Make WordPress Core



23:11 Ticket #59931 (PHPunit test for _wp_mysql_week()) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 57207: […]
23:11 Changeset [57207] by jorbin
Build/Test: Add Tests for _wp_mysql_week. Props pbearne. Fixes #59931.
21:59 Ticket #55713 (Styles welcome guide's button styling is not consistent) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: reported upstream in GB41226
20:47 Ticket #60117 (PHPUnit tests for _deprecated_argument()) created by pbearne
17:37 Ticket #60116 (PHPUnit tests for _deprecated_function()) created by pbearne
17:36 Ticket #60115 (PHPUnit tests for _deprecated_constructor()) created by pbearne
17:36 Ticket #60114 (phpUnit test for _deprecated_class()) created by pbearne
17:35 Ticket #60113 (PHPUnit test for _deprecated_file()) created by pbearne
17:35 Ticket #60112 (PHPUnit test for _deprecated_argument()) created by pbearne
17:06 Ticket #60111 (Twenty Twenty-One: Dark mode toggle script loaded twice in frontend) created by flixos90
I just noticed that the TT1 theme's dark-mode-toggler.js script can …
17:01 Ticket #60110 (PHPUnit test for _deprecated_hook()) created by pbearne
16:30 Ticket #60109 (E2E test failures in the 6.2 branch) created by desrosj
In the 6.2 branch, there are currently some E2E test failures related …
16:12 Ticket #60108 (HTML API: May attempt out of range string access) created by jonsurrell
The HTML API Tag Processor may attempt to perform out of range string …
16:09 Ticket #60095 (Update default PHP version used in local Docker Environment for older ...) closed by desrosj
fixed: Going to close this out because the goal of the ticket has been …
15:58 Ticket #60107 (Classic editor cursor control) created by jjb100
Since wordpress 6.4.1 or a version before, the classic editor reacts …
15:47 Changeset [57206] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Change the default value of LOCAL_PHP. This …
15:24 Ticket #60106 (WordPress Dashboard Weird) created by iwomack
[[Image(In my admin dashboard I notice things change URLs to …
15:07 Ticket #59861 (WordPress 6.4 – Initial theme activation works, page reload claims ...) closed by joemcgill
duplicate: Hi @Rvervuurt. It seems to me that what you're describing is likely …
14:26 Changeset [57205] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Change the default value of LOCAL_PHP. This …
13:10 Changeset [57204] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Document the $shortcode_tags global in …
12:47 Ticket #60105 (Add a timezone offset display value to created by afercia
In I'm proposing to …
12:47 Ticket #60104 (Missing Plugin) created by parin96 The Jetpack …
11:37 Ticket #60103 (Unused $body_id variable on the media-upload.php file.) created by upadalavipul
I have reviewed the media.php file code and found the $body_id …


22:45 Ticket #60102 (PHPunit tests for dead_db) created by pbearne
22:24 Ticket #60101 (basic test for absint) created by pbearne
we looked at this back in #28559 and is was a won't fix so these will …
21:35 Ticket #59841 (Post 6.4 Upgrade Fatal:) closed by jorbin
invalid: With no further information, I'm closing this as invalid. If there …
20:33 Changeset [57203] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Add more context to artifact names. This adds a bit …
20:28 Ticket #60100 (Remove target="_blank" from link for non-HTTPS local environments) created by sabernhardt
Related: #23432, #53658 The developer docs link for …
20:22 Ticket #60099 (Fix revisions system) created by aulivur
After upgrading to 6.4, the added section of the last revision of …
20:16 Ticket #60098 (Media Library Image Upload Issue) created by gesabeja
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to report an issue …
20:16 Ticket #60097 (Remove target="_blank" from help tab in privacy-related screens) created by sabernhardt
Related: #23432, #43994, #52970 Several help links have stopped …
19:54 Changeset [57202] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Change the default value of LOCAL_PHP. This …
19:52 Changeset [57201] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Change the default value of LOCAL_PHP. This …
19:45 Ticket #60096 (Remove back-compat for database servers that don't support utf8mb4) created by johnbillion
Since [57173] the minimum supported version of MySQL is 5.5.5, which …
19:38 Changeset [57200] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Change the default value of LOCAL_PHP. This …
19:05 Changeset [57199] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Change the default value of LOCAL_PHP. This …
18:54 Changeset [57198] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Change the default value of LOCAL_PHP. This …
18:30 Ticket #60095 (Update default PHP version used in local Docker Environment for older ...) created by desrosj
On October 26, 2023, the version of PHP Docker containers marked …
15:38 Ticket #59080 (confusing get_post_stati and get_post_statuses functions) closed by jorbin
wontfix: Changing the name for something added 30+ major versions ago isn't …
15:18 Changeset [57197] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Update third-party GitHub Actions. This updates the …
13:51 Changeset [57196] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Document some globals in wp-includes/deprecated.php. Includes …
12:49 Ticket #60094 (Performance Issue in Object Cloning using JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) ...) created by omeri6
Elementor uses JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( object ) ) to clone …
12:19 Ticket #60093 (Option to see if plugins are in use somewhere or not) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Thanks for your suggestion, we're already track this enhancement at #57408
11:35 Ticket #60093 (Option to see if plugins are in use somewhere or not) created by madejtax
It would be nice to have another field when it is a multisite in the …
10:15 Ticket #60092 (HTML API: HTML parser should fail parsing unsupported tags) created by jonsurrell
The HTML API HTML processor does not yet support all tags. Many tags …
09:43 Ticket #60068 (Assign Parent Page to Posts) closed by benniledl
09:08 Ticket #60091 (Improve language dropdown usability) created by alanjacobmathew
Issue A: When selecting Indian languages like Malayalam, Tamil, …
08:21 Ticket #60090 (Double login with cloned wordpress instance) created by vchn
We use Flatsome theme, from cPanel, use WordPress Manager by …
07:39 Ticket #60089 (On PHP 8.2 notice: FS_Key_Value_Storage::offsetGet($k)) closed by swissspidy


