Make WordPress Core



22:28 Ticket #61011 (Plugin management: The "Install Now/Activate" button should be a ...) created by stevejonesdev
On the WordPress plugin installation page, the "Install Now/Activate" …
20:01 Ticket #60786 ([PHP 8.4] Fix implicit nullable parameter type depcation) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58009: […]
20:01 Changeset [58009] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Fix implicit nullable parameter type deprecation …
18:36 Ticket #61010 (Image : Expand on click KO) created by saintefamille64
hi, since WordPress 6.5, the option “Expand on click“ for images which …
17:41 Changeset [58008] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
17:23 Changeset [58007] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
17:15 Ticket #52634 (Twenty Twenty: Child Theme Search Modal Safari Throws Error in Parent ...) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: Thank you everyone for your collaboration, I am going to progress this …
17:12 Ticket #60933 (Twenty Twenty-Four Theme > Site Editor Image Upload To Media Library ...) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: I am going to progress this to close now - thank you everyone.
17:11 Ticket #55180 (Twenty Seventeen: Comments not showing up on the frontpage) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: Thank you everyone for your collaboration, I am going to progress …
17:11 Ticket #56554 (Twenty Eleven: Width issue in Button block) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: I am going to close this for now, thank you everyone for your …
16:53 Changeset [58006] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
16:38 Ticket #46771 (Twenty Eleven: Negative values for padding) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58005: […]
16:38 Changeset [58005] by karmatosed
Twenty Eleven: Removes Negative values for padding. This fixes the …
16:24 Ticket #60724 (TT2: Wrap Navigation block in Row within the header.html template part) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58004: […]
16:24 Changeset [58004] by karmatosed
Twenty Twenty Two: Wraps Navigation block in row. Now that the Blocks …
14:35 Ticket #61009 (HTML API: Fix some existing bugs in `kses` comment detection, enable ...) created by dmsnell
When wp_kses_split processes a document it attempts to leave HTML …
14:11 Changeset [58003] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
14:09 Changeset [58002] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
13:43 Changeset [58001] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
13:30 Changeset [58000] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
13:29 Changeset [57999] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
12:38 Ticket #54842 (inconsistent handling of align settings on Pages / Templates) closed by poena
reported-upstream: Hi @tinomueller. You are not alone in expressing this, it is a …
12:35 Changeset [57998] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
12:30 Changeset [57997] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
12:28 Changeset [57996] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
12:27 Changeset [57995] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
12:23 Changeset [57994] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
12:22 Changeset [57993] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
12:21 Changeset [57992] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use an image on CDN in external HTTP tests. Due …
11:27 Ticket #56246 (Open FSE to the page template that is currently displayed) closed by poena
worksforme: Hi Thank you for the report. I am going to close this ticket, since …
11:25 Ticket #55963 (fontFace not in json schema) closed by poena
worksforme: Hi I am going to close this as fixed, since the fontFace is part of …
11:20 Ticket #55045 (We need to validation on add new temlpate part) closed by poena
worksforme: Hi I am going to close this ticket as fixed. When someone access the …
07:24 Ticket #61008 (Allow searching of extra post fields) created by dd32
#43867 / [55248] introduced the 'post_search_columns' filter and …
05:43 Ticket #61002 (Twenty Twenty-One: Preformatted block not showing all text) closed by poena


22:32 Ticket #60211 ([BUG] Custom Links in Menus with #targets FAIL TO WORK (just scroll to ...) closed by dbareis
reported-upstream: Thanks for the above suggestions, for now I am using a JavaScript …
21:55 Ticket #60800 (Twenty Twenty-One: prevent PHP 8 fatal error from non-string in $tags_list) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 57991: […]
21:55 Changeset [57991] by SergeyBiryukov
Twenty Twenty-One: Check for WP_Error before outputting …


16:31 Changeset [57990] by SergeyBiryukov
Users: Account for returning false from the authenticate filter. …
14:24 Ticket #61006 (Shortcode aren't paste inline in paragraphs) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Duplicate of #61007.
