Make WordPress Core



20:42 Ticket #56447 (Enable shortlinks for custom post types for created by dansoschin uses custom post types for assets such as "handbook …
19:36 Ticket #56407 (Rerun GitHub Action workflows on the first failure) reopened by desrosj
The workflow itself works when manually called and providing a …
19:19 Ticket #56407 (Rerun GitHub Action workflows on the first failure) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 53947: […]
19:19 Changeset [53947] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Automatically rerun a workflow the first time it …
19:00 Ticket #36308 (get_attached_file() destroys file paths on Windows) closed by antpb
18:57 Changeset [53946] by antpb
Coding Standards: Use strict comparisons in path_is_absolute(). …
18:16 Ticket #56446 (Query loop next page button not working as expected.) created by vncntdvrs
Recently I ran into an issue using the query loop block halfway down …
12:23 Ticket #56445 (Give a notification in Site Health when you are using a (temporary) ...) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Duplicate of #30465.
12:04 Ticket #56445 (Give a notification in Site Health when you are using a (temporary) ...) created by NekoJonez
I think it would be helpful to users if they get a notification if …
11:43 Changeset [53945] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Remove unused dynamic property in …
10:38 Ticket #56444 (Remove rel="nofollow" from internal links in comments) created by benish74
Hello, I hope it's the right place to post this suggestion, I think …
05:38 Ticket #56443 (Twenty Nineteen: button block font size issue.) created by nidhidhandhukiya
Steps to reproduce:- 1. Activate Twenty Nineteen Theme. 2. Choose …
01:01 Ticket #56386 (Remove `@access private` from cache priming functions.) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53944: […]
01:01 Changeset [53944] by peterwilsoncc
Cache API, Docs: Remove private delegation from cache priming …


20:49 Ticket #56442 (Ensure `wp_editor_set_quality` filter consistently passes output mime type) created by adamsilverstein
In we extended the …
17:44 Ticket #56281 (A <br> should not be removed) closed by jorbin
invalid: TinyMCE has a contact us page at You …
16:06 Ticket #56441 (Pull quote block border issue in different themes.) created by nidhidhandhukiya
I have observed pullquote block is having borders missing in so many …
16:01 Ticket #56440 (Embed blocks in widget areas caching in many posts) created by eceleste
When I am using blocks for my widget areas I can include an oEmbed …
15:40 Ticket #56416 (Add a new block pattern category called Footers) closed by mcsf
fixed: In 53943: […]
15:40 Changeset [53943] by mcsf
Block Patterns: Add new Footers category Quoting poena from the …
15:39 Ticket #56281 (A <br> should not be removed) reopened by bhs67
Now I remember. I did post at the Elementor github => …
15:34 Changeset [53942] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Explicitly declare all properties in various …
15:01 Ticket #56281 (A <br> should not be removed) closed by desrosj
invalid: Their plugin support area is …
14:45 Ticket #56281 (A <br> should not be removed) reopened by bhs67
What is the link to contact Elementor? Thanks!
14:30 Ticket #56439 (Missing Title Attribute at HTML TAG FIGURE) created by stdr1980
Hi, i like to parse my website an grap all …
14:05 Ticket #56438 (Why not install wordpress free version in my site?) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @sojib46, Welcome to Trac! I've deleted the screenshot that you …
13:40 Ticket #56438 (Why not install wordpress free version in my site?) created by sojib46
11:39 Ticket #56281 (A <br> should not be removed) closed by johnbillion
invalid: Confirmed this appears to not be an issue in WordPress core. Thanks!
10:58 Ticket #56437 (Have not seen a response to ticket #56281 for quite a while.) closed by costdev
invalid: Hi @bhs67, to get more attention on a ticket, please post a comment on …
10:56 Ticket #56437 (Have not seen a response to ticket #56281 for quite a while.) created by bhs67
I have not seen a response to ticket #56281 for quite a while.
09:47 Ticket #22176 (Cache the results of the posts_request_ids query) reopened by Chouby
I have written a phpunit test which seems to break due to [53941]: …
04:21 Ticket #22176 (Cache the results of the posts_request_ids query) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53941: […]
04:21 Changeset [53941] by peterwilsoncc
Query: Cache post ID database query within WP_Query. Add object …
04:06 Ticket #56436 (My site was hacked TDSUGGESAUTHOR.COM AND TEDDSUGGESAUTHOR.COM) closed by dd32
duplicate: Hi @JesusandMe, I apologise for the run-around you're getting here, …
03:46 Ticket #56436 (My site was hacked TDSUGGESAUTHOR.COM AND TEDDSUGGESAUTHOR.COM) created by JesusandMe
I have spent more than 5 hours trying to resolve this. I am an author …
03:36 Ticket #56432 (My site was hacked) closed by sterndata
invalid: Forum moderator here. Core trac is not for end-user issues. Please …
03:21 Ticket #56432 (My site was hacked) reopened by JesusandMe
02:11 Ticket #56435 (Alleviate translation workload) created by anrghg
Checking out …
00:49 Ticket #56375 (I can't add menu items) closed by dlh
invalid: Welcome to WordPress Trac, @shohelhossain! I'm sorry to hear about …


