Nordex Group

Nordex Group

Herstellung von Anlagen für erneuerbare Energien



The development, manufacture, project management and servicing of wind turbines in the onshore segment has been the core competence and passion of the Nordex Group and its more than 10,200 employees worldwide for over 35 years. As one of the world's largest wind turbine manufacturers, the Nordex Group offers high-yield, cost-efficient wind turbines that enable long-term and economical power generation from wind energy in all geographical and climatic conditions. The focus is on turbines in the 3 to 6 MW+ class, and the Group’s comprehensive product portfolio offers individual solutions for both markets with limited space and regions with limited grid capacities. A global service network, with some 380 service points throughout 30 countries, delivers service quickly to keep our systems running smoothly. The Group covers the needs of all customer segments within the global wind market, from large energy suppliers to SMEs operating power plants. With more than 51 GW of installed capacity worldwide, Nordex Group systems deliver sustainable energy throughout more than 80 per cent of the world’s energy market (excluding China). Nordex SE is listed on the TecDAX and MDAX of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ISIN: DE000A0D6554). The management holding company is headquartered in Rostock, while the executive board and administrative offices are based in Hamburg. At production facilities in Germany, Spain, Brazil, the US, and India, the Nordex Group produces its own nacelles, rotor blades and concrete towers. The Group also maintains offices and branches in more than 30 countries.

Herstellung von Anlagen für erneuerbare Energien
10.001+ Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Manufacturer of highly efficient large-scale onshore turbines


Beschäftigte von Nordex Group


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    Over the past two weeks, #TeamNordexSpain has been celebrating Environment Days at our local offices, with a special focus on SDG 12 "Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns" in the fashion industry. We were thrilled to have Juana Fernández, PhD in Chemical Engineering and expert in Sustainability and Environment, give a presentation on "The environmental impact of the textile industry." During the presentation, our #TeamNordex colleagues were offered a valuable insight into the environmental and social challenges of the fashion industry, the fiber manufacturing process, and the importance of responsible consumption and circularity. To put learning into action, local colleagues participated in a collection campaign for used clothing in collaboration with Traperos de Emaús in Navarra, and Humana in Madrid, Spain. Both NGOs promote reuse and recycle practices and advocate for environmental protection, as well as creating employment opportunities for people in situations of social exclusion. The two organizations also carry out humanitarian aid projects in developing countries. Thank you to everyone who took part in this great initiative. #TogetherForChange #NordexGroup

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    The safety of all #TeamNordex, all partners and suppliers around the world is a clear priority at the Nordex Group. Following the role out of our new global  corporate HSE campaign Safety Together, the Nordex France & Mediterranean region has launched an additional regional “Safety Week” to further strengthen the view of safety as a collective responsibility for everyone. Aiming to contribute to the continuous improvement of the Nordex Group’s safety culture, all managers visited local Service Points and scheduled daily talks with their teams, alongside initiating additional safety walks. Various important HSE topics relevant to staying safe on site, safe travel, and safety in the office, were addressed. The activities were accompanied by a HSE poster design competition, and with 52 entries submitted by our creative colleagues, the clear commitment to the “Safety Together” approach was clear to see. A big thank you to everyone who participated in bringing the campaign to life. The design submitted by the Belgian team was our winner: Congratulations to Loic Donne, Team Assistant from our Vinalmont Service Point! #SafetyTogether #TeamNordex #HSE #QHSE

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    This week, #TeamNordex had an amazing time taking part in the 15th annual "Rostock Business Run", the largest sports event for companies, institutions, and organizations in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. 999 teams with around 4,000 runners took part in the event, including Team Nordex, which successfully completed the 4 x 3.5 km relay race. The relay team, aptly named the "Nordex Running Squad", with colleagues Marc Elsner, Hendrik Klein, Mark Klonau and Martin Huth, finished 3rd in the men's category, with a total running time of 51:05 min. In addition to promoting team spirit, the event also has a charitable aspect. The non-profit organization "Rostocker Citylauf e.V." has been supporting social and sustainable projects with the donations of the runners since its founding in 2004. These include initiatives such as the "School for Africa" project, which creates educational opportunities for children in Tanzania, and the "My Tree for Rostock" campaign, which has been helping to offset CO2 emissions by planting trees since 2021. We would like to thank all Nordex Group runners for their sporting commitment and our colleagues Isabel Friedrich, Stephan Engel and Antje Dörnbrack for their organizational efforts. #rostockerfirmenlauf #NordexGroup #nxgsocialactivities 

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    At the Nordex Group, we are committed to promoting STEM education and inspiring young girls particularly to pursue careers in wind energy. Therefore, as part of our sustainability strategy #TeamNordex is involved in two local initiatives:  The first initiative, called #mintpink, is a project, initiated by Initiative NAT that aims to promote scientific and technical careers in secondary schools and encourage girls to take up STEM subjects at an early stage. Last week, Nordex welcomed students from the Corveystraße Gymnasium to the Global Technical Academy in Hamburg. During the visit, the students were given a tour of the Academy and participated in a wind energy quiz organized by our apprentices. After a joint lunch, Nordex experts, including Dr. Lenka Fuskova (Senior Expert Tech QM Metallurgy Nacelle), Anika Schoenicke (Group Lead Structural Methods and Tools), and Paola Nunez Diaz (Technical Project Manager), were available to answer questions and share their experiences as successful role models in the field. The visit provided the girls with an authentic insight into the diverse opportunities available in STEM and encouraged them to consider their future prospects in renewable energy. The second initiative, called the #JuniorEngineersProgram, is a comprehensive 4-year development program for approximately 10 young engineers each year. In collaboration with the Chair of Renewable Energies at the Public University of Navarra (UPNA), the Nordex Group offers these young talents the opportunity to join the team as junior employees, develop international experience, and grow their careers at Nordex. If you are interested in starting your career in STEM, please check out our open positions and apply now at #STEM #TogetherForChange #greenenergy #NordexGroup

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    On 26 & 27 June, the 15th Austrian Wind Energy Symposium (AWES) will take place in Vienna! This event, which is a highlight of the country’s wind energy calendar, is organized by the Austrian Wind Energy Association, IG Windkraft. And, of course, our local #TeamNordex colleagues will also be there to discuss the latest developments in the market and showcase the range of turbines from our award-winning Delta4000 series. As part of our work in the region, in March this year, the Nordex Group received a repowering project in lower Austria, consisting of 7 x N163/6.X turbines, including a 25-year Premium Service contract. We are very much looking forward to catching up with our regional customers, business contacts and friends for many interesting conversations and exchanges at AWES – let’s drive forward the energy transition in Austria! #Austria #Repowering #Delta4000 #IGWindkraft #AWES 

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