Make WordPress Core



23:59 Ticket #53352 (Twenty Twenty-One: PHP warning: Illegal string offset 'custom_css_post_id') closed by sabernhardt
worksforme: I should have requested reporter feedback with the keyword, but I …
22:06 Ticket #60279 (Composer: update to PHP_CodeSniffer 3.8.1) created by jrf
PHPCS has seen two new releases since the update to WPCS 3.0, with …
21:36 Ticket #59892 (Deprecated print_emoji_styles produced during embed) reopened by jorbin
Reopening for consideration of [57306] to be backported to the 6.4 branch.
21:34 Ticket #59892 (Deprecated print_emoji_styles produced during embed) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 57306: […]
21:34 Changeset [57306] by jorbin
Embeds: Ensure the deprecated function print_emoji_styles isn't used …
20:10 Ticket #60278 (Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue in Really Simple SSL ...) closed by jorbin
invalid: hi @sbiese, welcome to WordPress Core Trac. I'm sorry to hear you are …
20:08 Ticket #60278 (Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue in Really Simple SSL ...) created by sbiese
When do you think you will have this fixed. Should I be safe and turn …
18:54 Changeset [57305] by swissspidy
I18N: Fix duplicate determine_locale() tests added in [57286]. …
17:58 Ticket #60245 (textdomain is missing in inc/block-patterns.php in Twenty Sixteen & ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 57304: […]
17:58 Changeset [57304] by SergeyBiryukov
Twenty Twenty-Four: Remove extra tab character inside the text domain. …
17:28 Ticket #60276 (Fatal error with unexpected string value for sticky_posts option) created by mreishus
== Summary: Code in wp-include/blocks.php pulls out the option on …
16:58 Ticket #60275 (Showed Tools Tab for not admin role) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: The Tools admin menu link is part of #42486 if you would like to …
16:48 Ticket #60275 (Showed Tools Tab for not admin role) created by blackstar1991
I have empty default template with different users roles. For …
16:27 Ticket #60258 (Security Concern and Enhancement Request: Disable Admin Role ...) closed by arunu1996
duplicate: Duplicate of #43936. Thank you @roytanck. I am marking this as duplicate.
16:02 Ticket #60273 (Twenty Sixteen: Quote block border color is different in Editor and ...) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Duplicate of #56565.
15:47 Ticket #60245 (textdomain is missing in inc/block-patterns.php in Twenty Sixteen & ...) reopened by sabernhardt
[57281] added a tab character inside the 'twentytwentyfour' text domain.
14:30 Changeset [57303] by swissspidy
I18N: Prevent PHP warning in WP_Textdomain_Registry. Prevents a …
14:26 Ticket #60274 (Query loop showing too many posts) created by jcoonrod
With recent updates, the query loop shows 4 posts while in editor (per …
13:37 Ticket #60273 (Twenty Sixteen: Quote block border color is different in Editor and ...) created by pitamdey
In Twenty Sixteen Theme, The Quote Block border colour is different by …
13:07 Ticket #43575 (Post Format) closed by rodrigosprimo
invalid: Closing due to lack of feedback.
13:07 Ticket #40674 (Images still cannot be uploaded within ALL of the sections in the ...) closed by rodrigosprimo
invalid: Closing due to lack of feedback.
13:06 Ticket #41896 (No way to determine the order of wp_enqueue_style without manually ...) closed by rodrigosprimo
invalid: Closing due to lack of feedback.
13:05 Ticket #38106 (wp_localize_jquery_ui_datepicker() bug) closed by rodrigosprimo
invalid: Closing due to lack of feedback.
13:04 Ticket #27806 (Link formatting for Plugins incorrect if defining WP_PLUGIN_URL) closed by rodrigosprimo
invalid: Closing due to lack of feedback.
13:04 Ticket #32607 (Function for URL to registered scripts and styles) closed by rodrigosprimo
invalid: Closing due to lack of feedback.
