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日本佔領香港時期 (1941-1945)

  • 日本軍隊在第二次世界世界大戰中重創美國太平洋艦隊後[5]。在中國內地進攻香港,當時的香港港督楊慕琦於1941年12月25日的下午決定投降,港督在晚上抵達尖沙咀日軍司令部簽下投降書,1941年12月26日正式成為日佔時期起點。
  • 日本統治時期,大部份兒童都面臨失學,在侵佔期間大量學校受到破壞,日本廣泛地推廣日本文化,導致日語取代英文成為當時的主要教育材料[6]。日佔期間禁止市民使用英語,並且強迫學生每日接受日語課程,若果學生的表現不合乎預期將接受到嚴厲的懲罰由於日佔時期日語老師相當缺乏, 日本在香港曾經大力宣揚和推廣日文文化,由於日本當時以入侵者的身份進行推廣,,導致香港居民對日文感到反感,這象徵着日本人在香港推行日文教育政策失敗,1945年8月15日日本無條件投降後,香港的教育政策面臨急劇的轉變。

英國統治時期 (1841-1997)

  • 1842年至1898年,清朝先後三次割讓香港島、九龍半島和租借新界給大英帝國,大英帝國從清朝接管香港時,英語作為殖民語言首次引進香港,不過英國初時的教育制度並非全力注重英語教育,當時香港沒有正式的教育制度,英國政府鼓勵私人教會辦學,導致有大量宗教教學團體參與,並且資金有限的情況下,羅馬天主教成為最早在香港建立學校的團體,希望透過學校、教育���經營慈善事業,由小教堂、教堂、修道院要最後的男女學校,可惜不少學校因資金不足而相繼倒閉。
  • 空窗期直至到1880年代,以香港為首的東華醫院提供免費的教育服務,為貧困的人士帶來一線新機,時任港督軒尼詩批評學生的英語水平並不符合要求,英語教育委員會開始成立來提出措施改善,當中包含增加英語教學的時間和減少中文的授課時間。
  • 直至在1997年,英國歸還主權給中國,履行了99年的租約,正式結束殖民地時代[7]


  • 粵語屬於漢語族群的其中一個方言[8]。主要分布在中國大陸的南部地區,只有廣東地區的居民才有機會接觸,特別在香港和澳門,導致粵語在中國大陸出現認受性較低的情況,導致中國大陸無意把粵語納入國家語言體系當中,由於粵語不是國家語言體系認可的語言,導致粵語在中國大陸沒有法律的認可,慶幸香港的經濟發達而且人口密度較高,導致粵語非常有影響力。
  • 由於人口流動的關係,在加拿大、澳洲、英國的西方國家可以在華人社區之中看見粵語的存在,香港作為旅遊勝地,遊客將會對粵語的歷史感到興趣。
  • 大量藝人能夠以多種語言與外國媒體和傳媒溝通,導致大量粵語流行曲和電視劇流向海外地區,進一步確立了粵語在地球語言上的地位。










  • 在日常用語方面,中文在香港的語言政策當中存在灰色地帶,官方語言中的中文能夠演繹成普通話和廣東話,證明現時香港的地位與殖民地歷史有關連[17]
  • 在書寫方面中文擁有兩個截然不同的版本,分別是台灣、香港和澳門地區流行的繁體中文和中國內地廣泛使用的簡體中文,兩文三語中(中文)並沒有制定出香港採用繁體中文或簡體中文作為法定用語,不過由於廣東等地區都採用粵語作為日常用語,所以大多香港居民已經默認繁體中文是香港政府對中文的定義。