14:11 Ticket #59800 (Twenty Fourteen: Pullquote block does not support custom font size) reopened by sabernhardt
12:44 Ticket #61007 (Shortcode aren't paste inline in paragraphs) created by soivigol
After updating to 6.5 WordPress version, when I go to paste a …
12:44 Ticket #61006 (Shortcode aren't paste inline in paragraphs) created by soivigol
After updating to 6.5 WordPress version, when I go to paste a …
09:14 Ticket #60999 (Issues with new i18n logic when handling translation files (MO/PHP)) closed by fengyintseng
worksforme: @swissspidy Really appreciated for your help and guidance. Found that …
06:17 Ticket #61005 (Weird behavior with categories and titles, URLs) created by heggyy
About a week ago I've started to have an issue where I'm unable to …


23:08 Ticket #61003 (Direct access to .php files in /wp-includes is not protected out of the box) closed by jorbin
duplicate: As pointed out previously, errors like this are a server configuration …
22:28 Ticket #61003 (Direct access to .php files in /wp-includes is not protected out of the box) reopened by teo8976
> we're already tracking this issue in #18546. Not really. …
21:42 Ticket #61004 (Twenty Twelve: typo correction(s) in block pattern) created by sabernhardt
[57987] edited "rethoric" to "rhetoric" in the sample text for Twenty …
21:34 Ticket #61003 (Direct access to .php files in /wp-includes is not protected out of the box) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, welcome back to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket, …
19:53 Ticket #59800 (Twenty Fourteen: Pullquote block does not support custom font size) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 57989: […]
19:53 Changeset [57989] by karmatosed
Twenty Fourteen: Fixes pullquote block issues with font sizing. The …
18:15 Ticket #61003 (Direct access to .php files in /wp-includes is not protected out of the box) created by teo8976
I can't believe I'm stumbling upon this in 2024. To reproduce: - …
17:48 Changeset [57988] by swissspidy
Docs: Revert unintended svn:ignore change after [57987]. See #60699.
17:45 Changeset [57987] by swissspidy
Docs: Fix various typos and spelling mistakes. Props swissspidy, …
15:03 Ticket #60873 (Facebook embed block documentation has broken images) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: I moved it: …
15:03 Ticket #61002 (Twenty Twenty-One: Preformatted block not showing all text) created by nidhidhandhukiya
steps to reproduce the issue:- 1. Activate Twenty Twenty One theme. 2. …
12:15 Ticket #60840 (Composer: update to WordPressCS 3.1.0) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 57986: […]
12:15 Changeset [57986] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Upgrade WPCS to version 3.1.0. The impact on …
09:05 Ticket #45033 (Add TIDAL to oEmbed whitelist) reopened by tidal
Replying to swissspidy: > With that being said, Tidal …
08:33 Ticket #61001 (Hide the Editor Page Title when the current Template is "Page No Title") created by smetzdev
In the TwentyTwentyFour Theme, i would like the Title of the page to …
08:07 Ticket #61000 (Pattern Search for Command gives The editor has encountered an ...) created by kapasias
File : wp-includes/js/dist/blocks.min.js First Create Pattern and …
07:57 Ticket #60999 (Issues with new i18n logic when handling translation files (MO/PHP)) created by fengyintseng
Hi, Recently I am translating a plugin (also its Pro version). It …
05:18 Ticket #60998 (Multiple block recovery error) created by fredericjaillet
After updating WordPress to version 6.5 and 6.5.2, I saw that hundreds …


21:09 Ticket #58719 (Bump the minimum PHP version to 7.2) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 57985: […]
21:09 Changeset [57985] by johnbillion
General: Increase the minimum supported version of PHP to 7.2.24. …
19:46 Ticket #60997 (Templates no longer load in editor.) created by mattpettefer
The block editor no longer loads template files. Works in 4.4, breaks …
18:02 Ticket #60996 (WordPress 6.5.2 displays multiple h1 - wp_link_dialog is displayed) created by vousys
file: wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php line: 1867 This function: …
16:38 Ticket #60995 (WP Mail: support for a plain-text version when sending a html body) created by bhubbard
Currently, WP Mail supports sending emails with HTML formatting. While …
