
The following are links and descriptions of our legal policies and agreements.

Terms of Service

Outlines the rules, conditions, and guidelines for using the DocsBot AI platform. This document clarifies the obligations, responsibilities, and rights of both the service provider (DocsBot AI) and the user. It includes information on account management, payment terms, disclaimers, termination, and more.

Privacy Policy

Explains how DocsBot AI collects, manages, and utilizes personal data from its users. It details the types of data gathered, the purpose of data collection, storage duration, and how user privacy is safeguarded. This policy also informs users about their rights regarding their data.

GDPR Compliance

All the necessary information you need to understand our GDPR compliance, for businesses wishing to use DocsBot AI within the European Union (EU).

Data Processing Agreement

A supplementary document to the main terms of service agreement, detailing how DocsBot AI and its clients will handle and process personal data, especially in the context of data protection laws (e.g., GDPR). It sets clear responsibilities and obligations for both parties to ensure compliance.

List of Sub-Processors

Provides a comprehensive list of third-party companies or entities that DocsBot AI might use to process user data on its behalf. This list ensures transparency and helps users understand where and how their data might be processed, stored, or transmitted.

Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

We welcome feedback from security researchers and the general public to help improve our security. If you believe you have discovered a vulnerability, privacy issue, exposed data, or other security issues in any of our assets, we want to hear from you. This policy outlines steps for reporting vulnerabilities to us, what we expect, what you can expect from us.