20:43 Ticket #56434 (Check that the input is a string in wp_strip_all_tags()) created by chocofc1
I found my error log full of: PHP Warning: strip_tags() expects …
20:34 Ticket #56433 (invalid regex used in preg_replace) created by chocofc1
Found in /wp-includes/formatting.php line 5385 […] I tried this …
19:02 Ticket #56424 (common.css sets font size for all <p>) closed by wputler
invalid: I went back to troubleshoot and it is indeed a plugin problem. I am …
18:40 Ticket #48523 (jquery.js parse error in IE8) closed by desrosj
wontfix: Thanks for this one @jqz. Apologies that this one fell through the …
18:12 Ticket #56432 (My site was hacked) closed by jorbin
invalid: Howdy @JesusandMe and Welcome to Trac. I'm sorry to hear you're …
17:36 Ticket #56432 (My site was hacked) created by JesusandMe
17:04 Ticket #56431 (Fatal Error on Update Page When a Plugin's Icon is Not Set) created by scott.deluzio
When on the Dashboard > Updates page, if there is a plugin whose icon …
16:35 Ticket #36308 (get_attached_file() destroys file paths on Windows) reopened by jrf
Uh oh... commit [53934] introduces 10 new test failures on PHP 8.1. …
16:30 Changeset [53940] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Update third-party GitHub Actions to latest …
15:35 Ticket #56430 (sanitize_text_field strips out valid characters) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket. This …
15:24 Changeset [53939] by desrosj
Docs: Correct typo in wp_maybe_clean_new_site_cache_on_update()
14:52 Ticket #56430 (sanitize_text_field strips out valid characters) created by vaakash
sanitize_text_field function strips out valid characters like for …
14:03 Ticket #56429 (Gutenberg author box missing) created by lgadzhev
There is a bug related to the author box missing when all of the …
14:03 Changeset [53938] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Remove dynamic properties in …
13:49 Changeset [53937] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Remove dynamic properties in …
13:35 Ticket #56426 (Please show anchor label in Group block) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: Hi and thanks for the report! Issue GB40456 labeled this as a bug …
13:18 Changeset [53936] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Remove dynamic properties in …
13:09 Changeset [53935] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Remove dynamic properties in …
11:49 Ticket #56428 (Filter username on Users list table (WP_Users_List_Table)) created by 3wwwGR
there is no way to filter the username columns text like the cpt title …
08:33 Ticket #56065 (PHPCS issue in wp-load.php .) closed by azouamauriac
05:54 Ticket #56427 (Twenty Twenty-Two: editor font weight for bold text in Button block ...) created by varshil151189
Hello Team, For Twenty Twenty Two Theme, when we add Button block in …
00:15 Ticket #56426 (Please show anchor label in Group block) created by markhoney
Many blocks in Gutenberg use a label in the List View (with a class of …