09:07 Ticket #60214 (Fix var types of parameters in `sanitize_option_{$option}` filter) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 57302: […]
09:07 Changeset [57302] by audrasjb
Docs: Fix var types of parameters in sanitize_option() and …
08:59 Ticket #48589 (Twenty Twenty: Make use of wp_date instead of date_i18n) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 57301: […]
08:59 Changeset [57301] by audrasjb
Twenty Twenty: Replace wp_date() with date_i18n(). Since …
08:52 Ticket #60268 (Several typo corrections in bundle theme files) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 57300: […]
08:52 Changeset [57300] by audrasjb
Bundled Themes: Typo corrections in various themes docblocks. Props …
06:23 Ticket #49539 (Twenty Twenty: fix theme issues) closed by poena
wontfix: The content_width is not as relevant when the theme's CSS controls the …


22:57 Ticket #48637 (Twenty Twenty: The use of word-break: break-word; causes vertical ...) closed by sabernhardt
wontfix: With multiple unknowns, I think closing as 'wontfix' (not planned) …
22:34 Ticket #60272 (PHPunit test for maybe_hash_hex_color) created by pbearne
21:43 Changeset [57299] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Correctly invalidate language file paths in …
21:32 Changeset [57298] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Remove leftover trailingslashit() calls in …
21:25 Ticket #60271 (phpunit test for sanitize_hex_color_no_hash) created by pbearne
21:06 Ticket #60266 (get_the_modified_date function doesn't return the date for newly ...) closed by benniledl
worksforme: Hey! Please double check if you are experiencing the same behavior on …
20:45 Ticket #60267 (Bump default themes for out of cycle release) closed by desrosj
fixed: These themes have been released to the world: …
20:27 Ticket #60270 (PHPunit tests for sanitize_hex_color) created by pbearne
19:30 Changeset [57297] by desrosj
Bundled Themes: Version bump themes affected by #60241. In order to …
19:29 Ticket #59662 (Clear block theme file caches when editing the theme in the Theme File ...) closed by flixos90
invalid: Thanks @spacedmonkey, you're indeed right. I reviewed and tested this …
19:23 Changeset [57296] by desrosj
Bundled Themes: Version bump themes affected by #60241. In order to …
18:12 Ticket #49438 (Twenty Twenty: h1 when is_front_page() is a static page) closed by poena
wontfix: That the page title is the H1 is intentional. When it is possible, the …
18:00 Ticket #60269 (URL parameter filtering with 'tag' parameter) created by harolair
Specifically why is the tag url filtering locked behind this check for …
17:29 Ticket #58226 (HTML attribute "action" on element "form": Must be non-empty.) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 57295: […]
17:29 Changeset [57295] by joedolson
Administration: Remove empty form action attributes. Remove the …
17:07 Ticket #60268 (Several typo corrections in bundle theme files) created by shailu25
Several typo corrections in bundle theme files 1. In Twenty …
17:01 Ticket #59352 (Inline images inserted in the block editor can erroneously get ...) closed by flixos90
fixed: In 57294: […]
17:01 Changeset [57294] by flixos90
Media: Consider inline image CSS width to backfill width and …
16:58 Ticket #60267 (Bump default themes for out of cycle release) created by desrosj
#60241 has been fixed, but should be pushed out sooner rather than …
16:09 Ticket #60241 (Revert usage of str_contains() in older bundled themes) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 57293: […]
16:09 Changeset [57293] by desrosj
Twenty Twenty-One: Revert usage of str_contains() in theme files. The …
16:07 Changeset [57292] by desrosj
Twenty Twenty: Revert usage of str_contains() in theme files. The …
16:06 Changeset [57291] by desrosj
Twenty Seventeen: Revert usage of str_contains() in theme files. The …
14:32 Ticket #60266 (get_the_modified_date function doesn't return the date for newly ...) created by bugnumber9
When a new post is published, both post_date and post_modified
14:16 Ticket #60241 (Revert usage of str_contains() in older bundled themes) reopened by desrosj
Reopening because if there are additional changes to these themes in …
12:10 Changeset [57290] by swissspidy
I18N: Do not use trailingslashit in WP_Textdomain_Registry. This …
08:57 Ticket #60265 (Automatic generation of large number of language files with .json format) closed by knutsp
invalid: Translation files are only updated from when there is a …
08:45 Ticket #60265 (Automatic generation of large number of language files with .json format) reopened by paulvek
Thank you. But by the way, this is not the right behavior and method. …
08:07 Ticket #60265 (Automatic generation of large number of language files with .json format) closed by swissspidy
invalid: The WordPress trsnslation platform generates one translation file per …
