! You're- You're a great man!
Frost: [chuckles] Well, that's a tantalizing proposition, I'll admit. But, you must understand, my main goal was to find proof of you.
Sasquatch: Proof? What Kind of proof?
Frost: Irrefutable proof that you exist to show to my naysayers. Like a fingernail clipping, hair, a tooth, feces...
Sasquatch: Oh, well I have all those things. That seems like a fair deal!
Frost: Agreed. I will get you there. And, in return, you shall get me to where I belong. Oh yes, I'll prove the existance of not just one, but an entire branch of missing links. imagine the headlines then.
Sasquatch: Oh wow, you- you're really gonna take me there?
Frost: Indeed. I give you my word.
Sasquatch: Okay, what is it?
Frost: What?
Sasquatch: Your word.
Frost: What do you mean?
Sasquatch: You said you would give me your word so......so what is it?
Frost: It's a figure of speech.
Sasquatch: Sounds good, what is it?
Frost: The word, my friend, is trust.
Sasquatch: Oh so you want the poop now?
Frost: Err, later will be fine.

[as they sit in a train]
Mr. Link: This feels very confined. I feel woozy, do I look pale? I feel pale...
Frost: [hits Mr. Link's shoulder with his cane] Oh, stop fidgeting, Mr. Link. You mustn't draw attention to yourself.
Mr. Link: Yeah, well [whispers] I'm not very comfortable stealing a man's clothes.
Frost: Well you can't walk around naked. It's indecent.
Mr. Link: Yeah, but... his underwear too? It just seems a little... I mean, i turned them inside out and all, but... Is it hot in here? I think I need some air.
Frost: By all means, crack open the win… [suddenly Mr. Link smashes the train window with his fist to crack it open] …dow.
Mr. Link: Oh, that’s better.

Mr. Link: [whispering] We're not gonna break in, are we? I mean, that's against the law!
Frost: Oh, please, Mr. Link. This is America. [hands him a stocking] put this on.
Mr. Link: Sir Lionel! Sir! Do you have a size bigger? [shows him wearing the stocking on his leg] I think I put a run in it.
Frost: On your head! It's a disguise! We're not here to perform Burlesque! Look, forget about the stocking. [hands him a grappling hook with rope attached] Throw this. [Mr. Link then throws all of the rope over the other side of the wall] What did..What did you just do?
Mr. Link: Uh, what do you mean? I threw the rope over the wall.
Frost: I didn't mean all of it!
Mr. Link: Well you never said that! I'm very literal!
Frost: [sarcastically] Oh, you don't say?
Mr. Link: No, I do- I do say. I just said that right then, aren't you listening?
Frost: [to himself] Well now what do we do?
Mr. Link: You said throw the rope over, so I threw the rope over.
Frost: Well why don't you throw this [his pack] over as well?!
Mr. Link: Okay. [he throws it over the wall; in realization] Oh...
Frost: [grunts, but restrains himself] Okay, forget it. You'll have to climb the wall and pull me up.
Mr. Link: I don't know, I'm not a good climber.
Frost: Oh for pity's sake, of course you are! Look at your arms! [holds up one of his arms with his cane]
Mr. Link: That's a good point. That's a good point. [looks to the wall] Okay. [Mr. Link then does many outlandish warm-ups, and bolts towards the wall, tripping and leaving a large hole in it.]
Frost: Bravo.
Mr. Link: [weakly] Thank You.

Frost: And that prospector's name was...?
Mr. Link: Susan.
Lionel Frost: Su… Susan?
Mr. Link: Yes, Susan. That should be my name.
Lionel: So this prospector was a girl.
Mr. Link: Yes, that’s correct.
Lionel: That is a girl’s name.
Mr. Link: Uh-huh.
Sir Frost: Well, it... It suits you.

[as Mr. Link tears off his shirt to reveal himself and old tribeswoman yells in horror and passes out]
Mr. Link: Um…
Tribeswoman: You have killed my grandmother!
Adelina Fortnight: Quick, quick, quick, someone should give her the kiss of life!
[they both look at the unconscious older woman]
Frost: [to Mr. Link] You’re the man for the job.
Mr. Link: How’s my breath?

Frost: Now, [holds his arms out] Hold me tightly!
Mr. Link: Um, are you sure? [whispers] Adelina's watching.
Frost: What? No. I want you to throw me out of the pit!
Mr. Link: I think you might be a little too heavy.
Frost: Nonsense. Now, give it all you’ve got.
Mr. Link: [throws him and Sir Lionel smashes into the ice wall and slides down] Ooph. It’s hard to know who’s fault that was. Let’s do it again.


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