Make WordPress Core



23:15 Ticket #39827 (notice in wp-includes/canonical.php:392) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
It looks like there was some confusion during the bug scrub, as …
22:08 Ticket #54305 (Transition of block editor width when previewing desktop/tablet/mobile ...) created by askpivot
When editing a page, if we click "preview", and then click one of the …
21:56 Ticket #54292 (GoPro Max 360 degree Video Embed) closed by TimothyBlynJacobs
maybelater: To provide some additional context, WordPress Core handles embeds …
20:44 Ticket #39827 (notice in wp-includes/canonical.php:392) closed by sayedulsayem
invalid: There is no need to assign an empty string after empty checking. Going …
19:45 Ticket #54304 (Expose menu data public in Menus REST API) created by spacedmonkey
Menus endpoints will be added in #40878. However by default this data …
18:17 Ticket #54279 (Unescaped echo in wp-includes/general-template.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51926: […]
18:17 Changeset [51926] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Improve escaping in wp_login_form(). * Split long …
13:02 Ticket #54303 ([Object Cache] Allow global caching groups to be filterable / changed) created by janthiel
The Object Caching system differentiates between "local cache groups" …
06:06 Ticket #34644 (Header Image Tag Filter attributes) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: I'll close this ticket as a duplicate. Even though this is older, …


23:40 Ticket #54260 (Add accessible labels to pagination links) closed by michaelbourne
invalid: Hi @sabernhardt I completely overlooked the fact I could use HTML in …
19:51 Changeset [51925] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Fix syntax for passing secrets to a called workflow. …
19:25 Changeset [51924] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Pass required secrets to the Slack notifications …
19:20 Ticket #54273 (Missing third argument force "true" in in_array() in some files) closed by SergeyBiryukov
wontfix: Thanks for the patch! As noted above, these are external libraries and …
19:17 Ticket #54277 (values within loop should be escaped properly before echo ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51923: […]
19:17 Changeset [51923] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Improve escaping in wp-admin/theme-install.php. * …
17:45 Ticket #54302 (Add labels to read-only form fields) created by sabernhardt
#53142 added label tags on the Permalinks settings screen, but there …
17:09 Ticket #54301 (It is not possible to set 0 as post title) created by h71
I want to have a post and its title is 0 but when I set 0 as the post …
15:35 Changeset [51922] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Adjustments as a follow up to [51921]. This adjusts …
15:19 Ticket #54300 (Clarify that changes to default discussion settings don't have ...) created by tobifjellner
Two improvements can be made to …
15:08 Ticket #54297 (Multisite: lostpasswordform always posts to the main-site wp-login.php file) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #36439.
14:59 Ticket #54299 (Multisite: The link in the password retrieval email always points to ...) created by henry.wright
The link in the password retrieval email always points to the …
14:50 Ticket #54298 (Multisite: resetpassform always posts to the main-site wp-login.php file) created by henry.wright
The reset password form always posts to the main-site wp-login.php …
14:40 Changeset [51921] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Modify the Slack notifications workflow to be a …
14:32 Ticket #54297 (Multisite: lostpasswordform always posts to the main-site wp-login.php file) reopened by henry.wright
14:16 Ticket #54297 (Multisite: lostpasswordform always posts to the main-site wp-login.php file) closed by costdev
duplicate: Hi @henrywright, this ticket appears to be a duplicate of #21352. Add …
13:49 Ticket #54297 (Multisite: lostpasswordform always posts to the main-site wp-login.php file) created by henry.wright
The lost password form always posts to the main-site wp-login.php …
13:08 Ticket #54296 (Make sure the name does not contain spacing before creating the class) created by amustaque97
This was reported in …
11:41 Ticket #54294 (Multisite: The lost password link on a sub-site wp-login.php page ...) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #21352.
10:57 Ticket #54295 (Unnecessarily escaped values in various customizer control in ...) created by sabbirshouvo
In most cases data.description is not needed to escape but escaped …
10:07 Ticket #54294 (Multisite: The lost password link on a sub-site wp-login.php page ...) created by henry.wright
When a user is on a sub-site wp-login.php page, it would make sense to …
09:30 Ticket #54293 (Expand functionality of themes REST API) created by spacedmonkey
Current the REST API for themes is extremely limited. It only allows …
06:15 Ticket #54292 (GoPro Max 360 degree Video Embed) created by MistahWrite
Feature Request: I need to ask if you can do this core update for me …
03:41 Ticket #54291 (Toggle icon button menu not changing colors) closed by mukesh27
invalid: Hi and welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket. I'm sorry to …