19:00 Ticket #60042 (Summarise stats for EU) closed by hkario
invalid: I meant the Jetpack Stats on the site, didn't notice …
18:31 Ticket #60089 (On PHP 8.2 notice: FS_Key_Value_Storage::offsetGet($k)) created by nurielmeni
On PHP 8.0, no notice is shown. on 8.2 this is the error: Return …
02:46 Changeset [57195] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Correct $wp_the_query global reference in …


22:17 Ticket #59454 (Investigate and fix long load time for pins on community map) closed by knutsp
invalid: There are no community maps in WordPrss Core. Sitemaps are not real …
20:00 Ticket #59454 (Investigate and fix long load time for pins on community map) reopened by dilip2615
14:22 Ticket #60088 (Visual Editor can't select text Chrome Beta, Dev, Canary and Chromium) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Hi there and welcome to WordPress Trac. We're already tracking this …
12:27 Ticket #60088 (Visual Editor can't select text Chrome Beta, Dev, Canary and Chromium) created by rybtechsupport
I can confirm in Chrome Beta, Dev, Canary and Chromimum you cannot …
11:15 Ticket #60087 (Image Alignment issues) created by swoolrich
I created a new WordPress 6.4.3 site and tested using both 2023 and …
09:36 Changeset [57194] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Document the $wp_locale global in …
09:29 Changeset [57193] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Document the $current_screen global in …
02:11 Ticket #60086 (Picture size changing) created by nessapporo
Hi there, I'm having issues with some images on my website …


21:49 Ticket #60085 (Problem filtering with ajax search pro) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Hi! For help with Ajax Search Pro, the best place to go should be its …
21:07 Ticket #60085 (Problem filtering with ajax search pro) created by ema15
Hi, I have problem with ajax search pro plugin. I'm using it as …
20:06 Ticket #60084 (Modify default value for x_redirected_by parameters) created by sebastienserre
Hello, The function wp_redirect()and wp_safe_redirect() are …
14:31 Changeset [57192] by SergeyBiryukov
General: Revert code changes from [57191]. The unit tests for …
14:23 Ticket #60083 (Twenty Twenty-Four: Use strict title case in custom template names) created by wildworks
There appears to be variation in the title case rules for the template …
13:05 Ticket #60082 ("Copied" tooltip should be hidden when another attachment URL is ...) created by jayadevankbh
In the media list view, clicking the "Copy URL" action link displays …
12:57 Changeset [57191] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Document the $link global in get_bookmark(). Follow-up to …
12:35 Changeset [57190] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Document the $wpdb global in WP_User::__construct(). …
10:06 Ticket #60081 (Add Site ID in the Site Health in multisite context) created by sebastienserre
When extracting a Site Health report from a subsite of a multisite we …
09:49 Ticket #60080 (Row block justification settings ignored in the iframed editor with ...) created by nidhidhandhukiya
Steps to reproduce the issue :- 1. Activate Twenty Twenty one theme. …
04:35 Ticket #60079 (Twenty Fifteen: Separator block is too thick in the iframe editor) created by nidhidhandhukiya
Steps to reproduce the issue :- 1. Activate Twenty Fifteen theme. 2. …
01:06 Ticket #60073 (WordPress core function causing persistent deprecated warning when ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, thanks for the ticket! This was previously raised in #56836
00:50 Ticket #60071 (wp_list_authors with exclude_admin=true does not exclude administrators) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, thanks for the ticket! This was previously raised in …