  • 香港曾經受殖民地語言教育影響下,導致英語跟隨殖民者的框架下拓展到香港之中,英語仍然能在現時香港生活環境下廣泛出現,例如在公共交通廣播、施政報告和新聞報道,法庭和政府文件都會優先使用英語作為文件的正本。由此可見,曾經成為英國殖民地的香港語言體系下仍然依賴英文,因此英國對香港的教育政策影響深遠。
  • 英文的廣泛性和流通性有助香港繼續利用英文作為法定語言,形成英語在回歸25年後仍然在勞動力市場和政府工作的主要語言的現象出現,引致香港能夠在成為其中一個擁有多個法定語言的城市。
  • 在工作環境方面,專業人士由於工作關係長時間閱讀和寫作英文,粵語只是作為副語言之用,不過英文口語方面擁有關鍵性的作用,尤其是在正式場合[19]。企業或政府之間都成為一個默許化的語言,現時政府大部份文書工作都以英文為主,香港政府的基本法法例和法律文件都是用英文版本作為最後解釋權,由此可見殖民地政府對香港的語言系統具影響力,仍然在香港回歸中國25年繼續影響香港的語言政策,不過這樣導致香港的語言制度在成為殖民地後變得複雜和有爭議性。




  • 由九年的免費教育增至十二年[20]
  • 推行中學新學制與國際的教育系統接軌[21]
  • 不斷增加大學學位[22]
  • 在小學和中學階段增設普通話的課程,從小培養對普通話的興趣,並且讓學生提高對國家的歸屬感[23]







  • 推動學生讀寫能力,
  • 提升學生在英文的質素和數量
  • 提高學校以外英文溝通的機會
  • 照顧學習多樣性,包括為非本地學童提供額外支援,以保證能夠趕上本地學生的進度

政府為了更好實現兩文三語的語言政策,在推廣計劃中投放大量資金支援計劃,包括在免費教育和日常生活方面。日常生活方面,政府施政方針和公眾能夠接觸的資訊都提供英文和中文的翻譯版本,市民在外出工作時,道路上的指示牌都會提供兩種語言,迎合不同人士的需要。在免費教育方面,香港截止2022年透過公立學校為所有香港出世的兒童提供十二年的免費小學和中學教育讓學童能夠輕鬆運用兩文三語[20]。香港政府更加在1969年10月成立語文教育及研究常務委員會(語常會),目的希望向政府提供語文教育事務的意見[26]。語文教育及研究常務委員會更在2008-2009學年在中、小學推行以普通話作為母語教授中文的計劃, 計劃並且在2013-1014年度完結[23]。由此證明政府有意在兩文三語的基礎下實現普教中的政策。






  • 首先,粵語作為香港居民的日常用語一時間難以接受轉以普通話教育中文的語言政策。根據語文教育及研究常務委員會的調查結果顯示,有四成居民自我評估普通話只有一般能力,當中只有5%自我評估擁有非常好的普通話能力[27]。由此可見,實現普通話作為教育中國語文科的難道非常大。
  • 其次,由於2019社會運動事件,導致部分家長對普通話形成反感的形象,普通話間接被標籤化,然而普通話在兩文三語的教育系統中被部分家長批評,引起部分中國內地市民質疑香港人對國家的歸屬感存有偏見。

Language Policy in Education in Hong Kong ( Translate Version)




The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is simply referred to as Hong Kong by the rest of the world, the status conferred by the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the world map, Hong Kong is located in the north of the South China Sea. Hong Kong is mainly divided and separate into three regions, Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories, including more than 250 islands. The land area of Hong Kong is only 1114 square kilometers. According to the statistics of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Statistics Department, the population of Hong Kong is about 7.4 million. Very good, it has made Hong Kong a cosmopolitan city.

Hong Kong is part of the People's Republic of China due to the special status granted to Hong Kong under the framework of the Special Administrative Region. As a result, Hong Kong has become a dual-language country. Two languages, Chinese and English, are popular in Hong Kong society. The Basic Law of Hong Kong clearly established Chinese and English are both official languages, so it is extended that Hong Kong has two official languages. Language education policy for trilingualism.