23:59 Ticket #56425 (wp_localize_script assign to const and freeze instead of var to avoid ...) created by malthert
wp_localize_script adds elements as "var". To avoid accidental, …
20:48 Ticket #56424 (common.css sets font size for all <p>) created by wputler
Line 308 of wp-admin/css/common.css has the following […] This is …
19:57 Ticket #36308 (get_attached_file() destroys file paths on Windows) closed by antpb
fixed: In 53934: […]
19:57 Changeset [53934] by antpb
Media: Account for Windows when normalizing file paths. Previously, …
19:00 Ticket #56423 (Changing Title changes URL) created by RBM7777
Having the URL change whenever the a page or post Title changes is a …
18:59 Ticket #56422 (Bug Found - Please Fix Urgently) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Hi and welcome to WordPress Trac! I'm sorry to hear you are having an …
17:46 Changeset [53933] by SergeyBiryukov
Themes: Add support for Update URI header. This allows third-party …
17:45 Ticket #56422 (Bug Found - Please Fix Urgently) created by zarae13
I am trying to edit a website for a client for a time sensitive …
16:47 Changeset [53932] by SergeyBiryukov
Post WordPress 6.0.2 RC1 version bump.
16:22 Changeset [53931] by SergeyBiryukov
WordPress 6.0.2 RC1.
15:52 Ticket #56414 (Backport bug fixes from Gutenberg into Core for WP 6.0.2) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 53930: […]
15:52 Changeset [53930] by SergeyBiryukov
Editor: Backport bug fixes from Gutenberg into Core for WP 6.0.2 RC. …
15:51 Ticket #56414 (Backport bug fixes from Gutenberg into Core for WP 6.0.2) reopened by gziolo
15:40 Ticket #56414 (Backport bug fixes from Gutenberg into Core for WP 6.0.2) closed by gziolo
fixed: In 53929: […]
15:40 Changeset [53929] by gziolo
Editor: Backport bug fixes from Gutenberg into Core for WP 6.0.2 RC …
14:54 Changeset [53928] by SergeyBiryukov
Editor: Ensure get_block_templates() returns unique templates or …
14:50 Ticket #56271 (Custom Template Parts are Duplicated, rather than being updated (PHP 5.6)) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 53927: […]
14:50 Changeset [53927] by SergeyBiryukov
Editor: Ensure get_block_templates() returns unique templates or …
13:55 Ticket #56402 (Moment.js should be upgraded, 2.29.2 contains vulnerability) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 53926: […]
13:55 Changeset [53926] by SergeyBiryukov
External Libraries: Update the Moment library to version 2.29.4. This …
13:48 Changeset [53925] by SergeyBiryukov
Help/About: Improve vertical alignment in the Additional Design Tools …
13:46 Ticket #56210 (What's new page design issue in core wordpress) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 53924: […]
13:46 Changeset [53924] by SergeyBiryukov
Help/About: Improve vertical alignment in the Additional Design Tools …
13:30 Ticket #56184 (register_block_type does not recognise "ancestor" block setting) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 53923: […]
13:30 Changeset [53923] by SergeyBiryukov
Editor: Fix register_block_type does not recognise ancestor block …
13:07 Changeset [53922] by SergeyBiryukov
Build/Test Tools: Enable running the tests on PHP 8.2. PHP 8.2 is …
13:04 Ticket #56421 (Fix scrolling in Block Editor "Editor Content" inside "Group Block") created by ritterml
When I am navigating with my up/down keyboard buttons inside a Group …
11:53 Ticket #56420 (In block editor when block is at top of window the block tools / ...) created by ritterml
In block editor when block is at top of window and I activate the …
11:45 Ticket #56419 (In block editor make block tools dialog tab-able for accessibility) created by ritterml
When I am navigating blocks and hover with my mouse the block tools / …
11:18 Ticket #56418 (The "<" symbol shows up for every image gallery) created by tdejong765
Hello people of wordpress, I hope you can help me, for every picture …
08:20 Ticket #56417 (Changes from 'render_block_data' filter not always applied to inner blocks) created by isabel_brison
When changes are made to $parsed_block['innerContent'] using the …
01:53 Ticket #56416 (Add a new block pattern category called Footers) created by poena
New footer block patterns have been added to Gutenberg version 14.0, …