07:26 Ticket #60264 (WordPress org main menu drop-down do not autoclose when other ...) closed by benniledl
invalid: Hey, for me it works as expected (autoclose). I'm not closing this …
06:17 Ticket #60265 (Automatic generation of large number of language files with .json format) created by paulvek
I found a bug in WordPress for plugin language files. For some plugins …
05:24 Ticket #60237 (Fatal error when someone opens "/wp-includes/blocks" or ...) reopened by sakibmd
05:22 Ticket #60237 (Fatal error when someone opens "/wp-includes/blocks" or ...) closed by sakibmd
invalid: I have tested @akrocks PR and it works correctly. I have also …
05:21 Ticket #48487 (Support JSONFeed) closed by jorbin
maybelater: It's been 4 years without any further evidence suggesting this should …
04:41 Ticket #60264 (WordPress org main menu drop-down do not autoclose when other ...) created by bedas
On WordPress (org) website, when opening any drop-down menu such as …
04:09 Ticket #60263 (Fluid typography: PHP division by zero error when theme.json min and ...) created by ramonopoly
When the same value is provided for min and max viewport widths in …
04:04 Ticket #60262 (Documentation for new_admin_email_content hook should contain a list ...) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 57289: […]
04:04 Changeset [57289] by peterwilsoncc
Docs: Format new_admin_email_content placeholders as a list. Format …
03:45 Ticket #60262 (Documentation for new_admin_email_content hook should contain a list ...) created by dd32
As reported in …
03:21 Ticket #59983 (wp-login.php: login messages/errors) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 57288: […]
03:21 Changeset [57288] by peterwilsoncc
Login and Registration: Use correct variable to display a single error …
01:13 Ticket #60261 (Fatal error with invalid charset specified in Trackback) created by dd32
wp-trackback.php accepts a charset parameter, but doesn't validate …
00:34 Ticket #60259 (Add tax rates page freeze) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Hi and welcome to WordPress Core Trac! This Trac is for fixing and …
00:17 Ticket #59445 (Emoji Caching could violate GDPR / CCPA) closed by peterwilsoncc
wontfix: The advice from the project's lawyers is that the emoji detection …


22:51 Ticket #60260 (Emoji print script throws deprecation error on embed pages) closed by jorbin
duplicate: Fairly certain this is a dupe of #59892. Please reopen if I got it wrong.
22:11 Ticket #60260 (Emoji print script throws deprecation error on embed pages) created by peterwilsoncc
This is a follow-up to 56682 for #58775. In WordPress 6.4 …
19:03 Ticket #58919 (Add a hook to set_cached_mo_files() to allow flexible caching ...) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 57287: […]
19:03 Changeset [57287] by swissspidy
I18N: Cache list of language file paths in WP_Textdomain_Registry. …
18:56 Ticket #58696 (Installation pages do not have JS translations) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 57286: […]
18:55 Changeset [57286] by swissspidy
Upgrade/Install: Fix JavaScript localization on install page. Blocks …
18:18 Ticket #60259 (Add tax rates page freeze) created by sorin123
At add tax rates, the page freezes and I cannot continue with the …
18:02 Ticket #60257 (se connecter pour voter ... why ?) closed by petitphp
invalid: Hi @newwpweb208, welcome to WordPress Trac. Sorry if you have issues …
17:40 Changeset [57285] by SergeyBiryukov
Comments: Use post_password_required() for comment capability …
17:06 Ticket #60258 (Security Concern and Enhancement Request: Disable Admin Role ...) created by arunu1996
Hi, I recently identified a potential security threat in WordPress …
16:19 Ticket #60257 (se connecter pour voter ... why ?) created by newwpweb208
bj Vous avez demandé à WPPA de durcir les règles d'accès à la …
15:42 Ticket #60253 (Twenty Twenty-One quote Typography size issue.) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Duplicate of #55991.
15:20 Ticket #60256 (Edit the link) created by mercantil
I have a small image e.g. an arrow with an anchor link on it e.g. …
13:08 Ticket #60255 (Add $schema property to block and theme JSON files) created by jonsurrell
Add $schema to block.json and theme.json files to leverage JSON schema …
07:35 Ticket #60254 (Add filter to class-wpdb.php#query that allows to return data from ...) created by mguenter
Similar to #2721, but allows not only changing the SQL query, but also …


20:24 Ticket #60253 (Twenty Twenty-One quote Typography size issue.) created by viralsampat
Hello Team, I have reviewed the "Quote" block and found that its …
20:03 Ticket #60252 (Footnote) created by patrickmoan
Hello When a footnote is added, the number is not …
19:14 Ticket #54265 (Updates UI: offer multiple variations of available updates nags to ...) reopened by joedolson
Whoops; I didn't realize that I accidentally closed this issue.