Colonial period


The Japanese occupation of Hong Kong (1941-1945)

  • After the Japanese army severely damaged the US Pacific Fleet in the Second World War, they attacked Hong Kong in mainland China[5]. The then Hong Kong Governor Yang Muqi decided to surrender on the afternoon of December 25, 1941. The Hong Kong Governor arrived at the Japanese Army Command in Tsim Sha Tsui in the evening to sign the instrument of surrender. December 26, 1941 had officially become the starting point of the Japanese occupation period.
  • During the Japanese occupation, most children were kept out of school. During the occupation, a large number of schools were destroyed. Japan widely promoted Japanese culture, which led to Japanese replacing English as the main educational material at that time[6]. During the Japanese occupation, citizens were prohibited from using English, and students were forced to Japan accepts Japanese language courses, and if the performance of students does not meet expectations, they will receive severe punishment. Due to the lack of Japanese teachers during the Japanese occupation period, Japan has vigorously promoted and promoted Japanese culture in Hong Kong. , which caused Hong Kong residents to feel disgusted with Japanese, which symbolized the failure of the Japanese to implement Japanese education policy in Hong Kong. After Japan's unconditional surrender on August 15, 1945, Hong Kong's education policy faced a drastic change.

British colonial period (1841-1997)

  • From 1842 to 1898, the Qing Dynasty successively leased Hong Kong Island, the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories to the British Empire three times. When the British Empire took over Hong Kong from the Qing Dynasty, English was first introduced to Hong Kong as a colonial language. However, the British education system at the beginning did not fully focus on English education. At that time, there was no formal education system in Hong Kong. The British government encouraged private churches to run schools, which led to the participation of a large number of religious teaching groups. With limited funds, Roman Catholicism became the first group to establish schools in Hong Kong. Charity, from chapels, churches, monasteries to the last boys and girls schools, unfortunately, many schools have closed down due to lack of funds.
  • Until the 1880s, the Tung Wah Hospital, lead by Hong Kong, provided free educational services and brought new opportunities to the poor. Hennessy, the then Governor of Hong Kong, criticized that the students' English proficiency was not meeting the requirements, and the English Education Committee was established. They had proposed measures to improve, including the increase the English teaching and reducing the teaching time of Chinese.
  • Until 1997, the United Kingdom returned sovereignty to China and fulfilled the 99-year lease, officially ending the colonial era[7].
  • Cantonese is one of the dialects of the Chinese group[8]. Mainly distributed in the southern part of mainland China, only residents in Guangdong have the opportunity to contact, especially in Hong Kong and Macau, resulting in a low recognition of Cantonese in mainland China, resulting in mainland China unwilling to incorporate Cantonese into the national language system , Since Cantonese is not a language recognized by the national language system, Cantonese is not legally recognized in mainland China. Fortunately, Hong Kong's economic development and high population density make Cantonese very influential.
  • Due to population mobility, Cantonese can be seen in Chinese communities in western countries such as Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. As a tourist destination, Hong Kong will be interested in the history of Cantonese.
  • A large number of artists can communicate with foreign media and media in multiple languages, resulting in a large number of Cantonese pop songs and TV dramas flowing to overseas regions, further establishing the status of Cantonese in the global language.



Mandarin, as the representative of modern standard Chinese, is defined as the national standard language by the People's Republic of China[9]. The predecessor of Putonghua was (Mandarin), and it was unanimously agreed to change the name to (Mandarin) at the National Character Reform Conference in 1955.

According to the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Chinese is part of the six working languages ​​of the United Nations, which proves that mandarin has great circulation in the world. 53.06% were able to communicate in Chinese dialect, which was 86.38%[11]. China is going through the stage of economic take-off, hoping to speed up the popularity of mandarin and let more foreigners get in touch with mandarin, so that the great history and culture of China can be promoted conveniently and indirectly. Opinions on writing work put forward the main target that the penetration rate of Mandarin in the country needs to reach 85% by 2025[12]. In this way, the excellent Chinese culture can be promoted through channels, and at the same time, it also solves the problem of the people's Mandarin ability and language training.