23:52 Ticket #48732 (Twenty Seventeen is throwing a JS error on page display when a sidebar ...) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: I was hoping for confirmation that the issue is fixed now, but I'll …
23:50 Ticket #41050 (Twenty Seventeen: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined in ...) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: I was hoping for confirmation that the issue is fixed now, but I'll …
23:13 Ticket #54275 (need to remove some empty html element (span)) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51920: […]
23:07 Changeset [51920] by SergeyBiryukov
Help/About: Don't output empty <span> tags on Credits screen. If …
22:41 Ticket #54263 (Need to add Spacing in video block poster image label and select, ...) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: The report is on GitHub now. If you would like to add to the …
16:20 Ticket #54242 (Add multiple authors to single-post.php) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Hi and welcome back to WordPress Trac! As noted on …
15:46 Ticket #48023 (Multiple Authors (Default Feature)) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Let's keep the conversation about adding this functionality to core on …
14:54 Ticket #54291 (Toggle icon button menu not changing colors) created by briannanking
When I go into the customization tool to customize my header, and I …
09:22 Ticket #54290 (Domain mapping: Text displayed on wp-signup.php asserts site doesn't ...) created by henry.wright
In a network install, when domain mapping is active for a custom …
09:02 Ticket #54289 (Improve get_shortcode_regex performance) created by Antek88
Hi, It's my first PR to WordPress, I hope it goes well :). I ran …
08:54 Ticket #54288 (Argument for allowed blocks when registering a post type) created by smeedijzeronline
Add argument for allowed blocks when registering a post type: […]
08:34 Ticket #54285 (Adopt ID3 improvements from the main repo) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, thanks for the patch! We're already tracking this task in …
07:58 Ticket #54285 (Adopt ID3 improvements from the main repo) created by sabbirshouvo
wp-includes/ID3 hasn't been updated in years. In the original …


22:12 Ticket #54269 (Thime custemize not working after wordpress update.) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Hi and welcome to WordPress Trac! To get plugin recommendations …
17:51 Changeset [51919] by hellofromTonya
Coding Standards: Add public visibility to methods in src
16:52 Ticket #54284 (CSS coding standards issue in the `print_emoji_styles()` function) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51918: […]
16:52 Changeset [51918] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Add a leading zero in the CSS declarations printed …
13:59 Ticket #54284 (CSS coding standards issue in the `print_emoji_styles()` function) created by audrasjb
There is an unwanted space in the margin declaration of the styles …
13:29 Changeset [51917] by hellofromTonya
Cron: Remove errant false values in cron array when upgrading to …
12:51 Ticket #53950 (`wp_schedule_single_event()` may add incorrectly populate the cron array.) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 51916: […]
12:51 Changeset [51916] by hellofromTonya
Cron: Fix malformed cron array in wp_schedule_single_event() when …
11:13 Changeset [51915] by johnbillion
REST API: Correct the order of the parameters documented for …
09:19 Ticket #54283 (Add a hook to allow themes to remove the "Comments are closed." ...) created by audrasjb
Previously: #17568 By default, the comment template displays a …
04:17 Ticket #53266 (Found 2 elements with non unique id) closed by yagniksangani


21:39 Ticket #54282 (Search terms wrapped in double quotes never return results directly ...) created by sadhaka
If a search term wrapped in double quotes is entered into a search …
20:29 Ticket #54278 (Properly escape form action url) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51914: […]
20:29 Changeset [51914] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Consistently escape form action URL in …
17:36 Ticket #53062 (iFrame in Taxonomies) closed by zodiac1978
invalid: There is no bug here. You need to remove both filter: […] Or with …
08:59 Ticket #54281 (wp_fanzone_breadcrumb bug) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Hi and welcome to WordPress Trac! This is not a core problem; it's in …
08:15 Ticket #54281 (wp_fanzone_breadcrumb bug) created by karimharo
Hello you used foreach loop but the variable output is overwritten and …
04:38 Ticket #54280 (wp_verify_nonce should return a filter) created by shawfactor
Yes I am aware that wp_verify_nonce() is pluggable. However you may …


