Build, test, and submit your app using Xcode, Apple's integrated development environment.

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Resolving a "Simulator runtime is not available" error
Some Macs recently received a macOS system update which disabled the simulator runtimes used by Xcode 15, including the simulators for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, and visionOS. If your Mac received this update, you will receive the following error message and will be unable to use the simulator: The simulator runtime is not available. Domain: Code: 401 Failure Reason: runtime profile not found using "System" match policy Recovery Suggestion: Download the simulator runtime from the Xcode To resume using the simulator, please reboot your Mac. After rebooting, check Xcode Preferences → Platforms to ensure that the simulator runtime you would like to use is still installed. If it is missing, use the Get button to download it again. The Xcode 15.3 Release Notes are also updated with this information.
May ’24
How to resolve "ITMS-90129: The bundle uses a bundle name or display name that is already taken" for new builds of the same app
This error is reaction on new build created and uploaded to AppStore with new project but same bundleId/displayName/signingInfo. Here is the scenario with symbolic values to explain it better: Build #1 (Version 1.0) project: P1 Bundle id: Display name: My App Signing info: TeamX, CertificateX (automatic signing) I had to move the app to new project with completely new targets/configs/sources but same app metadata. Build #2 (Version 1.0) project: P2 (new) Bundle id: Display name: My App Signing info: TeamX, CertificateX (automatic signing) So you can see that all is changed but the important app metadata (BundleId, DisplayName, Signing info) remained the same. Yet the upload of build 2 results with: ITMS-90129: The bundle uses a bundle name or display name that is already taken Note that the Build #2 showed in "AppStoreConnect / TestFlight / iOS Builds / Version 1.0" for a few seconds as "Processing" but than disapeared with the error. Thus Apple tries to add the new build #2 it to proper application version but than for some reason it thinks that Build #1 and #2 comes from different applications. Any thoughts why?
Xcode 16.0 beta 4 build error "Could not build module"
Xcode Version: Xcode 16.0 beta 4 (16A5211f) Build Error: Could not build module "xxxx" I encountered an issue where the keyword module is causing a build error in my project. The error message states "Could not build module," and it seems that the identifier module is being recognized as a keyword, which leads to a conflict. + (void)logWithLevel:(SCLogLevel)level fileName:(const char *)fileName lineNum:(int)lineNum module:(NSString *)module content:(NSString *)format, ...
Linker errors when building with Xcode 15 and CocoaPods — building for iOS
** BUILD FAILED ** The following build commands failed: Ld /Users/siddesh/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-ddpkkzvberburtewkcvoihnirgjh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ normal x86_64 (in target 'Logging' from project 'Pods') (1 failure) Testing with xcodebuild. -> mySDK_Staging (8.8.0) - WARN | attributes: Missing required attribute license. - WARN | license: Missing license type. - WARN | source: Git SSH URLs will NOT work for people behind firewalls configured to only allow HTTP, therefore HTTPS is preferred. - WARN | [iOS] license: Unable to find a license file - ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: Returned an unsuccessful exit code. - NOTE | xcodebuild: note: Using codesigning identity override: - - NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Building targets in dependency order - NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Target dependency graph (20 targets)
Linker errors when building with Xcode 12 and CocoaPods — building for iOS
** BUILD FAILED ** The following build commands failed: Ld /Users/siddesh/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-ddpkkzvberburtewkcvoihnirgjh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ normal x86_64 (in target 'Logging' from project 'Pods') (1 failure) Testing with xcodebuild. -> mySDK_Staging (8.8.0) - WARN | attributes: Missing required attribute license. - WARN | license: Missing license type. - WARN | source: Git SSH URLs will NOT work for people behind firewalls configured to only allow HTTP, therefore HTTPS is preferred. - WARN | [iOS] license: Unable to find a license file - ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: Returned an unsuccessful exit code. - NOTE | xcodebuild: note: Using codesigning identity override: - - NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Building targets in dependency order - NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Target dependency graph (20 targets)
Predictive Code Completion
In Xcode16Beta4, it contains Predictive Code Completion, and Predictive Code Completion is also with other SDKs in the page opened by Xcode for the first time. Waiting for download. However, I want to know: 1. What is Predictive Code Completion? 2. I didn't download Predictive Code Completion on the SDK download page when I first opened Xcode. Where should I download it later?
UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key issue in App Review
I am getting rejection from apple review team for UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities. Here is the rejection message -- The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in the Info.plist is set in such a way that the app will not install on iPad or iPhone . Next Steps To resolve this issue, check the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key to verify that it contains only the attributes required for the app features or the attributes that must not be present on the device. Attributes specified by a dictionary should be set to true if they are required and false if they must not be present on the device. In our case we don't have UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in info.plist. Even if you create new project in Xcode 15.4 then it doesn't have this key. I tried to add that key forcefully with armv7 or camera details. But app is keep getting rejected. Anyone faced the issue for this?