19:12 Ticket #59581 (Menu functionality upgrade) closed by joedolson
worksforme: Given the lack of reporter feedback and no clarity about where and how …
19:09 Ticket #60251 (NOT SURE what to do with thie NOTICE MESSAGE SHOWN IN Customize Screen) created by kazskater99
Notice: Trying to get property 'post_status' of non-object in …
17:49 Ticket #58784 (Change "Edit more details" to "Edit" in the attachment details) closed by joedolson
wontfix: Per the above comment, and lacking any further comments, I'm closing …
17:45 Ticket #36534 (Media Upload Issue Since 4.5 Upgrade) closed by joedolson
worksforme: Given the above comments, closing this issue. It seems like it's …
17:15 Changeset [57284] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Move wp_parse_list() tests to their own file. This aims to …
16:18 Ticket #60250 (Feature Req – Media Library Grid-List) created by smtkapps
Hello, i have site with lots of images so i have to check attachment …
15:46 Ticket #60249 (In upload media popup add a new tab for download and add image from ...) created by wpsharif
Example screenshot: [[Image(...)]] If we are …
10:59 Ticket #59250 (New Admin Email subject line should be filterable) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 57283: […]
10:59 Changeset [57283] by audrasjb
Administration: Introduce new_admin_email_subject filter. This …
10:46 Changeset [57282] by audrasjb
Twenty Seventeen: Fix wrong text-domain introduced in [57281]. …
10:42 Ticket #60245 (textdomain is missing in inc/block-patterns.php in Twenty Sixteen & ...) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 57281: […]
10:42 Changeset [57281] by audrasjb
Bundled Themes: Add missing text domain to various block patterns. …
10:04 Ticket #60246 (Docs: incorrect coment in delete_theme() function) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 57280: […]
10:04 Changeset [57280] by audrasjb
Docs: Fix wrong inline comment in delete_theme(). Props wildworks. …
08:41 Ticket #59887 (The description of the `attributes` key for the parameter `$args` of ...) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 57279: […]
08:40 Changeset [57279] by audrasjb
Docs: Improve wp_admin_notice() function docblock. This changeset …
08:38 Ticket #60248 (Unable to delete theme placed in subdirectory) created by wildworks
Originally reported in the Create Block Theme plugin repository: …
08:14 Ticket #60247 (Replace exclusionary words within code comments) created by dartiss
I have made 2 minor edits to existing code comments, where the words …
08:01 Ticket #60246 (Docs: incorrect coment in delete_theme() function) created by wildworks
This comment: […] should be like this: […]


18:35 Ticket #60245 (textdomain is missing in inc/block-patterns.php in Twenty Sixteen & ...) created by shailu25
textdomain is missing in inc/block-patterns.php in Twenty Sixteen & …
16:31 Changeset [57278] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Correct the @group annotation in some tests. Follow-up to …


22:30 Ticket #57580 (Avoid errors from null parameters in add_submenu_page()) reopened by sabernhardt
Core should edit the add_submenu_page() function. The Codex
19:13 Ticket #60241 (Revert usage of str_contains() in older bundled themes) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 57277: […]
19:13 Changeset [57277] by SergeyBiryukov
Twenty Twenty-One: Revert usage of str_contains() in theme files. …
19:11 Changeset [57276] by SergeyBiryukov
Twenty Twenty: Revert usage of str_contains() in theme files. The …
19:10 Changeset [57275] by SergeyBiryukov
Twenty Seventeen: Revert usage of str_contains() in theme files. …
18:32 Ticket #60244 (Website keeps going down and then back up again.) closed by jorbin
invalid: hi, @chconservancy, welcome to WordPress Trac. I'm sorry to hear you …
17:49 Ticket #60244 (Website keeps going down and then back up again.) created by chconservancy
17:12 Ticket #43814 (Checkbox label has a period in Add New User page.) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 57274: […]
17:12 Changeset [57274] by joedolson
Users: Remove periods in checkbox labels for consistency. Remove …
16:47 Ticket #59698 (Incorrect docs for `wp_attachment_is()`) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 57273: […]
16:47 Changeset [57273] by joedolson
Media: Fix inaccurate docs for wp_attachment_is(). Correct the …
15:05 Ticket #60243 (KSES: Allow encoded images) created by Chouby
According to RFC 2397, it is …
14:32 Ticket #60242 (Change doc parameter variable name in terms_clauses filter) closed by benniledl
invalid: Hey! The doc block actually references the variable allocation below …
14:05 Ticket #60242 (Change doc parameter variable name in terms_clauses filter) created by hardik2221
Change variable name in "wp-includes/class-wp-term-query.php"