22:02 Ticket #54279 (Unescaped echo in wp-includes/general-template.php) created by sabbirshouvo
In wp-includes/general-template.php -> wp_login_form() there are …
20:57 Ticket #54278 (Properly escape form action url) created by sabbirshouvo
In wp-admin/update-core.php there are 4 forms with action. Thress of …
20:33 Ticket #54277 (values within loop should be escaped properly before echo ...) created by sabbirshouvo
In wp-admin/theme-install.php line 232 $feature_name is not …
20:14 Ticket #54276 (Grammatical errors in "About" & "Privacy Policy Guide" page) created by sabbirshouvo
There are some minor grammatical errors on those two pages. 3 errors …
19:05 Ticket #54275 (need to remove some empty html element (span)) created by sayedulsayem
In credits.php file during show core contributors there are …
11:14 Ticket #54274 (Choose where new menu items should go instead of default ending them ...) created by NekoJonez
I think it would be a nice quality of life improvement if you were …
09:21 Ticket #54273 (Missing third argument force "true" in in_array() in some files) created by yagniksangani
There are missing third argument true to force in in_array() function …
08:41 Ticket #54272 (Allow block themes to be activated without index.php) created by poena
Block themes (themes built with support for full site editing) have to …
02:37 Ticket #54264 (Improve the documentation of the wp_insert_post tax_input parameter) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51913: […]
02:37 Changeset [51913] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Improve documentation for the tax_input parameter of …


22:57 Changeset [51912] by hellofromTonya
FileSystem API: Add safeguard for invalid return from …
22:52 Changeset [51911] by hellofromTonya
FileSystem API: Fix autovivification deprecation notice in …
22:23 Ticket #52241 (Infinite loop in clean_dirsize_cache()) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 51910: […]
22:23 Changeset [51910] by hellofromTonya
FileSystem API: Fix infinite loop on Windows for …
20:19 Ticket #54271 (Multisite on Windows - media upload infinite loop.) closed by hellofromTonya
duplicate: Hello @ensemblebd, Welcome to WordPress Core's Trac. Thanks for the …
18:50 Ticket #54271 (Multisite on Windows - media upload infinite loop.) created by ensemblebd
You have a flaw in your code in /wp-includes/functions.php line # …
18:11 Ticket #54270 (About Page for 5.9 Release) created by chanthaboune
This ticket includes the discussion, planning, work and other records …
15:52 Ticket #54255 (Use esc_html() to escaping variable in about page) closed by desrosj
wontfix: Thanks everyone for taking a look at this! I've done some looking …
11:18 Ticket #54269 (Thime custemize not working after wordpress update.) created by rupantri
Mr. After updatting wordpress my theme stoped custemize menu. After …
05:03 Ticket #53326 (Add Wolfram Notebook as a whitelisted oEmbed provider) closed by pento
fixed: In 51909: […]
05:03 Changeset [51909] by pento
Embeds: Add Wolfram Notebook as a trusted oEmbed provider. Fixes #53326.
02:03 Ticket #49960 (REST API: Support sanitize callbacks for nested properties) closed by rachelbaker
fixed: In 51908: […]
02:03 Changeset [51908] by rachelbaker
REST API: Add text-field and textarea-field as available schema …
00:17 Ticket #54232 (Unbreakable spaces not escaped) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51907: […]
00:17 Changeset [51907] by SergeyBiryukov
Media: Display the unsaved changes dialog in image edit form using …


22:22 Ticket #54268 (Using `author_name` in URL parameter gives unexpected results when ...) created by lschuyler
When logged into a contributor account, and trying to view the post …
18:03 Ticket #54248 (Update documentation of WP_Date_Query to reflect changes in accepted ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51906: […]
18:03 Changeset [51906] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Update WP_Date_Query documentation to reflect changes in …
17:11 Ticket #54267 (Allow for custom REST API namespace while register taxonomies) created by spacedmonkey
Follow up from #53656 When registering a custom taxonomy, allow …
15:50 Ticket #54266 (Enhancing WordPress - CSS for Category links) created by ireviewfreemovies
Not sure if you can do this but it would be helpful if there were …
15:39 Ticket #54265 (Updates UI: offer multiple variations of available updates nags to ...) created by jeherve
Today, when an update is available for one of your plugins, for Core, …
06:35 Ticket #54231 (CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE can corrupt downloaded file) closed by nextendweb
invalid: It's clear now that it is not a bug in WordPress. It looks like it's …
06:18 Ticket #54264 (Improve the documentation of the wp_insert_post tax_input parameter) created by dingo_d
In the current docblock (which is pulled into the official docs) it's …
06:06 Ticket #54263 (Need to add Spacing in video block poster image label and select, ...) created by multidots1896
While uploading mp4 file from video block on RHS block setting need …
01:56 Ticket #54261 (KSES: Allow PDFs to be embeded as objects) created by pento
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.