
I’m crazy

Rn I’m thinking about the ways a cowbians video game could show the progression of time through the girls’ creative abilities

Mattie’s whittling something, as the game goes on, the animal that she’s carving becomes more and more apparent, slowly becoming a big cat of some sort.. a cougar? A panther?

Alongside that, to show time progressing could be floras journal, not really writing but more a scrap book of sorts


Shapeshifter characters are so inherently tragic and i eat that shit up every time. I fucking LOVE when a character's sense of identity hinges upon being anyone but themself. Like yesssss babygirl struggle with your identity as an individual person and not just a reflection of others youre so sexy haha


The silliest thing about posting my cowbians on Cara is that mattie gets he/him pronouns thrown at her every time


Mattie getting fleas is actually something that she and Flora have had to deal with a few times… because Mattie won’t stop hanging out with the stray dogs she comes across as a fox

crueclown22 asked:

just wanted to ask, is fanart for the cowbians okay? i know some people aren't too comfortable with others drawing their ocs, so i wanted to ask :3

I would genuinely love nothing more!!!!!! I love seeing how others draw them :,) makes me so happy


Mattie’s coyote being a representation of her upbringing; scrounging for food and getting into fights. A representation of her being a cunning thief, but also her cleverness and resilience

Flora’s jackalope being a representation of her trickery, of how she cons and fools those around her. Yet on the flip side it’s a representation of how she cares for others as jackalopes in myth are known for healing abilities

Both of their animals symbolize thievery/trickery, yet the fox is a more desperate creature, words like sly and wicked are often attributed to them. While a jackalope’s trickery is more often portrayed to be in good fun

I’m crazy about them as you can see

cowbiansmattie and flora
gayshrimpie asked:

Did either of them have any past romanticals, or were they each other's first loves?

Flora was being courted by an older man before she ran away from home, on her travels she left behind a trail of broken hearted men (whom she never loved)

But she did have one single girl she shared a kissed with when they were young

Mattie had never been in a relationship before, not for a lack of trying, every man just annoyed her too much and the experiences she had with them were unsatisfactory at best and horrifying at worst

Her first was Flora

They both always knew that they were peculiar, turns out they’re peculiar for each other