11:43 Ticket #60241 (Revert usage of str_contains() in older bundled themes) created by SergeyBiryukov
Background: #58206. In [55988], instances of `false !== strpos( ... …
11:21 Ticket #60240 (Script Modules API: Move the modules to the footer in classic themes) created by luisherranz
In the ticket that introduced the Modules API (#56313), I added a …
10:02 Ticket #60239 (Twenty Sixteen: Quote block border width is relative on front end but ...) created by nidhidhandhukiya
Steps to reproduce the issue :- 1. Activate Twenty Sixteen theme. 2. …
08:43 Ticket #60238 (Remove comments completely option) created by linus89
Hi, On my site and other sites in …
06:02 Ticket #60237 (Fatal error when someone opens "/wp-includes/blocks" or ...) created by akrocks
== Bug Description If we try to open {site's …


23:53 Ticket #60236 (Customizer’s Widget's component should only be loaded when not using a ...) created by imath
Hi, The BuddyPress plugin has a feature to customize the notification …
22:45 Ticket #60230 (editor post area for request PTE is not visible in mobile device) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: Hi and thanks for opening a ticket! I moved this report to Meta Trac: …
22:18 Ticket #59757 (Function wp_normalize_path() is causing a deprecated error when $path ...) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: #57580 (and #57581) had earlier reports about the deprecated warnings …
21:58 Ticket #59940 (PHP Deprecated Errors In Core) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: #57580 was an earlier ticket with reports about the deprecated …
21:05 Ticket #34330 (Locks API for atomic data manipulation) closed by swissspidy
19:18 Ticket #40607 (The slug of a menu-item of type "Custom Links" interferes with ...) closed by kebbet
worksforme: Testing with 6.4.2, can not reproduce the described issue.
19:06 Ticket #56313 (Add the ability to handle ES Modules and Import Maps) reopened by johnbillion
Nice work on this everyone! I'll reopen this ticket for some follow-up …
18:41 Ticket #38116 (Introduce is_callable check into apply_filters function to avoid ...) closed by johnbillion
wontfix: I'm going to make an executive decision and close this for the same …
18:36 Ticket #60235 (call_user_func_array invalid callback error severity change in PHP 8) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: Thanks for the report David, I'll close this as a duplicate of #51894
17:43 Ticket #40610 (HTML5 Validation error in Screen Options > Pagination) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 57272: […]
17:43 Changeset [57272] by joedolson
Administration: Remove invalid attribute maxlength on number
15:50 Changeset [57271] by Bernhard Reiter
Modules API: Fix indentation. Follow-up [57269]. Props mukesh27. See …
15:50 Ticket #60140 (Copy buttons: Insufficient color contrast ratio for the 'Copied!' text) closed by afercia
fixed: In 57270: […]
15:50 Changeset [57270] by afercia
Administration: Accessibility: Improve color contrast of the Copy …
15:50 Ticket #60235 (call_user_func_array invalid callback error severity change in PHP 8) created by david.binda
While testing the PHP 8.x on, PHP fatal errors for …
15:14 Ticket #60234 (Script Modules API: Add a translations API) created by luisherranz
Now that WordPress is going to support native ES modules through the …
14:51 Ticket #60233 (Editor: Support module metadata in block.json) created by jonsurrell
Problem: Scripts and styles can be registered for blocks via …
14:45 Ticket #56313 (Add the ability to handle ES Modules and Import Maps) closed by Bernhard Reiter
fixed: In 57269: […]
14:45 Changeset [57269] by Bernhard Reiter
JavaScript: Add new Modules API. This changeset adds a new API for …
14:38 Ticket #60232 (Script Modules API: Add import map polyfill) created by luisherranz
Now that WordPress is going to support import maps through the new …
13:53 Ticket #60231 (Replace constant ABSPATH . WPINC with BLOCKS_PATH in the ...) created by vishalkakadiya
Basically, we are already defining the BLOCKS_PATH constant in the …
13:16 Changeset [57268] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Remove some leftover debugging in …
12:41 Ticket #52900 (Instantly index WordPress web sites content in Search Engines) reopened by johnbillion
Reopening per the above. If this is implemented via Pingomatic then …
05:14 Ticket #60230 (editor post area for request PTE is not visible in mobile device) created by narolainfotech
When I click on this url for …
03:41 Ticket #60229 (HTML API: Introduce HTML Templating) created by dmsnell
WordPress relies on developers remembering to perform proper escaping …


22:06 Ticket #55143 (Twenty Twenty One: focus position jumps when opening popup) closed by joedolson
fixed: No, this appears to no longer be an issue. Thanks for following up!