23:47 Ticket #60078 (Fix the Generic.Formatting.MultipleStatementAlignment.IncorrectWarning ...) created by antonvlasenko
Backport to Core. …
21:40 Ticket #59885 (reusable blocks have disappeared in update 6.4.1) closed by jorbin
invalid: Reusable blocks have been renamed as Synced Patterns. See: …
21:37 Ticket #59894 (WordPress 6.4.1 ./ Elementor) closed by jorbin
invalid: Due to no response and an inability to reproduce, I belive this is not …
21:26 Ticket #59877 (Templates are not working.) closed by jorbin
duplicate: Based on the limited information, this seems to be a duplicate of …
21:24 Ticket #59874 (Edit posts page is blank) closed by jorbin
invalid: Hi @jrmypdgr, welcome to trac. This trac instance is used to track …
20:57 Ticket #44566 (Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that ...) closed by rodrigosprimo
invalid: Closing as there has been no feedback in a few years. Feel free to …
20:56 Ticket #44460 (Menu Items Conflict) closed by rodrigosprimo
worksforme: Closing as there has been no feedback in a few years and …
20:46 Ticket #31907 (get_post_gallery()["src"] sometimes return empty on list views.) closed by rodrigosprimo
worksforme: Closing as there has been no feedback in a few years, and Anthony was …
20:38 Ticket #41875 (Wordpress has some fundamental flaws in its structure) closed by rodrigosprimo
invalid: Closing as there has been no feedback in a few years. Feel free to …
20:34 Ticket #31677 (count_user_posts is not working in wordpress 4.1) closed by rodrigosprimo
invalid: Closing as there has been no feedback in a few years. I tested and was …
20:22 Ticket #60077 (Class UnexpectedValueException not found) created by vikram6
I'm seeing the following error when running certain wp cli commands - …
20:22 Ticket #59831 (Images are not resizing) closed by jorbin
invalid: Hi @janissg, welcome to trac. This trac is for tracking enhancements …
19:33 Ticket #60076 (200 tags maximum) created by motk88
A customer is trying to add more than 200 tags to a specific post. …
18:54 Ticket #60075 (Heading-Level Tooltip prevents from selecting a level) created by ekesto
It now happened a few times that I wanted to change the heading level, …
17:43 Ticket #60074 (Add New Media File > The ''dismiss button ''not showing any response ...) created by vivekawsm
Description The dismiss button is not working when uploading the …
17:07 Ticket #60073 (WordPress core function causing persistent deprecated warning when ...) created by earthman100
Upgrading to PHP 8.1 surfaces this […] From what I can see, …
16:34 Ticket #59850 (Changing front-end site language changes some admin menu links into ...) closed by jorbin
invalid: Based on no response to the request for feedback and no further …
12:41 Ticket #60072 (No upper limit restriction for number of posts set via Site Editor and ...) created by jomonthomaslobo1
=== Description No upper limit restriction for number of posts set via …
12:29 Ticket #60071 (wp_list_authors with exclude_admin=true does not exclude administrators) created by juliobox
Hi there. In wp_list_authors() you can find this : […] It's an …
10:25 Ticket #60070 (Typo in wp-includes/class-json.php) created by jayadevankbh
If we go through wp-includes/class-json.php on line number 186 we can …
10:21 Ticket #60067 (Typo in wp-includes/class-wp-date-query.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 57189: […]
10:21 Changeset [57189] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Fix typo in WP_Date_Query::build_mysql_datetime() DocBlock. …
09:43 Ticket #60052 (Error when deleting media if default taxonomies have been removed) reopened by imatoni
09:40 Ticket #60052 (Error when deleting media if default taxonomies have been removed) closed by imatoni
09:33 Ticket #60069 (Typos in comments) created by benniledl
imput -> input
08:25 Ticket #60068 (Assign Parent Page to Posts) created by benniledl
Hello everyone! I have a specific use case in which I would like to …
07:15 Ticket #60066 (Cannot upload plugin) closed by benniledl
invalid: Hi and welcome to WordPress Trac! Trac is used to track bugs of the …
06:55 Ticket #60067 (Typo in wp-includes/class-wp-date-query.php) created by jayadevankbh
If we go through wp-includes/class-wp-date-query.php on line number …
04:01 Ticket #60066 (Cannot upload plugin) created by sanny1129
Hello, after i updated to the new version wordpress, i cannot upload …
00:49 Ticket #60065 (Update Icons Retrieval in update-core.php for Plugin Updates) created by tomsnunes
WordPress version 6.4.2 seems to have a bug that is not allowing …