"This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified"
Hi, We developed a app for iPhone and Apple Watch. The app has been tested and it worked well on iPhone SE and Apple Watch Series 6 running earlier OS. We recently upgraded the Apple Watches to Series 9 & watchOS 10.5, and the iOS on the same iPhone is upgraded to 17.4.1. The app can still be built on the iPhone but when I tried to install the app on the new Apple Watch, it won't work and shows "This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified." To make sure it's not a OS issue, I also upgraded the watchOS on the old Apple Watch Series 6 to 10.5 and the app worked. I wonder what cause the app fail on the newer Apple Watch running the same watchOS. Thank you
App not compatible with iPad model, but it is?
I’m having an issue with my published iPad app on the App Store where a selection of users (but not all) are finding they are unable to download my app on their iPad. The app recently was updated to support only devices Running iOS/iPadOS 17 and also added iPad support as HealthKit is available there now. The App Store listing correctly shows it as compatible but for some reasons user still see incompatibility messages. This makes no sense as the app has been full built and tested on iPad and a lot of users are using it fine. All the iPads in question are running ipadOS 17 too. I can only assume this is a bug but I thought I’d post here in case maybe I had an Xcode build setting wrong or something. Thank You
Error accessing shared defaults controller under Sonoma 14.5
I have an application that has worked fine for years, however on a latest build on Sonoma and the most recent version of Xcode when I run the app I receive errors trying to access a plist file via a shared defaults controller which contains preferences. This used to work but now generates errors that I am trying to access a file outside of the container I'd appreciate any help understanding what has changed and how I can resolve it. I have heard about a setting allowing read/write access to preferences but cannot find it in Xcode
"No bundle url present", xcode with phsyical IPad
I am patching dependencies on a a published React native application. I want to test the updated app before republishing it, by running it on the company IPad via xcode as I always do. The issue I am facing since upgrading to xcode 15: When I run my app via xcode, it builds successfully, then installs and launches on my Ipad, at this point it shows the red error "No bundle url present". Things I have tried already: made sure nothing is running port 8018 running the app on a different port (8028) deleted the ios/build file configured the info.plist correctly verified the metro bundler is working by launching it and visiting localhost in my macs browser. cleaned the build folder in xcode deleted the xcode derived data and restarted xcode. generating a main.jsbundle file via terminal (works in part but I believe it's a workaround not the correct solution) as previously I haven't had to do this and it was handled by xcode. Thank you for reading.
Waiting to reconnect to [DEVICE NAME]
Hi, the 'Waiting to reconnect to [DEVICE NAME]' error is repeatedly occurring. Previous preparation error: Developer Mode disabled. To use[DEVICE NAME] for development, enable Developer Mode in Settings → Privacy & Security. Of course, the developer mode is already turned on and I've used the connection between my devices via XCode until yesterday. But it suddenly happened. I have several devices(iOS/iPadOS) so I've tried them all, but they are all having the same situations. What I've tried: Re-install XCode Rebooting mac and iPhone Safe boot my mac Disable and enable developer mode
Is ObservableObject implicitly a MainActor in iOS 16 and later?
This is a question regarding the specification of ObservalObject. The following code does not cause a compilation error when the deployment target is set to iOS 16, but it does cause the following error when set to iOS 15: class Model: ObservableObject { let player: AVPlayer @Published var isPlaying = false var playerObserver: NSKeyValueObservation? init() { self.player = AVPlayer() self.playerObserver = self.player.observe(\.rate, options: [.new, .old]) { player, change in NSLog("changed rate: \(String(describing: change.newValue))") } } func setup() { let name = "sample" let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: name, withExtension: "m4a")! let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(url: url) self.player.replaceCurrentItem(with: playerItem) } func play() { self.isPlaying = true } } The following error occurs in iOS 15: Cannot form key path to main actor-isolated property 'rate' Call to main actor-isolated instance method 'play()' in a synchronous nonisolated context Additionally, if the code is modified as follows, the error does not occur even in iOS 15. Specifically, adding @MainActor to the Model resolves the issue. @MainActor class Model: ObservableObject { ... } From this behavior, I guessed that ObservableObject is implicitly a MainActor in iOS 16 and later. Is this understanding correct?
SwiftUI Gestures prevent scrolling with iOS 18
I added gesture support to my app that supports iOS 16 and 17 and have never had issues with it. However, when I compiled my app with Xcode 16 I immediately noticed a problem with the app when I ran it in the simulator. I couldn't scroll up or down. I figured out it’s because of my gesture support. My gesture support is pretty simple. let myDragGesture = DragGesture() .onChanged { gesture in self.offset = gesture.translation } .onEnded { _ in if self.offset.width > threshold { ...some logic } else if self.offset.width < -threshold { ...some other logic } logitUI.debug("drag gesture width was \(self.offset.width)") self.offset = .zero } If I pass nil to .gesture instead of myDragGesture then scrolling starts working again. Here’s some example output when I’m trying to scroll down. These messages do NOT appear when I run my app on an iOS 16/17 simulator with Xcode 15. drag gesture width was 5.333328 drag gesture width was -15.333344 drag gesture width was -3.000000 drag gesture width was -24.333328 drag gesture width was -30.666656 I opened FB14205678 about this.