14:26 Changeset [57984] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Update @since version for wp_zip_file_is_valid(). Follow-up …
14:25 Ticket #60982 (warnings with php 8.1) closed by yus0
invalid: I backtraced warnings, all of them are caused by passing null as …
13:49 Ticket #60994 (Github bot detected some high risk security issue in npm packages.) created by thekt12
The GitHub bot detected some high-risk bugs in the core, mostly within …
12:59 Ticket #60993 (Twenty Twenty-One: Preformatted block font size is smaller in the ...) created by viralsampat
Hello, I have reviewed the "Preformatted block" and found that …
10:41 Ticket #58989 (Avatar block alignment is not working well in some themes) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: Thanks for opening the issue on GitHub! Discussion can continue on …
09:11 Ticket #60992 (Plugin management: AJAX plugin activation consequences) created by jeherve
This change was introduced in #22316 (changeset r57545). ---------- …
08:53 Ticket #60990 (Change esc_html to esc_url) closed by johnbillion
invalid: Yeah esc_html() is appropriate here. Thanks for the contribution …
08:32 Ticket #60991 (Could the WP Admin logo reflect the Site Icon instead of the default ...) created by leecollings
Potentially a small tweak, but one that could be quite a nice visual …
08:15 Ticket #60871 (Sign releases (PGP, GPG)) closed by chesio
invalid: @maltfield I see now. When reading your request I got immediately …
04:06 Ticket #60990 (Change esc_html to esc_url) created by truptikanzariya
Change "esc_html" to "esc_url" in the …


22:34 Ticket #59911 (WordPress 6.4 changes the font-face generation using wrong fontFamily ...) closed by ironprogrammer
reported-upstream: Thanks for opening …
22:20 Ticket #60989 (No News about WordPress 6.4.4) closed by audrasjb
invalid: Hello and welcome back to WordPress Core Trac. WP 6.4.4 was released …
22:10 Ticket #60989 (No News about WordPress 6.4.4) created by lewart3
WordPress 6.4.4 was released April 9, 2024: …
21:10 Ticket #60988 (Many PHP warnings in Apache error log when opening any page or post ...) closed by jorbin
duplicate: Hi @dailymatrix, welcome to WordPress Trac. Thanks for the ticket, …
21:00 Ticket #60988 (Many PHP warnings in Apache error log when opening any page or post ...) created by dailymatrix
After upgrading to 6.5, and still on 6.5.2, when opening any page or …
20:00 Changeset [57983] by jorbin
Tag 6.0.8
20:00 Ticket #60987 (Twenty Sixteen: Replace frontend jQuery usage with Interactivity API) created by adamsilverstein
This ticket focuses on removing jQuery as a frontend dependency for …
19:58 Ticket #60986 (Twenty Twelve: Replace front end jQuery usage with Interactivity API) created by adamsilverstein
This ticket focuses on removing jQuery as a frontend dependency for …
19:55 Ticket #60985 (Twenty Fifteen: Replace frontend jQuery usage with Interactivity API) created by adamsilverstein
This ticket focuses on removing jQuery as a frontend dependency for …
19:54 Changeset [57982] by jorbin
Editor: Update packages with pinned react-resize-aware Props …
19:36 Ticket #60984 (WP_Query is returning the two same post instead of one) created by tremidkhar
WP_Query is returning two same posts when hooked into pre_get_post
19:14 Ticket #60983 (wp update 6.5 and 6.5.2 rewrite multisite bdd entries ...) created by debricon
Wordpress update 6.5 and 6.5.2 rewrite multisite db entries …
17:54 Ticket #60982 (warnings with php 8.1) created by yus0
With php v8.1 and WordPress v6.5.2 I receive warnings in admin area: …
15:24 Ticket #60981 (6.5 adds the "is-layout-constrained" class to the wrong place for ...) created by evanltd
Prior to 6.5, when using a classic theme that does not include a …
14:40 Ticket #60962 (Remove now unnecessary polyfill dependencies) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 57981: […]
14:40 Changeset [57981] by swissspidy
Script Loader: stop enqueueing some now obsolete polyfills. Stop …
13:56 Ticket #60980 (Fix get_item_features() in class-avif-info.php) created by yguyon
Import upstream fix from libavifinfo to WordPress: …
13:13 Ticket #60979 (safecss_filter_attr() should support query strings with "&" as ...) created by philippmuenchen
Gutenberg transforms "&" to "&" when saving content. E.g. for …
12:43 Ticket #60978 (Add missing escapes) created by nareshbheda
Add missing escapes in the wp-admin/async-upload.php file.
