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Anti Patterns


Anti Patterns

Analysis paralysis
Cash cow
Design by committee
Escalation of commitment
Management by perkele
Management by objectives
Moral hazard
Mushroom management
Stovepipe (organisation)
Vendor lock-in
Avalanche model
Death march (project management)
Smoke and mirrors
Software bloat
Bystander effect
Abstraction inversion
Ambiguous viewpoint
Big ball of mud
Gold plating (software engineering)
Inner-platform effect
Input kludge
Interface bloat
Magic pushbutton
Race condition
Stovepipe system
Anemic domain model
Call super
Circle-ellipse problem
Circular dependency
Constant interface
God object
Object pool pattern
Object orgy
Poltergeist (computer programming)
Sequential coupling
Yo-yo problem
Accidental complexity
Action at a distance (computer programming)
Blind faith (computer programming)
Boat anchor (metaphor)
Busy waiting
Negative cache
Cargo cult programming
Coding by exception
Error hiding
Hard coding
Lava flow (programming)
Loop-switch sequence
Magic number (programming)
Magic string
Don't repeat yourself
Shotgun surgery
Spaghetti code
Copy and paste programming
Law of the instrument
Improbability factor
Not invented here
Invented here
Program optimization
Programming by permutation
Reinventing the wheel
No Silver Bullet
Tester Driven Development
Dependency hell
DLL Hell
Extension conflict
Java Classloader
Anti Pattern