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The British Center for Science Education (BCSE) is a volunteer-run organization in the United Kingdom which has the goal of "countering creationism within the UK".

It has been operating under this name since the summer of 2006, but the same organization previously operated under the name "Black Shadow" since at least 2003.[1] Its appearance was acknowledged by the American National Center for Science Education in a news article on November 2, 2006.[2]

The BCSE features a website on which it tracks leading creationists and creationist organizations, particularly those active in the United Kingdom. Short descriptive articles appear on each. Also essays, news and reports of pro-evolution government lobbying are featured on the website.

The appearance of the BCSE has been met with hostility by the main promoter of intelligent design, the Discovery Institute. In particular, Discovery Institute fellow William Dembski has written disparagingly of the BCSE on his blog, "Uncommon Descent".[3] Also, the Discovery Institute website's news feature, Evolution News and Views suggests that the BCSE is closely associated with the National Center for Science Education and the British Humanist Association and involved in unethical behavior.[4][5]


  1. ^ Black Shadow official website.
  2. ^ Creationism news from around the world, National Center for Science Education, November 2, 2006.
  3. ^ The British Centre for Science Education unmasked, William Dembski, Uncommon Descent Blog, 23 October 2006.
  4. ^ British Press Engages in Selective Motive Mongering, Casey Luskin, Evolution News and Views, Discovery Institute, October 28, 2006.
  5. ^ Who is writing anti-ID articles in the UK?, Casey Luskin, Evolution News and Views, Discovery Institute, November 4, 2006.