21:56 Ticket #60064 (Edit no-js CSS in bundled themes) created by shawfactor
The CSS directive in style.css of the Twenty Fifteen theme `.no-js …
21:16 Ticket #40683 (Add a Plugins link to admin bar menu) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 57188: […]
21:16 Changeset [57188] by SergeyBiryukov
Toolbar: Add a Plugins link to the admin bar menu. Props colomet, …
20:01 Ticket #59726 (Remove the extra space on credits page.) closed by ironprogrammer
reported-upstream: Replying to sabernhardt: > @poena had the next-highest …
20:00 Changeset [57187] by jorbin
Build/Test: Update name of test to show its breadth. The test covers …
19:54 Ticket #60060 (HTML API: Add support for H1-H6 elements in the HTML Processor) reopened by TobiasBg
This commit introduces a few @TODO: tags in inline documentation. …
18:02 Ticket #60063 (Add a dynamic hook to filter the pre-rendered content of a single block.) created by gigitux
Introducing a dynamic hook, pre_render_block_{$block_name}, as a …
17:51 Ticket #60060 (HTML API: Add support for H1-H6 elements in the HTML Processor) closed by Bernhard Reiter
fixed: In 57186: […]
17:51 Changeset [57186] by Bernhard Reiter
HTML API: Add support for H1-H6 elements in the HTML Processor. …
17:48 Ticket #60048 (Fix the declared Lodash version) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 57185: […]
17:48 Changeset [57185] by jorbin
External Libraries: For Lodash, sync the declared version number with …
16:56 Ticket #60062 (Add required attribute to username and password field in wp_login_form ...) created by alesflex
Add required attribute to username and password field in wp_login_form …
16:26 Ticket #60061 (Rename "add new plugin" button) created by sebastienserre
Hello For several versions now, we can update a plugin (and theme) by …
14:08 Ticket #60058 (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS is deprecated in MySQL 8.0.17) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: Thanks for the report, this is a duplicate of #47280 which has stalled …
13:25 Ticket #60060 (HTML API: Add support for H1-H6 elements in the HTML Processor) created by dmsnell
Previously these have been unsupported, but in this patch we're adding …
13:13 Ticket #60059 (Warning / Error in wp-includes/canonical.php when $_GET['author'] is ...) created by david.binda
On a WordPress install with pretty permalinks turned on, there is a …
12:42 Ticket #60058 (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS is deprecated in MySQL 8.0.17) created by johnstonphilip
I stumbled on this notice that is being deprecated in MySQL 8.0.17. …


23:16 Ticket #60057 (phpunit tests for _doing_it_wrong()) created by pbearne
22:24 Ticket #60056 (phpUnit tests for is_lighttpd_before_150) created by pbearne
21:59 Ticket #60055 (Array to string conversion warning after r50157) created by dcavins
When using the new REST API feature that allows one to add the …
21:23 Ticket #60054 (phpunit tests for apache_mod_loaded) created by pbearne
15:24 Ticket #60053 (Improve cache flush handling for large multisite database upgrades) created by xParham
We run a large WP multisite (200 sub-sites) and with recent WP major …
12:19 Changeset [57184] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Add unit tests for wp_checkdate(). Follow-up to [21922]. …
12:15 Changeset [57183] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Revert [57182] from the 6.4 branch. This will be committed to …
08:33 Ticket #60051 (Text correction on wordcamp Incident Report form) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: Thanks for moving the report. It apparently was already on the …
07:44 Ticket #60052 (Error when deleting media if default taxonomies have been removed) created by imatoni
Hello, I recently had a problem with deleting media from the media …
04:45 Ticket #60051 (Text correction on wordcamp Incident Report form) created by jatindevani
In the Incident Report form "Yes" text is not visible. Just need to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.