22:42 Changeset [53921] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Consistently skip tests for non-implemented methods in REST API …
19:50 Changeset [53920] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Clean up test image before performing assertions in image …
17:59 Ticket #56415 (New category block widget: Links have title attribute) closed by joedolson
duplicate: Thanks for the follow up! This issue is already fixed for WordPress …
16:40 Ticket #53623 (MariaDB 10.6 renamed utf8 to utf8mb3) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 53919: […]
16:40 Changeset [53919] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Correct MariaDB version check in database charset tests. …
15:56 Ticket #53623 (MariaDB 10.6 renamed utf8 to utf8mb3) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
The tests now pass on PHP 8.0.x + MariaDB 10.6.1+, but still fail on …
15:38 Ticket #53623 (MariaDB 10.6 renamed utf8 to utf8mb3) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 53918: […]
15:37 Changeset [53918] by SergeyBiryukov
Database: Account for utf8 being renamed to utf8mb3 in newer …
15:07 Ticket #56415 (New category block widget: Links have title attribute) created by mynameiskemai
Hello, when checking for accessibility, there's an error for the …
12:52 Ticket #56414 (Backport bug fixes from Gutenberg into Core for WP 6.0.2) created by SergeyBiryukov
This ticket aims to track backports needed from Gutenberg to Core for …
12:27 Ticket #56413 (Update PHPMailer to 6.6.4) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: Thanks! Fixed in [53917], but I accidentally linked to the previous …
12:24 Changeset [53917] by SergeyBiryukov
External Libraries: Upgrade PHPMailer to version 6.6.4. This is a …
10:40 Ticket #38966 (german umlaut in slug produces redirection loop) closed by Presskopp
worksforme: I made some tests and I could not provoke a redirect loop. Closing the …
10:37 Ticket #56413 (Update PHPMailer to 6.6.4) created by jrf
PHPMailer 6.6.4 has just been released. It's only a small release with …


16:55 Changeset [53916] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Remove dynamic properties in theme tests. Dynamic …
11:43 Ticket #56412 (Twenty Sixteen: gallery block produces shifted or scrambled output) created by silicium23
I noticed that at least in the theme "twentysixteen", images are …


19:38 Ticket #56411 (site introuvable) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Hi and welcome to WordPress Trac! I'm sorry to hear you are having an …
19:00 Ticket #52674 (tag removed) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: If you still experience this problem, please use the support forum. …
16:58 Ticket #56411 (site introuvable) created by chocolates2705
bonjours, je peux plus accéder WordPress car mon site est introuvable …
03:49 Ticket #56410 (WordPress API error when trying to add tags) created by fanmerch2016
In this video- …
00:30 Changeset [53915] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Simplify the logic in wp_not_installed(). The …
00:25 Changeset [53914] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Check for deprecated options before …


23:04 Ticket #55651 (Associate the terms form fields with their descriptions) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 53913: […]
23:04 Changeset [53913] by joedolson
Taxonomy: Associate field descriptions with fields. Use …
22:05 Ticket #55664 (WP post embed: missing labels and duplicate IDs) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 53912: […]
22:05 Changeset [53912] by joedolson
Embeds: Fix missing labels and duplicate IDs. Add aria-label and …
20:58 Ticket #56230 (Incorrect aria-live announcement when removing a permalink custom structure) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 53911: […]
20:58 Changeset [53911] by joedolson
Permalinks: Fix aria-live text when removing custom structure. Change …
19:46 Changeset [53910] by desrosj
Docs: Remove incorrect default value for $path argument of …
19:05 Ticket #56409 (The Footer Arrow Icon is not hyperlinked properly) closed by gtarafdarr
invalid: Thanks... I have marked it as invalid.
17:00 Ticket #56409 (The Footer Arrow Icon is not hyperlinked properly) created by gtarafdarr
I found a UX issue. In the footer of the HomePage, there is a huge …
16:13 Changeset [53909] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Assign created fixtures to the dedicated class properties in …
15:12 Ticket #56406 (Home Page ERROR) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket. I'm sorry …
13:09 Ticket #56283 (Add "Block Theme" filter under "Add themes") closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 53908: […]
13:09 Changeset [53908] by SergeyBiryukov
Themes: Include a hyphen in the Block Themes tab key on Add Themes …
12:39 Ticket #41494 (Quick Edit update functionality is inconsistent.) closed by SergeyBiryukov
maybelater: Replying to oglekler: > It isn't obvious that the …
10:01 Ticket #56408 (Blocks: Allow registering multiple items for all supported asset types) created by gziolo
Part of More …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.