11:42 Ticket #60977 ("Edit site" means two different things on a Multisite network) created by johnbillion
I've just been working with a client who runs a Multisite installation …
11:26 Ticket #60976 (register_block_type not working with Oxygen) created by jfitatandem
This is related to #59175 and [57675]. Oxygen forces returns …
08:44 Ticket #60975 (URLs for the "An alt Decision Tree" page by language) created by tmatsuur
The URL "" …
05:44 Ticket #60974 (Admin notice layout improvement) created by pateljaymin
I suggest we need to improve the layout of notices across all pages on …
01:37 Ticket #60973 (PHP Warning in 6.5.2) closed by jorbin
duplicate: Thanks for the ticket, but this has been reported in #60909
01:15 Ticket #60973 (PHP Warning in 6.5.2) created by ivanzhuck
Hi, if your site uses a classic theme which doesn't have directory …
00:39 Ticket #60972 (Clicking twice on a plug-in update deletes the plug-in.) created by lmarks
I check to see if there are updates to the plugins every day or two. …


22:06 Ticket #53825 (/* Error on wp-includes/css/dashicons.min.css?ver=5.8 : Something went ...) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Looking at the …
22:00 Milestone 6.5.2 completed
21:48 Changeset [57980] by johnbillion
Post WordPress 6.5.2 version bump.
21:09 Changeset [57979] by johnbillion
Tag 6.5.2
21:03 Changeset [57978] by johnbillion
WordPress 6.5.2.
18:36 Changeset [57977] by johnbillion
Tag 6.1.6
18:36 Changeset [57976] by johnbillion
Tag 6.2.5
18:35 Changeset [57975] by johnbillion
Tag 6.3.4
18:34 Changeset [57974] by johnbillion
Tag 6.4.4
18:33 Changeset [57973] by johnbillion
Tag 6.5.1
18:06 Ticket #57257 (Twenty Twenty theme button block is having issue when alignment and ...) closed by sabernhardt
worksforme: Those legacy alignment options were removed in …
18:06 Ticket #56138 (Twenty Nineteen: Alignment issue in Button block) closed by sabernhardt
worksforme: Those legacy alignment options were removed in …
16:18 Changeset [57972] by johnbillion
Editor: Remove a test that is no longer necessary in the 6.2 branch. …
16:15 Ticket #60971 (Ensure Gutenberg Plugin e2e Tests only run on WP versions supported by ...) created by jorbin
Right now, the e2e tests to install and activate the Gutenberg Plugin …
16:08 Ticket #60970 (Remove importmap polyfill) created by swissspidy
In #60348 / [57492] a polyfill was added for import maps …
15:54 Ticket #60969 (Validation of custom links in admin menu not accessible) created by joedolson
When adding a custom link that doesn't meet validation, the only …
15:47 Ticket #60968 (Create action `edit_form_before_title`) created by zoliszabo
Triggered on the "classic" add/edit post pages before the title field …
15:34 Ticket #60967 (Introduce a GitHub Actions workflow for syncing package updates to a branch) created by johnbillion
Syncing Gutenberg package updates back to a WordPress core branch can …
15:31 Ticket #60966 (Introduce a GitHub Actions workflow for bumping the version number in ...) created by johnbillion
The process for bumping the version number of WordPress within a …
15:19 Ticket #30017 (Many automated tests are unnecessarily slow) closed by johnbillion
15:00 Changeset [57971] by desrosj
Bump the version to 6.0.8 in package configuration files.
15:00 Changeset [57970] by desrosj
Bump the version to 6.1.6 in package configuration files.
14:57 Ticket #58944 (Upload to Media Library not replicating to all pod's 6.2.2) closed by vitorgandra
worksforme: With the 6.5 version i found that if i remove this lines from our …
14:54 Changeset [57969] by desrosj
Bump the version to 6.2.5 in package configuration files.
14:53 Changeset [57968] by desrosj
Bump the version to 6.3.4 in package configuration files.
14:34 Changeset [57967] by johnbillion
Build/Test tools: Ignore the warning about sourcemaps in the …
14:32 Changeset [57966] by johnbillion
Build/Test tools: Ignore the warning about sourcemaps in the …
14:29 Changeset [57965] by johnbillion
Build/Test tools: Ignore the warning about sourcemaps in the …
14:17 Changeset [57964] by johnbillion
WordPress 6.0.8.
14:15 Changeset [57963] by johnbillion
WordPress 6.1.6.
14:13 Changeset [57962] by johnbillion
WordPress 6.2.5.
14:11 Changeset [57961] by johnbillion
WordPress 6.3.4.
14:09 Changeset [57960] by johnbillion
WordPress 6.4.4.
14:07 Changeset [57959] by johnbillion
WordPress 6.5.1.