Due to Hong Kong’s proximity to mainland China, the official language of mainland China is Mandarin. At present, business exchanges between Hong Kong and the mainland are gradually becoming more frequent, and more and more cooperation plans between the two places have emerged. Mandarin is widely accepted as the local third official language. Unfortunately, many citizens believe that the gradual circulation of Mandarin in Hong Kong society will lower the social status of Cantonese in Hong Kong by half, which will seriously affect the original culture and history of Hong Kong. However, the recent attitude of the government Gradually change, Mandarin is better than Cantonese in terms of global circulation. The government hopes to maintain a working team that can perfectly use biliterate and trilingualism to ensure effective communication with citizens when providing services. This has led to further exploitation of Cantonese by Mandarin, and the government has begun to regard Mandarin as Teaching Chinese has become a trend. Under the biliterate and trilingual policy, students' Mandarin proficiency is sufficient to meet the level required for learning Chinese. The government believes that it will not cause too much trouble to students' learning.

Official language


Based on the Article 9 of the Hong Kong Basic Law and the Official Languages ​​Ordinance, Government clearly established Chinese and English as the official languages ​​of Hong Kong, and both have the same status[13]. At present, most of the publications published by the government adopt a mixed mode of Chinese and English. The Civil Service Bureau, which is owned by the Hong Kong government, will provide interpretation services in Putonghua, English and Cantonese according to the situation at the government's Executive Council. The process is civil service. Provided by the Official Languages ​​Department under the Bureau[14]. At the same time, Article 3 of the Official Languages ​​Ordinance clearly stipulates that the legal affairs between the government and civil servants and citizens are allowed to communicate in Chinese and English, the two official languages ​​of Hong Kong[15]. In the legal field, a bilingual legal system committee has been established among the various departments of the Department of Justice. The members of the bilingual legal system committee include representatives of the Department of Justice, the Judiciary, the Education and Manpower Bureau, the Legal Aid Department, the Official Languages ​​Office and the legal profession. The committee will appoint the Attorney General as its chairman[16]. The Bilingualism Committee mainly advises the government on bilingualism, thereby increasing the use and penetration of bilingualism in Hong Kong.


Chinese has a gray area in Hong Kong's language policy. The official language of Chinese can be interpreted into Mandarin and Cantonese, which proves that the current status of Hong Kong is related to the colonial history[17]. There are two completely different versions of Chinese in terms of writing, namely Traditional Chinese popular in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau and Simplified Chinese widely used in Mainland China. Simplified Chinese is the official language, but since Guangdong and other regions use Cantonese as their daily language, most Hong Kong residents have acquiesced that traditional Chinese is the Hong Kong government's definition of Chinese.

Definition of English in the Official Language


Due to the influence of the colonial period, English has an irreplaceable status in Hong Kong. English still retains a strong image and economic role, and is an important part of Hong Kong's civic identity and the identity of the People's Republic of China very different contrast [18]. Hong Kong was once influenced by colonial language education, which led to the expansion of English into Hong Kong under the framework of the colonists. English can still be widely used in the current living environment of Hong Kong, such as public transport system, broadcasts, policy addresses and news reports, courts and government Documents will preferably be in English as the original document. It can be seen that the language system of Hong Kong, which was once a British colony, still relies on English. Therefore, the British have far-reaching influence on Hong Kong's education policy. The breadth and fluidity of English helps Hong Kong continue to use English as the official language, and the phenomenon that English is still the main language in the labor market and government work 25 years after the handover has led to Hong Kong being able to become one of the many official languages city ​​of. In terms of working environment, professionals read and write English for a long time due to work relationships, and Cantonese is only used as a secondary language, but spoken English plays a key role, especially in formal occasions[19]. It has become a tacit language between enterprises and the government. At present, most of the government's paperwork is mainly in English. The basic laws and legal documents of the Hong Kong government are all in the English version as the final interpretation. This shows that the colonial government has Hong Kong's language system is influential and continues to influence Hong Kong's language policy 25 years after Hong Kong's handover to China, but this has made Hong Kong's language system complex and controversial after it became a colony.