21:57 Ticket #58082 (Import metadata description from Darktable into media caption in WordPress) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 57267: […]
21:57 Changeset [57267] by joedolson
Media: Fix handling of multibyte exif description metadata. The exif …
21:12 Ticket #60216 (Improve Single Post Description) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 57266: […]
21:12 Changeset [57266] by joedolson
Tests: Fix tests following r57265. Update unit tests failing after …
20:52 Ticket #60216 (Improve Single Post Description) reopened by joedolson
Re-opening; this has some unit tests that need to be updated as well.
18:07 Ticket #60228 (has_published_pages method does not always return intended result) created by sconroy
The has_published_pages method in class-wp-customizer-manager.php has …
17:06 Ticket #60216 (Improve Single Post Description) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 57265: […]
17:06 Changeset [57265] by SergeyBiryukov
Editor: Clarify single post and page template descriptions. Follow-up …
15:31 Ticket #60227 (HTML API: Add external test suite) created by jonsurrell
Problem: The HTML API is a complex and important feature being …
14:58 Ticket #60226 (Incomplete page list in backend editor window) created by hjklemenz
My website has about 170 pages with sub-pages and sub-sub-pages. I …
14:09 Ticket #60225 (Directional Keyboard Scrolling Jump Bug) created by samikip
Before 6.4, scrolling through your content in the edit post page using …
14:03 Ticket #60215 (HTML API: Add support for list elements.) closed by dmsnell
fixed: In 57264: […]
14:03 Changeset [57264] by dmsnell
HTML API: Add support for list elements. Adds support for the …
13:54 Ticket #53525 (On WP 5.8-beta4-51244 inside toggle block inserter default search text ...) closed by poena
fixed: I am not able to reproduce the issue with WordPress version 6.4.2. I …
13:35 Ticket #54632 (Search widget placeholder text not visible when resizing field in editor) closed by poena
reported-upstream: Since this is about the search block, I have copied the ticket to a …
12:26 Ticket #60224 (Document global variables comment code improvement on WP themes.) created by upadalavipul
I have reviewed the below file code and found that we are using a …
12:26 Ticket #60223 (Depricated in PHP 8.1.26) closed by benniledl
invalid: Hey there! No worries, those deprecated warnings are pretty common …
12:06 Ticket #60223 (Depricated in PHP 8.1.26) created by opajaap
`Deprecated: strpos(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of …
11:55 Ticket #60069 (Typos in comments) closed by costdev
fixed: In 57263: […]
11:55 Changeset [57263] by costdev
Docs: Correct some typos in docblocks and inline comments. This …
11:11 Ticket #60222 (Typo) closed by costdev
fixed: In 57262: […]
11:11 Changeset [57262] by costdev
Customize: Correct a typo in a console warning message. This corrects …
10:40 Ticket #60222 (Typo) created by benniledl
instantating -> instantiating …
05:43 Ticket #60221 (Document full list of features in `add_theme_support` docblock) created by isabel_brison
Follow up from #60118. There are a few features currently missing …
04:07 Changeset [57261] by isabel_brison
Editor: fix inline comment formatting. Correctly formats inline …
04:06 Ticket #60220 (The slug “sub category” is already in use by another term.) closed by jorbin
invalid: hi @majbahul, welcome to WordPress Trac. I'm sorry to hear you are …
03:15 Ticket #60220 (The slug “sub category” is already in use by another term.) created by majbahul
How you deal it with woocommerce website. I am creating following …
00:25 Ticket #60136 (Allow default duotone styles if not explicitly disabled in theme.json.) closed by isabel_brison
fixed: In 57260: […]
00:25 Changeset [57260] by isabel_brison
Editor: Allow default duotone styles if not explicitly disabled in …
00:22 Ticket #60219 (PHPunit test for _mce_set_direction) reopened by pbearne
00:20 Ticket #60219 (PHPunit test for _mce_set_direction) closed by pbearne
00:17 Ticket #60219 (PHPunit test for _mce_set_direction) created by pbearne
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.