14:00 Changeset [57958] by johnbillion
Build/Test tools: Ignore the warning about sourcemaps in the …
13:59 Changeset [57957] by johnbillion
Build/Test tools: Ignore the warning about sourcemaps in the …
13:58 Changeset [57956] by johnbillion
Build/Test tools: Ignore the warning about sourcemaps in the …
12:55 Ticket #56536 (Twenty Nineteen: Button align right not working) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Thanks for the report! This was already tracked on #56138 and may not …
12:49 Changeset [57955] by johnbillion
Editor: Update npm packages for the 6.3 branch. Updates the editor …
12:33 Changeset [57954] by johnbillion
Editor: Update npm packages for the 6.0 branch. Updates the editor …
12:26 Changeset [57953] by johnbillion
Editor: Update npm packages for the 6.1 branch. Updates the editor …
12:18 Changeset [57952] by johnbillion
Editor: Update npm packages for the 6.2 branch. Updates the editor …
12:01 Ticket #60965 (Lightbox option in gallery) closed by sabernhardt
11:49 Ticket #60780 (Twenty Twenty :- Button block having issue with letter spacing) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Duplicate of #58024. Thanks for updating the patch and testing it, …
11:23 Ticket #60965 (Lightbox option in gallery) created by inigo
Wouldn't it be nice if a gallery would have an option to make it a …
11:08 Changeset [57951] by johnbillion
Editor: Update npm packages for the 6.4 branch. Updates the editor …
11:01 Changeset [57950] by johnbillion
Editor: Update npm packages for the 6.5 branch. Updates the editor …
10:55 Changeset [57949] by johnbillion
Editor: Update npm packages. Updates the editor npm packages to the …
10:09 Ticket #60964 (Coding Standards: Fix missing strict in_array on ...) created by immeet94
Coding Standards: Fix missing strict in_array on …
08:25 Ticket #60914 (Twenty Twenty-Four: Pullquote block padding issue when we set its ...) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: I agree with you @poena so going to close this for now. Thank you everyone.
07:20 Ticket #60936 (Layout: Output of base layout rules conflicts with wide alignment of ...) reopened by isabel_brison
Reopening for commit to the release branch.
07:18 Ticket #60936 (Layout: Output of base layout rules conflicts with wide alignment of ...) closed by isabel_brison
fixed: In 57948: […]
07:18 Changeset [57948] by isabel_brison
Editor: skip outputting base layout rules if content and wide size …
03:21 Ticket #58991 (Twenty Twenty-One: Button block link does not use font-weight from ...) reopened by sabernhardt
02:15 Ticket #60951 (Preview for templates page two not openable) closed by poena
reported-upstream: Hi @reinilda Thank you for the report. The video also clearly …
01:40 Ticket #60960 (Choosing to h5 & h6; Font size capitalize display & font size also ...) closed by poena
wontfix: Hi @smithlink123 and welcome to WordPress Trac. The style of the …
01:23 Ticket #60915 (WP 6.5 - RecursiveDirectoryIterator causing E_WARNING errors in New Relic) closed by joemcgill
fixed: In 57947: […]
01:23 Changeset [57947] by joemcgill
Themes: Avoid errors in some environments from …


21:40 Changeset [57946] by jorgefilipecosta
Coding Standards: Fix missing strict in_array on …
21:13 Ticket #60963 (Custom query, inherit main query, show scheduled posts) created by stefacchio
Hi, I created a custom query inheriting the main WP query, so my …
20:27 Ticket #31188 (Very slow query in comments_template -> get_comments -> ...) closed by pbearne
fixed: looking at the code /schema.php:65 […] it looks like the is now …
19:19 Ticket #60620 (Twenty Twenty-Four: Remove pattern from home template to improve ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 57945: […]
19:19 Changeset [57945] by SergeyBiryukov
Twenty Twenty-Four: Remove pattern from home template to improve …
18:26 Ticket #60962 (Remove now unnecessary polyfill dependencies) created by swissspidy
In [43903], wp-polyfill was added as a direct dependency of the …
18:18 Ticket #60961 (WP_HTML_Processor::is_void() is missing deprecated tags) closed by westonruter
invalid: Oh! Yes, I see the list has been updated in 6.5 to include these …
18:17 Ticket #55169 (Twenty Twenty-Two: use custom units spacer blocks) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: I am going to close this for now. We can always reconsider, thank you.
18:04 Ticket #58565 (Twenty Fifteen: Border Style Issue in Pullquote Block) closed by karmatosed
duplicate: Duplicate of #55974. Thank you I am going to close this as discussed.