The impact on Hong Kong's education policy after returning to China


During the reign of China (1997-present)

  • Free education increased from nine years to 12 years[20]
  • New secondary school system was introduced to be in line with the international education system[21]
  • University degrees were continuously increased[22]
  • Mandarin was added at the primary and secondary levels courses, cultivate interest in Mandarin from an early age, and allow students to improve their sense of belonging to the country[23]

Biliterate and trilingual


Founding and intent


Hong Kong has an independent and special status in the world. Biliteracy and trilingualism is the language policy established by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government after its return to the People's Republic of China. The government policy aims that all Hong Kong citizens will be able to speak and write in both Chinese and English, and be able to communicate in Cantonese, Mandarin and English with confidence[24]. (Bilingual) refers to two languages, Chinese and English. (Trilingual) refers to Cantonese, English and Mandarin as the language of daily communication. The Chinese government has not stipulated the language that Hong Kong citizens need to use in communication, and provides the right for Hong Kong residents to choose freely. By using Cantonese or Mandarin as the language used for daily speech, the status of biliterate and trilingual has been clearly established. According to the Hong Kong government's mid-2016 statistics, the official languages ​​of Hong Kong are Chinese and English. Among government departments and professionals, English is the most widely used language, and Cantonese has become the daily language of Hong Kong citizens, with 88.9% % of citizens speak Cantonese, English accounts for 4.3%, and Mandarin accounts for only 1.9%[25].

The Education Bureau strongly recommends that schools take different measures to promote the development of biliterate and trilingualism, including[24]

  • Promote students' literacy skills,
  • Enhancing the quality and quantity of students in English
  • Improve opportunities to communicate in English outside of school
  • Taking care of learning discrepancy, including teaching taking extra support to non-Chinese speaking students

In order to better realize the language policy of biliterate and trilingualism, the government has invested a lot of capital in the promotion plan, including free education and improvements in social manners. In terms of the improvements in society, the government policies and information accessible to the public are provided in both English and Chinese translations. When citizens go out to work, the signs on the road will be provided in two languages ​​to meet the needs of different people. In terms of free education, by 2022, Hong Kong will provide all Hong Kong-born children with 12 years of free primary and secondary education through public schools, so that students can master biliteracy and trilingualism[20]. The Hong Kong government even set up the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) in October 1969, with the aim of providing advice on language education to the government[26]. The Standing Committee on Language Education and Research mechanism have also implemented a plan to teach Chinese with Mandarin in primary and secondary schools in the 2008-2009 school year, and the plan was completed in the 2013-1014 year[23]. This proves that the government intends to implement the policy in general education on the basis of biliterate and trilingualism.

The Challenge of Biliterate and Trilingual Policy


There will be a challenge and difficulty in biliterate and trilingualism in general education


In recent years, the Hong Kong government has actively advocated the replacement of Cantonese with Mandarin as the language for educating students in Chinese language subjects. It is hoped that the move will create a good learning atmosphere for Mandarin and provide a learning environment with more love in the classroom[26]. However, Cantonese has an invincible status in Hong Kong. As the national language, Cantonese is even more embarrassing and helpless, which has led to the Hong Kong government encountering many difficulties in promoting universal education.

First of all, Cantonese, as the daily language of Hong Kong residents, was unable to accept the language policy of switching to Mandarin for Chinese education. According to the survey results of the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, 40% of the residents self-assessed that they had only average ability in Mandarin, and only 5% of them self-assessed that they had very good Mandarin ability[27]. It can be seen that the realization of Mandarin as a Chinese language subject in education is very big.

Secondly, due to the social movement events in 2019, some parents formed a disgusting image of Mandarin, and it was indirectly labelled. Mandarin was criticized by many parents in the biliterate and trilingual education system in Hong Kong, causing many mainland Chinese citizens to question Hong Kong people. There is a prejudice against the sense of belonging to the country.

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