Delicious in Dungeon Wiki

Man-eating Plants (人喰い植物 Hitokui shokubutsu?) are a type of monster in Delicious in Dungeon.

Anatomy and Appearance[]

Man-eating Plants look in general like fairly large plants but differ widely in their structure and appearance, likely due to the different ways they capture and feed on prey. Some resemble pitcher plants, while others resemble flowers with a row of teeth.[1]


Behavior and Weaknesses[]

Although they are collectively referred to as "man-eating", only some Man-eating Plants eat people.[2] For example, some capture prey in order to implant their seeds in them.[3]

There are a few named types:

  • Baraselia (バラセリア Baraseria?) is a fertilizer type. It typically grows along animal trails and catches small animals that run across it by using a sticky fluid that when touched causes the plant to reel it in.[2] Its vines are strong enough to break bones.[4] It lacks the ability to digest prey, instead making its own compost.[2]
  • The Shadowtail (シャドーテール Shadōtēru?) variety is a parasitic type. Its vines are strong enough to secure its prey without killing it or letting it go.[4] It does not kill its prey, instead planting its seeds under their skin.[3]
  • Betan (ベタン Betan?) is a dependent type, and appears to rely on other nearby plants to release nutrients into the ground that they can then feed on.[5]
  • Meeroak (ミアオーク Miaōku?) is a lure type, and seems to use its own stalks as well as captured smaller animals as bait for their prey.[5]

The surest way to dispatch any of the plants is by targeting the base of the stem near the root.[6] Magic can also be effective, but it will most likely render the plants unusable.[7]

Culinary Usage[]

Most of the fruits and seeds of Man-eating Plants are edible.[8] The gelatin from inside the man-eating type plant can be used to as a binding agent.[5]

The fruit and seeds of Man-eating Plants have been used in the following dishes:


The ability of some plants to capture many different sized prey without injuring them is of interest to monster researchers, and there are even some patrons would donate handsomely to research in the field.[9]


  1. Delicious in Dungeon Manga: Chapter 2, p. 8
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Delicious in Dungeon Manga: Chapter 2, p. 9
  3. 3.0 3.1 Delicious in Dungeon Manga: Chapter 2, p. 13
  4. 4.0 4.1 Delicious in Dungeon Manga: Chapter 2, p. 15
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Delicious in Dungeon Manga: Chapter 2, p. 21
  6. Delicious in Dungeon Manga: Chapter 2, p. 14
  7. Delicious in Dungeon Manga: Chapter 2, p. 12
  8. Delicious in Dungeon Manga: Chapter 2, p. 17
  9. Miscellaneous Monster Tales -1-

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