18:03 Ticket #56001 (Twenty Twenty Two: Pullquote Block: No Lowercase for Add Citation Text) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: Thank you, I am going to follow through and close this.
17:50 Ticket #50144 (Twenty Nineteen: Block-Setting doesn't work after updating theme to 1.5) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: For now, I am going to close this thank you.
17:27 Ticket #60961 (WP_HTML_Processor::is_void() is missing deprecated tags) created by westonruter
In a pull request
16:49 Ticket #58991 (Twenty Twenty-One: Button block link does not use font-weight from ...) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: For now, let's close this for now - we can always come back to things.
16:49 Ticket #56591 (Twenty Twenty-Two: Error when decoding a JSON file at path) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: Let's close this for now as we can always open a new ticket or move to …
16:48 Ticket #55033 (Twenty Twenty-Two hamburger menu won't close properly) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: Let's close this as we can always reopen.
16:48 Ticket #56719 (Twenty Nineteen: Tag cloud block not centering) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: Thank you everyone, let's close this for now.
16:45 Ticket #60846 (When creating a new template, the Choose a pattern screen doesn't ...) closed by jorgefilipecosta
fixed: In 57944: […]
16:45 Changeset [57944] by jorgefilipecosta
Honor template_hierarchy filters when creating a template in the Site …
16:45 Ticket #52828 (Twenty Twenty-One: Custom HTML Block Doesn't Align in Content) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: Thank you everyone, let's move this to close for now.
16:43 Ticket #45946 (Twenty Nineteen: Consider adding a slide-out animation when the touch ...) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: For now, I am moving this to close thank you.
16:41 Ticket #55009 (Twenty Twenty-Two : More tag not supported) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: For now I am going to close this thank you.
16:36 Ticket #56427 (Twenty Twenty-Two: editor font weight for bold text in Button block ...) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: Thank you everyone, I am going to close this now.
16:34 Ticket #59803 (Twenty Nineteen - PullQuote block having issue with border.) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: Thank you everyone. I am going to close this now.
16:29 Ticket #55112 (Twenty Twenty-Two: Button design) closed by karmatosed
invalid: Thank you, I am going to follow through with closing this.
16:28 Ticket #49904 (Twenty Twenty: Blog Layout Improvements) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: I am going to close this thank you.
15:40 Ticket #58446 (Twenty Fourteen: no space between Buttons block and Columns block on ...) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: I am going to close this for now, thank you.
15:36 Ticket #49075 (Twenty Twenty: Inserted images not responsive at smaller browser widths) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: I am going to go ahead and close this, thank you.
15:31 Ticket #54412 (Twenty Twenty: Letters move when opening accordion menu) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: I am going to close this for now, thank you everyone.
14:56 Ticket #57433 (Twenty Twenty-One: Pagination issue) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: Thank you everyone I am going to close this now.
14:45 Ticket #56899 (Twenty Twenty-Three: Quote block's citation styling cannot be changed) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: For now I am going to close this as suggested, thank you.
13:41 Ticket #55320 (Twenty Twenty-Two: Add Drop cap feature and the ability to change ...) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: Thank you everyone I am moving this to close now.
12:55 Ticket #60960 (Choosing to h5 & h6; Font size capitalize display & font size also ...) created by smithlink123
Steps to reproduce: 1) Please choose theme Twenty Twenty -Two. 2) …
11:38 Ticket #60959 (A way to rename a pattern (similar to post title)) created by oldrup
In Appearance > Patterns, it is possible Edit, Bin and …
08:33 Ticket #60958 (How to put older order to a created new registration account) created by candleberrycz
Hello, we had some issues with registrations of our customer. One of …
07:38 Ticket #60957 (Install fonts in Font Library in WP 6.5 not working on multisite using ...) created by hartsook
Fonts install in the e.g. "uploads/sites/8/fonts" directory on the …
05:26 Ticket #60956 (Incorrect copy-paste behavior in the header) created by Kuuuzya
If you copy a word in the title and try to paste it there, it will be …
05:19 Ticket #60955 (Lists are not visible in the editor) created by Kuuuzya
[[Image(...)]] In …
05:06 Ticket #60954 (FATAL ERROR) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Hi and welcome to WordPress Core Trac! According to …
04:28 Ticket #60954 (FATAL ERROR) created by camipaz
`Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Method …
03:32 Ticket #60953 (Need new hook at paginate_links) created by rpf5573
[…] When the 'type' argument is set to 'array', it's necessary to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.